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I just have some concerns about the PvP aspect in this game. Sorry about my carry-on sentences. It's how I speak in real life too. I'm asian and I don't like to pause, it just comes out b:laugh Also, please feel free to leave your criticism and comments. I don't care if they're bad or good, and you're not going to hurt my feelings so lay it on me. I like constructive criticism.
Will PvP get any better?
I just started playing the game about 3 months ago and so far, I have two 90+ fully geared characters. And I've spent over $400 on the cash shop. b:shutup
Coming from big P2P MMORPGs, I'd have to say that even tho it's an F2P, this game gets a 9/10 from me! The game's PvE content is great. The graphics and the whole worlds' scenery is great. The best I've seen on a free MMORPG as a matter of fact. Crafting and gathering aspects are all great in my opinion; not too easy and not too hard. I don't normally craft in other MMORPGs because they make materials and crafting sooooooo repetitive and long (because they want you to stay longer and keep paying that 15 bucks a month til you can make that weapon/armor), but in PWI crafting is not bad and you can get to high levels in no time. Thus, being said, I actually craft in this game because everything is more easily attainable.
The only thing I FEEL that lacks in this game, is the PvP. Technically you can't PvP until level 100+, without any other organized duels or "ganking" (PKing a character without them fighting back). I know, there are also Territory Wars, but they require you to be in a HUGE guild where everyone has Rank 9 +12 gear and are basically gods. I am not even close to even be thinking about TW, so I don't. But what about those that want to PvP BEFORE they hit level 101+ and get rank 9 gear? This is how my daily experiences (as a level 90+) of PvP goes:
1. "Ganking!" Fly around and PK a few helpless lowbies for fun. Ya this is real fun.....not.
2. Camp at any entrance to Archosaur, Silver Pool, Snowy Village or sit inside City of Lost Souls and duel with all the Rank 9 geared level 101+. Not fun either.
3. Theatre of Blood. (REALLY fun sometimes depending on how many high levels are participating)
4. Ummmmm I think I've ran out of options.
5. Back to PvE and running never-ending frosts to level.
Why call it a PvP server, when it lacks every aspect of PvP? There is no valid reason for a person under level 100 to PvP. There is no ranking system. OK I heard there is one, but it's flawed and not much of a system. No PvP rewards whatsoever. All you get for killing someone, is them whispering a message like "******* JACK***!!!" or "That was rude!" or "Was that necessary?" YES IT WAS NECESSARY, IT'S PVP! Or at least I think it is. It's PvP cuz I'm making it PvP, how about that? I just killed you, so that's Player vs. Player right? b:chuckle Also I heard there was a rule about pking someone more than 10 times in a day is a bannable offense? HUH!?! b:shocked
Now I will compare this to other games. Troll me if you want. I know this game is not any of the games I'm about to talk about. Before you ask "why aren't you playing these other games then?", it's because those other games have GREAT PvP systems, but lack in PvE and other aspects. A few MMORPGs I have played had great battlegrounds system. In one game, players as new as level 10 can choose to enter different PvP battleground instances. If your team wins, you get points that go toward getting your character new gear and an officer-type ranking (like private, corporal, general, king etc.) The higher your officer rank, the better gear you can get. This is just an example of having a reason to PvP. I'm not saying I want battlegrounds implemented or something. I just want to have more of a reason to PvP and some kind of award or goal that I can work toward. There is hardly anyone actively pvping outside the vicinity of a city. No high level geared characters rolling around kill others for points and no one out hunting the high levels to steal all of their points, etc. Think about it. Make PvP a little more interesting! I love every other aspect of this game. I am a leader of a big and active level 3 faction. I have fun playing with others and the player base is great. There ought to be a petition or suggestions area on the site or something, so that players' voices can be heard. Implementing ideas like this wouldn't kill you either. It would just make your company A LOT more money and get A LOT more people playing!
If there is any other form of PvP (besides TW) that I've missed all 3 months of playing, please inform me! b:chuckle
Will PvP get any better?
I just started playing the game about 3 months ago and so far, I have two 90+ fully geared characters. And I've spent over $400 on the cash shop. b:shutup
Coming from big P2P MMORPGs, I'd have to say that even tho it's an F2P, this game gets a 9/10 from me! The game's PvE content is great. The graphics and the whole worlds' scenery is great. The best I've seen on a free MMORPG as a matter of fact. Crafting and gathering aspects are all great in my opinion; not too easy and not too hard. I don't normally craft in other MMORPGs because they make materials and crafting sooooooo repetitive and long (because they want you to stay longer and keep paying that 15 bucks a month til you can make that weapon/armor), but in PWI crafting is not bad and you can get to high levels in no time. Thus, being said, I actually craft in this game because everything is more easily attainable.
The only thing I FEEL that lacks in this game, is the PvP. Technically you can't PvP until level 100+, without any other organized duels or "ganking" (PKing a character without them fighting back). I know, there are also Territory Wars, but they require you to be in a HUGE guild where everyone has Rank 9 +12 gear and are basically gods. I am not even close to even be thinking about TW, so I don't. But what about those that want to PvP BEFORE they hit level 101+ and get rank 9 gear? This is how my daily experiences (as a level 90+) of PvP goes:
1. "Ganking!" Fly around and PK a few helpless lowbies for fun. Ya this is real fun.....not.
2. Camp at any entrance to Archosaur, Silver Pool, Snowy Village or sit inside City of Lost Souls and duel with all the Rank 9 geared level 101+. Not fun either.
3. Theatre of Blood. (REALLY fun sometimes depending on how many high levels are participating)
4. Ummmmm I think I've ran out of options.
5. Back to PvE and running never-ending frosts to level.
Why call it a PvP server, when it lacks every aspect of PvP? There is no valid reason for a person under level 100 to PvP. There is no ranking system. OK I heard there is one, but it's flawed and not much of a system. No PvP rewards whatsoever. All you get for killing someone, is them whispering a message like "******* JACK***!!!" or "That was rude!" or "Was that necessary?" YES IT WAS NECESSARY, IT'S PVP! Or at least I think it is. It's PvP cuz I'm making it PvP, how about that? I just killed you, so that's Player vs. Player right? b:chuckle Also I heard there was a rule about pking someone more than 10 times in a day is a bannable offense? HUH!?! b:shocked
Now I will compare this to other games. Troll me if you want. I know this game is not any of the games I'm about to talk about. Before you ask "why aren't you playing these other games then?", it's because those other games have GREAT PvP systems, but lack in PvE and other aspects. A few MMORPGs I have played had great battlegrounds system. In one game, players as new as level 10 can choose to enter different PvP battleground instances. If your team wins, you get points that go toward getting your character new gear and an officer-type ranking (like private, corporal, general, king etc.) The higher your officer rank, the better gear you can get. This is just an example of having a reason to PvP. I'm not saying I want battlegrounds implemented or something. I just want to have more of a reason to PvP and some kind of award or goal that I can work toward. There is hardly anyone actively pvping outside the vicinity of a city. No high level geared characters rolling around kill others for points and no one out hunting the high levels to steal all of their points, etc. Think about it. Make PvP a little more interesting! I love every other aspect of this game. I am a leader of a big and active level 3 faction. I have fun playing with others and the player base is great. There ought to be a petition or suggestions area on the site or something, so that players' voices can be heard. Implementing ideas like this wouldn't kill you either. It would just make your company A LOT more money and get A LOT more people playing!
If there is any other form of PvP (besides TW) that I've missed all 3 months of playing, please inform me! b:chuckle
SweetLeaf Level 5x Heretic
Post edited by whatsmynam3 on
whatsmynam3 wrote: »There ought to be a petition or suggestions area on the site or something, so that players' voices can be heard.
Welcome to PWI. Mentioning other MMO's is against the rules btw. Not trying to troll or flame you. But your post is gonna go POOF.0 -
Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide wrote: »Lol......
Welcome to PWI. Mentioning other MMO's is against the rules btw. Not trying to troll or flame you. But your post is gonna go POOF.
Not if I re-word it thanks! b:laugh
Also, why'd you quote me on only that one line?SweetLeaf Level 5x Heretic0 -
whatsmynam3 wrote: »Not if I re-word it thanks! b:laugh
Also, why'd you quote me on only that one line?
Well, it's pretty common knowledge to some of us who have been here a while (ignore my avatar's date, this isn't my only character) that suggestions don't get taken seriously.
I'm not sure where the problem REALLY lies, but everyone has an idea of where the blame is to be placed. I'm sure you'll get plenty of those posts soon enough.
We do have a Suggestion section on the forums, AKA the black hole.
Basically, if you enjoy PWI JUST the way it is, you're golden. If your holding out for improvements...well, yeah....about that....
Anyways, have fun and enjoy.0 -
I am definitely not expecting PWE to change the game on my consent, but I hope they do realize it's FREE in a sense, but when you want things done they have a cash shop available and people (me) DO spend real, hard-earned cash on the game. If players are not being heard, the game won't be around for much longer with the competition that is coming. To be honest, I only play this because my current graphics card cannot handle a bigger game like these other ones coming out.
I know I am not the only one who will eventually or already have quit because the game doesn't change to my/their liking, but if more voices were heard and things were changed unbehalf of the players' wishes, the game would thrive. How do you think WoW has survived for so long? They have good customer service and Blizzard is great when it comes to listening to their own player base. Things change in those bigger games because people want them to and they get their wish. Of course there is that small percentage of people who don't like the change, but in this world majority rules.
Sorry, I have been a successful business owner for 12+ years, beside my gaming. I like to think in a business sense, even though it's a game that I am playing.
Add a better PvP system, I am a well-paying customer for life.
Don't do anything about the 100+ more threads that have and will go by, you're losing 100+ more well-paying customers like me.SweetLeaf Level 5x Heretic0 -
whatsmynam3 wrote: »If players are not being heard, the game won't be around for much longer with the competition that is coming.
Yep....most of us are waiting for a few certain games. Wuild Gars 2 anyone?b:avoid0 -
whatsmynam3 wrote: »Will PvP get any better?
Real PvP on the PK servers died years ago. There is no hope that it will ever return for a few reasons. The biggest being the tiny server population. The next reason is that along with the small population, there isn't a strong influx of new players. Add to those facts, you have BH and Frost which pushes people through the game so fast they either quit or end up cash shopping. BH and Frost also keep people off the main map. Without people questing all over the main map, there is no more real PvP left. What is left is a bunch of massive cash shoppers ganking each other, each side calling more until the winner is the side who can get the most people to show up. Rinse and repeat.
PK wars really only erupt at world boss hijacking these days. The people left at west, Secret Passage and Silverpool are basically looking for it. Almost all of the best PvP I've been involved with started from random acts of PK, usually started by someone attacking someone mining mats or questing.
Low level PvP has been dead since BH was implemented.
Things won't get better.I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
I'm LvL 83 and participate in PvP.
Just because I can't one-shot the 10x players does not mean I am not effective.
My debuff's and amp abilities can really alter a battle if I can get land them on the right target.
Yes I do not get into battles with 50 10x's but just this past weekend I enjoyed some PvP at HO.
So as for not PvPing, people can PvP at certain lvl's. Heck, one day there were only 8x and 9x PvPing at HO. It was nice not getting one-shot from some random R9 archers who drop in.tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.0 -
This game's PvP system is ****. There are just much better games. I'm not really sure how playing a sin can be at all fulfilling and sins can be really frustrating for all the non-sins. Also PvP is dying on its own as a whole, save for TW, but that's debatable(See Harshlands Map). Lack of open world PvP in areas besides just Silver, West, and sometimes HO kinda eliminates the point in being on a PvP server anyway. Blood Theater kinda sucks because of unrealistic buffs. I myself am kinda sticking around waiting to see if the upcoming expansion will change anything, but I don't have my hopes up.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Michael_Dark - Lost City wrote: »No.
Real PvP on the PK servers died years ago. There is no hope that it will ever return for a few reasons. The biggest being the tiny server population. The next reason is that along with the small population, there isn't a strong influx of new players. Add to those facts, you have BH and Frost which pushes people through the game so fast they either quit or end up cash shopping. BH and Frost also keep people off the main map. Without people questing all over the main map, there is no more real PvP left. What is left is a bunch of massive cash shoppers ganking each other, each side calling more until the winner is the side who can get the most people to show up. Rinse and repeat.
PK wars really only erupt at world boss hijacking these days. The people left at west, Secret Passage and Silverpool are basically looking for it. Almost all of the best PvP I've been involved with started from random acts of PK, usually started by someone attacking someone mining mats or questing.
Low level PvP has been dead since BH was implemented.
Things won't get better.
I agree with you 100% on this one. It's pretty much the same on the PVE servers, but it took longer to happen. (I used to play on Lost City, but don't anymore because it's just not worth it.)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide wrote: »Yep....most of us are waiting for a few certain games. Wuild Gars 2 anyone?b:avoid
I'm waiting for Guild Wurs 2 as soon as it comes out I'm dropping PWI, it's like something to pass the time while they still complete the other game.Mystic: 99 lvl (Main)
Psychic: 96 lvl (Alt)
Assassin: 78 lvl (Retired)
Cleric: 75 lvl (Retired)
Big bumpy ride since 20080 -
Shayd - Raging Tide wrote: »I'm waiting for Guild Wurs 2 as soon as it comes out I'm dropping PWI, it's like something to pass the time while they still complete the other game.
I'd appreciate you getting on your Mystic and Rez buffing. b:angrytatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.0 -
tatuaje - Lost City wrote: »i'd Appreciate You Getting On Your Mystic And Rez Buffing. B:angry
Roflmao!0 -
b:pleased I've Never heard anything about anyone getting Banned by doing more then 10 PKs a day?b:puzzled
Especially, after they Ignored doing anything about the (SP FARM Killers) during their recent (SP Freezone) NERFJOB?! b:chuckle
In fact, the only thing That I've heard about anyone being banned for on being PK for Recently, was the Illegal Barb (Fist & Claw) Issue........b:bye0 -
SylenThunder - Sanctuary wrote: »I agree with you 100% on this one. It's pretty much the same on the PVE servers, but it took longer to happen. (I used to play on Lost City, but don't anymore because it's just not worth it.)
I don't think there is much difference between PvE and PvP servers anymore. I was running someone's 3rd map culti in HH, I kicked my alt out and sent him back down to open a new instance. I forgot about him and he sat outside of safe zone for at least 20 minutes. I go back, he's standing outside right by the hole alive. I felt a bit sad. That's one out of many examples I've had.I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
Michael_Dark - Lost City wrote: »I don't think there is much difference between PvE and PvP servers anymore. I was running someone's 3rd map culti in HH, I kicked my alt out and sent him back down to open a new instance. I forgot about him and he sat outside of safe zone for at least 20 minutes. I go back, he's standing outside right by the hole alive. I felt a bit sad. That's one out of many examples I've had.
I'm not sure even if I found you "afk" outside safe zone I could kill you. b:surrender
At least I could say I survived a battle with you to my friends. b:thankstatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.0 -
Tatuaje - Lost City wrote: »I'm not sure even if I found you "afk" outside safe zone I could kill you. b:surrender
Oh, I'm sure you could. My charm died last night. b:chuckleAt least I could say I survived a battle with you to my friends. b:thanks
I miss all the old PK. Remember how ShortBus terrorized the server? I know RQ and BLT rpked, but they didn't terrorize the server like ShortBus did. And FinalOath was fun to battle against, even though their name doesn't even belong in the same paragraph...
And go figure, I'm like huge carebear. b:sadI post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
PvP when I first came to this game was to be had at almost any level. I remember some great level 40-50 battles.
Everything died once the fish appeared and everyone realized that sins are op. Basically many like me quit because of the refusal to nerf sins and the refusal to fix issues such as rubber banding etc.
Re-balance the game and it would flourish, however its too late now. Too many of us have moved on and vowed not to return. Sure my wizard still exist (I hope) but I don't even log on. Still have an account because I use this same account to play Forsaken World.
I see an expansion is planned and instead of a class re-balance they added new skills which I am guessing will come at a cost or time investment.
For me PWI will always be remembered as the game that succumbed to player pressure. They had a chance to nerf sins in early on but did not due to huge player outcries. And so PvP went down the hole as most players grew frustrated by being unable to compete versus the stealth monsters.
Lesson to be learned:
When players tell you your game needs balancing, go and play the game and realise its not always random qq.
That is why a certain mmo already alluded to in this thread will go down as one of the best pvp mmo in my mind because they were always balancing the game and never afraid to nerf op or abused skills.
The key to a healthy PvP server isn't just big numbers and flashy skills, one great underlying strength is balance!0 -
Michael_Dark - Lost City wrote: »I miss all the old PK. Remember how ShortBus terrorized the server? I know RQ and BLT rpked, but they didn't terrorize the server like ShortBus did. And FinalOath was fun to battle against, even though their name doesn't even belong in the same paragraph...
And go figure, I'm like huge carebear. b:sad
I was in Shortbus. b:victory
I got booted cause I was not hardcore enough. b:cry
Good memories indeed. (The good PvP I mean, not me being tossed out of SB. b:chuckle)
RQ causing some havoc from time to time was nice while it lasted. I still remember attempting to gank Susamajii 5 vs 1. LA Veno saved my butt quite a lot. I think he got us more than we got him mind you. I never PvP'd against RedsRose at all in the old days but I did have some PvPing with Almon and some of that crew.
Have some good PvP memories of Zodian vs. Conumdrum (or something like that) out on the East Coast of the map.tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.0 -
Ruxal - Harshlands wrote: »Thats why a certain mmo already alluded to in thjis thread will go down as one of the best pvp mmo in my mind because they were always balancing the game and never afraid to nerf op or abused skills.
That's why I really like that tank game. Cash will help you earn EXP a little faster and you can buy shells that are a bit better but it's not game breaking. Balance issues are corrected routinely and they're coming out with more and more stuff for it. Their F2P model is quite excellent and the developers even participate on the forums, even though they're Russians and have a separate forum for EU.
It's proof that a F2P game can look great, receive great updates including game balancing which includes nerfing and buffing where needed and isn't ruined by the cash shop.Tatuaje - Lost City wrote: »I was in Shortbus. b:victory
I got booted cause I was not hardcore enough. b:cry
Good memories indeed. (The good PvP I mean, not me being tossed out of SB. b:chuckle)
Hahah awww. Well at least you were part of that legacy. I was part of dying a lot to them. And probably to you when I was lower level too.
I'd pay for PWI to be like that again.I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
Anyone on Sanctuary remembers PELZ, yeah, those were the days. PvP kill counts actually meant something back then.
Used to be fun to go out and RPK a bit. Nowdays it's just waiting till a stealthed R9 sin finds you.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Thanks to everyone for your responses.
Just as I heard and feared, I guess there is no hope for PvP.
Moving along....
It's a great game PWE, it really is, but I just need more PvP in my life!SweetLeaf Level 5x Heretic0 -
whatsmynam3 wrote: »It's a great game PWE, it really is, but I just need more PvP in my life!
Try running around the grocery store with a wooden plank, occasionally hitting customers. You get more points if you hit store employees, security guards, and law enforcement officials. That should up the level of PvP in your life considerably.Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
Current math challenge: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1029711&page=45
"Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray0 -
I've played for 3 years on Lost city and miss the times when all the pkers weren't big cash shoppers. I really don't remember ShortBus being much of a threat though... I thought their name fit them.0
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