[Sanctuary] SanctumRP (Role Play Guild)



  • Hinsieght - Sanctuary
    Hinsieght - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    i would love to join if the faction/guild is still alive
    every 1 laughfs at us sins but its gunna be hard to laughf when my blade enters ur lungb:sin
  • vaelanightshade
    vaelanightshade Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I happened across this thread while I was looking for a Role-playing Guild and am very interested. Should you like to recruit me or perhaps allow me the chance to have an IC interview with a recruiter, I would be most grateful. :)

    My Characters names are:

    Main: Tishanaee
    1st alt:Keiiyah
    2nd alt: Philyss

    Thank you, I hope to hear from you soon! :)
  • baalgirl
    baalgirl Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I to have been looking for an RP community, I would really like to connect with someone, I whispered all the folks listed on the forum post and no one was on.

    Could someone please respond to this, I am an experienced RP'er from several other games and really need a change.

    My main and only toon on this server is Balltrysta
  • acidbombkd113
    acidbombkd113 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Hey ~ I have no characters on the server, but would be well willing to make one for the sake of RP, the immerse player I am. :)
    Do you mind a newbie character?
    Maybe I could move my main, even... hmm...
    Anyway, I await a reply. :)
  • DeadRaven - Sanctuary
    DeadRaven - Sanctuary Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    @ all of you guys that recently posted.

    If no one happens to be online at the same time you are, try leaving some of their officers mail stating that you would like to be contacted to join their faction. You will likely have better luck reaching someone that way rather than hoping to find someone on at the same time that you are. I am not a member of this faction but I know that it has been around for a long, long time so its very likely that the people you are trying to reach are not online as often as they use to be.

    Good luck!
  • Intermezzo - Harshlands
    Intermezzo - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I've only just started getting into Perfect World and would love to check this guild out; guess I'd better roll a toon on Sanctuary!
  • Dragoneast - Sanctuary
    Dragoneast - Sanctuary Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Teddy loves RP's but is sd he's too young :( And that while younger people tend to have more fantasy, which is required for RP's ;) Teddy hopes u considder this post and may think again about the age required.

    15 year old teddy
    I do not need much,
    I do not have much,
    I do not miss much,
    I have love and friendship,
    To compensate for that!
    Dragoneast-rb1-soon to be 100 again- sanctuary
    Back in pwi, always returning to my first real mmo
    Started in genie patch :)
  • shiasho
    shiasho Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Those interested in roleplay should contact Fionnlagh or Shiashowyn in game. SanctumRP is getting revamped and we would love players (18 years and older) to join and assist in the rebuilding process.
  • chubsmaster1
    chubsmaster1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I've been looking for a RP faction and im willing to switch servers to play with you guys but i couldnt find you :b:cry im gunna be playing on my new psychic Nauda
  • theonyxian
    theonyxian Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    If this faction is still recruiting, I'd love to join and have some roleplay here.

    I'm still fairly new to the game, but I've roleplayed for several years. (And even Larped)

    My character's name is Katorrina.
  • Dragoneast - Sanctuary
    Dragoneast - Sanctuary Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I don't know why im posting this again, but I think I'm stubborn and wanna make my point :)

    Teddy loves RP's but is sd he's too young :( And that while younger people tend to have more fantasy, which is required for RP's ;) Teddy hopes u considder this post and may think again about the age required.

    15 year old teddy
    I do not need much,
    I do not have much,
    I do not miss much,
    I have love and friendship,
    To compensate for that!
    Dragoneast-rb1-soon to be 100 again- sanctuary
    Back in pwi, always returning to my first real mmo
    Started in genie patch :)
  • XenaXTwin - Sanctuary
    XenaXTwin - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I have been role playing for many years. I stated with live action role play, moved to forum posting, came upon in game with another MMO game, and have finally decided to take a stab at RP'ing here. When I found your group of role players I decided to check things out. I have read the rules and a random selection of character sheets as well. I would love to know if you are still allowing people to join you in some benevolent role play. I shall check back on here occasionally and even contact someone that could assist me in joining in game. Although due to not being on for a while I have around an hour after posting this before I can actually log on. However, this time around I plan on keeping up with the game, especially if I can find some additional entertainment in accordance to the game itself.
    Thank you for taking the time to read this and consider me as a potential member of your society of role players.