So... frankieraye.... WTF?!?!?

SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
edited October 2011 in General Discussion
When the hell are we going to get a fix for SP?

I mean really.. It's not a hard fix, we know this because of the speed with which they fixed it at PW-CN.

We don't care about the **** story of them putting everything into a massive update. We all know how much BS that really is.

We want an honest answer from you/the company about why the hell the fix hasn't been implemented yet.

As you can tell from the forums that you don't bother to respond to anymore, we're pretty fed up. Your lack of response just fuels our anger. The lack of support just shows how much PWE does not care about us.

You are our voice to the company, and the voice of the company to us. We feel like we're being ignored, and we get nasty when we are ignored.
Post edited by SylenThunder - Twilight Temple on


  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Remember its not his fault china devs neglect us. He may only tell us what they allow him to. I heard that china devs sometimes ignore him too :O
  • X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear
    X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,301 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Didn't other versions of PW such as Brazil etc. get this SP fix weeks ago?
  • Khiren - Lost City
    Khiren - Lost City Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Actually, China DOES send PWE bulk updates every few months. They can't make major changes to the game without those patches. That's what they're waiting for with SP; it came in a big patch from China, it will go with the next one with new content. They technically could edit the files now, but the rules say China dictates when it happens.

    I'm not all that happy either, but... That's how it is, from my understanding. I believe I read this on some announcement on forums or something. As much blame is flying around, PWE is less responsible for content than people make them out to be. They deal with sales and a few minor bugs. That's about it. The game itself is up to the Chinese devs, and they control what we do and don't get. Yelling at Frankie about it will do nothing but start more people yelling at Frankie will do nothing but start more people yelling at Frankie will do nothing but... you get the picture. So, things get blown out of proportion with blame on those who have no actual control over it.

    Could Frankie communicate more? Yeah. A lot more.
    Is everything up to him? Nah.
  • Sdrassa - Sanctuary
    Sdrassa - Sanctuary Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    China's devs do not neglect us.
    Remember a year or so ago when we first got the Duke Rose fashion?
    It caused a glitch so people could make unlimited coin in Etherblade lake or something.
    That was fixed within a few hours of it's discovery.

    So the China dev story is just plain bull****. If they really want to fix it, they can. They just can't be bothered to invest any time in this game anymore.
  • Thoragor - Sanctuary
    Thoragor - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Considering that 7 weeks ago he said the fix would be in 3-4 weeks.....

    And also considering that he has given us precious little actual information since then.....

    And also considering that when they made the descision to revert it back to the original, it too them one week to do it on PW-CN....

    We're getting the shaft no matter how you look at it.

    This just makes it that much more obvious that they don't give a **** about us. I'm not spending a dime on this game. In fact, with the other new releases coming shortly I think I'll just put a stop to it now.

    From what I can see reading the forums, the Support staff fails, the company fails, and the game is still riddled with errors 3 years after it's launch.

    That's not something you want to invest in.
  • Fulcanelli - Raging Tide
    Fulcanelli - Raging Tide Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    the most probable is that is gonna be fixed at the end of the countdown, so stop being such a cry-baby!

    (if is not... then you can cry b:chuckle )
  • Purge - Raging Tide
    Purge - Raging Tide Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Considering that 7 weeks ago he said the fix would be in 3-4 weeks.....

    And also considering that he has given us precious little actual information since then.....

    And also considering that when they made the descision to revert it back to the original, it too them one week to do it on PW-CN....

    We're getting the shaft no matter how you look at it.

    This just makes it that much more obvious that they don't give a **** about us. I'm not spending a dime on this game. In fact, with the other new releases coming shortly I think I'll just put a stop to it now.

    From what I can see reading the forums, the Support staff fails, the company fails, and the game is still riddled with errors 3 years after it's launch.

    That's not something you want to invest in.

    He didn't say the fix WOULD be in 3-4weeks..he said it SHOULD be...unfortunately that hasn't been the case...but it's not his fault. He did then give an update saying that the fix would come along with an upcoming big patch, but didn't give a timeframe...because I guess he doesn't know!

    Having said that, another update would be nice, even if it's (as I suspect) to say that nothing has changed and the fix will still be coming with that big patch, although he doesn't know when it will be.

    So yes, we are "getting the shaft", but as usual it's down to China, as other posters have already pointed out b:sad
  • peacefulsilence
    peacefulsilence Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Been two months since an actual patch give up.
  • PhantomThief - Archosaur
    PhantomThief - Archosaur Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    This countdown will either be everything we've been waiting for or something completely unrelated. Judging by how many things we've been told are coming, I'm hoping for the former... But, I'm not going to hold my breathe.
    A sword can cut a man in twain, but words can shake a fortress to the ground.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited October 2011
    I'm pretty sure the countdown is just for the lame fashion sale.
  • PhantomThief - Archosaur
    PhantomThief - Archosaur Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Probably, but to be fair, the last countdown was about an update that wasn't announced. Also, we haven't had a maintenance thread saying there will or won't be one this week. This leads me to believe it involves an actually content update.
    A sword can cut a man in twain, but words can shake a fortress to the ground.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited October 2011
    That would put the maintenance window at 5pm server time on Thursday.

    This would affect so many events and TW bids that it's not even funny, so I seriously doubt that this is the case.

    The fashion debut is supposed to happen that day however and makes a lot more sense as being what the countdown timer is for.
  • PhantomThief - Archosaur
    PhantomThief - Archosaur Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Point taken.
    A sword can cut a man in twain, but words can shake a fortress to the ground.
  • Fulcanelli - Raging Tide
    Fulcanelli - Raging Tide Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    the witch set is already in the boutique I guess (I not logged in the game since yesterday), otherwise why alot of people already got it? see the screenshot section of the forum b:question

    and it would be very lame if all this anticipation it's just for new fashion b:angry
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    the witch set is already in the boutique I guess (I not logged in the game since yesterday), otherwise why alot of people already got it? see the screenshot section of the forum b:question

    and it would be very lame if all this anticipation it's just for new fashion b:angry

    Be ready for disappointment.
  • ZoracGallant - Raging Tide
    ZoracGallant - Raging Tide Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    It's probably counting down to when Frankie will tell us when we will get EG r9 and SP fix which will of course be soon b:chuckle

    Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.
  • PhantomThief - Archosaur
    PhantomThief - Archosaur Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    the witch set is already in the boutique I guess (I not logged in the game since yesterday), otherwise why alot of people already got it? see the screenshot section of the forum b:question

    and it would be very lame if all this anticipation it's just for new fashion b:angry

    Sylen meant that PW is also releasing several new fashion sets. If you read the Halloween fashion announcement, it states at the bottom that they will be releasing new fashion every day until Monday starting Thursday.
    A sword can cut a man in twain, but words can shake a fortress to the ground.
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Zero Zen till game gets fixes
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    China's devs do not neglect us.
    Remember a year or so ago when we first got the Duke Rose fashion?
    It caused a glitch so people could make unlimited coin in Etherblade lake or something.
    That was fixed within a few hours of it's discovery.

    So the China dev story is just plain bull****. If they really want to fix it, they can. They just can't be bothered to invest any time in this game anymore.

    Shutup random NPC from Oblivion, get back inside your own game and leave Perfect World alone!
    I <3 AGOREY
  • OmniX - Heavens Tear
    OmniX - Heavens Tear Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The last countdown they had a few months back was odd. When it hit "00.00.00" it started to go backwards to start adding time to it o_O;
  • Ukkie - Sanctuary
    Ukkie - Sanctuary Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The last countdown they had a few months back was odd. When it hit "00.00.00" it started to go backwards to start adding time to it o_O;

    Another perfect example of how **** this stuff is developped...
    Gentlemen, I believe I am on fire
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Well , I will be sorry to say this, and sorry for those who shoudn't be concerned...

    But some people are dumb here..

    They do what they can, yeah there's a lack of updates, yeah there's a lack of real tangible dates. But we have a countdown !!!

    Now, if you would be a GM or a Mod, would you be so fast to go respond to threads that say you and ur team are not doing a good job ? Or threads starting like this with "WTF ?" in title ?

    Or you would concentrate on seeing what you can do or get done to the best of your knowledge to bring that pacth here and prepare halloween stuff and all.

    Some people here just want way too much from this team of dev's/gm's/mod's, must I tell you that at the base this game is FREE TO PLAY ?

    I play on another game too lately, also totally free, and there's at least 2 gm's per day online outta 5. And I mean online, in game, talking to people. Game is small though, little private server, 70 people max on, so easy to answer questions for them whitout going mad.

    But here, we are what ? 600+ per server if not more (very rough estimate) ? Let's say a quick fictional number of 5 000 total players. How many gm's ? And on 5k people, how many tickets sent ? Questions to be answered ? Bugged reported ? Messages on forums to be read and replied to ? E-mails to China to see what the hell is going on ? Meetings ? Oh and they also have a little thing called real life, some could have wife/husband and kids..

    I'm sick and tired of these kinds of threads. If you are not happy about the service here, just go elsewhere. And stop telling all those newcomers "game sucks, run away, don't play"

    And if you are one of those who put 2 000$ + in game and think it entitles you to bash on them...Sorry to burst your bubble, it doesn't... The company gladly takes your money to help them stay alive and gives you in gmae items in return. The deal stops there.. There is nowhere in the ToS where it states : "Game is free to play but those who give money will get better service" You may not be one of those, but for those who are.. Think about it, if you put cash in this game, you are buying ITEMS, not a better SERVICE.

    I put very little in game for that fact, it's free to play and I get what I payed for. If i'm not happy one day, i'll leave whitout having the feeling I wasted too much money.

    Now let the countdown finish, see what it brings...
    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited October 2011
    As I stated very clearly when I started this thread.....

    We want an answer on when they can give us the patch that we should have received weeks ago.
    It's not about the timer.
    It's not about how much the support teams fails lately.

    frankieraye is still ignoring my PM's and still has yet to do something other than stamp a smiley face on it and ignore the issue for over a month.

    I'm just asking him to step up and tell us why the hell they can't fix the issue like they fixed it for the others. Regardless of the standard failed method for sending us patches.
  • Ukkie - Sanctuary
    Ukkie - Sanctuary Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Well , I will be sorry to say this, and sorry for those who shoudn't be concerned...

    But some people are dumb here..

    They do what they can, yeah there's a lack of updates, yeah there's a lack of real tangible dates. But we have a countdown !!!

    And you think this countdown is actually about FIXING things? Don't make me laugh. All they care about is the board making more money. This countdown will be some stupid sale, I have no doubt about that.

    *sigh* I wish ... updates, my ***...
    Gentlemen, I believe I am on fire
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    As I stated very clearly when I started this thread.....

    We want an answer on when they can give us the patch that we should have received weeks ago.
    It's not about the timer.
    It's not about how much the support teams fails lately.

    frankieraye is still ignoring my PM's and still has yet to do something other than stamp a smiley face on it and ignore the issue for over a month.

    I'm just asking him to step up and tell us why the hell they can't fix the issue like they fixed it for the others. Regardless of the standard failed method for sending us patches.

    frankieraye is too busy with failed roll outs and stupid sales. frankieraye could care less about any concerns of players. Helen Keller would do better communicating.
  • Sdrassa - Sanctuary
    Sdrassa - Sanctuary Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    For those who actually read the news posts.... the countdown is for the 6 types of new fashion that will soon be in the game. So no! it is NOT for the fixes!
  • Ukkie - Sanctuary
    Ukkie - Sanctuary Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    mcfreakie wrote: »
    frankieraye is too busy with failed roll outs and stupid sales. frankieraye could care less about any concerns of players. Helen Keller would do better communicating.

    And she looks better too!
    Gentlemen, I believe I am on fire
  • frankieraye
    frankieraye Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    When the hell are we going to get a fix for SP?

    I mean really.. It's not a hard fix, we know this because of the speed with which they fixed it at PW-CN.

    We don't care about the **** story of them putting everything into a massive update. We all know how much BS that really is.

    We want an honest answer from you/the company about why the hell the fix hasn't been implemented yet.

    As you can tell from the forums that you don't bother to respond to anymore, we're pretty fed up. Your lack of response just fuels our anger. The lack of support just shows how much PWE does not care about us.

    You are our voice to the company, and the voice of the company to us. We feel like we're being ignored, and we get nasty when we are ignored.

    You'll get it as soon as we can give it to you :)
This discussion has been closed.