Bans for JFC finally
Nah... some of us still hold false hope that the game will get better someday...
Here since October 2008
Check out my Art Corner: -
Merene - Archosaur wrote: »So i logged on to go tw tonite only to be told by guildees not to jfc anymore (i never have). When i asked why they told me that gms had been very busy on our server today popping into fc instances and banning anyone caught doing the glitch. Good news at last lol they are finally enforcing thier own rules.
What's a GM b:question
In the last 3 years I have never seen a GM in the game. They are just a rummer like Santa Claus and the M&Ms.0 -
FoxRunning - Heavens Tear wrote: »no lie....thats where GMs belong. remember, that "GM" does mean "GAME MASTER"....and to be that means you have to be IN the game, not sitting around on your thumbs.
when this game started, GMs were very active, both among the players and on WC. and that was when bans were handed out and enforced...and the GMs made sure everyone knew who had been banned and for what infraction of the TOS, none of this wimpy 'no naming/no shaming." if you were being ganked, you could hit a button for a GM to come help, and they took care of the problem right away.
if they are putting GMs back in the game, i cant wait till HeavensTear gets some! we need them badly! and i hope they stay here for keeps!
Unfortunately, there won't be any GMs on the server.
the button is just there for looks0 -
snufalufaguss wrote: »Did everyone on this forum just start today or something? You people seem to think PWE actually gives a ****.
Our original thoughts are safe.
They Don't0 -
Game Master? rofl... Sorry...where does it state that this what it means?
Please show your information source.
As far as I am aware.. GM stands for Game Moderator, as it does in virtually all games.
That aside.. I agree they need to be in game. Lets start though with what I have been asking for all over these largely ignored and wholly unaddressed forums.
I want to see a list of named Moderators, indicating which servers and areas they may be found in, and a defined and proper means of communicating with them.
A decent Company would aslo show what hours of the day they may be found, their area and extent of responsibility, and the means by which they became moderators and what qualifies them to hold the position.
It would aslo show the hierarchy structure so that wehn someone in a position of responsibility (EG Frankie) fails to respond adequately (or at all in a lot cases where Frankie is concerned), a customer has recourse to contacting their supervisor to have their grievances properly addressed.
Wonder what customer service background , training, experience and qualification any of the employees in this game actually have.
Take a look at a game like guild wars.. for years their main customer service and community rep was Gaile Grey.. go look and you will find reference to her all over the place.
Highly respected, much head hunted, extremely successful and very publicly available.
When she moved on to higher things she was sorely missed, and her replacement incidentally was also well publicised, her background was published, her role and responsibilities made common knowledge and.. from the moment her appointment was announced, several means of communicating with her made available for people.
No doubt when *** is released they will continue their policy of communicating with their customers and answering each and every query and or grievance.
I want the name of and contact method for your supervisor Frankie. You are not by any means providing a satisfactory service to your customers, so I want to address these concerns to someone competent who might actually work for aliving and possibly may give a **** about customers.
Thanks for the prompt response to customer requirements... just kidding.. I wont get a response I am sure... if you even bother to read this...
Disgraceful and totally incompetent customer service.
Pretty soon
my thoughts on PWI, PWE.
For goodness sake... you censor that?? you really are running scared roflmao
I typed G W 2 and you censored it... please... grow up.... unbelievable!!!!0 -
Game Master? rofl... Sorry...where does it state that this what it means?
Please show your information source.
They have been called game masters ever since I can remember.0 -
Kondor, there is not enough time in the day to respond to EVERY question, QQ, or pathetic attempt for attention in these threads by the player base with the hand full of mods employed by this company.
I know for a fact they are flooded continuously with meaningless child like stupidity just off the Lost City server alone. You have people who have become some obsessed with the game at this point, and winning in it, that they spend all day "looking" for things to report..
Example: Member of triforce makes a troll in faction chat stating he is selling 105 sin (knowing full well he would never sell this account he is simply being silly), hours later he is banned. He got reported by a member of another faction who planted a "spy account" in the faction just to try and get the faction in trouble (catch them saying anything that could possibly get the banned) or any member they can get banned (because it is well know we are mega trolls and spew nonsense all day long to each other in faction chat).
Now a mod has to respond to the report, which they do, and ban the account until they can further investigate. As this is going on 10 more similar reports are made banning other accounts from the same individual trying to gain an edge on his competition.
Now the mod has went from one to eleven complaints just off this one individual.
Extrapolate to the total player base now, we will give it a lenient 50% of the players in this game just play and have fun. That other 50% is creating a MASSIVE flow of simply stupid reports that a handful of mods have to address, even to get to the valid reports that have been posted to them.
I do not find the fault in the game mods in this game, I find the fault in the maturity level of the player base in this game. Abusing a system set in place for actual issues to further their own "power hungry agenda" in a video game, causes actual issues to not be responded to in a timely fashion, and frankly, if I was frankie and them, I would be sick to death of reading this absolute stupidity spewed in these forums for no other reason than screenshotting when frankie actually does respond to them so they can post it in their signatures that "FrankieRae talked to me". Misconception number 1: The mods are people too. They are not Gods, they are not a secret organization who control the leaders of the world with their powers of persuasion in a pixelated venue .
If you are so unimpressed, there are other games out there, feel free to leave and join them. Unlike you, this is a job for them, one they are not payed enough to do, not their life. And the constant berating of these mods telling them they are not doing enough only enhances this feeling. Considering the amount of players in this game to moderator ratio, I happen to think they do as well as the can, and am grateful for what they can get around to doing.
Should you desire to actually know the hours of operation, the contact information, the structure of the company, its standing in the stock exchange, or any other of the normal information posted about any company, why not try actually looking at the main companies website. Just a thought. I mean come on, I can tell you what the profit margin was from game to game in this company by simply going to the main company website and following the links. Not hard, just got to use a little common sense.
To the moderators:
I applaud you for even bothering to read these amazingly long threads full of incessant qqing, and will gladly fill out a customer comment card saying such. Every time I have had a problem you have responded to it, and I am VERY satisfied with the customer service here.0 -
The post above me makes some good points, but you also have to take into consideration that PWE appears to have more games than their manpower can handle. They have too many things going on at one time and their employees are probably spread too thin to effectively communicate to the customers in all their games. PW alone has grossed hundreds of millions of dollars (just in 2009 only Forbes estimated it to have made 300 mil) so they can afford to hire more to help the community, but they choose not too. Instead they invest in creating and supporting new titles.
True story.0 -
I see someone telling me how hard the mods work, how little they are paid etc etc.
This same person is speculating on much drivel and nonsense they have to deal with from pointless and pathetic reporting and you know what?
You are inadvertently backing up my points.
Show me the list of Mods and their hours of work and contact methods. exmeplify the salary structure.
You MAY be correct in what you say.. but to anyone who logs on here and reads this, you are just speculating with nothing to support your theories.
Furthermore.. if they are spending all day dealing with reports and banning people...
poor poor customer service... how about providing some positive service instead of negative service. All we seem to hear about from all the speculators out there, is how many reported ppl there are, how many ppl are banned etc etc.
Prioriitise if this the case... I dont care in the slightest if it takes 7 days to respnd to a claim that someone is trying to sell their account... who would care?
I want a speedier response to issues that are going to actually HELP people.. not ban them for trivia.
Less pwi police... more customer service...this is what is needed.
Focussing the whole of the resource of moderators on petty rubbish like you have pointed out (speculation and guesswork on the statistics again by the way) in no way serving the customer base.
The vast majority of things do not gain any response whether they are legitimate points or not.
Check this... YOU took the time and trouble to read the forum and to formulate a response,
albeit one full of unsupported guesswork and unsubstantiated claims, but you DID respond.
Id it unreasonable to expect a respnse from someone who is (apparently if your guesswork is correct) paid to do that?
I am taking a broader view here, there isnt time or need to answer every little niggle or whine I agree. Lets just have a process that aims to address as much as possible though.
I still want the names, working hours, responsibilites abd contact methods of moderstors published.
As for telling me if i dont like it, then go elsewhere.. firstly...that is no solution to a pathetic and non existent customer service, secondly , who died and left you in charge to dictate to me? Thirdly..I am just looking to have the basics for support on something I have paid for.
Is there any doubt in anyones mind whatsoever that if your ISP for example operated with customer service as bad as this.. that company would be publicly and brutally taken to task, and the press too would be only too happy to report on the matter.
Maybe people are indeed working very hard for very little.. no doubt some are.
Try and look at what I am criticising instead of assuming I am saying that mods suck or whatever. I want the customer service facilities that you have a right to expect.
I am in no postion whatever to criticise any mod in this game, since not one single one has ever spoken to me, written on a forum, responded to a request in game, or any of these things.
I cannot judge the quality of their response and resolutions since there IS NONE.
At this moment in time the only thing we can say with any accuracy that is not speculation or guesswork is this...
Sometimes, some people get banned for various things and for various lengths of time.
Thats it... sum total of what can be substantiated regarding mods, customer service , workloads etc.
PWI THE COMPANY... must privide a structured and customer focussed customer service.
If the employees of the customer service department are too busy, too overworked etc then let one of them say so.. if they exist at all.
For goodness sake, only guessing that they even call it a customer service department.
Publish the list of mods, hours of duty, contact methods.
Now tell me.. is THAT unreasonable to request?
I am not in any way criticising a mod, since i have no response from them to pass opinion on, and have no idea how many if any whatsoever , there are.
So please.. stop the speculating and defence of PWI over this..
Maybe you are right and they all work very hard.. but until I have a point addressed, or someone else who has riaised a genuine grievance has..
then you are just guessing and that simply isnt good enough thnks.0 -
They see me trollin', they hatin'.....rank 9 - 19% farmed0
EmeraldFire - Lost City wrote: »Kondor, there is not enough time in the day to respond to EVERY question, QQ, or pathetic attempt for attention in these threads by the player base with the hand full of mods employed by this company.
I know for a fact they are flooded continuously with meaningless child like stupidity just off the Lost City server alone. You have people who have become some obsessed with the game at this point, and winning in it, that they spend all day "looking" for things to report..
Now the mod has went from one to eleven complaints just off this one individual.
Extrapolate to the total player base now, we will give it a lenient 50% of the players in this game just play and have fun. That other 50% is creating a MASSIVE flow of simply stupid reports that a handful of mods have to address, even to get to the valid reports that have been posted to them.
I do not find the fault in the game mods in this game, I find the fault in the maturity level of the player base in this game. Abusing a system set in place for actual issues to further their own "power hungry agenda" in a video game, causes actual issues to not be responded to in a timely fashion, and frankly, if I was frankie and them, I would be sick to death of reading this absolute stupidity spewed in these forums for no other reason than screenshotting when frankie actually does respond to them so they can post it in their signatures that "FrankieRae talked to me". Misconception number 1: The mods are people too. They are not Gods, they are not a secret organization who control the leaders of the world with their powers of persuasion in a pixelated venue .
If you are so unimpressed, there are other games out there, feel free to leave and join them. Unlike you, this is a job for them, one they are not payed enough to do, not their life. And the constant berating of these mods telling them they are not doing enough only enhances this feeling. Considering the amount of players in this game to moderator ratio, I happen to think they do as well as the can, and am grateful for what they can get around to doing.
Should you desire to actually know the hours of operation, the contact information, the structure of the company, its standing in the stock exchange, or any other of the normal information posted about any company, why not try actually looking at the main companies website. Just a thought. I mean come on, I can tell you what the profit margin was from game to game in this company by simply going to the main company website and following the links. Not hard, just got to use a little common sense.
To the moderators:
I applaud you for even bothering to read these amazingly long threads full of incessant qqing, and will gladly fill out a customer comment card saying such. Every time I have had a problem you have responded to it, and I am VERY satisfied with the customer service here.
More speculation is unhelpful thanks.. "I know for a fact...etc etc"... who is trying to look cool and 'in the know' here?
As for common sense and looking up the "main website" etc. No, I am not looking to find their standing on the stock exchange thanks.
The game has, as one would expect, a support drop down. Good start..
This simply leads to a range of FAQ's which terminate in a dead end if what you want to find out isnt there.
Oh yes.. there is a 'live' function.. but then.. as you have stated yourself.. it is unavailable... not just now during the overloaded work schedule caused by gold bots spamming.. which is by no means a customer priority.
All you have exemplified the mods (still not named , quantified, or made available for the customer to contact) doing is related to punishment, dealing with breaches of ToS etc.
Whilst these things undoubtedly require addressing, they are lower priority to any customer than say, having access to their account restored where it was removed arbitrarily.
It is a lower priority than addressing the price hike to European users who now have to pay in Euros despite the Euro not being their currency.
Two points amongst hundreds of valid, reasonable enquiries raised by customers on the forums.
I am not some egotistical QQ'er seeking attention, I am seeking a valid , working and well publicised customer service response for ALL customers.
I dont care if my personal query is last on the list.. if there is a valid reason for other things taking prioty.. I am not that self obsessed or self important thanks.
What I DO want though is to know my query is GOING to be addressed, has been taken on board, and is in a queue system of some sort.
I DO want to know the name of the person dealing with it, so I may, if I choose contact them at a lter date to enquire as to progress.
I DO want someone to have the maturity of which you speak, to take responsibility for customer service and to say so.
The 'live' system for example, informs me that I am in a queue because operators are busy.
Thats fine, people get busy. But are you aware that the only thing that transpires after that, is that the system automatically disconnects you after 30 minutes?
If I am in a queue to have my query answered, leave me in the queue for gods sake so that at least I have a CHANCE to make it to the top pf the darned queue.
The live service is just a means of buying time, frustrating people to the point where they give up on having their concerns answered, and is wholly unsatisfactory.
My other options from the 'support' section?
Submit a ticket? Well.. as you have stated already, people already submit a stupid amount of tickets on issues that are pathetic and apparently the staff are snowed under dealing with them.
A ticket isnt the right method for a query on Zen charging policy for example, so I am not going to further choke the system by doing that.
Incidentally.. the reset password issue took well over a week to elicit any kind of respnse to tickets.. and if the system was choked up with tickets on it, then prioritise properly.
Deal with issues that are preventing people from being able to play their accounts beofre anything else.. (remember the 'common sense' you referred to???)
The forums are here for a reason, and are intended apparently for people to be able to communicate issues for which FAQ's dont cut it and for which ticketing is inappropriate.
I follow the 'support' links provided to the letter.. and lo and behold.. there is no service available this way.
It is more than reasonable to raise issues in a forum, more than reasonable to have those issues acknowledged by the COMPANY, not just by people who are also players but claim to be 'in the know' with nothing to substantiate their apparent speculation.
It is more than reasonable to expect other peoples concerns and isssues responded to and a structured method of dealing with these.
Finally, if indeed as all you smart , informed, privileged people seem to suggest, the compensation was the extra week of 2x, how hard would it have been for frankie to say so?
How much effort would it have taken to add that to the announcement that the extension was applied?
Tired of excuses, tired of people who claim they know things for a fact, tired of being told that requesting a working, valid customer service is QQ ing, and tired of people trying to further inflate their own ego's by claiming to have the 'inside info'.
If you work for the company, say so, state your position and the extent of your responsibilites.
If you do not work for them.. then stop speculating.. you are part of the problem.0 -
Sesshomaru - Lothranis wrote: »FYI from wat i know glitch is only minor offense, pl only get banned for 3 much for banning ppl
Someone (not allowed to name and shame) said in game "the ban is only for three days, if I can jfc and level so much, a three day ban isn't gonna hurt" b:sad0 -
Anyone remember the coin glitch of feb/2009? they sure fixed that in a hurry. ijs...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Well said Aqua
Yet another example of prioritising... it wasn't something that impacted detrimentally to the customers, but it did impact heavily on the revenue of the company.
For customer service read "self serving"
The customer counts for nothing in this game and every day that passes shows less and less regard for the players.
The REAL exploits here are not the petty xp gains people make by using the game that has been designed to work in the way it is working.
The exploit of major concern is the exploit of paying, well behaved (majoritively) and loyal customers by a greedy incompetent and wholly unsatisfactory corporate thug.
Start by employing someone who gives a **** (insert word of choice here)
Anyone else here whose gaming is prevented or severely impacted by gold bots spamming?
I think not.
Leave that issue for a moment Frankie and concentrate on things that DO matter to your customers.
Pathetic service... my bad.. it isnt pathetic... it is now non existent as far as I can see.0 -
Food for thought...
You do realise that if you actually had a relieable published method for people to have their queries and grievances addressed, then the forums would get a huge amount quieter, and maybe people wouldnt have to resort to breaching ToS and getting banned in order to get listened to.
My bad.. that would be the common sense kicking in again.. silly me.0 -
Yin - Momaganon wrote: »I wish they do something on Momagon server too but no GMs and no bans seen and world chat is full of "JFC" or "pizza FC" squad forming messages b:infuriated
They just call it Special FC, SFC, or Power Leveling with a promise to get ya from 1 to 60 in 30 minute and to 100 in a few days if ya pay 6 mil for thirty minutes and bring your own vac. they wont ever be banned who are we kidding. And if they do, three days for busting the rules and the game aint no big thing. these folks are laughing at the three days0 -
iamtrouble wrote: »They just call it Special FC, SFC, or Power Leveling with a promise to get ya from 1 to 60 in 30 minute and to 100 in a few days if ya pay 6 mil for thirty minutes and bring your own vac. they wont ever be banned who are we kidding. And if they do, three days for busting the rules and the game aint no big thing. these folks are laughing at the three days
I haven't done it, so this might be a stupid question, but I'll ask anyway.
If you're paying to have people powerlevel you via this glitch, why do you need to take your own vacs? Shouldn't the people you're paying be doing all the work?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Tsukyini - Raging Tide wrote: »I haven't done it, so this might be a stupid question, but I'll ask anyway.
If you're paying to have people powerlevel you via this glitch, why do you need to take your own vacs? Shouldn't the people you're paying be doing all the work?
How ironic... but very true
You would expect the people you are paying to do the work.. absolutely
Sort of analogous to expecting the GM's and Frankie etc to do the work that they are indirectly paid for by US.
Just saying0 -
kondors your blinding off my eyes with your wall of text xD anyways i rly don't care anymore what GMs do... they're just **** themself more with every action. thought im not blaming them for everything its not always their decision. anyways for once.. i rly gave up on trowing any kind of complains anymore lols[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
The greatest danger for most of us
is not that our aim is too high
and we miss it
but that it's too low and
we reach it.
-Michelangelo0 -
Dear PW,
After playing your PWI product for a while now, I have found certain aspects that need to be addressed.
I notice that PWI tends to quickly pull things out of game when the cause "client instability".
Here are anumber of things that are causing "client instability"...
Our current GMs who can't bother to respond to us in a timely and honest manner.
Outdated original class skills
Outdated original class skins
Outdated caves
Crazy Bat-**** prices in your unfinished Guild Base system
Thank you and I look forward to you pulling these items causing "client instability" within 24 hours like do with all things found to cause "client instability".[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
hmph GMs are now banning ppl who are doing JFC?
Seriously its not our fault if PWI has glitches which can be exploited so easily.
And Gms are now popping out in FC? tht makes no sense cause i hardly ever see any gms in pwi. If i think anyone that should be banned that is pwi itself.
They exploit us and take our money and we cant do JFC.0 -
Blueblade__ - Archosaur wrote: »hmph GMs are now banning ppl who are doing JFC?
Seriously its not our fault if PWI has glitches which can be exploited so easily.
And Gms are now popping out in FC? tht makes no sense cause i hardly ever see any gms in pwi. If i think anyone that should be banned that is pwi itself.
They exploit us and take our money and we cant do JFC.
Sorry, but you know that cheating in any game has repercussions if you're caught. It's not your fault if there is a way to cheat, it is your fault if you exploit it. Just don't do it and you'll have nothing to worry about.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
^ what venus said.... d'oh
idk if the guy b4 her was trolling or just stupid... b:surrender0 -
Ha, they banned 3/4 of the members of Assend on Archosaur. There goes the map.
Ascend owns 3/4 of the map.... offer them up as shark bait now.0 -
SocialDesire - Archosaur wrote: »Ha, they banned 3/4 of the members of Assend on Archosaur. There goes the map.
Ascend owns 3/4 of the map.... offer them up as shark bait now.
o.o No way! If they were actually banning even the people who use factions, that means they are probably actually checking the logs and not just random screenshots? O.o[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
waits for half of Enrage to get banned permanently.... wait..... Social find out if it's a perma perma ban... or it's a perma that miraciously gets lifted in a week >.<0
SocialDesire - Archosaur wrote: »Ha, they banned 3/4 of the members of Assend on Archosaur. There goes the map.
Ascend owns 3/4 of the map.... offer them up as shark bait now.
Permabans? b:dirty[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Tallain_ - Heavens Tear wrote: »waits for half of Enrage to get banned permanently.... wait..... Social find out if it's a perma perma ban... or it's a perma that miraciously gets lifted in a week >.<
My guild has been doing research and the only way we can actually know at this point is to put in a bid on land when TW bidding comes up, If we can talk to the guild in a TW maybe we can get some answers, b/c by the time TW would take place we'd know if it was temp or not.0 -
According to a portugese speaking member of the Faction ascend, whom i just questioned, the players were hit with a suspension and not a ban, which makes it look like a slap on the wrist for touching something naughty. (4 year olds play much? lolz) THIS MEANS that in order to keep people from further abuse of the glitch a GM will have to be there around the clock to stop them until the bug is fixed0
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