Clerics on Strike!
Rich_Rahl - Dreamweaver wrote: »As a DD/mini tank I feel the cleric is more important than any other member, in my faction one of our first rules is keep the cleric happy. This is due in part to the fact that with out the cleric we aren't going anywhere without major damage or death.
I feel that for the most part the problem discussed in this thread is widespread across Dreamweaver. When I form a squad and am lucky enough to have a cleric that doesn't think he/she is rambo I make sure everyone stays with the cleric at all times or I boot them, one warning then they are out. This also applies to a cleric in the 2nd cleric role as there are many ways for 2nd cleric to support the first i.e. heavens wrath etc.
Most of the the problem in my humble opinion is due to what I like to call "psycho sin syndrome", this isn't just a dig on sins, however, I see it mostly in sins, with psychics in a close second. This behavior is evident when any class player runs off and starts attacking mobs on there own, gets damaged or killed because they out ran the group (especially the cleric). Because of most clerics guilt drive to help someone who has died under his/her watch the cleric then runs up and tries to res the player or even kill the offending mob(s). This is were the squad wipe begins.
The second issue that is a parent problem to this one is player not fulfilling their role in a squad. My best way to describe this is with my own character, as DD and back up tank, I feel my role is to deal damage as I can according to the tanks capacity, catch stragglers or runners when they break from the tank, and last but most important protect the support toons. I can tank 79 by myself with a cleric (that doesn't try to DD) but if I am not the tank I am not going to open the whole 55 gal drum of whoop ***, only tap it as needed.
In short anyone that wants to charge a cleric for wine is silly in my opinion just put the squad to free and ask the cleric not to pick up drops. On the other hand if the cleric doesn't want to pay the fee or doesn't like the way they are treated they can always break squad and let the squad die at the next boss. Then come find Rich_Rahl the true seeker of truth and I will do as ordered assuming you don't show up and turn out to be a psycho sin in clerics clothing.
Finally I would like to add that clerics and other support classes are loved by me and mine because God knows I don't have the patience to play as a support class and probably couldn't pull it off anyway. Love Clerics and similar classes for what they do, without them I wouldn't look so good when I do finally open that 55 gal drum of W.A.
First - the Cleric is not really more important than any other member. I would like to see a Cleric try to solo Dungeons (within their lvl range) without a Tankish class. The Tank is just as important. The DDs are important to save time and pots. If the Tank dies usually the squad wipes with the exception of Sins who can Shadow Escape. So the Tank is just as important as the Healer.
The reason Clerics are given special treatment (free wines etc.) is because they are in short supply (pre-100) as are Barbs. This is why we often work around it with Mystics, BMs and Seekers.
As far a the idiots that run ahead and die. I understand that issue and in that situation it is annoying to the entire squad. But the Cleric who doesn't make the decision to delay rezzing in favor of keeping the rest of the squad alive is a fail cleric.
Personally I think the best squad pre-100 is a balanced squad: Barb, Seeker, BM, Sin, Mystic, Cleric. Those balanced squads I find are the most fun whichever class I'm playing. Barb >HP Buff, Sin>BP, BM>+Dmg Buff, Seeker> DD/AOE/Tank, Mystic> Pre-death Res Buff, Cleric >Buffs/Heals post death rez.
Most of the members can be substituted with other classes even Clerics can be substituted by a good Mystic.
Post 100, well I think we all know that balance has been broken by APS.0 -
@OP, ur problem is not getting thanks, but with the people you're playing with.
come play with me, I will not only thank you, but kiss j00 also b:kiss[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
thx to Dorset for the Sig0 -
Foxy_Fiona - Heavens Tear wrote: »Squads resort to offering cash when they get desperate and I swear some people hold out until they start offering cash for their services.
IMO, ppl that wanna get paid for helping out others should just get the hell out of the game. No one needs greedy morons that don't wanna do anything unless there's money involved. Everyone should be helping anyone in need for free. As for not getting in random squads, it's also stupid cuz you're basiclly refusing to help ppl who need a cleric to do their BH if they're not in your faction.
Yes some ppl are stupid but that dosen't mean everyone is an ingrate, thus everyone deserves a chance. If the squad don't know what to do, you teach them, and if they cuss you out or don't give a damn about what you're saying then you simply leave the squad or boot the morons. This goes not only for Clerics but for everyone else as well.0 -
Foxy_Fiona - Heavens Tear wrote: »50 herbs are roughly 30-33k depending on token prices. I think I bought 100 for my psychic roughly a week ago and still have plenty left over. I've done at least 3-4 FF runs, BH every day, a couple of FBs, cube, and even completed a few quests that were in my log. Give me a break! Something is seriously wrong if you're blowing through 150+ herbs in one run!
Not comparable to a cleric that has to spam heal everyone because of either aggro tag or aoes. 150 in a run may be alot, depends on the run, but 100 in a week, lol, nothing to a cleric.0 -
Kazmere - Heavens Tear wrote: »Totally serious here! I know quite a few clerics that are tired of the BS and unkind treatment we receive from other toons. Yet we seem to be the most sought after! We clerics are tired of having to help everyone and yet get no sort of recognition, payment of any kind anything at all!
I stopped reading here. And ppl still wonder how it's the player community that is killing the game by making it a job... Ofc, everyone wanting coin return for just anything doesn't affect prices or game atmoshpere b:shutup
PWI definition of "friend" : someone who is willing to provide you a service without coin return or self benefit. Is to be used like "toilet paper" : flush it down imediately after use.0 -
The only thing I could strike on that would actually make a difference would be GB Trials...
wait, thats a depressing reality b:cry0 -
I have very little problems with random squads, often get thanked, occasionally rewarded..but I don't help with expectation of reward. Sure, thanks are nice, but if they don't come it doesn't worry me too much.
I'm guessing the OP has just had a series of bad experiences. Quickly put them behind you and move on is my advice. Not everyone you meet in any game is going to be an idjut.0 -
I not play at squads in most cases.
Especially after one such bh59.
I saw asking for Cleric squad and joined it.
There was level 9X BM and other melee.
As I understand after first boss drop was free.
After third boss I had just one Mystery potion dropped from boss ...
And what was my surprise when BM which got with other melee all previous drop stolen Dark Stamp dropped from killed by me (no one helped me, bm just watching how I do it by few hits) mob.
So I left just before forth boss and I will not be in any such squad.
I will try to play solo or in squad with friend as long as this is possible.0 -
My $0.02:
I have no problem when it comes to ppl thanking me or not. In fact, sometimes during runs, I wish they WOULDN'T thank me, cuz it's MY JOB to heal, rez, whatever. I don't feel I should be thanked any more than any other member of the squad.
My repair bills are virtually non-existent compared to other classes, so no complaints there.
I can't remember the last time I got abused during a run . . . oh, wait a minute--yes I do.
(Hi, Kage!). But then, I guess that's because I'm just so effin good at my job.b:chuckle
No, the only reason I quit playing my cleric was because, after spending mucho time, effort and $$$ to get all geared up & ready for some serious pk, along came sins & aps & r9.
It's just simply no fun to get into a good pk fest & be killed within 5 seconds every time by a sin you only see for a split second before ur dead. That's what killed my enjoyment of the game (as a cleric). So now I'm mainly playing my alts.
If I can ever figure out a way to defend against a hi-lvl sin sneak attack, then I'll probably get interested in my cleric again.
Celestyl0 -
ColdAsLife - Dreamweaver wrote: »You're right that clerics get a lot of bad mouthing, but don't barbs do as well?
Yes, yes we do.
Those of us who stuck with our barbs have basically given everyone else the finger, and just do **** all by ourselves and refuse to do certain things for most others as well.Some people risk to employ me
Some people live to destroy me
Either way they die0 -
I became a cleric **** to everyone thats not my friend or in my faction. Due to a gang of fish that assumed that i was obligated to rez/buff them, then they turned around and rewarded me by rez killing me and getting their friends to harass me.
I refuse anyone who wants a rez/buff or help from me now. Besides my friends and faction.b:pleased
As a cleric we have the most leverage so use it to your advantage. People bit.ching at you for letting them die? Gf bro now you can stay dead.
People bit.ching at you for not getting buffs? Gf bro now stay buffless.
Always gets people crawling back to you.lalalala Pokemon
1. No one should get paid for playing their class in squad. You chose to play that class, you have to deal with the costs of doing so, every class has it's own costs.
2. To those who think clerics aren't abused, roll a cleric, get it to 80+ and go do fcc, this is where a lot of abuse occurs - hence why my cleric leveled by grinding and doing BHs with friends.
3. To those clerics that feel overly abused, grow a sense of humor about it. When people start running to far ahead instead of yelling at them or getting bent out of shape and refusing to heal them, I ask them "you know what happens when people run faster than the cleric?" I don't have to follow up with an answer because they all know and generally will laugh and slow down.
4. Clerics that insist on only healing the tank, prepare yourself for 100 because no one person is going to be the tank all the time and it IS your job to keep the WHOLE squad alive, and it's really not that hard most of the time. Personally, I love Warsong Fire bh, this is where I get to prove to myself I can handle the heat of being a cleric.
5. Clerics, instead of cursing sins for stealing aggro and running in all directions, learn to love them for BPing the melee classes (making them easier to keep alive) and stealthing to the door opening mobs so the run can go even faster.
6. To everyone else, it really wouldn't hurt to show the cleric a little love and understanding, if for nothing else but our willingness to lose experience going back to town so we can come back with lvl11 rez to save yours. Not to mention those of us who will pay the teleport fee to come rez you in heaven/hell or whatever instance you were in when you died. They don't do this to get paid, they do it because 90% of the people who rolled clerics did so because they are soft hearted and like to help people. So cut them some slack when that soft heart feels a little hurt some times.0 -
You can only do a$ good a$ you can do, and that$ it. They don't like it, oh vvell. $eem$ to be there problem.
You're a cleric, it$ your job to $upport vvith/vvithout compen$ation.
Cleric i$ one of the mo$t expencive cla$$e$ next to my$tic for mana con$umption. If you complain about your ovvn co$t$ then play $omething le$$ demanding.
It take$ $omeone vvith the patience of a $aint to play a good cleric.
Never take VVC to heart.. ever. (There'$ no IQ te$t for a tele.)
My Keyboard i$ broken.
All-in-all. If you are having a bad time in $quad$ and you $tart thinking they ovve you (thi$ goe$ for any cla$$.) Then your $orely mi$taken... lol. You're going to encounter more and more of that vvith that attitude. Ju$t deal vvith it i$ the mo$t I can offer in advice.
Peace. b:victory and Happy Hunting.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
DraknessDuir - Sanctuary wrote: »Not comparable to a cleric that has to spam heal everyone because of either aggro tag or aoes. 150 in a run may be alot, depends on the run, but 100 in a week, lol, nothing to a cleric.
A lot of clerics spam heal people that don't even need healing. Nobody should be expected to pay for their inability to determine who needs healing and who doesn't. There's a price for laziness. I totally get that they definitely burn through mana when healing the people that are actually taking damage, but many are clueless and/or lazy.
There are clerics that throw bubble up when the tank has absolutely no problem holding aggro even if everyone else goes nuts. Some of the bosses don't even use AoE. Epic waste of mana.
Then we have the clerics that spam party heals when nobody is even taking damage. Again, epic waste of mana.
It's been a light week for me since I've been playing other games. I used my psychic as an example because it's not a class known for being light on mana usage. My point was that some of these greedy clerics are really expecting 100k or more to join FF groups. Can you honestly say that you have ever blown through 150 herbs in ONE FF run? Not serveral. ONE!
All it boils down to is pure greed.0 -
Foxy_Fiona - Heavens Tear wrote: »
It's been a light week for me since I've been playing other games. I used my psychic as an example because it's not a class known for being light on mana usage. My point was that some of these greedy clerics are really expecting 100k or more to join FF groups. Can you honestly say that you have ever blown through 150 herbs in ONE FF run? Not serveral. ONE!
All it boils down to is pure greed.
Hehe.. more like that much in a full $pavvn Point Delta run. Fro$tcovered though? Not a chance. Unle$$ maybe the cleric had very very lovv MP? I can't even think of a circum$tance to u$e that much in one FC. (FF=FC on my $erver)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
DraknessDuir - Sanctuary wrote: »Loooong quote here :<
You made the most sense here. However, most of the abuse in FF (or FCC) occurs because when you introduce a new cleric to the environment it can get rather confusing. I stood there once trying to figure out what the hell's going on...ahhaha that first run was hell. b:chuckle
But after a (lovely) mystic helped me out the second run it got easier. Knowing whether or not you have enough HP to survive is one thing, having your gear on par to your level's another. I have yet to run a FF on another toon (too in love with my cleric ahhaha), but should a newb cleric seem like they're struggling I won't hesitate to start giving suggestions (regardless of how mean they'd sound).
But yeah...I dobp. I get to go pew pew too b:laugh
ShadowIH - Dreamweaver wrote: »I not play at squads in most cases.
Especially after one such bh59.
I saw asking for Cleric squad and joined it.
There was level 9X BM and other melee.
As I understand after first boss drop was free.
After third boss I had just one Mystery potion dropped from boss ...
And what was my surprise when BM which got with other melee all previous drop stolen Dark Stamp dropped from killed by me (no one helped me, bm just watching how I do it by few hits) mob.
So I left just before forth boss and I will not be in any such squad.
I will try to play solo or in squad with friend as long as this is possible.
I do 95% of my BHs in random squads because most of the time my Faction (which has mostly high levels) is not doing the BH and I don't like following around a 100+ and not getting to do/learn anything.
I can tell you from experience that more than half of the random squads I have joined are usually quite good. You can improve that % by being the leader and choosing the squad. Or, inspect the person asking for the Cleric and if they are well geared, you can usually expect a decent run. If the char is undergeared, you can usually infer that they are really poor and therefore will be nickel and dimeing (grabbing drops), or they are powerleveling and therefore will have weak skills.
You can actually learn a lot from trying to keep a weak squad alive. But usually it is only one or two in the squad that are really bad and it is up to you to handle them or have them kicked.
Leaving a squad without notice or discussion is just immature.0 -
If you as a cleric want repayment, let's also include all of these, shall we ?
The archer's arrows.
The DD's and Tank's repair bill
The Mystic's MP food. (YOU, as the cleric get the first rez buff. any idea how much mp that one costs?)
The seeker's repairbill + spark pots/mana costs. (cause you know that vortext doesn't come out of the air.)
The Veno's chunk of investment for herc, never mind the fact she/he knows how to handle one or should we start charging for every spark we pass for your precious BB/RB? Or the tank when he needs to grab aggro quickly again ?
The 5.0's investment in their gear cause without them boss's would take longer and you would heal more and thus use more pots.
the wizzies MP food,
the pshy's mp food.
You, as a cleric, are as disposable as the people your angry with. Keep that in mind.All you need is something to believe in. -Solar_one. <--mah snoockums, mah hubby, mah eberyfing.
Lag; You think yours is bad ? It took Jesus 3 days to Respawn !
"Current games aren't -games- anymore, just light shows operated by win buttons, lol."
"ah sh*t, were gonna die!.... but it's still cool!" -INTMDATOR0 -
Omnicon - Dreamweaver wrote: »Hehe.. more like that much in a full $pavvn Point Delta run. Fro$tcovered though? Not a chance. Unle$$ maybe the cleric had very very lovv MP? I can't even think of a circum$tance to u$e that much in one FC. (FF=FC on my $erver)
My point exactly! :P
If their mana pool is small enough that they have to use an herb after every couple of spells, I don't even want to think about how... amazing... their heals must be. lol0 -
Hmmm, there have only been a fevv time$ that I paid people in $quad$, random or not.
I bought a full HP charm for a barb vvhen I $tupidly aggro healed the la$t TT bo$$ in a 1-3 in my 70$. I couldn't get back through to the $quad $o he had to tank it vvithout me. And $illy me didn't have a re$ $croll. I felt horrible $o I bought him a charm a$ compen$ation for my $tupidne$$, lol.
I do pay $ome friend$ that I knovv are very lovv on money to tank. I give them about 60-100k. (only if I have the money at the time though.)
On time I had to afk in a random in$tance and the vvhole $quad died. $o I came back and re$ed them all and dropped repair/pot$ money on the ground to be $plit for the $quad. I then had to explain that my kitten tried to e$cape into the big out$ide vvorld and I had to deal vvith that before healing. b:chuckle Too cold out$ide for the kitten.
Good rule of thumb, only pay out vvhen $omeone actually de$erve$ the compen$ation. You don't give a vvaitre$$ a 10 dollar tip for crappy $ervice do you?
(Al$o, it'$ pixel money... you can alvvay$ get more eventually.. >.>'')[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Dr_Jeckyl - Heavens Tear wrote: »...
Leaving a squad without notice or discussion is just immature.
Half of random squads I am being in had halved to the end of the bh without or with excuse from the people after death of bosses that they need.
If I meet rude people I will not help them.AnimaBlanc - Sanctuary wrote: »If you as a cleric want repayment, let's also include all of these, shall we ?
The archer's arrows.
The DD's and Tank's repair bill
The Mystic's MP food. (YOU, as the cleric get the first rez buff. any idea how much mp that one costs?)
The seeker's repairbill + spark pots/mana costs. (cause you know that vortext doesn't come out of the air.)
The Veno's chunk of investment for herc, never mind the fact she/he knows how to handle one or should we start charging for every spark we pass for your precious BB/RB? Or the tank when he needs to grab aggro quickly again ?
The 5.0's investment in their gear cause without them boss's would take longer and you would heal more and thus use more pots.
the wizzies MP food,
the pshy's mp food.
You, as a cleric, are as disposable as the people your angry with. Keep that in mind.
Let divide expenses to all people. Not just melee. Ok ?
I can tank as any other squad member and even better because of myself healing at bh59.
Those people that want all drop for himself and can do it solo must play without squad (solo).0 -
AnimaBlanc - Sanctuary wrote: »If you as a cleric want repayment, let's also include all of these, shall we ?
The archer's arrows.
The DD's and Tank's repair bill
The Mystic's MP food. (YOU, as the cleric get the first rez buff. any idea how much mp that one costs?)
The seeker's repairbill + spark pots/mana costs. (cause you know that vortext doesn't come out of the air.)
The Veno's chunk of investment for herc, never mind the fact she/he knows how to handle one or should we start charging for every spark we pass for your precious BB/RB? Or the tank when he needs to grab aggro quickly again ?
The 5.0's investment in their gear cause without them boss's would take longer and you would heal more and thus use more pots.
the wizzies MP food,
the pshy's mp food.
You, as a cleric, are as disposable as the people your angry with. Keep that in mind.
I can definitely relate to this. My Seeker costs at least 2-5 times more than my Cleric to maintain. The mana drain on a high level Vortex is insane, then I have to contend with a massive repair bill.
Similarly, the Mystic uses up far more mana.0 -
ShadowIH - Dreamweaver wrote: »Half of random squads I am being in had halved to the end of the bh without or with excuse from the people after death of bosses that they need.
If I meet rude people I will not help them.
Let divide expenses to all people. Not just melee. Ok ?
I can tank as any other squad member and even better because of myself healing at bh59.
you didn't read well enough...AnimaBlanc - Sanctuary wrote: »If you as a cleric want repayment, let's also include all of these, shall we ?
The archer's arrows.
The DD's and Tank's repair bill
The Mystic's MP food. (YOU, as the cleric get the first rez buff. any idea how much mp that one costs?)
The seeker's repairbill + spark pots/mana costs. (cause you know that vortext doesn't come out of the air.)
The Veno's chunk of investment for herc, never mind the fact she/he knows how to handle one or should we start charging for every spark we pass for your precious BB/RB? Or the tank when he needs to grab aggro quickly again ?
The 5.0's investment in their gear cause without them boss's would take longer and you would heal more and thus use more pots.
the wizzies MP food,
the pshy's mp food.
You, as a cleric, are as disposable as the people your angry with. Keep that in mind.
those aren't melee's.All you need is something to believe in. -Solar_one. <--mah snoockums, mah hubby, mah eberyfing.
Lag; You think yours is bad ? It took Jesus 3 days to Respawn !
"Current games aren't -games- anymore, just light shows operated by win buttons, lol."
"ah sh*t, were gonna die!.... but it's still cool!" -INTMDATOR0 -
Dr_Jeckyl - Heavens Tear wrote: »I can definitely relate to this. My Seeker costs at least 2-5 times more than my Cleric to maintain. The mana drain on a high level Vortex is insane, then I have to contend with a massive repair bill.
Similarly, the Mystic uses up far more mana.
yeah i seriously do not get the snobbisch attitude some people have on their cleric.
i can understand you can get pissed off when you have a squad that's being seriously fail or people being downright rude.
there are subtle differences tho.
i've also seen veno's be snobs, being a hotkey person, i need to spam heal my herc sometimes so i cant let go of that damn button and getting a message into your chatbar becomes very hard. Or looks like "111could1111 you1112222 healmyh11221111herc1111tt1o1o1?"
She got pissed when i whispered her and only managed to hit off "heal herc".
she left and whispered back: " you herc veno are all same. snobs! im no dog to command"
*rolls eyes*
bottom line, it's team-work, without dd's/tanks the cleric wouldn't be there either.
Sorry for the double post >.<All you need is something to believe in. -Solar_one. <--mah snoockums, mah hubby, mah eberyfing.
Lag; You think yours is bad ? It took Jesus 3 days to Respawn !
"Current games aren't -games- anymore, just light shows operated by win buttons, lol."
"ah sh*t, were gonna die!.... but it's still cool!" -INTMDATOR0 -
AnimaBlanc - Sanctuary wrote: »
she left and whispered back: " you herc veno are all same. snobs! im no dog to command"
No, your a fox to command. b:avoid xP
Hehe, really though. $ome people be to $eriou$. Ju$t a game folk$, ye$- it can be fru$trating. I've been a cleric for a little over 2 year$ and I $till love it :P Tomorrovv$ a nevv day and ju$t a nevv $quad. Do vvith it vvhat you vvill. b:pleased[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Go the place. I'll strike with you on behalf of my 79 cleric .. and raise a whiskey or two as well
Well said.... and if I may also add...totally sick of the bossy, petulant tone that some players adopt when ordering around the cleric. While I don't think we should be paid per hears a lot of whining from other players about how much their repairs cost ....and that they should be paid to help out lower levels. A bit of recognition and a change in tone would go a long way.
0 -
God-attitude clerics are dumb. God-attitude any class are dumb.
If you aren't able to keep up with the occasional DDer taking aggro, thus letting them die, don't level to 100. Everyone is a damn tank at one point or another in most BHs. On my cleric, I even had the wizard take aggro at certain points due to Rank gear in BHs/Dungeons. You're just going to have to trust yourself to know when to watch out for the other members of your party.
For the person I believe who says that clerics are the weakest link in the game, lulz to you. It is true that most of these challenges in game are so cookie-cut and now known that the necessity of a cleric has gone down, but I can promise you that while a good ten of you preach about how you don't need a cleric, there are one hundred players for each of you that will always need and appreciate the heals. Oh, and try doing TW honestly without a cleric. Clerics honestly make/break the outcome of a TW when it comes to that crystal fight.
I don't need to be thanked on my cleric, not at all. I love doing things for people, I love helping people. I wanted to roll a cleric because it doesn't require me to conform in order to be useful in my team. I don't need to be APS in order to be taken into squads, I love playing a mage class, I adore supporting others, and I can heal and keep myself alive in any situation that is thrown at me. [Well, except facing sins, lol.] If I get a thank you from my squad members/friends/etc, I'll proudly give them a "You're welcome and thank you, call me anytime you need me. Does anyone else need help?" along with a smile. And because of this attitude, I tend to not get 'fail squads'. I tend to roll with people who do keep me safe, and who do replace my ress scrolls if I use them. Who do actually wait for me if I tend to fall behind due to speed. [Fast regen Genie + Holy Path, I'm usually running ahead of them.] Good karma usually generates good results.
I'm as much of a team member to my squad as anyone else there. Don't pay me, I don't need your money. Don't overly thank me, I'm just as much in your debt too for helping me. We're all in this together~!b:chuckle0 -
Deleted my own post for too much QQ0
Foxy_Fiona - Heavens Tear wrote: »A lot of clerics spam heal people that don't even need healing. Nobody should be expected to pay for their inability to determine who needs healing and who doesn't. There's a price for laziness. I totally get that they definitely burn through mana when healing the people that are actually taking damage, but many are clueless and/or lazy.
There are clerics that throw bubble up when the tank has absolutely no problem holding aggro even if everyone else goes nuts. Some of the bosses don't even use AoE. Epic waste of mana.
Then we have the clerics that spam party heals when nobody is even taking damage. Again, epic waste of mana.
It's been a light week for me since I've been playing other games. I used my psychic as an example because it's not a class known for being light on mana usage. My point was that some of these greedy clerics are really expecting 100k or more to join FF groups. Can you honestly say that you have ever blown through 150 herbs in ONE FF run? Not serveral. ONE!
All it boils down to is pure greed.
I don't do fcc runs on my cleric because random fcc squads are, in general, rude. I've never gone through 150 herbs in one instance but I do go through quite alot in Fire. And I didn't spam PARTY heals. Spamming heals doesn't mean just one. I like to keep my party topped off, it helps prevent damage spikes from taking them out and frankly, having to wear a charm all the time because it doesn't get used up in TW, I know the value of keeping the charm from ticking. I don't expect people to pay for my pots and I don't mind using extra just to keep them what some people may call "over healed" - I like my squads over alive. Also, BB isn't for aggro tag, it's for aoe damage. For aggro tag I prefer to use single heals bouncing around as needed and maybe the occasional CHB if more than 2 people are taking damage or I happen to be taking damage as well as someone else (although I more often use crab meat on myself if only one other person is taking damage). Thing is, I often hit high HP people with SoR instead of IH and lower HP ppl with IH or Wellspring in an emergency followed by an IH. SoR is a mana hog.0 -
Kagusa - Sanctuary wrote: »I know right! Even if you tell them to not do something they just do it anyway. I hate it when there is an agro-fest at bosses.... One second the barb is tanking and 2 second later the sin is dead. Now I would know to heal the sin but usually there are several sins and they stal agro randomly. Tell me, how is a 1hko my fault? You just rush ahead with others rushing to other places and expect me to keep them all alive. I end up running and healing, running back and heal, running ahead and heal etc. in those situations. The most annoying thing ever is when someone dies they are like "BB?", "Heal?". Why the eff are you blaming your stupidness to me, I am obviously GETTING STUNNED, WHILE MOBS YOU LEFT ARE ATTACKING ME AND AM IN THE MIDST OF HEALING SOMEONE NEXT TO ME WHO IS ALMOST DEAD!!! like omg even with holy path I can't keep up cause you're using it too and you gather a lot more than your squishy self can handle till I get there. Why not use 1 or 2 hp food then? The other most annoying thing is when they go "rez", "rez me" like NO **** SHERLOCK!!! Like I'm gonna stop healing the tank and risk getting them dead just to rez your ***, just wait for the right moment!!!!
Use BB at squad with such DD if in result they will be able to kill boss faster. If not ... you can res Assassin later... right before the death of the boss.
If mobs attacking you, you must heal yourself, because your death will bring you back to start point.0
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