WTH is necro? -_-

KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver
KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
edited February 2012 in Off-Topic Discussion
obviously if something is enough of a problem to a large number of people that a company make their livelihood off of that they post and post and post and post again on really old threads, it must be something important enough to warrant this kind of behavior.

are these rules just to force people to shut up about things PWE doesn't give two turds about because, hey, as long as they make-a da munneh all is gravy? what a crock.
Post edited by KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver on


  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited December 2011
    obviously if something is enough of a problem to a large number of people that a company make their livelihood off of that they post and post and post and post again on really old threads, it must be something important enough to warrant this kind of behavior.

    are these rules just to force people to shut up about things PWE doesn't give two turds about because, hey, as long as they make-a da munneh all is gravy? what a crock.

    Let me just be the first to say this...

    What in the world are you trying to say?b:puzzled

    P.S. ~ I'm moving this to Off-Topic, since it has no place in the Suggestion Box.
  • KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver
    KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    yknow kritty, for many people an online game is the closest many will come to being able to socialize with the world outside of the front door of our homes. the reasons for this vary, but are very real, and also, for many who play this game the biggest challenges will come in the social arena rather than issues with game mechanics or what have you. the social problems people face in PW, and many games like it, have potential to actually affect people's lives, i look at it in my home every day, and these things can be pretty damaging. we NEED a lot more black list space.... idk about other servers but on dreamweaver, it seems like *** holes are taking the place over. it sucks. i figure that rather than spinning my wheels raging at every tampon case with a god complex, i *could* just blacklist them, then all parties have as much space as they need to feel safe and enjoy actually playing pw. but i doubt a reasonable blacklist will be implemented as it's only my job to keep feeding lazy devs apparently.

    laziness is really the only explanation too. a yahoo or msn ignore list has virtually unlimited space in a client that is low-latency and lightweight...
  • Alsiadorra - Sanctuary
    Alsiadorra - Sanctuary Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Funny you say DW is being taken over by *******s, because I want to leave sanctuary for the same reason and move over to DW.

    Necro is short for necromancy, and necromancy is the magical practice of raising the dead and in extreme cases, become the living dead.

    There's no conspiracy with why necro isn't allowed here. It's kind of like a universal rule across the net. Dead thread is dead and all that.

    But I do agree with most of you've said.
  • KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver
    KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    "Those things we throw out to each other are complete BS. You know? 'It sounds too stock. It sounds too normal to me.' I mean - You know what I mean? You're saying this ****
    so you can get your point across about doing a drum beat.
    I mean... You know, it doesn't hold any water." ---Hetfield

    the thread title was sarcasm b:cute
  • Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear
    Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    the nercoing of threads is indeed a general rule in just about all forums. but if you want to continue a topic, make a new one and post the link of the dead topic in it. that kinda bypasses the nerco rule.
  • KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver
    KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    ok fine. 'cuz i'm TOTALLY stupid and not simply rebellious with the intent of helping everyone get along........ riiiiiight.
  • Alsiadorra - Sanctuary
    Alsiadorra - Sanctuary Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    There's nothing you can do about the quality of your server.
  • KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver
    KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    reasonable people don't accomplish much.

    it takes unreasonable people to push something into change.

    but **** the dumb ****. i don't want the quality of the server to change so much as, people being able to have the ability to blacklist a much larger number. the volume of people in pwi is quite a bit larger than it used to be, the focus on the game is much less team oriented also. naturally, the amount of people that would need to be blacklisted is a lot higher.

    you know i had someone send me a thank-you letter in the mail for sending a split of a gold mat.....? "nice to see there are still some honorable people left in this game." WTF is that? sad times for ol' pee wee.
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I ignore jerks in-game because I also ignore them in life. I never had to use my blacklist except when they introduced horns.
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1029711&page=45
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver
    KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2011

    nice signature BTW.

    it's got "do not under any circumstances take me seriously" written all over it.

    good job! i'll be sure not to.
  • Wolfssohn - Sanctuary
    Wolfssohn - Sanctuary Posts: 1,535 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Who needs a blacklist if ya can ignore 'em by yourself...?

    And as far as I can see...it's not only in PWI where people act like this...its pretty much everywhere on the internet...and in real life...
  • KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver
    KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    i'm glad to hear you are so stellar at just letting things slide. many are not.
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    nice signature BTW.

    it's got "do not under any circumstances take me seriously" written all over it.

    good job! i'll be sure not to.

    Thanks :o

    Sounds to me like the pot is calling the kettle black as far as DW jerks are concerned.
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1029711&page=45
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Asgardeus - Sanctuary
    Asgardeus - Sanctuary Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I just don't care for the jerks. Yes, there are a good deal of them but in no way my server is getting taken over by them. Funnily, this is coming from someone who has no right at all to say it.

    Yes, there will always be the jerks that talk pervert ****, insult people or start flamewars. But I think of them as some being that desperately craves for attention. Experience taught me, if you're being ugly to someone, you're the most ugly thing yourself.

    I think it's a matter of growing up and learning to just ignore. Those people aren't worth your time and you will be happier off not raging at anyone lol
  • Alsiadorra - Sanctuary
    Alsiadorra - Sanctuary Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    reasonable people don't accomplish much.

    it takes unreasonable people to push something into change.

    but **** the dumb ****. i don't want the quality of the server to change so much as, people being able to have the ability to blacklist a much larger number. the volume of people in pwi is quite a bit larger than it used to be, the focus on the game is much less team oriented also. naturally, the amount of people that would need to be blacklisted is a lot higher.

    you know i had someone send me a thank-you letter in the mail for sending a split of a gold mat.....? "nice to see there are still some honorable people left in this game." WTF is that? sad times for ol' pee wee.
    Ya know, nice people do exist still. We are just spat on by the idiots who play.

    Reasonable people are tossed under the rug by nefarious means by unreasonable people, because the sheer volume of the reasonable peoples voices are loud enough to muffle out the utter nonsense that unreasonable people try to spew out. The point you're trying to get across that sensible people just sit by and do nothing, is false. I guess that makes you not a sensible person in this particular situation right?

    Yeah a bigger blacklist would be nice. I recently had to clear mine and start over. It seems the more people you blacklist, the more idiots pop up. And then you get "Blacklist full".
  • krisnda
    krisnda Posts: 4,655 Community Moderator
    edited December 2011
    Ya know, nice people do exist still. We are just spat on by the idiots who play.

    Reasonable people are tossed under the rug by nefarious means by unreasonable people, because the sheer volume of the reasonable peoples voices are loud enough to muffle out the utter nonsense that unreasonable people try to spew out. The point you're trying to get across that sensible people just sit by and do nothing, is false. I guess that makes you not a sensible person in this particular situation right?

    Yeah a bigger blacklist would be nice. I recently had to clear mine and start over. It seems the more people you blacklist, the more idiots pop up. And then you get "Blacklist full".

    At least you guys can blacklist, ijs ;/
  • KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver
    KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I just don't care for the jerks. Yes, there are a good deal of them but in no way my server is getting taken over by them. Funnily, this is coming from someone who has no right at all to say it.

    Yes, there will always be the jerks that talk pervert ****, insult people or start flamewars. But I think of them as some being that desperately craves for attention. Experience taught me, if you're being ugly to someone, you're the most ugly thing yourself.

    I think it's a matter of growing up and learning to just ignore. Those people aren't worth your time and you will be happier off not raging at anyone lol

    i didn't come here for therapy. it's good on ya that you want to try to help me improve as a person and all, but i do not think at this juncture that you are helping anything.

    i pay PW enough to be able to blacklist whomever i choose. i've been a good customer for some time now. basically what i am seeing is that there are many players who recognize this as a problem. it's not just me. yes, i'm pissed off. yes, i'm being rude. i suppose it's easy to blow people off when you do not care. i do care, a bit too much maybe. and that's pretty much why i'm raising hell about this issue.

    Reasonable people are tossed under the rug by nefarious means by unreasonable people, because the sheer volume of the reasonable peoples voices are loud enough to muffle out the utter nonsense that unreasonable people try to spew out. The point you're trying to get across that sensible people just sit by and do nothing, is false. I guess that makes you not a sensible person in this particular situation right?

    please don't put words into my mouth. that is not what i said. but the whole being swept under the rug by nefarious..... ok, serious issue here, where does it end up? in off-topic...

    denmark smells like a sewer.
  • HadesHound - Raging Tide
    HadesHound - Raging Tide Posts: 357 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Ok... the pattern has come very clear to me.

    KooKoo, You seem to be a prime example of just what your complaining about. You come in here ranting and raving, and yet, even with the few who seem to be honestly trying to help, you rave, throw sarcasm, insult, and basically act like a troll towards them.

    There is a reason why do not bother with using the blacklist. YOU ARE NOT WORTH even a spot there in my own personal opinion. Seriously! Your crying like a toddler who just spilled her sippy cup. Actually, you do remind me of a certain group of people, but I wont mention them, because they could be classed as political, and I do not think that would be allowed here, if I remember correctly.

    That being said, you show the same pointless loudness and lack of manners. You have offered nothing constructive towards the game or the forums here in this thread, and have wasted the time of many people, as well as probably about 200Kb of space on the Forum database.

    I for one, would ask that you cease and desist all further wasting of time and space. Furthermore, if you feel that it is so bad here, dealing with so many like-minded individuals that rub you in such a wrong way, maybe you should take up playing Zelda on an old NES.

    Have a nice day, and please get off my internet.
    It's not the years that matter, it's the milage that has true meaning. Do not spend your life trying to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. Walk the best path you can, and enjoy that journey.
    And ladies... Save a cowboy, ride a brony!
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited December 2011
    ok, serious issue here, where does it end up? in off-topic...

    denmark smells like a sewer.

    Pro tip:

    For serious issues, use serious titles. Also, the topic you are now discussing has absolutely nothing to do with your original post. Just saying.b:bye
  • ThunderFleas - Archosaur
    ThunderFleas - Archosaur Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Probably going to get called a necro for posting here, but as has happened with other threads, found this by means of Google. Anyways, I totally agree that there needs to be a bigger blacklist.

    As far as the whole "necro" cry, I think it's all BS to be honest. Here's why, some topics don't change, like one I found about "how to open the iron chest that seems to need a special tool". Thread may have been a year old, but person may have found it by means of search... when a person goes to a thread, they're reading the content, not proof-reading the date... just because the thread was a year old when a person posted to it, doesn't mean it's not still a question that's out there that people want to know the answer to. Should we rather wade through 100 different threads all on the same subject hoping to MAYBE finally find an answer?? What was sad, was as others posted to actually contribute to the original subject, every other post were the "trolls" crying, "omg, necro!!!" etc. Like really? I was raised to believe that if you have nothing better to say, don't say it at all. Furthermore, if "necro"-ing is such a problem, PWI (just as any other website and company) have the ability to make the code to auto-lock a thread after a certain time-period, or at the very least auto-archive. Not to mention the ability to keep threads from being found by means of a search-engine (which is how I found this thread fyi). Just seems odd that PWI has the ability to control whether or not "necro"ing occurs, yet it gets turned into a troll/flame and label fest whenever anybody happens to "bump" and old thread because they're actually interested in the original topic and possibly adding to the findings/facts/information. Now, I'll agree, if somebody bumps an age old thread just to put a racey picture in it, or for the sake of cussing and being a ***** thinking that it'll go unnoticed, yes, that I could agree with being a "necro" that doesn't belong. However, again, as long as people are adding relevant information to a relevant subject... it sure beats having to wade through 50-100 search matches for the one thread that might actually still be unlocked/active to post in... or even better than having to wade through 50-100 different threads hoping that at least ONE might have answered the question... because look ahead by means of "avoiding the necro" definition... if a person has a question about something in the new expansion that isn't widely seen, known, or run into... they may post, nobody answers for a week, two weeks, a month; anybody who then posts is a "necro"... so if somebody else has the same question, they have to post another thread... again, possibly no answer, or vague guesses... so on and so forth, fast forward 6 months to a year down the road... how many threads do you have then, several unanswered, or several with guess-work and no real facts... what a mess it is to have to swim through all that BS! I personally believe the term "necro" needs to be amended to say, "bumping an old thread with content that in no way adds to the original subject or content". *shrugs*

  • krisnda
    krisnda Posts: 4,655 Community Moderator
    edited February 2012
    Either way, rules are rules b:surrender.

    Closed for ironic necro.
This discussion has been closed.