Help!!Vote!! xD

terminator00 Posts: 1
edited October 2011 in Seeker

Guys im in a serius dillema(or something like this). Im between seeker(71) and mystic (73). I want choose one but i cant, could u help me a little(dont tell me depend on what u want,just what u like)!!!

Like i see till now:
Seeker-Needed more,powerful aoes,better tankablity
Mystic-Less needed(fc), pet+heal+power+ strong pvp,

That makes me cant choose: please tell me what u like and what would u preferb:surrenderb:surrender
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  • Kaitica - Heavens Tear
    Kaitica - Heavens Tear Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    Guys im in a serius dillema(or something like this). Im between seeker(71) and mystic (73). I want choose one but i cant, could u help me a little(dont tell me depend on what u want,just what u like)!!!

    Like i see till now:
    Seeker-Needed more,powerful aoes,better tankablity
    Mystic-Less needed(fc), pet+heal+power+ strong pvp,

    That makes me cant choose: please tell me what u like and what would u preferb:surrenderb:surrender

    Tbh the only thing I ever see seekers used for is destroying FF pulls and RB.
    They really won't be tanking endgame on solo bosses because 5 aps is the craze, amirite?
    Seekers are hard hitters in PvP I wouldn't take them out and call them weak.

    Mystics are able to fit a ton of puzzle pieces.
    They can easily heal through most dungeons and prevent squad wipes.
    The pets destroy AoE's just as great as a seeker imo... and they aren't getting hit.
    Mystics are different in PvP, with your debuff arsenal you'll never know what kind of luck you may have sometimes.
    Mystic Pets are easily broken, but a great addition to your skill set.

    End game, neither class is a solo class. (Solo TT doesn't count lolz)
    Both are support to the squad (seeker's nasty debuffs and mystic's heals)

    Personally I like mystic more, got em both to 59... ditched my seeker.
  • terminator00
    terminator00 Posts: 1
    edited October 2011
    Should i say that i have a sin 82 lvl too? i rly prefer him that those 2 classes, i find him something special and rly easier BUT everyone make me scared and im afraid of use them. Everyone tell me that at 100 i ill surely need rly much money that hardly i will afford:S Hmmm... idk i play abt 1 year now and still cant choose my character, Is that rly that a demon sin is rly expensive? i want to become 2,86 aps or max 3,33 aps(always sparked) btw my sin doesnt have tm69:S, but i recently heard that fb79 gives a robe with interval 0,05 and it would be good for me
  • Kaitica - Heavens Tear
    Kaitica - Heavens Tear Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Sorry but I can't help laughing when you say sins are something special. Ijs

    Nothing in this game is expensive if you know what to do with it.

    Investing is better than spending lol.

    I believe 3.33 sparked costs 72 gold+ 25mil tt99 + the cape

    I don't know the formula on my iPod but that's what I assume.
    Might need orns too