Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
edited December 2011 in Suggestion Box
Imagine high level maps like Heaven, Hell, 2nd, 3rd of 4th maps beying made special PK lands. Those would be for all highlevels. I took details and suggestions from another forum but hopefully someone in PWE might read these and put them in practice. GMs please try to pass these ideas over the Devs. Imagine the cash-up all will bring into the PVE servers when parts of it are PVP areas with points.

Relative ranking points. Points awarded depend on your rank and victim's rank. You gain 100% points, victim loses 80% points. This creates a gradual increase in the total number of points. Killing a victim repeatedly will decrease the number of points you get. Permanent ranks at certain point levels.

Bounties. First to kill PK player Y gets a reward. Player Y is not informed they have been chosen.

Trophies. Trophies are awarded according to the victim's rulerrank. Lord's Trophy, Emperor's Trophy, Trophies do not have to come from PK players. Trophies can be traded to a shopkeeper for weapons, armour and items. PKOK gear will focus primarily on PK-improving stats, and will have lower level limitations. Some equipment may have rank requirements. These may be bound to the player who purchased them, preventing abuse of the better-than-average equipment. You can downgrade trophies, so you don't have to pick on low-ranking players Some of these items may be similar to the "heirloom" items from WoW. Account-wide, scaling with level (auto-adapt).
Kill too many, and the guards(special Mobs) come after you... not as restrictive as current setup. Reduced gains and lack of rating points should discourage complete abuse.

I have very little experience with PKing because it's just not my playstyle. I'm looking for feedback from people in order to construct this system, even though I know we don't have many PKers right now. One thing that I do NOT want to return is item looting. The amount of grief it causes is just too high, especially considering the high cost of some items. Being ganged up on should not result in the loss of so much time. The rewards that come from PKing should be valuable, and rankings should be a good encouragement.

So a token is given > to the killer.
We don't want to encourage people to attack newbies to recover their ratings. Therefore, the rewards you get will be some function of your level/rating and victim level/rating.

Ok, let's see if we can get some basic rules down. PKOK: Kill another PK -> Gain 100% Killed by another PK -> Lose 80% Kill a Limited (PK initiated) ->
Rating/Trophies? Rating determines your ruler rank. Rewards for high rating include prestige, new PK titles (not just "Lord"), and the ability to buy better stuff. Trophies are essentially "PK currency". Purchase potions, tradegoods, equipment, ADAPTABLE equipment, qp/gold, or even artifacts tailored for PK (+5% spell damage vs PCs). The idea is that you can buy what PvE'ers have to grind for.

Special guards will attack you. High level people might stand a chance. Guards will hunt you, use stronger abilities. World announce will occur when you're found. Death to anything results in full stack of death penalty, 100% XP loss, 3x rating loss. Guards will call in help to make sure you die. Rating Tiers
TIER 1: GRUNTS NORANK: 0-200 rating. Everyone starts at 100 points.
SOLDIER: 200-400 rating.
LEGIONNAIRE: 400-600 rating.

CAPTAIN: 600-900 rating.
COMMANDER: 900-1200 rating.
GENERAL: 1200-1500 rating.

TIER 3: WARLEADERS WARLORD: 1500-1900 rating.
HIGHLORD: 1900-2300 rating.
CONQUEROR: 2300-2700 rating.

ROYALTY COUNT: 2700-3200 rating. KING: 3200-3700 rating.
EMPEROR: 3700-5000 rating.

TIER 5: SUPREME SUPREME: Player with top points. Only 1. Ever.
If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
Post edited by Spell_Caster - Raging Tide on


  • Shinigamizo - Lost City
    Shinigamizo - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    this is ........
    my friend
    they would get sued for this
    edit:this is an idea from another mmorpg
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Is a rejected idea there, was never implemented, took some info from a guy who posted on the forum. There is no system at the moment in any known game to look exactly like this. Also, names, actions, rules can be changed to fit PWI.
    We got so many useless and unused maps. Why the heck did they do the work on them if they dont get used?
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • Nut - Lothranis
    Nut - Lothranis Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    +1 from me, I just have an objection on the examples of maps.

    Remember what happened to secret passage?

    Well, they're either gonna need to make a new map or reuse one of the existing for making a new pk map. Knowing what they did with phoenix valley, it's probably gonna be the second option.
  • QuietKitteh - Lost City
    QuietKitteh - Lost City Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I say no to this idea, yea the maps arent as much used, thats true. But also not every single person is PvP fixated and being targeted for some hunt from another player just cuz they want higher rank is bullsht.

    Rewards for pking is a no aswell, we dont need pvp gear like that. PvP is for fun, its not a sport.

    And announcing it? Hell no, enuf of that horribly shtty PWE spam already from packs and ****, dont need more.

    We got PvP area's that are used, heaven and hell maps are for culti, farming, wtf u wanna do there you can do. Its not as much used as main map but ofc not, main map is where everything else is.

    2nd-5th map is the same, its not made to be hunting grounds.

    Useless idea b:bye