Barb Question

CrusherJam - Dreamweaver
CrusherJam - Dreamweaver Posts: 550 Arc User
edited December 2011 in Barbarian
I capped my Str at 300 and am currently dumping all my remaining points into Vit :-)

i plan on being a rank 8 barb when the time comes, is this a wise move? and why ( feel free to share

your thoughts)
19k Hp and rising my goal is 20k unbuffed (would love 25k )
Post edited by CrusherJam - Dreamweaver on


  • Lolgasmic - Raging Tide
    Lolgasmic - Raging Tide Posts: 1,315 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Well.... Yeah.
    Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
    Started playing on March 2010
  • XylolyX - Heavens Tear
    XylolyX - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    It's not a bad move, if all you want to do is pull catas and drop a few armas here and there.
  • _Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear
    _Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear Posts: 562 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I capped my str at 252 when i first got my endgame gear. After about 1 hour i restat all of my vit into my str. I still had decent hp like this but my damage output was amazing. After some lengthy thought i restat my str back to 252 because i preferred to have more hp than attack.
    I guess what im trying to say is if you can afford it restat a couple of times to see which build you prefer.
    _Mg_Zr - level 100 sage Barb / level 101 demon r9 aps barb on Harshlands
    Mg_Zr - level 100 demon Psychic
    _mg_zr_ - level 100 demon Blademaster
    |\/|erlin_ 7x Wizard
    Makaveli_ - 8x Harshlands sin
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    What are your goals?

    Barbs are easy to specialize but expensive to make well rounded. A catapuller tends to make a lousy tank, a clawbarb tends to make a lousy catabarb, a dex build/str build tends to be mediocre at both but not great at either. And none of them are cheap to make "excellent". All of them have their advantages and weaknesses, all of them have a certain niche in pk.

    I found my favorite barbs were all dex barbs with 100-120 dexterity. These barbs did the best at holding aggro, so I modeled my barb after that then decided to go clawbarb at 100. I had no interest in pulling cata and like the versatility and found that claw barbs make the best pve tanks and have more survivability than a vit build. 130 extra vit is a small amount compared to what refines give you so I don't feel I lose anything, but I am sort of envious at vit barbs that have an easier time doing pulling full deltas. Then again, I hold aggro and "tank" better than most once the mobs are pulled. I know there are stength barbs with +12 R9 axes and 2 Drakeflames, but honestly their damage is about equal to an average 3.33 aps bm or 2.86 aps sin, and with FR spam and aggro skills they can compete for aggro against a 4.0 bm or 3.33 sin, but even excellent skilled +12 R9 barbs will have their aggro ripped at will by a 5 aps bm or 4 aps sin. And for Vit barbs, the best thing they can do in PvE for endgame is devour to help others tank.

    So we can't really suggest a vit barb or a str barb or whatever until we know your goals. I kind of went off on a rant, trying to explain that its a spectrum and its hard to be an all-around barb but here is how I view it.

    Useful in PvP (TW, 1v1)<
    >Usefulness in PvE (tanks, support DD)

    Where do you want to be on the spectrum?
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • CrusherJam - Dreamweaver
    CrusherJam - Dreamweaver Posts: 550 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I am going for pure tank, not really DD though i do have fun dueling :-)

    i was just un-sure how much Dex/Str i should have at 100 ( lvl 95 now )

    I know we can always get a reset note but i like to get things right the first time :-0

    I guess max survivability ( with the ability to solo some stuff with out falling asleep from the slowness)
    19k Hp and rising my goal is 20k unbuffed (would love 25k )
  • AnimeDD - Raging Tide
    AnimeDD - Raging Tide Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    For me, I find that 2/3 STR and 1/3 VIT seems to work well so far. I do like the isea of using resets later on down the road to see how it changes things.

    Where as I dont know all the finer points of aggro and catapulls and such, I tend not to worry too much and just have fun in this game. If you can afford it, building your own armor and weapons is always a good thing, ans well as sockets and refinement. Too bad your limited on how many characters you can have per account, and are limited to two accounts. Still, that should give me plenty of characters to experiment with.
  • VKnightV - Lost City
    VKnightV - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    if its maximum survavility as in hp stop at 255 str and 55 dex and dump rest in vit.
    that is cos 255 is the highest str ull need for armor wish is r9 like i did and i have no
    desire to dump mney for a r9 axe even tho everyone ask me where my r9 axe is GOD enoying.

    i like the hp of catapuller and i am aiming for +12 my gear and keep my str at 255 and 55 dex with add on so more vit for me.

    about the ppl saying ur vit is only comming from ur base is bull especially if ur going for the
    int time i would go for 45 vit instead of int time and then u have to + it over the stats of base vit cos it mean you pick a tome wich fit ur preference more then claw and well then its a +.

    then youl have ormnets and cape about the cape why would a non claw go for such a lame cape so even there u would have to plus more hp or vit cos ur own preference differ from what you would need for interval build wish mean u will have much more hp then 130 vit.

    now many barb go for deff lv when this tank who wish to use his self made op ultima ARMAGEDON is based on total hp and let be honest who dosent love high hp and its the barbs true stat.

    claw is nothing but a farm 1vs1 build lame and lame a barb is like a boss huge hp pool and more hp over that. but i agree if ur a free to play make a claw barb but dont think we all want that sht.

    in this case i defend cash shopper if it mean i do not have to put a non barb weapon to get coin.

    my two rent cents
  • Demaulicus - Heavens Tear
    Demaulicus - Heavens Tear Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    For my barb I have full r9 so I went with this build stat wise.

    Modified stats:
    VIT: 501
    STR: 330
    MAG: 19 (left base stat wise)
    DEX: 77 (60 base stats)

    My barb has 36.5k hp in tiger form and hits fairly decent.
  • _Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear
    _Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear Posts: 562 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    As far as gear goes r9 is he best you can get. Then nirvana then r8.
    The only major advantage nirvana has over r9 is that you can account stash it to other characters.
    Just so you can have a rough comparison beween r9 and nirvana
    My stats are:
    Strength: (252 base) 302 with adds (havent fully sharded yet)
    Vitallity: (204 base) 360 with adds
    Dexterity: (54 base) 86 with adds
    Magic: (5 base)
    I have 30.6k hp in tiger form
    Sadly though the bonus from nirvana only gives 5 attack lvl and 13 def lvl compared to r9 which gives
    30 attack lvl, another 30 attack lvl from the wep, 1% crit and 20 def lvl.
    _Mg_Zr - level 100 sage Barb / level 101 demon r9 aps barb on Harshlands
    Mg_Zr - level 100 demon Psychic
    _mg_zr_ - level 100 demon Blademaster
    |\/|erlin_ 7x Wizard
    Makaveli_ - 8x Harshlands sin
  • CrusherJam - Dreamweaver
    CrusherJam - Dreamweaver Posts: 550 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    awesome thank you
    19k Hp and rising my goal is 20k unbuffed (would love 25k )
  • _Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear
    _Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear Posts: 562 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    No problem. Happy to help. b:pleased
    _Mg_Zr - level 100 sage Barb / level 101 demon r9 aps barb on Harshlands
    Mg_Zr - level 100 demon Psychic
    _mg_zr_ - level 100 demon Blademaster
    |\/|erlin_ 7x Wizard
    Makaveli_ - 8x Harshlands sin