Psy VS Mysy !!!



  • Longevus - Lothranis
    Longevus - Lothranis Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Demon mystics...r9 +12 ones with max channeling combo u can thru 3 absorb soul in a row (with demon spark) no psy can live even in white voodoo..

    LOL if one of the best (if not the best) psy of the server say that i belive lol im 80 and 1 shot psy lvl 95 with AS
  • Scorf_Wade - Sanctuary
    Scorf_Wade - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    The point was not "OMG MYSTICS PWN PSYS TROLLOLOLOLOLOL," if you actually read what mystics said

    my reply wasn't the point either and it wasn't for mystics also

    You also seem to forget that, even if you can slow a mystic's channel, they can sleep you for 13 seconds, stun you, seal you, shove you too far away to use your close-range attacks, gain immunity to stuns/etc

    well since you mentioned it , heard about a soul of stunning that stuns for 13 seconds??
    i hope you did because a skilled well geared psy can somehow manage to make the mystic get that stun not the pet

    but you are extremely closed-minded about how PvP works and are very biased towards your class. The most challenging thing about fighting a mystic would most likely be that they have so many options on how to go about fighting you, so you do not always know what to do. Do a bit of research and you will be better equipped to fight decent mystic players; as you currently are, I expect you to get facerolled by a competent player

    maybe i am , but all i did is answered the question of the thread with somehow a little intro
    new players expect straight answers from others , i happened to find a psy vs assasin guide once and yes the steps were fixed and oh they still are and will be forever
    but a mystic got alot of tricks , alot of toys , you're right you never know what will her strategy be , but if you're a new player try those steps they might work not saying its a 100% guaranteed.

    Not sure why people would bother responding to Scorf's post.

    the same reason you bothered to base all your answer upon my post , not gonna bother replying in details as same as you did

    I was wondering about why he would be using his water spells as well..

    i don't really call them water spells as i look forward to their consequences
    Crystal light slows the opponent's speed by 80% guaranteed , glacial shards freezes them , so performing crystal light , taking distance then glacial shards , gives you kinda fair time.
    your push back move can be reverted via soul of retailation
    I know now we returned back to the same point "thats why there are different techniques" which i really believe in and once more i replied the post's question no more no less , i enjoy dueling mystics myself and takes us 5 minutes sometimes , idc who wins and if you should know i've got an 84 mystic
  • Khiren - Lost City
    Khiren - Lost City Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    Ugh why am I gonna respond again...

    Yes, you did sound trollish. Now you just sound butthurt. Picking and choosing points to attempt to salvage your argument is meh.

    13s soul of stunning=/=skilled psy. Well geared, yes (more like cashed, or crazy merchanted). But that is not an average geared char, and you won't always end up against one. I actually stated something about r9 +12 in my post, which you so conveniently edited out (and pray tell how your skill will make the pet not get hit by the stun instead?). Boo hoo. I'm aware of all of a psy's chances at winning through control skills, if you bothered to read you'd realize that I continually said that a mystic won't always beat a psy, so stop getting so defensive.

    Your PvP tactics suck on paper. I don't know how you fare in open PvP, but if you did that to any competent player... Also, lol@pushing back the knockback. You realize that either way you'd end up out of range for close moves, yes? Anyways, your guide was NOT noob friendly as you said you wanted it to be, let's leave it at that. b:laugh
  • Scorf_Wade - Sanctuary
    Scorf_Wade - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Yes, you did sound trollish. Now you just sound butthurt.

    lol , i wish i wasn't so polite in my replies , cuz i have no clue what thas is , excuse me but english is my third language
    Picking and choosing points to attempt to salvage your argument is meh.

    Nope i was just being too lazy to quote the too long reply
    13s soul of stunning=/=skilled psy. Well geared, yes (more like cashed, or crazy merchanted). But that is not an average geared char, and you won't always end up against one.

    cash is not the point now i was just showing that a psy can stun for 13s as well as a mystic can seal / stun for that long
    I actually stated something about r9 +12 in my post, which you so conveniently edited out (and pray tell how your skill will make the pet not get hit by the stun instead?).

    no i saw the r9 thing , but didn't bother getting into that cuz it'll move us away from the main point

    How can the pet not get the skill?? simple psy will and kill the pet , the soul of stunning/retailation doesn't work until psy will is off (10 sec) , if a psy manage to kill the pets asap , which is not that hard , if nature vengeance was used or any other thing except AS then you got my point , like i told you , you're rotating around the same point "each duel got different techniques" why arguing then??

    Boo hoo. I'm aware of all of a psy's chances at winning through control skills, if you bothered to read you'd realize that I continually said that a mystic won't always beat a psy, so stop getting so defensive.

    As same as i am aware of mystic's chancing at winning through skilled players , quote any defensiveness cuz i can't really get you
    Your PvP tactics suck on paper. I don't know how you fare in open PvP, but if you did that to any competent player.

    not bothering about your judge about my pvp since you clearly haven't seen me before so put that aside
    Also, lol@pushing back the knockback.

    Returning to the same point "each duel got different techniques"

    You realize that either way you'd end up out of range for close moves, yes?

    i won't answer that range thing cuz again "each duel got different techniques" , you can never judge on paper as an exp'd player
    Anyways, your guide was NOT noob friendly as you said you wanted it to be, let's leave it at that.

    maybe its not for you but i'll be happy if it worked with others
    I am a noob and this worked for me 6 months ago
    just paying back the guide that inspired me to be where i am atm
    Have a good day
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    How can the pet not get the skill?? simple psy will and kill the pet , the soul of stunning/retailation doesn't work until psy will is off (10 sec) , if a psy manage to kill the pets asap , which is not that hard , if nature vengeance was used or any other thing except AS then you got my point , like i told you , you're rotating around the same point "each duel got different techniques" why arguing then??

    Not all mystic pet summons do physical dmg, and also, the mystic can just use thicket and neither retal or stunning will take effect and will also be eliminated. if thicket is not an option, all they gotta do is summon and lyse a debuff plant. Any smart mystic will almost never recieve crippling afflictions from soul skills.

    Also your point on water skills is still pointless. Crystal slow is extremely short so the only time it'd be use would to catch a pet in aoe. Glacial would probably only really be useful in tandem with soulburn or if they try to kite a spark or something. However, you did not point either scenario out and said they were for "pew pew".

    Atleast that can bypass 12k hp with a triple spark soul smasher

    A mystic can easily just use nature's barrier and tank it with heals and salvation leech. Also considering, stone smasher has a long channel time and psys rarely build a lot of channeling, so the mystic can just knock them back and kite. Considering the psy most likely used cloud eruption for the combo, their genie is drained and there's nothing they can do about it. They're using chi pots? Well then the mysti can just energy leech and pop an ironguard as opposed to the psy's chi pot.

    Bottom line, triple spark stone smasher devastating? Yes. Practical? Nope.
  • evolution1234
    evolution1234 Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I cannot believe this thread is still alive.

    1v1, self buff, psychic will have upper hand.

    mystic pet die first hit.

    soul burn/soul of stun+retaliation/disturb soul/earth vector...that is a lot for mystic, who do not have a quick 1 shot combo like wizard spark undine
  • Khiren - Lost City
    Khiren - Lost City Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Last time I'm gonna reply to you...

    For one, selective quoting of my responses takes more effort than just quoting the whole thing.

    Two, I countered the 13s stun because that is not a practical argument, seeing how much cash it takes for just a handful of psys to have that per server. Any mystic can sleep for that long. Yes, that stun is more than enough time to kill just about anyone. But average psys do not have that long of a stun, and the mystic won't always get hit with it.

    Three, not all pets hit physically, so psy will is moot, and they most likely will hit you before you get off all your skills anyways. And I argue the different scenarios point because it's true; you base your arguments off of static situations. Also, I'm talking open PvP, not duels.

    Four, I specifically said that I hadn't seen you in active PvP, nor did I know how you actually fought, so don't say otherwise.

    Five, your tactic you said was to return the knockback to the mystic. Either way, you are out of range for your close skills, which was the only reason you'd need a knockback against a ranged class. I only respond to scenarios that you post, so yeah, I'm pretty much just saying that your tactics are not fail-proof.

    You are talking as if you are an all-knowing god. I am just telling you that you cannot always know what to expect, and if you limit yourself to one way of thinking, you'll just die. I get snippy when you talk as if you are not able to be wrong. I honestly am not trying to pick a fight, I'm just clearing up your supposed mistakes. If you aren't as oblivious to this as you seem, good, no need for me to say anything else. But if not, you probably need more PvP practice.

    Anyways, vs. assassin PvP tactics aren't exactly needed in this thread. b:surrender

  • IAetius - Dreamweaver
    IAetius - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    gunslot wrote: »
    Question, is the dmg absorbed by retaliation reduced in PvP or not? Since it's technically not dmg.

    Also idk why people always say that absorb soul can go through AD... It can't. I heard that it can in duels, but I know as a fact that AD works on it in open PvP.

    You obviously must be a new player or do not play Mystic much. Absorb Soul is a very... unique skill. I've been doing damage tests over and over and recording all my hits and attempts with all my skills in many situations for around 6 months now.

    What I found out about Absorb Soul is that it DOES go through AD/ IG/ and just about anything. It just doesn't show in damage log, you have to be looking at the person you are targeting and see the number that appears above their head. This is really annoying because I almost always look at damage log out of habit so when I use absorb soul in an intense PvP fight I normally miss how much I hit them for.

    Another neat thing about Absorb Soul is that in a way it's not 'physical' damage. Before you go off raging let me explain. On the description of the skill it says non-elemental. Well to me if something isn't elemental then it's obviously physical. I think the way they worded it was very wise. It IS physical damage but things like physical debuffs do not work when you use it. You need to rely on Nature's Vengeance in order to get the Absorb Soul debuff onto the person you are attacking.

    So to any mystic out there absorb soul is an amazing skill, just don't use it on anyone HA. It does go through AD/ IG and it ignores defense levels which makes attack with r9 amazing. Once I download a software to make videos I will post a video on youtube about Absorb Soul and some other neat things I found out about Mystic's. b:chuckle

    Oh and just a side note about Mystic's and their pets! I summoned my Storm Mistress in Cube the other day and looked around in the bored room. It was a sin and a seeker. I check out their gear, the sin had r8 daggers and tt99 mostly +3 and the BM had Nirv pants, TT 99, r8, mostly +5. So I decided I wanted to get some breakfast since it was 8 am. I put my pet on defend just in case.

    When I came back my chat box was full of whispers with someone trash talking me. As it turns out the Seeker tried to 'poke' me as he said and my Storm Mistress killed him all by herself lol. Honestly I was trying to PM the guy and apologize and explain to him why my pet attacked him but I really couldn't stop laughing that he died only from my pet.
    TY for my shiney new R9 PWE b:chuckle

    iAetius - Sage- Mystic-
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    You obviously must be a new player or do not play Mystic much. Absorb Soul is a very... unique skill. I've been doing damage tests over and over and recording all my hits and attempts with all my skills in many situations for around 6 months now.

    What I found out about Absorb Soul is that it DOES go through AD/ IG/ and just about anything. It just doesn't show in damage log, you have to be looking at the person you are targeting and see the number that appears above their head. This is really annoying because I almost always look at damage log out of habit so when I use absorb soul in an intense PvP fight I normally miss how much I hit them for.

    Another neat thing about Absorb Soul is that in a way it's not 'physical' damage. Before you go off raging let me explain. On the description of the skill it says non-elemental. Well to me if something isn't elemental then it's obviously physical. I think the way they worded it was very wise. It IS physical damage but things like physical debuffs do not work when you use it. You need to rely on Nature's Vengeance in order to get the Absorb Soul debuff onto the person you are attacking.

    So to any mystic out there absorb soul is an amazing skill, just don't use it on anyone HA. It does go through AD/ IG and it ignores defense levels which makes attack with r9 amazing. Once I download a software to make videos I will post a video on youtube about Absorb Soul and some other neat things I found out about Mystic's. b:chuckle

    Oh and just a side note about Mystic's and their pets! I summoned my Storm Mistress in Cube the other day and looked around in the bored room. It was a sin and a seeker. I check out their gear, the sin had r8 daggers and tt99 mostly +3 and the BM had Nirv pants, TT 99, r8, mostly +5. So I decided I wanted to get some breakfast since it was 8 am. I put my pet on defend just in case.

    When I came back my chat box was full of whispers with someone trash talking me. As it turns out the Seeker tried to 'poke' me as he said and my Storm Mistress killed him all by herself lol. Honestly I was trying to PM the guy and apologize and explain to him why my pet attacked him but I really couldn't stop laughing that he died only from my pet.

    Personally I think they will fix this absorb soul in future. Because it's kinda ridiculous that it's ignore defense levels and practically is not defense against this skill.. It seems to me, like an error in skill.
  • Arctix - Dreamweaver
    Arctix - Dreamweaver Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Last time I'm gonna reply to you...

    Two, I countered the 13s stun because that is not a practical argument, seeing how much cash it takes for just a handful of psys to have that per server. Any mystic can sleep for that long. Yes, that stun is more than enough time to kill just about anyone. But average psys do not have that long of a stun, and the mystic won't always get hit with it.

    You are talking as if you are an all-knowing god. I am just telling you that you cannot always know what to expect, and if you limit yourself to one way of thinking, you'll just die. I get snippy when you talk as if you are not able to be wrong. I honestly am not trying to pick a fight, I'm just clearing up your supposed mistakes. If you aren't as oblivious to this as you seem, good, no need for me to say anything else. But if not, you probably need more PvP practice.

    Though not all psychics have 13s stun but most will have at least 5 sec stun god knows u get a minimum soul force enough for 4 sec stun just by lvling to 90 with 0 refine besides I'm sure soul of stunning has better cast rate than ur plants.If I'm not wrong a good psy will just start running as soon as a plant is summoned n lysing is a long way. Sure thicket is the ultimate thing but u can still tank it. b:cute

    I totally agree with ur last sentence b:pleased
    A mystic can easily just use nature's barrier and tank it with heals and salvation leech. Also considering, stone smasher has a long channel time and psys rarely build a lot of channeling, so the mystic can just knock them back and kite. Considering the psy most likely used cloud eruption for the combo, their genie is drained and there's nothing they can do about it. They're using chi pots? Well then the mystic can just energy leech and pop an iron guard as opposed to the psy's chi pot.

    Bottom line, triple spark stone smasher devastating? Yes. Practical? Nope.

    Lol who is gonna use a one hit combo wen it doesnt one hit? even mystics wont use AS wen a aps sin is in front of him. It was just an idea to one hit r9 12k hp myssy sure there can b a lot of tactics before that b:chuckle
  • Yami_ - Dreamweaver
    Yami_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I don't want to flame, but I don't think that there's a mistery in fight against a Mystic, their controlling skills have range (their plants) meaning that they aren't very mobile characters and they only have ONE attack skill that have a ridiculous amount of casting time, surely It will drop at the higher levels when the -%cast gears start to appear, but you guys are making It look like if the Mystics are goodlike.

    I don't want to look like if I'm superior to anyone... but what I'm seeing is lots of endgame magic chars full of critine shards and with a **** def, so of course ABS will deal a hell of damage on them.
  • _Perses_ - Lost City
    _Perses_ - Lost City Posts: 1,917 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    lol, Yami...let me put it this way for ya man.

    Soul of Vengence, go to and look at that single skill and see what it does. That single skill is why so many people kill themselves on psychic's every day.
    There is also Soulburn, which can have a person KILL THEMSELVES.

    As for what you are seeing, lol no. Those aren't end-game people. Those are people who have put place holders in their gear until they can get JoSD or DoT/DoD.
    Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~

  • gunslot
    gunslot Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    You obviously must be a new player or do not play Mystic much. Absorb Soul is a very... unique skill. I've been doing damage tests over and over and recording all my hits and attempts with all my skills in many situations for around 6 months now.

    What I found out about Absorb Soul is that it DOES go through AD/ IG/ and just about anything. It just doesn't show in damage log, you have to be looking at the person you are targeting and see the number that appears above their head. This is really annoying because I almost always look at damage log out of habit so when I use absorb soul in an intense PvP fight I normally miss how much I hit them for.

    Another neat thing about Absorb Soul is that in a way it's not 'physical' damage. Before you go off raging let me explain. On the description of the skill it says non-elemental. Well to me if something isn't elemental then it's obviously physical. I think the way they worded it was very wise. It IS physical damage but things like physical debuffs do not work when you use it. You need to rely on Nature's Vengeance in order to get the Absorb Soul debuff onto the person you are attacking.

    So to any mystic out there absorb soul is an amazing skill, just don't use it on anyone HA. It does go through AD/ IG and it ignores defense levels which makes attack with r9 amazing. Once I download a software to make videos I will post a video on youtube about Absorb Soul and some other neat things I found out about Mystic's. b:chuckle

    Oh and just a side note about Mystic's and their pets! I summoned my Storm Mistress in Cube the other day and looked around in the bored room. It was a sin and a seeker. I check out their gear, the sin had r8 daggers and tt99 mostly +3 and the BM had Nirv pants, TT 99, r8, mostly +5. So I decided I wanted to get some breakfast since it was 8 am. I put my pet on defend just in case.

    When I came back my chat box was full of whispers with someone trash talking me. As it turns out the Seeker tried to 'poke' me as he said and my Storm Mistress killed him all by herself lol. Honestly I was trying to PM the guy and apologize and explain to him why my pet attacked him but I really couldn't stop laughing that he died only from my pet.

    Nope, not at all inexperienced. Had many 1v1s not even a week ago against another mystic on my own mystic. His AS was always about 200 dmg short of a one shot dueto my shattered pdef neck. Used AD very often on his absorb soul and it worked every time with "Resist" appearing above my char. So I'm just gonna ask you if your tests were in duels or open PvP, because it's been said many times in the past in mystic forums that AS behaves differently between the two.
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Though not all psychics have 13s stun but most will have at least 5 sec stun god knows u get a minimum soul force enough for 4 sec stun just by lvling to 90 with 0 refine besides I'm sure soul of stunning has better cast rate than ur plants.If I'm not wrong a good psy will just start running as soon as a plant is summoned n lysing is a long way. Sure thicket is the ultimate thing but u can still tank it. b:cute

    I totally agree with ur last sentence b:pleased

    You do realize that it's impossible for a psy to run out of the range of a summoned plant before the mystic can lyse it without a speed buff right? And it's highly unlike they'll be able to tank the long seal/freeze time from thicket, especially not if the mystic chains it with sleep and stun. Nulify poison is the easy solution. Basically use it and tick falling petals and glacial shards so they can't run, kill their pet, break their shield if they have one, or knock back their plant if they summon one, then s\stun just as petals abd nullify run out and pew pew with earth. Makes me facepalm because I've only come across one well-known psy on my server who uses it, and also when I'm on psy and I use, I've yet to see one mystic who tries to kite it or tank it with heals... They just keep spamming those wood skills. >.>

    Lol who is gonna use a one hit combo wen it doesnt one hit? even mystics wont use AS wen a aps sin is in front of him. It was just an idea to one hit r9 12k hp myssy sure there can b a lot of tactics before that b:chuckle

    Then why bring it up?
  • Arctix - Dreamweaver
    Arctix - Dreamweaver Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    You do realize that it's impossible for a psy to run out of the range of a summoned plant before the mystic can lyse it without a speed buff right? And it's highly unlike they'll be able to tank the long seal/freeze time from thicket, especially not if the mystic chains it with sleep and stun. Nulify poison is the easy solution. Basically use it and tick falling petals and glacial shards so they can't run, kill their pet, break their shield if they have one, or knock back their plant if they summon one, then s\stun just as petals abd nullify run out and pew pew with earth. Makes me facepalm because I've only come across one well-known psy on my server who uses it, and also when I'm on psy and I use, I've yet to see one mystic who tries to kite it or tank it with heals... They just keep spamming those wood skills. >.>

    Then why bring it up?

    Yes I do realize lysing n plants r fast but u see as a psychic there r only two main ways against AA that is get white vodoo go to the centre of attraction n tank all the b:sin or get on black vodoo n be mobile n keep running n hitting due to such low cast speed,Sure there is again luci's way of just one hitting others but um well.I tend to use second option more often since I keep running around(not away) the plant just get summoned at the pace where I was at the time of casting which with just 5.2 speed is fair enough to get out of range. I do it every single time against mystic,since devil is a one shot for me n storm wont deal much savvy is the only headache among all of mystic summons.As far thicket goes if jumped at the time of it appearing I'll be out of range (may b a glitch or something IAetius may b knowing from those test run)

    Having said that I've got a 80% victory over fellow mystics upto lvl 94.However there r still some who bothered me. N once I was dump enough to keep running for 5 sec to take a hit of 7k in black vodoo b:scorn
  • Yami_ - Dreamweaver
    Yami_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    lol, Yami...let me put it this way for ya man.

    Soul of Vengence, go to and look at that single skill and see what it does. That single skill is why so many people kill themselves on psychic's every day.
    There is also Soulburn, which can have a person KILL THEMSELVES.

    As for what you are seeing, lol no. Those aren't end-game people. Those are people who have put place holders in their gear until they can get JoSD or DoT/DoD.

    I will start to stop to post with this avatar, people thinks that I don't know about the game because of my level.
    There's a topic around here only talking about ABS, It seens that It's a wood skill with 0 wood damage and magic damage converted with physical damage, like Clerics Plume Shot. It seens that doesn't exist a "non elemental" chart in this game, so they had to make the skill wood element.

    ABS also ignore some barrier skills, but It doesn't ignore the player Def, what I'm saying is: if the person don't screwed with his build and have a good ammount of Def ABS won't be a fatal threat anymore. I can say that get out of the annoying plants is harder than deal with ABS.

    The level of threat that a Mystic have to me is the same level of threat from a Cleric, and I'm not saying that because I'm a sin, but from my previous characters that was Venomancer, Cleric and Wizard.