Mystics?Usefull for what?

tripotelios Posts: 7 Arc User
edited February 2012 in Mystic
Hello everyone,

I am level 90 now. I made my char alone with quests bh and fc at 83+. Im wondering mystics are usefull? or just a useless pwi class?
I see right now that a veno can debuff better than me and make massive dmg easier and a cleric can heal easier and safier through their buffs and their ih+bb.
SO...i dont know if mystics are worth spending time or just change my class to a seeker or a bm.
I enjoy playing a mystic since they can combine both pet+heal but squads always prefer a veno or a cleric.
If they are please support your answer
If they arent please support your answer.

I appreciate your answer
Please keep bad comments against me or thread for you,i made that thread to learn some more about that class
Thanks in advance!!!
Post edited by tripotelios on


  • QuietKitteh - Lost City
    QuietKitteh - Lost City Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Mystics are a jack of all trades class.

    You can heal, veno cant.
    You got pet, cler dont.
    You're a good DD while using aoe heal, cler cant DD and no1 likes metalmages in instances.

    There are some classes that fit many roles but isnt best in any of them since they are "jack of all trades".
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I find mystics to be very useful. They can fill so many roles <3

    But yeah, be prepared to constantly convince people of your usefulness. lol

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    As others have said, you're a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none class.

    Mystics are nice for PVP. If you don't plan on PVPing and just rolled a mystic to get squads for PVE (not counting caster Nirvana squads), then I would've just rolled a cleric or veno. Also, seekers are equally just as not wanted in PVE outside of AOE instances.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • tripotelios
    tripotelios Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Actually i like dueling, well idk about pk. I made that thread for experienced people tell me if it is worth playing the mystic. ATM i can replace cleric in fcs etc but on 100 lvl? what about delta? will they want me for dd?
  • HardTimes - Lost City
    HardTimes - Lost City Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Actually i like dueling, well idk about pk. I made that thread for experienced people tell me if it is worth playing the mystic. ATM i can replace cleric in fcs etc but on 100 lvl? what about delta? will they want me for dd?

    i can tell you mystics do have their own place for anything. but its not always easy to get a squad. For Bh100 abandon, SoT, WS, gv wave 2, and even nv, are all easy to find a squad for. full gv (delta) and HH are the only two things that you will have a hard time finding. mystic in delta are great DD's but most dont understand this. i have yet to see any other class post a screen shot anywhere close to the damge a mystic has done aoeing Delta mobs. most ppl also think that mystics are not wanted in nv, but on my server they often want 1 cleric 1 mystic in squad. a cleric can not always keep a squad going by them self and you will support them by keeping squad with raz buff and debuff boss as much as you can with Storm mistress out doing the DDing. thats from my personal experiences doing caster nv.

    even when it comes to pvp mystics can hold their own, sadly tho sin's and full +12 r9 are still a problem. my mystics and pvp video of other mystics can and have 2-3 shot every class. when it comes to if you will win your fight its up to your skill and how good your gear is and the person your fighting.

    b:pleased as long as you know what your doing and how to do it, you will always be wanted in any squad. just be ready to deal with lots of stupid ppl b:lipcurl
  • Blankey - Archosaur
    Blankey - Archosaur Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I have just reached level 62 on my Mystic. And in my Faction is a level 101 Mystic who has told me the following:

    Mystics are massive DD, and in pure mag can do more DPS than a 4aps Sin.

    Mystics are the only class that can deal pet + regular damage, while healing.

    Their plants provide AoE heal, as well as Comforting Mist heal. Falling Petals is also nice.

    Mystics are amazingly useful for Delta, FC(Along with a seeker ofc.), and really any other cave I've done. They're worth building up. Mystic is one of the best classes in the game.
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    cler cant DD and no1 likes metalmages in instances.

    Straight up BS. While playing my Assassin; it pisses me off that clerics chooses to heal me rather than use Dimensional Seal and DD. I've told clerics that I can solo the instances without pots and just their buffs and don't need their heals. They often reply with something like "i'm an excessive healer". It's more a matter of the people who choose that class rather than the classes ability. Most of my 6 toons are fine with metal mages, and imho; people shouldn't be so dependent on a healer (healers shouldn't have to compensate for other's failness).
    There are some classes that fit many roles but isnt best in any of them since they are "jack of all trades".

    Mystics are better healers than clerics. Mystics solo ability is on par with venos and assassins.

    I see right now that a veno can debuff better than me and make massive dmg easier and a cleric can heal easier and safier through their buffs and their ih+bb.

    Veno debuff is different: not better. Mystic has to put forth more effort, but is no less a healer than a cleric.
    Eoria wrote:
    Also, seekers are equally just as not wanted in PVE outside of AOE instances.

    Did you really want to make this statement? -Seriously? Outside of Nirvana; what isn't AoE? Not just that, but for the uninformed: Nirvana isn't where all the money is!
    what about delta? will they want me for dd?

    Probably not if you have to ask this question. It's not like you don't have 2 heavy hitting aoe summons with no dmg reduction, or that you can't protect a sage wiz with your native AoE, or that you have an aoe debuff plant. -Hyper level much?
    Blankey wrote:
    Mystics are massive DD, and in pure mag can do more DPS than a 4aps Sin.

    AoE yes, but also consider many Assassins are clueless on how to maximize their AoE dmg, and 4aps sin? - base or under eruption?
    Mystics are amazingly useful for Delta, FC(Along with a seeker ofc.)

    Seeker is not the perfect match. A Sage wizard is going to draw major aggro with the stun from their Dragon's Breath. Storm Mistress would otherwise gain much of the aggro consuming the Mystic's resources. A Mystic will get mobs off of the wizard while the wizard will get mobs off of the mistress. Seekers are better paired with Assassins.
  • tripotelios
    tripotelios Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Thanks all of you for your effort. You made me re-think Mystic class and their pros/cons. I understand that a mystic is a really good class and needed for many things such as dd/healer/debuffer. And every squad need him(Caster/BHs/sometimes delta)

    But please tell me: Will a good r8 mystic(demon) be able to solo an fc(no matter the time)?
    Most people will think im a troll asking that question about a caster class but since physics can do it why not mystics?
  • laloner
    laloner Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Mystics are massive DD, and in pure mag can do more DPS than a 4aps Sin.

    Whoever said that prolly forgot to take into account that at 4 aps you can permaspark.
    AKA PermaSpark, Heartshatter
  • HardTimes - Lost City
    HardTimes - Lost City Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Thanks all of you for your effort. You made me re-think Mystic class and their pros/cons. I understand that a mystic is a really good class and needed for many things such as dd/healer/debuffer. And every squad need him(Caster/BHs/sometimes delta)

    But please tell me: Will a good r8 mystic(demon) be able to solo an fc(no matter the time)?
    Most people will think im a troll asking that question about a caster class but since physics can do it why not mystics? (with self buff only)

    there is my fail *** gear b:shy and i am myself demon with most skills lvl 11. and i still wont try to solo fc as a mystic b:shocked its not that i couldn't solo or that you couldn't solo fc given the time. its just not something easy to do as a caster class. ive seen wiz and even psy solo fc before, but it takes time and really good gear. bosses are not a problem to solo, but the mobs will be. you will save more time and money then you could believe if you find a bm/barb/seeker to do a 2 man fc run/s with you.

    if you do try to solo fc plz let me know how that goes, but until then i wish you the best :3

    ps. to the person who said mystics can out DD 4.0 sin b:embarrass you just made us look bad. there 2 maybe 3 possible ways a mystic can out DD a sin like.

    1. in delta AoE mobs (even a r9 +12 sin wont out DD you there, just saying)
    2. mystic with +12 weapon and the sin didn't spark.
    3. the sin didn't have enough time to take agro before what was being attacked died.
  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Im only 97, dont have even r8, and I feel like I can solo FC now, with the only problem being timing out before I finish.

    A mystic is NOT the best healer, nor the best AoE DD, nor the best debuffer, nor the best tank, but in my personal opinion...a Mystic IS the best single whole character in the game!

    The mystic is the only one that can be good at ALL of those things. NOT THE BEST at all those things...just dayum good and capable of all those things.

    If an appropriate lvled and geared Mystic cant solo something, I would imagine no char could...ijs.

    I have only felt anything close to useless once...and thats when I encountered a monster with magic immunity.

    If you feel your mystic is useless, after making an off hand effort to learn about the spells and how to best use them, then suffice it to say the Mystic is not for you.

    Mystics are not an easy class to play, but for those of us that like excitement & chaos, its the ONLY char to play. b:pleased
  • Alexis - Lothranis
    Alexis - Lothranis Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Soloing FC is rather easy but ineffective. With a +7 r8 weapon still takes me about 2.5 hours ._.
    Youtube channel:
  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Considering Ive spent that long at times spamming for a squad, 2.5 hours is really not THAT unattractive to me, lol. b:chuckle

    I get what you mean though, it would be much more efficient if there IS a squad available to a mystic to run with the squad.
  • Barunaa - Heavens Tear
    Barunaa - Heavens Tear Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited January 2012

    Mystics are massive DD, and in pure mag can do more DPS than a 4aps Sin.

    why are ppl so stupid?
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2012

    A mystic is NOT the best healer

    Don't even need puri to heal through Polearm in 69. Your tank and or cleric would have to be much better equipped/leveled to do the same.
    nor the best AoE DD

    Only class that has no dmg reduction summon AoEs, so this is only arguable and not really fact.
    nor the best debuffer

    AoE pdef reduction, AoE mdef reduction, dmg reduction, slow, sleep, etc. Again; only arguable and not really fact.
    nor the best tank

    Arguable; not really fact.

    but in my personal opinion...a Mystic IS the best single whole character in the game!

    Nearly everyone else would say Assassin.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    why are ppl so stupid?

    The statement you quoted is true.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Kolaro - Lost City
    Kolaro - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    lol all i know is i can sage spark and nature vengence and absorb soul most anyone cept those pesky barbs
  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    tweakz wrote: »
    Don't even need puri to heal through Polearm in 69. Your tank and or cleric would have to be much better equipped/leveled to do the same.

    Maybe not. I remember hating him when I had the BH. I also used to hate on Ranker but now that Im 98, he's nothing, lol. I prefer a cleric in my squad, cause it essentially takes the responsibility of watching health bars away from me. I still look, and help where I see a 'heal' problem. I still throw Falling Petals on the Meleers. I still place Vital Herb down, but a cleric makes the run fun for me, and gives me the opportunity to learn new things.

    Also, what can be made safer than a BB and Herbs combo? ^.^

    Only class that has no dmg reduction summon AoEs, so this is only arguable and not really fact.

    Yeah, and my opinion could be, just my opinion. I may come across as matter of fact, and I will admit to a bit of confidence here and there, but I have told people Im a noob (new player) enough for them to start believing me. Its true. Im not just kidding. If I remember right, Absorb Soul not only pulls no aggro, but also has no damage reduction.

    AoE pdef reduction, AoE mdef reduction, dmg reduction, slow, sleep, etc. Again; only arguable and not really fact.

    ^ see above post on opinion.

    Arguable; not really fact.

    ^ see post above above post on opinion.

    Nearly everyone else would say Assassin.

    Not me! I love the speed and complicated thought necessary to play a Mystic good. I like the constant adjustment to situations. I like the balance of the character.

    I should have rolled something before a Mystic. Maybe I would not have the same opinion. I tried a low level Psy, and it just seemed to pale in comparison.

    Psy cant heal itself - I know 1 negligible spell at lvl 27 - but not really heal like my Mystic can. And oddly that annoying trailer/summon that Im usually dragging around in an Instance, I actually MISSED! b:shocked

    My Mystic might not ever solo FC, or some other Instance for tons of loot. But, taken as whole, my Mystic is a self-contained trickster juggling a lot of balls in the air! Shes vulnerable but powerful. I cant see anything else meeting those expectations, for me personally.

    Who knows? Later on I might come back and say I was wrong. But, I got a couple more levels at least before starting a sin or BM. xD
  • Willbert - Dreamweaver
    Willbert - Dreamweaver Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I'm gonna say your an FC baby who should find a toon you enjoy playing.

    Your contribution to a squad is based on the knowledge of your toon..

    If you got to 90 and have no clue what benifits you can add to a squad.. eh.. you wasted what little time it took to level your toon.

    Gl finding your niche.
  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I'm gonna say your an FC baby who should find a toon you enjoy playing.

    Your contribution to a squad is based on the knowledge of your toon..

    If you got to 90 and have no clue what benifits you can add to a squad.. eh.. you wasted what little time it took to level your toon.

    Gl finding your niche.

    Who the heck are you talking too? o.0 Lmao!
  • Retsuko - Heavens Tear
    Retsuko - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,016 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Why did nobody ever tell me that i'm useless? b:cry

    Finding out now is a bit late b:surrender

    playing Faction Wars Again.
  • rainbowyoshii
    rainbowyoshii Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    tweakz wrote: »
    The statement you quoted is true.

    cant tell if trolling.

    4aps rank 9 sins out DPS most if not all 5aps rank 8 sins. mystics nor any other class do not compare
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    cant tell if trolling.

    4aps rank 9 sins out DPS most if not all 5aps rank 8 sins. mystics nor any other class do not compare

    Can't tell if trolling...

    5 aps rank 8 means rank 8 recast since standard gear would max at 4.0 rank 8 (same as rank 9). So we are either talking rank 8 recast weapon or armor and If they can afford that then they might be able to afford to out dd R9. This is just a vague generalization based on opinion, really.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory