Unlimited Blacklist

_Ink_ - Raging Tide
_Ink_ - Raging Tide Posts: 400 Arc User
edited December 2011 in Suggestion Box
I know I've made this suggestion before, but I can't find it and I'd have to necro the thread if I posted in it again, so I'm just going to post this again. I want an unlimited blacklist. I would also like to be able to see the name of those on my blacklist when they're offline. I can see the names of people on my friends list, why not the blacklist?

Here's basically how things have gone for me. Someone my friends in game and I used to associate with started bothering us. So I had to block his main, all of his alts, then all of his family who play when he got them to PM me. This took up more than half of my list. Yes, I know I could have just reported him. But I guess I don't put that much trust in PW to do anything more than a week-long ban, which would do me no good. And at the time it didn't occur to me, I just wanted to make it so he couldn't contact me. Now I'd have to unblock him and put up with his nonsense in order to report him.

So that's maybe 70% of the blacklist right there. The next 20% are probably people who have tried to scam me in same way. Wanting to "try out" my fashion or mount, demanding I send the items to them, trying to sell me the wrong item, etc. And I have reported these people, so I'm sure by now they've gotten banned or stopped using the character and moved on to a new face to attempt to scam people with. But I can't see their names on my list, so I don't know who it's relatively safe to unblock.

This leaves me with maybe two to four spaces to block the latest person trying to scam me, asking to cyber, harassing me to give them coin. Considering we are the customer base that helps keep Perfect World in business, I think we have the right to keep as many people as we want from contacting us. We should also be able to see who is on our list already, whether they be online or off, for the purpose of editing the list or even warning friends about potential scammers.

Sorry that this turned out relatively long but it seems like a fix that would be easy enough to handle(Granted, I'm no programmer.) and on top of that, it can really be a matter of safe internet practices in certain situations.
Post edited by _Ink_ - Raging Tide on


  • Bellarie - Raging Tide
    Bellarie - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I agree. My boyfriend actually is taking a break from his sin due to a similar incident. A certain ex-friend of mine and her child came to stay with us recently. Things turned sour due to this woman taking advantage of us and being a bad parent, and we ended up telling her to leave. She threw a ragefit and tried to say that my boyfriend choked her. And since then, her boyfriend has been harassing mine ingame almost constantly, announcing that he "choked a woman and threw a child out onto the street" among other lies. He blocked the guy, but he just keeps making alts. It's quite annoying how people are allowed to get away with harassing others just by making alts. And I think it is even more annoying that we have to risk maxing out our blacklist just to keep such people from harassing us.
  • _Ink_ - Raging Tide
    _Ink_ - Raging Tide Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    That's exactly the situation that could be so easily avoided. Why should we, the people who are doing nothing wrong, suffer and even have to stop playing a character simply because PW isn't giving us the support needed when it comes to harassment? Frankly I think someone like the person your boyfriend is having to deal with should have his IP banned, but any idiot can change their IP these days. It's about as complicated as making toast. So that being what it is, there should be no limit.

    Though on the (slightly less dim)bright side, your boyfriend can now report the man if he suspects he has made another account. All players are only allowed to have two accounts unless they originally had more than two before the rule changed and after that they're not allowed to make additional accounts if they had more than two. Or at least that's how I understand it.
  • RainbowVidel - Sanctuary
    RainbowVidel - Sanctuary Posts: 1,316 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I know I've made this suggestion before

    Then there is no point in bringing it up yet again. PWE clearly has no intention of ever implementing this or it would have been added by now.
  • Yogaxpto - Dreamweaver
    Yogaxpto - Dreamweaver Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The thing is that (in a programmer perspective) "You need to be selective in what you want" rule is always applied in big projects (Like PWI client).

    Let's talk a little bit more about that...

    Imagine that you own a store somewhere in the world and you want to have your own "catshop". The thing is that to sell small things like food, detergents, etc... you have more than enough space to store those and make your business...

    By suggesting that you want to have an unlimited blacklist, you somehow want to make each centimeter of surface on earth your store so that you can sell every variety of things that exists in the planet.

    Now be a little bit nerd:

    In order to have a blacklist you must need 3 variables (at least!) to store the info about an player:
    a variable to mention the position on the list that the character has;
    a variable for his name;
    a variable for his ID (every char that you own has it's unique ID, i suppose that you know what it is since it is applied in real life);

    Let's say that each variable will fulfill 8kb in storage:
    each player that you blacklist will force PWI's hard drives to have less 24kb of space.
    Let's assume that the average of characters that everyone of us will blacklist is 100 characters (I would bl much more since i hate FC.. XD), we would have that the virtual space used to store a blacklist would be:

    (number of characters in a server)*(number of members blacklisted in each character)*24kb

    make some counts and you'll get big numbers very easly.

    Another point of view, performance:

    As you all (might) know: "the more free space you have on a disk, the better you would surf in the web" and "bigger files take more time to be handled".

    Now that you read what i posted above, what would you think that would happen when lots of players are looking to see or to do something in their list?

    As a final consequence we would have higher ping.

    What I suggest you is to accept the game as it is right now and to create some alts to avoid that guy that keeps bothering you. Or to submit a ticket, if you haven't yet.
    Trolling since September 2008b:victory

    Don't worry. I might stop trolling and say something useful... One day....
  • _Ink_ - Raging Tide
    _Ink_ - Raging Tide Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Then there is no point in bringing it up yet again. PWE clearly has no intention of ever implementing this or it would have been added by now.

    Or that the suggestion wasn't seen. And really, what's the point in saying there's no point in suggesting it again? It's not like I'm spamming "OMFG SAME SEX MARRIAGE NAO" or something that has been posted fifty million times.
    What I suggest you is to accept the game as it is right now

    And that could be said for literally every possible suggestion that could be made for the game. I fully understand that blacklisting more people takes up more space but I highly doubt that the data it would add into the client is something as radical as you make it out to be.(At least your example seemed extreme to me.) At the very least I'm sure the space it takes up could be easily freed in simple, small ways.

    In the end it comes down to the fact that the person being harassed shouldn't have to go make an alt and stay off of their main just because the blacklist is insufficient. From my standpoint that would be like a person being harassed in person, in their own front yard with a cop standing right there and the cop does nothing but say "Oh, sorry, I'm too busy to do my job right now because I'm checking out that awesome bird up there. Guess you'll just have to be victimized or move." But that's just my opinion. Since this is the suggestion forum, my suggestion has been made and I still believe it's something that can and should be done but I respect the opinions of those who don't believe it's a viable option.
  • KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver
    KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    right. i want to do faction trials with my main's ingame spouse (i cash shopped those wedding packs). it would be fun for me because it is new content and it would be good for people over there because i am well-geared for it (i cash shopped a lot of what i have). problem is, i can't stand the fact that 60% of that faction is people that i just do not get along with. 20% of it is people i have really grown to have (mutual) respect for. my solution would be to go ahead and join and then just blacklist all the idiots / trolls to avoid drama or whatever, but the blacklist isn't near capable of all that. i can't join another faction to do trials, for similar reasons (on dreamweaver my xp with most factions who are geared and leveled for trials are full of snots. same with tw factions), as well as not wanting to alienate my spouse..... so basically, having paid pw, oh, i would say a good 5 grand or more over the years for things that do not even really exist, i'm getting screwed out of my ability to participate in faction trials with people i care about because they are too ****ing cheap to allow a blacklist extension.....

    way to go pw. i suppose guildwars 2 and tera will be out in a few months tho......
  • Asgardeus - Sanctuary
    Asgardeus - Sanctuary Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited December 2011

    And seriously, if you really feel that way, you might want to rethink your attitude. Blacklisting over half the faction won't get you anywhere and I personally wouldn't want that kind of person in my fac. b:surrender
  • KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver
    KooKooKachoo - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    who the **** are you? are you in my shoes? do you know any of these people? do you even know me? no. you're entitled to your opinion ofc, but there are so many things that you actually do not know bout this situation that you don't have any ground to speak into it. b:bye

    but yes, the limitations of the blacklist system in pw affect many people in many ways. including me having to put up with BS like that, when i could simply just not have to listen to it.

    YOU try being a schizo and trying to get along with people, while trying to enjoy content also.