A Complete Guide to the Assassin

Tsyren - Harshlands
Tsyren - Harshlands Posts: 14 Arc User
edited December 2011 in Assassin
A Complete Guide to the Assassin
DISCLAIMER: A little bit of this guide has been taken from others (Namely, the idea to create a section of PvP based on each individual class; thanks to TurboTaxi). However, the bulk of this guide (and the reason why I like it) is because I have taken my own opinions, tidbits, and tricks in.

1. Introduction
2. Skills
3. PvE
4. PvP
5. Leveling, Gear, and Others
6. Conclusion

Welcome to PWI! This is a guide on all things stealthy and sneaky, a guide on how to slice with maximum efficiency (and gloat over the corpses of your enemies). I write this guide in the age of free endgame (minus a few sold kidneys, or a remortgaged house). While many of you may protest the existence of this guide, due to the sin being “easy mode”, I believe otherwise. The assassin has many special characteristics, that far making it from boring, make it a very interesting class to play. Please note, that in this guide, I am assuming that you are familiar with PWI, and are not a beginner – please read those guides before mine. Thank you, and may your knives stay bloody. :D

If you are seeking what these skills actually do, please consult Ecatomb. These descriptions are drawn from my own experiences.


Twin Strike: PvE: Useless.
PvP: Okay, at first, I admit that I thought this skill was useless too. However, I later discovered that it is useful during skillspamming (its quick channeling and casting allows for decent damage, especially when Chill of the Deep is active). Level it up to level 10 when you can – its cheap, but useful.

Slipstream Strike: Pve: Love it! During early parts of PvE, it’s a great skill. It hits hard and provides excellent damage.
PvP: Okay, this skill is like a mini-Headhunt, without the stun. At level 10, it can be used as a finisher after you just tried (and just failed to) 1shot someone. Lulz. Also, during skillspam, its quick and disproportionately high damage works wonders. Level 10.

Raving Slash: Pve: Useless.
PvP: A troll skill, more than anything else. Slows the enemy. I find tackling slash to be MUCH more useful – however, it’s your choice. It deals mediocre damage, like Twin Strike, so get it if you can. Level it up as you please.

Deep Sting: Pve: WONDERFUL. See PvE section.
Pvp: WONDERFUL. It effectively gives you 5 seconds to do anything you want – whether it be buff, give charms time to tick, 3spark, run as fast as possible, dance a jig while mocking your nub opponent – whatever. It even interrupts skills – funny as hell when a wiz starts channeling up BIDs, or Blade Tempest. Even more so when you waste 5 seconds of someone’s triple spark. Level it up to 10 for more reliability – if you need the sleep to work, and it doesn’t, you may be screwed.

Rib Strike: Pve: Okay, 50% speed reduction (or more). On melee mobs/bosses, that’s effectively halving the damage taken! USE EEEET. A LOT.
PvP: It’s a hardhitting skill, and I even use it on arcane armor users, simply because it hits well. This is also a troll skill against anything aps or melee – blademasters and their fists, archers and their arrows, sins and their knives. Just… please don’t use it on a seeker. They get their damage from massive damage nuke skills, not normal attacks. Don’t waste this useful skill. Level 10 or gtfo.

Throatcut: Pve: Decent damage, seal, interrupt casting. Seal = makes mobs run away, so don’t use it if you want to kill the mob, only if you want to buy time. It also makes mobs run through walls, so it can be interesting when you teleport it when its on the opposite side of a wall. I’ve even used it to teleport out of PWI (accidentally. Don’t do it – takes forever to get out D:)
PvP: That’s a lot of seal time. Technically, due to its short casting time, it actually provides more time to attack than headhunt – weird, huh? Anyways, it’s great during stunlocks, coupled with tackling slash. It, like Deep Sting, cuts off any channeling skills. Similarly useful. Level 10 for PvP.

Earthen Rift: Pve: Hard hitter, and it’s our only AoE that doesn’t waste chi. Get it if you FC, zhen, or do any PvE requiring AoEs.
PvP: I use it with Subsea strike when I’m aoeing a group of arcanes, and it’s high damage is great for stunlocking/1shotting. Get this skill if you like it.

Headhunt: Pve: Great for shutting mobs up for a while, buying you time. Maxed, it allows the rest of the squad to reach you, possibly saving your life. However, its two sparks make it a costly skill – use it only if you can get the chi back.
PvP: Our hardhitting and deathly stun! Nomnom. It 1shots most arcanes, and its great with the infamous doublespark>headhunt>aps combo. It buys you a lot of time to debuff and dd your opponents during a stunlock. GREAT SKILL. However, it is costly to level. Get it, but beware the price! Level 10.

Subsea Strike: Pve: Great amplify damage skill on bosses. Even better before Earthen Rift, when a BM HFs. Excellent damage. Get it for the same reasons as Earthen Rift.
PvP: Amplify damage – not that useful when you already hit high. Get it ONLY if you like to AoE.

Dagger Devotion: >.> <.< Okay really? If you ask me what this skill does, I will stealth through your computer screen and kill you. Then kill your family. Then kill any pets you may own. Level 10 or die.

Sharp Observer: Pve: If Gm’s ever put in stealthing mobs, you’ll know its time to quit.
PvP: Get it to see sins. Level 10.

Cat-Like Tread: PvE: I don’t level it for Pve, unless I’m a lowbie who enjoys powerleveling and stealthing past all the mobs in FC at level 50.
PvP: Great, you can assassinate other assassins! You are so pro. Level 10.

Power Dash: Pve: Useful in conjunction with a Triple Spark. Also when AoEing (its funny when you have CRITICAL HIT Pop up on 20+ mobs)
PvP: Lol, there used to be a glitch for this. Not anymore. I only use it when I’m trying to 1shot someone with a genie skill :3 Level it if you can afford it.
I AM TSYREN, THE [ 101 ] SIN FROM ARCHOSAUR. (qqavatarqq)
HE WHO SNEERS AT TROLLS.... but I digress.

Etemology of the Week: Poli=Many. Tic(k)s=Parasitic creatures.
Poli-tics. b:scorn
Post edited by Tsyren - Harshlands on


  • Tsyren - Harshlands
    Tsyren - Harshlands Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    Shadow Walk: PvE and PvP: See Sharp Observer and Cat-Like Tread.

    Shadow Escape: PvE: Resets a mobs agro to the next available target. However, it will only COMPLETELY DE-AGRO (is that a word? De-agro?) YOU IF YOU HAVE THE PRIMARY AGRO (its trying to bite your face off). Lifesaver, but the mob may decide to kill the cleric instead of you. Don’t be a jerk, save them clerics! They can res you, not themselves.
    PvP: Lol, your panic button. Also gives one spark if you need it. Fun thing to do is stealth, then teleport to your target. They’ll think you’ll pop them… but never so quickly! In fact, some people might be busy typing up a troll-insult, so that’s good if you’re planning to kill them. Level 10.

    Focused Mind: PvE: Great skill, effectively reduces by damage by 25% at level 10.
    PvP: I love this skill! You can dodge 1shots, and reduce continuous damage (**** you aps). Funniest thing ever: I’m at 100 hp. This R9 sins decides to try to do some lulz. He triple sparks, teleports to me, headhunts, ZERK CRITS! Tsyren takes 1 damage. Ouch. I proceed to kill him xD Level 10.

    Bloodpaint: Pve: Okay…. Healing from mobs. Great. Get it.
    PvP: Okay… Healing from mobs. Stupit. Buffoon. Idiot. Half-wit. It’s not reliable at all during Pvp… the only reason I buff myself with it is that theres a small chance that that BLOODSUCK 4 may save my life. Maybe. Level 10 when you can afford it, as it only increases buff length.

    Deaden Nerves: PvE: Good skill for avoiding deaths, especially when there’s an angry boss trying to eat your heart and stuff your guts full of its ****. (Morbid. Yeah. I win. O.o)
    PvP: Gratz, you can survive insanely high damage! AND you get more hp back afterwards! Mmmmm. Excellent. Leveling it = Reduces CD = More time with this buff on. However, other than that, its useless to level, so only get it if you can spare it.

    Tidal Protection: PvE: Great when a boss is aoeing random effects on you. Even better when mobs are stunning you and slowing you and freezing you and bleeding you and poisoning you and blablabla…. Find out the mobs that use debuffs and use this buff especially for them.
    PvP: Avoids debuffs! Crucial. Sins are meant to fight debuffed opponents… not the other way around. An invaluable buff. See PvP section for more info. Level 10 when you can.

    Puncture Wound: Pve: Great for the early levels! Strongest bleed effect in the game, I think.
    PvP: While it hits hard, its bleed is not particularly useful. The only time I use it is to watch nubs run around like a chicken with its head cut off, forget to pot, and die in SZ. I deserve to die, I know, but **** that. Level it mainly for the earlier levels.

    Wolf Elbem: Pve and PvP: It’s great for getting chi, and decently useful for increasing your damage when you crit (especially during the endgame levels). Get it level 10.

    Knife Throw: PvE: Interrupts channeling. Useful for long range damage and luring. Use it to cancel magic attacks of almost any boss – same as throatcut. It’s our only ranged skill, short of equipping a bow and pewpewing, so get it.
    PvP: Good for finishing off runners, getting the attention of someone you’re luring into a trap, wearing down someone’s hp from a distance. Also great when someone is channeling a skill of doom, or using a constant aoe/heal. Level 10.

    Tackling slash: Pve: <3. <3. <3. Freezes for a really long time at level 10. Gives 50 chi. If a mob is running to your very vulnerable squad, freeze it, then rejoin the main fight. The mob will sit there, staring malevolently and glaring at you, but unable to do anything else if its melee. Its also great for freezing those annoying mobs that run! Mmm. Great skill.
    PvP: Freezes your enemies so you can cut them up, take their heads, and mount them on your fireplace wall. Grants chi. With throatcut, its great as an improvised stun. I use it A LOT during a stunlock – as much as its cooldown allows. Level 10!

    Chill of the Deep: Pve: Many people think that this is THE way to reduce agro on bosses. I think its useless. See Pve section.
    PvP: I LOVE 1shotting, and stunlocking. So should you… Get it. Level 10.

    Rising Dragon Strike: Pve: Chi granter. Nothing else.
    PvP: A never missing chi granter. Great on someone you’re trying to kill who has high evasion. I use it during a stunlock to replenish my chi bar – most of your control skills have high chi requisites. This is your answer. Level 1, only max it if you can afford it.

    Inner Harmony: Pve: Chi granter. I use it after maze steps to keep my chi maxed out.
    PvP: A useful INSTANT chi granter. Great after you triple spark and aim to use a chi skill, or when you’re out of chi during a stunlock. Max it if you want. (Leveling it to 10 gives it 50 more chi than level 1)


    Windpush: Pve: Running around in instances, getting around fast, dancing around the playing field. At level 10, you run like a mount.
    PvP: Use it to escape an angry melee, or to run to someone who is running away. Victims, *cough*, friendly and worthy opponents, stay in 1 spot so we may easier slice you, please. Thank you. Level 10.

    Shadow Jump: Pve: Jumping around to mobs saves time. Also, you can jump through walls. Cool eh? I also use it for running away by jumping to my squad members/any person available.
    PvP: With demon, you can spark 35 meters away and no one will think more of you. That is, until you’re gloating over your new, raised, kill count. I also jump to SZ when I need to escape someone. It’s good when you’re kiting someone, as such a sudden change in location confuses people. Love it! Level 10.

    Maze steps: Pve: Antistun/freeze/sleep. Works wonders, just like Tidal Protection. It’s also good for running around.
    PvP: Antistun/freeze/sleep. Works wonders, just like Tidal Protection. It’s also good for running around. No, jk, there are a lot more uses in PvP! Besides not getting stunned, a lot of clerics get confused when their sleep doesn’t work! XD Also, when you’re running, the last thing you want to do is get frozen. When someone else uses antistun, do the same thing. It’ll keep you on the same level. Maxing it, however, only increases your speed. Level it if you can afford it. Otherwise, useless to level.

    Shadow Teleport: PvE: Got an angry mob calling for your squadmate’s blood? Shut them up. *Teleport* *stun* *kill*
    PvP: Great for catching those runners! Also, there are other uses… :D See Pvp section. Level 10 only decreases cooldown, however, and its costly to level. Save it till later.
    I AM TSYREN, THE [ 101 ] SIN FROM ARCHOSAUR. (qqavatarqq)
    HE WHO SNEERS AT TROLLS.... but I digress.

    Etemology of the Week: Poli=Many. Tic(k)s=Parasitic creatures.
    Poli-tics. b:scorn
  • Tsyren - Harshlands
    Tsyren - Harshlands Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    Tide Form: PvE: Great at endgame, when you just aps mobs and where the extra speed and defense level is useful.
    PvP: Great for escaping people. Fish swim faster than those weird humans; it is only natural.

    Healing Trance: PvE: Good if you like saving pots, or do the Cube of Fate a lot.
    PvP: Healing in SZ. Wow. Great… Get it, though.

    Condensed Thorn: PvE: Not much use, other than increasing magic damage.
    PvP: Hits through expel like a charm – See PvP section. Get it.

    Spellcutter: Haven’t actually got it, but I’m assuming it’s similar to knife throw.

    Blood Frenzy: Same as spellcutter. I think it’s basically an amped up version of Bloodpaint: Good for nirvana, perhaps, for the extra heal, or saving your life when killing mobs. However, when it does, so does your previous buff of “normal” bloodpaint. Be careful.

    Yes, I know, I recommend a lot of these skills to be level 10. But they are useful, so heed my advice. Sorry if I drain your bank completely!



    Sins, I think, are one of the (if not the) best class for PvE. High damage, many control skills, healing from mobs, and stealthing. WONDERFUL. O.o

    General grinding: Knife throw to lure mobs. Deep sting to shut them up while you get closer/to cut off its channeling skill if it’s magic. Tackling slash to stop them from running. (If you stand right on top of a melee mob, and freeze them, they’ll try to reposition themselves for the duration of the freeze, and won’t attack. Gratz on a 9 second stun. If this somehow applies to a melee during PvP, you’ll know you’re fighting an idiot.)

    General instances: Bloodpaint every melee in your squad, they will love you! Also, protect your squishies. With your vast range of manipulative powers, you can save your squad and doom your enemies. Teleport around, and you’ll be a very useful member of your instance.
    Boss DD: If you are not tanking: Build chi with normal attacks. Ribstrike. Use knifethrow and throatcut to interrupt boss’s magic skills. Use subsea to amplify damage for the rest of the squad. I find this more useful than just using Chill of the Deep and going afk…
    If you are tanking, ribstrike, use chi skills, and try to stay sparked. Interrupt magic attacks if you aren’t dying.

    Frostcovered City: Let’s see. Aoe during pulls, but AFTER someone gets agro (aoes before you). You’re squishy – if 10 mobs are hitting you, you’re probably doing something wrong. To solo shades, you need to permaspark the shade, and possibly ribstrike. I recommend level 85 or higher. Kill the other mobs first, then dd on the shade. DON’T USE AOES: They heal too little. If you’re a higher level, triple spark>kill shade 1st>shadow escape. It saves time! Boss 1: Dinosaur-looking boss that spawns those annoying circles. Wait 4 seconds or so > triple spark = RESIST. Do this every other circle spawn, as doing it every time requires too much chi. Boss 2: Elemento/bubble boss. Use spark and normal attacks to kill elementos (no spark if a cleric is RBing). This boss = use tidal protection to dodge those bubble attacks! Don’t bother interrupting his magic attacks, he uses them too often. Exiting this area: Stealth and go to the other corner of the room which you didn’t enter from, and teleport to a bishop from the room across from them. Saves time, and time = more exp. Bishops: Use tidal protection and maze steps so you don’t get frozen! Jail boss: Tidal protection to avoid dragon stuns/bleeds. Bishop boss: Triple/double spark if you can when the boss shouts to avoid getting purged by the bishops he spawns. Slasher boss: Run like hell when he starts shouting IN NORMAL CHAT. DON’T INTERUPT THAT AOE> It won’t work, it’ll mess up his timing, and kill everyone in squad. Start running immediately, and don’t save your escape till the last second. Or, if you’re REALLY PRO, or just plain lucky: When he yell’s SLASH! Wait 1 second, triple spark, wait 2 and a half seconds, absolute domain. With luck, you won’t get blasted into smithereens. Next boss: He has a rather annoying heavy hitting aoe, followed by an aoe sleep. Use tidal protection to avoid the sleep. OR, wait till the heavy hitting aoe hits (your hp will drop when he shouts) then double or triple spark. Works wonders, and you’ll make the other squad members jealous. Hands boss: Kill hands, or make someone do that. Don’t aoe or you will get killed. (you might hit that happy-go-lucky-miniboss that explodes if it dies) Heads: Use a bow, or, if you’re stupid and forgot one, use knife throw and earthen rift. Next boss: Aoe stun, nothing too special. She hits hard. OH! SOMETHING FUN TO DO! Those harpies before the aoe stun boss? Tell the squad not to kill them. Start using your bow DIRECTLY under them. They’ll fly out the ceiling, where you’ll teleport to. Funny as hell… just don’t fall off the FC building complex, or you can’t get back. Nix boss! Aoe seal. Lure it so that it reaches the ground so you and your squad can start **** it. Dragon pull: Maze steps when the dragons are about to reach half hp, and watch for their bleed (tidal protection). Holeen: He has aoe debuffs. Tidal protection again. I recommend triple sparking after he aoes, to purify those debuffs. For a sin, reduced attack rate is annoying in PvE. K, FC Finished.

    Public Quest: I used to love this place! Shattered cloud island, west of raging tides. Leveling area for levels 60-80. Sins OWN this place. At level 74, get those legendary Shadow Legend daggers that have a heal effect. Double spark a lot, ribstrike a lot, shadow teleport/jump a lot, kill the stage 1 mobs (avoid those level 70 wanderdogs, they’ll bleed you to death) The best place for this part of PQ is actually northeast of the 1st (southern) pit. Elite mobs, stage 2: Stand on the edge of the pit, try to lure only one mob out of the pit. Ribstrike/permaspark/kill it solo. Zhen squads help with this. Stage 3, boss! Don’t bother ribstriking unless you’re tanking. Permadouble spark. When the boss says Mortals! Tremble!, use double spark to try to resist his debuff aoe.

    Zhen at Public Quest: You need a seeker, cleric, and bm (at least). Have the cleric BB at height 23, (fly up till you reach 22) directly over a vortexing seeker. This way, any mobs that agro the BB when the BM or you pull, they’ll run to try to hit the cleric, and will get lured into the vortex. Cool as hell. The BM and you should use your antistun skills, and run past the vortex to agro the mobs to the cleric, and thus, the seeker. The BM should then antistun>HF, and you use your subsea, and earthen rift. In between aoes, DD on the boss – it hits the hardest, and is annoying to everyone else. I level about once/twice per hour at level 75+ish, but this works till 85, at which point its useless.

    I AM TSYREN, THE [ 101 ] SIN FROM ARCHOSAUR. (qqavatarqq)
    HE WHO SNEERS AT TROLLS.... but I digress.

    Etemology of the Week: Poli=Many. Tic(k)s=Parasitic creatures.
    Poli-tics. b:scorn
  • Tsyren - Harshlands
    Tsyren - Harshlands Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Most people think the sin is only triple spark>occult>apsrape>HURDURR. However, while you CAN be lazy (and stupid) by doing this…. The sin is so much more.
    Hurdurr guide: Several options. Triple spark>Inner harmony>teleport or jump to your target. If you jump, use headhunt. Wait till the stun is almost ended, and while you’re apsing, use occult ice.

    Defensive Hurdurr: If someone decides to start attacking you, and doesn’t start with a stun or disable, triple spark. If they’re melee, occult them while sparking. If they’re ranged, AD after triple spark and shadow jump to them, then start **** them. Too many idiot sins have tried to kill me, and I have killed them as thus.

    Infamous Headhunt combo: Buff. Double spark. Inner harmony. Headhunt. Windshield/aps.

    Since I’ve covered the easy mode of Pvp, lets move on to more complicated stuff!

    Class Specific tips.

    Archer: A surprisingly difficult fight against a really good archer. They have antistun, and VERY hardhitting skills. If they start to use wings of protection, hit deep sting FAST to interrupt them, or occult. Nothing else: Wings of Protection casts too fast. If you’ve missed your chance, seal them as soon as their invulnerability to all attacks ends. You’ll have to tank while they have antistun on, or kill them before they can kill you. They’ll kite, so be prepared to give chase. Focused Mind.

    Cleric: Easy if you’re in stealth. Not as much if they hit you first. Your deaden nerves are invaluable to their tempest 1shotter, so be prepared to shadow jump to them and eat their faces as soon as you’re unslept. Use absolute domain to avoid their tempest. Their sleep is a stun, so use maze steps if they haven’t used sleep yet. Contrary to popular belief, their shield is actually a good thing: If they don’t have a mana charm, you **** their shield, and eat all their mana so they can’t do anything. Watch out for their Siren’s kiss aoe, and never stand by them if they’re standing by something they can target (the same goes for any class that has aoes). Tidal Protection.

    Wizard: Hardhitting class. However, very squishy. Use AD if they’re casting an ultimate skill, and can’t interrupt. Otherwise, knife throw, or shadow jump>deep sting. Their Earth Barrier buff may actually give them more pdef than you do, but they’re still squishy. Just don’t let them get unstunned: They have a very short sealing skill, and an instant sleep skill. They have a teleport similar to yours, so be prepared to follow them. Tidal Protection if you think the fight’s gonna last for a long time; Focused mind if not.

    Blademaster: Aps class. Very tough if they’re good, easy if they’re not. They’re all about stuns, and most competent Bm’s can stunlock: Use tidal protection if they love stuns. They, too, have an antistun and speed skill, both of which last longer than yours. Don’t chase them, or they’ll leap to you and surprise you. Use maze steps if they’re in hitting range, otherwise, windpush will do. Flying works well, as does jumping, because when they switch to pole mode, they don’t hit that hard. Ribstrike = necessity. They are heavy armour, so condensed thorn/apothecary helps. Don’t ever go near them when they have their antistun on – your throatcut takes longer to cast than their stun. If you’re going to run to them, have your stun on. An easier way to get to them is to jump>stun, or shadow teleport, which is a jump+stun combined. Beware, for they might be unpredictable! Check their genie before attacking. Fortify = Antistun, Badge of Courage = purify stun. (I salute you, Sasukes)

    Barbarian: Kitty is easy in kitty mode. Kitty is BAD in human mode. Kitty can tank while in kitty mode. Kitty can stun and arma fishy in human mode. Kill kitty by tanking kitty’s damage, because kitty hits low in kitty form. Kitty does not like magic damage or triple spark. Kitty will probably go human form and stun after fishy triple sparks. Kitty has antistun in human mode. Kitty can find sins with an aoe stun. Kitty can 1 shot with arma. Kitty can die if fishy deals lots of damage. Beware genie tanking skills, human form, and kitty’s R9 fleas. Fishy reccomends focused mind, and maze steps when kitty goes human. How many times can you say kitty in a row?

    Venomancer: Magic class, normally harmless. Two stuns (yellow casting thingy=stun, purple casting thingy+skulls=freeze and seal). They can reverse their hp and mp, so be prepared to kill them more. But most of all, beware their bleed pets! (nix, etc) Tidal protection is a must, because if you get bled by a nix, you’re probably going to die if you don’t have a charm. I like to telestun them, kill their pet first, then go for the veno, with maze steps on. Funny as hell, because even if you die, they have to make their pet happy again, lol. Jump to them if they send their nix at you, because then their nix has to fly back while you’re **** the veno. Absolute domain works wonders here.

    Assassin: Tricky class! You both have the same skills, but the one who can use them the best wins. Tidal protection, because a sin relies on debuffs. Stunlock works well on this class because sins are squishy. Steal their chi if you’re demon, because sins rely on chi. DON’T EVER JUMP (will explain later) while fighting them. Use speed skills to dodge them, and maze steps to prevent them from stunning you.

    Psychic: Tricky class, yet again -.- They are squishy, but make themselves less so with their buffs that can hit back, seal you, stun you, and reflect your own skills. Use absolute domain if you’re attacking one with a lot of soulforce to avoid those dangerous effects. They also have a skill that makes them immune to physical attacks, so you need condensed thorn to stunlock them till that effect wears off. There’s only one good thing about this class: You don’t have to worry about them being white, because as soon as you attack, their buffs will make them go red. Lol.

    Seeker: A bit like a physical wiz, a seeker is a difficult class to kill and is meant to be the “assassin exterminator”. They have a buff that deals magic damage to you (looks like exaggerated shadow wings), can telestun you, and hit REALLY high physical AND magic damage. Don’t ribstrike them, and condensed thorn helps. I like to use both tidal protection and focused mind. Tidal = Their stances don’t work on you, Focused = avoids 1shots. They have long channeling skills, so make sure to interrupt those. Don’t ever let them freeze you, as they have long range skills – you don’t.

    Mystic: A squishy class, normally. However, their summons and themselves have buffs that make them into a tanking class, temporarily. One mystic I know is full R9, with full garnet gems. Okay, really? Shouldn’t I hit more on a mystic than a barb? You’ll have to kill their shield before you can get at their red bar. Beware their pets: The melee devil can stun, so use maze steps. Their storm mistress hits like the bytch that it is. Their salvation pet can heal and buff them. Their cragglord… is a pain in the gills. Tidal protection is a must, because they can seal and freeze you. They also have an antistun. Either you kill them easily, or you’re in for a tough fight… There is no in between.

    End of class specific tips.

    More general tips:
    1. Shadow teleport. There are a lot of tricky things you can do with this skill. First off, it’s a great way to reach someone (duh). Second… telestun someone when they’re jumping, then fly. Freeze them. For the duration of the freeze, they won’t be able to move, though the damage you deal to them will be halved. If you’re really great with timing, stun when they’re close to the ground, but still jumping: You won’t have to fly, and you’ll deal full damage. Technically, with this, you can stun someone indefinitely, using your stuns, deep sting, and freeze. (seal doesn’t work for this). Also, when you telestun someone that’s moving quickly, don’t run over to them: that takes too long. Proceed to shadow jump to them.
    2. Kiting. Running annoys the HECK out of any sin or bm. Kite their demon sparks, their antistuns, and whatever. Running is great. So is swimming in tide form. Remember: Windpush when not in melee range, maze steps when in stun range. Flying works wonders here.
    3. Troll skills. PvP means person versus person! Not person versus dead person! You don’t have to kill your target. You can poke and annoy people into submission: Knife throw, then run away, till they get tired of it and leave. Tick their charm, but don’t kill them! Kill pets, but not them! Start attacking them till they waste a genie skill, then stealth! If you annoy your opponent sufficiently, you win. The goal of Pvp is not to kill your opponent, but simply to win.
    4. Stunlock. I LOVE stunlocking. Not only is it great in duels, but its great in Pvp. Almost every person I have fought with has either admired my stunlock, or cursed it. The key to a good stunlock is very simple: A stunlock is to lock an opponent down, not deal damage. The damage is just a good side effect. To stunlock you have to WAIT between skills, allowing the ones you just used to cooldown, so you can use it again. A common stunlock I use is…. Headhunt>Rising dragon strike>tackling slash>deep sting+wait 4 seconds>throatcut+dd skills for 3 seconds>occult+dd for 5 seconds>telestun+dd for 2 seconds, etc, etc, etc, continuing to keep my opponent from using any skill. I recommend fully maxed control skills, as well as the memorization of how long your skills last. Practice, practice!
    5. Bow. Nothing is more annoying than having a sin pewpew you, where you can’t reach them. Especially when they’re using a lunar purge bow. Rofl. Use a bow to wear down your opponent’s hp before you go in for the kill.
    6. Redname hunting. This is probably THE MOST infamous thing I have ever done in pk… Knife throw a guard, have it chase you, tackling slash or stun a redname, die. The guard will proceed to kill all rednames on its way back to its spawn point. You’ll lose xp, but it’s funny as hell when you kill 3 R9s in 1 go. Not that they’ll be happy.

    1 more subsection of PvP on dueling.
    Use tidal protection or focused mind depending on what class you’re facing. Maze steps if that class can use stun. Hold down the hotkey for the 1st skill you want to use (except for shadow teleport, it won’t work). If your opposing class uses antistun, use throatcut. If they don’t use antistun, use deep sting. Stunlock from there. Kiting helps as well, on melees. Try not to use stealth: it helps you practice, ijs.

    END OF PVP SECTION (11 pages done on Microsoft word now >< )
    I AM TSYREN, THE [ 101 ] SIN FROM ARCHOSAUR. (qqavatarqq)
    HE WHO SNEERS AT TROLLS.... but I digress.

    Etemology of the Week: Poli=Many. Tic(k)s=Parasitic creatures.
    Poli-tics. b:scorn
  • Tsyren - Harshlands
    Tsyren - Harshlands Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Just a small set of recommendations, this is for a person that wants to level quickly, but still not be a hypernub.
    1-35: Quests, standard leveling approach.
    35-60: Oracles.
    60-74: BH.
    74-80: Solo PQ.
    75-85: Zhen squads.
    85+: FC.

    For guides on gear and aps, see the other sticky’d sections.

    Genie skills.

    General genie skills
    Tree of Protection: Heal over time
    Second wind: Heal
    Absolute Domain (AD): Invincibility
    Expel: Seal and physical immunity (interesting but very difficult trick: demon spark and expel IMMEDIATELY, afterwards, like .1 of a second after. You’ll expel while casting demon spark, and you’ll get purified when it stops casting, giving physical immunity)
    Earthquake: Good pve interrupt skill.
    Thunderstorm: Dex based metal 1shotter. Excellent with powerdash (12x damage)
    Badge of Courage: Removes a stun
    Fortify: Antistun
    Occult: Stun
    Windshield: 10% more aps, damage reduction
    Frenzy: Attack level up, def level down.
    Holy path: Run-spaz-thingy
    Bramble rage: Heavy hitting magical aoe.
    Faith: Immunity to debuffs
    Cloud eruption: Grants chi
    Tangling mire: Str based aoe phys debuff
    Extreme poison: Dex based dmg amp

    I recommend either a str based genie (offensive) or a dex based genie (defensive), with a magic/vit genie for pve.

    71+ Lucky points.
    Occult Ice 10, windshield 1, Expel 10, absolute domain 10, Tangling mire, holy path
    90 strength, 145 vit, rest into magic.

    71+ lucky points.
    Fortify 10, Badge of Courage 10, Expel 10, Absolute domain 10, Windshield 1, cloud eruption 1
    90 dex, rest into vit.

    Any lucky points.
    Earthquake (interrupts boss’s magic damage, use in conjunction with knife throw)
    Windshield, Absolute Domain, holy path, and any other skills you might want to add.
    Magic and vit to your liking.



    Thank you for reading this guide! I typed this up using Microsoft word, so I may edit it if it if the forums go cuckoo. I will edit this as necessary. I am a 101 sin now planning his retirement from PWI, so eventually the forums can manage this guide.
    May your daggers stay bloody, your scales rot-free, and your fishbowl well maintained!
    I AM TSYREN, THE [ 101 ] SIN FROM ARCHOSAUR. (qqavatarqq)
    HE WHO SNEERS AT TROLLS.... but I digress.

    Etemology of the Week: Poli=Many. Tic(k)s=Parasitic creatures.
    Poli-tics. b:scorn
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    DISCLAIMER: Much of this guide has been taken from others.
    So just like the other "Sin guide", wonderful.

    Lol@ the "fearsome pole bm" wasting 2 spaks on GS for 50% chance to do double dmg, when you can get double dmg 100% of the time with HF, which also has chance to crit for 4X dmg.
  • _Skai_ - Raging Tide
    _Skai_ - Raging Tide Posts: 3,407 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Ya know, it's plagiarism if you just take from other people's guides and not credit them, right?
    [SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
    Vicious's Brony. Brohoof!
    youtube.com/user/SkaiPW - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!
  • threepointone
    threepointone Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    i don't think it's ripping off anything

    this guide is much too stupid.
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I believe this should be condensed, here, let me help.

    PvE: Obtain enough interval gear to give yourself 4-5 APS, 5 is preferred. Once you have such gear make sure you have Deaden Nerves on as often as possible and use Wolf Emblem when it's off of cooldown on bosses. Spam sparks on 95% of bosses in game and make tons of money. Remember to Rib Strike on those tougher ones though.

    PvP: Sit around in stealth, find a target. Maze Steps into an Ironguard Powder then Demon Spark and occult Ice your target. Regardless of whether you succeed or not make sure to force stealth when the Ironguard has about two seconds left. If you killed your target congrats, if not try again in two minutes.

    Protip: Only go for Arcanes or Light Armor users in order to ensure kills.

    There, that's my Assassin guide. Pretty good right?
  • Tsyren - Harshlands
    Tsyren - Harshlands Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Thanks, Okeano and Skai, for reminding me.

    I don't think I took much else besides some formatting, I use mostly my own opinions; unless I'm missing something?


    Poleaxe bm... eh... maybe that's a bad example. Also edited. Also, while HF does amp, Glacial Spike also debuffs by 50%, so I would think that Glacial would have higher damage than HF. HF does last longer, but a BM's stun can only last so long. I also think that Glacial Spike has a slightly higher damage add-on.

    And Zanryu, I thought I already mentioned the easy pk mode. :<
    I AM TSYREN, THE [ 101 ] SIN FROM ARCHOSAUR. (qqavatarqq)
    HE WHO SNEERS AT TROLLS.... but I digress.

    Etemology of the Week: Poli=Many. Tic(k)s=Parasitic creatures.
    Poli-tics. b:scorn
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Thanks, Okeano and Skai, for reminding me.

    I don't think I took much else besides some formatting, I use mostly my own opinions; unless I'm missing something?


    Poleaxe bm... eh... maybe that's a bad example. Also edited. Also, while HF does amp, Glacial Spike also debuffs by 50%, so I would think that Glacial would have higher damage than HF. HF does last longer, but a BM's stun can only last so long. I also think that Glacial Spike has a slightly higher damage add-on.

    And Zanryu, I thought I already mentioned the easy pk mode. :<

    HF straight up doubles your damage, a 50% Pdef and Mdef debuff only cuts their defense in half, HF will always allow for more damage. Now that cancel casting has been removed Glacial Spike is only worth learning if you do Nirvana a lot without a Barb to Devour. There's not really much use for it since in most cases you can use HF instead.

    I'll be honest, I didn't read it all, I already know how to play a sin, if you have those parts included then get rid of the guide and use that, it's really all a new sin needs to know. Easy class is too freaking easy.
  • Typhyse - Sanctuary
    Typhyse - Sanctuary Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    This has already been done. Do you not look at stickies?
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Pytharia - Lost City
    Pytharia - Lost City Posts: 757 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    This has already been done. Do you not look at stickies?

    God forbid there are two different views on things.
  • Typhyse - Sanctuary
    Typhyse - Sanctuary Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    A guide isn't a view or opinion. Especially not one titled "A Complete Guide."
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Ebrithalia - Dreamweaver
    Ebrithalia - Dreamweaver Posts: 441 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Change the word 'guide' in the title for 'opinion' and we are all good
    Ebrithalia -Sage Seeker
  • CritCat - Archosaur
    CritCat - Archosaur Posts: 608 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Tsynab writing a guide...Epic.

    I'd write one, but I don't feel like dealing with haters/trolls/etc.
    Current Sin Build:
    Current Wizard Build:
  • GGianAAle - Archosaur
    GGianAAle - Archosaur Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    late post:
    fail guide Tsy :(<3