Rebirth Delta Guide Reborn
SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
Posts: 7,908
NOTE: This is a work-in-progress. All the Delta guides I have found are sorely incomplete and have not been updated since at least the RT expansion in most cases. Because of this, and because of my love for gathering useful data, I put together a new Delta guide. I would like tho thank those who wrote the previous Delta guides a couple of years ago. I took a lot of your information, meshed it together, re-wrote some of it to make it current, and came up with this.
The Squad
The squad, 6 different players, meets at the Spiritual Disciple:
Usually every squad member provides one.
Check your quest slots before you warp in!!!
You should have at least 2 open slots (one for the Rebirth quest and one to be able to use the portal stones from "Happy Valley". Also runners will need one slot more).
The squad leader needs more slots than everyone as he is the only member able to set up the auras (only Leader will get "Deity Stone - A" which is an item used to upgrade the auras : BEWARE this item disappear upon leaving instance, which means that if the leader leaves instance, he wont be able to upgrade the auras anymore, nor will anyone else. This item isnt tradable.)
As there are 5 different auras, the squad leader needs a minimum of 7 free quests slots.
When everyone is ready the squad leader starts the quest at the Discipline and you get teleported inside. Do not forget to equip your blessings!!!
Squad Types
You can go in different squad types. Each squad has 6 members:
Rainbow Squad: One person from each of the ten classes. (If you have two of one class it is not a rainbow squad.)
Mixed Squads of all possible combinations. I would advise a Cleric, Barb and BladeMaster with just about any squad though.
What items will I need?
Everyone should have a HP charm.
Archers and Seekers will need a MP charm. Its also recommended for Clerics and Wizards, but not a necessity.
Vacuity powders. Everyone should have at least 3. Barbarian should carry 6.
3-4 Hours of time. (Fastest run Ive done is 2-2.5 hours though) DO NOT join a squad if you cannot finish a full run.
HP. Its not necessary but defense isnt as large in here as HP is. You will receive godly buffs from the instance. So it is suggested that everyone gets HP rings and necklace/belt with ++ HP bonuses. This is especially important for the DDs who will be hit the most. Mainly the Mage and Archer.
Free Inventory Slots. You're going to get 3-5 items right off the bat. A cheap charm, (I prefer the O'Malley's), and two sets of resurrect scrolls, plus there's beans an quest items. You will also want a row or two free for the OHT mats, Tome Frags, Old Book Pages, and Shards that will drop from the bosses.
What Each class is responsible for:
Barbarian: You are the meat shield. This is extremely important. If you fail here the RB party will not go well. Your job is to group the mobs up for sharptooth and bring them in grouped up. You also need to know when to roar, this is something you need to learn yourself.
Genie suggestions: Tree of Protection, Solid Shield, Alpha Male, Cloud Eruption
BladeMaster: You have to have axes, with all the axe skills maxed for RB to go well. (If youre a solid fist BM and dont have the AoE stun ability that comes with axes, dont bother doing Delta because the Wizard will hate you and the run has a high chance of failure.)
Your primary duty is to stun when each wave is brought in and dragon the mobs. Its also a good idea to get a spear for knocking certain mobs in and learning the spear ulti. This is great because you will be getting fed chi the whole run. So you can double ulti with ease and make the runs much smoother. Do not leave blue ball range.
Read This Guide for good tips on the BM role.
Genie Suggestions: Alpha Male, Tree of Protection, Badge of Courage.
Wizard: If there isnt a seeker in the squad, you will pretty much be casting DB the whole time. Be sure to carry a low level weapon (like level 34 or something) so that you dont get aggro on all the mobs at once. The barb should be holding aggro from you and the BM should be stunning the mobs to brevent any you aggro from hitting you too much.
If theres a seeker in the squad, you will be playing the DD role while they Vortex. Every wave you will start off with a mountain. Just spam your ultis and dont die. Mix in hailstorm and knock back mobs off the archer as needed, but make sure its in straight lines and try not to knock back around a roar or alpha male.
Genie Suggestions: Tree of Protection, Absolute Domain, Holy Path, Expel
Cleric: You will be in blue ball almost the entire time. Your primary role is to announce the waves and to keep track of the timer. You also will be solo-holding the fake bosses from the first two waves while the rest of the squad farms beans so have some HP food handy. BBing is kinda boring and youll have a tendency to babble on and lose focus. Please dont do this on the Stun waves.
Genie Suggestions: Absolute Domain, Extreme Poison, Tangling Mire, Pheonix Dance, Badge of Courage, Holy Path, Expel (I typically carry two genies.)
Venomancer: You will have to time your AOE seal (Parasitic Nova) when the mobs first come in, usually good to cast it right after the BM HFs. During stages 3-5 your primary focus should be to amp the Increased Live mobs and use Myriad fox form as much as possible. (If you do not have Myriad Fox form, go get it immediately.) Starting with Stage 6 you will be casting Myriad Fox form, Parasitic Nova, and Noxious Gas like crazy.
Your other primary job is to get the bosses before they reach the zhens on wave 5. So follow the barb out on those waves and tank the boss with your herc well out of range.
Archer: You will be sharptoothing the mobs whenever they come in and grouped up by the Barbarian. The moment after you will need to open barrage on an Increased Life mob for best effectiveness.
Genie Suggestions: Absolute Domain, Tree of Protection, Expel, Cloud Eruption
Seeker: You will be following the traditional role of the Wizard DBing. You have the advantage of more HP, better gear, and much higher defense levels though. Your primary job is going to be Vortex, and you will be using your AoE attacks during the stun waves.
Genie Suggestions: Absolute Domain, Tree of Protection, Holy Path, Tangling Mire, Alpha Male
Psychic, Mystic: You will be DDing as much as you can. Mystics, avoid using your AoE skill as the seal with it will make the mobs run out of the AoE of the Seeker/Wiz.
Genie Suggestions: Absolute Domain, Tree of Protection
Assasin: You can do the runs with the BM to get beans faster initially. Bloodpaint FTW! And afterwards just DD as much as you can. Try to focus on Increased Life or Increased Defense mobs.
Genie Suggestions: Absolute Domain, Tree of Protection
I really need to tips on genie skills for this one. Spamming Absolute Domain and Tree of Protection for every class is kinda silly, but Im only really familiar with the Cleric, Veno, and Barb in Delta.
All About Celebeans
Farming Beans
The whole point to getting Celebeans is so that you can upgrade the Auras. (Auras will be discussed later.)
In between the stages, everyone except the cleric and the runner(s) will be farming the beans from the chests in the Happy Valley. (Accessed via the blue portal to the left of Harpy.)
If you have a Veno, Mystic, or Assassin in the squad, its a good idea to have them kill the mobs and pick up the beans during the first two stages. (Timing is important, if you kill the mobs too fast you wont be able to pick up all the beans before they disappear.)
Bonus Beans
In rainbow squads, you can get "Bean Sprout" and with those you can get a special quest. Youll need to speak to Crisium: Jofeng - "Valley of Reciprocity" 391 594(23) to obtain 880 celebeans. Youll need the whole squad in range for this. Be sure everyone is here to speak to him. There will be 4 particular moments you will be able to get this quest, if you fail at one of this quests, you wont be able to get the further quests from that guy.
In order for the BM to receive the bonus bean all 6 members must be close to Ms Jofeng when the quest is taken. This can be a problem if the Venomancer is still performing ticket runs. Good communication is required between the team in round 1 and 2 so the Venomancer can time the runs to return in time for bonus beans.
1st moment : just after starting the "Fight for Love" quest at Messenger: Earth - "Valley of Reciprocity" 363 520(23)
2nd moment : just when the first boss appears.
3rd moment : just after the first boss dies .
4th moment : just when the second boss appears.
With this quest you can make 880 x 4 = 3520 celebeans which are of great help.
In a rainbow squad the AOE team must NOT AT ANY POINT in round 1 and 2 have the aoe near the eye. Also avoid attacking the eye with any skills or pets. This will kill the hidden NPCs and result in the loss of future bonus beans.
The Squad
The squad, 6 different players, meets at the Spiritual Disciple:
- Spiritual Disciple World 131 857 (38) (Thousand Streams)
- Spiritual Disciple World 572 646 (22) (Eastern Archosaur)
- Spiritual Disciple World 662 375 (26) (Dreamweaver Port)
Usually every squad member provides one.
Check your quest slots before you warp in!!!
You should have at least 2 open slots (one for the Rebirth quest and one to be able to use the portal stones from "Happy Valley". Also runners will need one slot more).
The squad leader needs more slots than everyone as he is the only member able to set up the auras (only Leader will get "Deity Stone - A" which is an item used to upgrade the auras : BEWARE this item disappear upon leaving instance, which means that if the leader leaves instance, he wont be able to upgrade the auras anymore, nor will anyone else. This item isnt tradable.)
As there are 5 different auras, the squad leader needs a minimum of 7 free quests slots.
When everyone is ready the squad leader starts the quest at the Discipline and you get teleported inside. Do not forget to equip your blessings!!!
Squad Types
You can go in different squad types. Each squad has 6 members:
Rainbow Squad: One person from each of the ten classes. (If you have two of one class it is not a rainbow squad.)
Mixed Squads of all possible combinations. I would advise a Cleric, Barb and BladeMaster with just about any squad though.
What items will I need?
Everyone should have a HP charm.
Archers and Seekers will need a MP charm. Its also recommended for Clerics and Wizards, but not a necessity.
Vacuity powders. Everyone should have at least 3. Barbarian should carry 6.
3-4 Hours of time. (Fastest run Ive done is 2-2.5 hours though) DO NOT join a squad if you cannot finish a full run.
HP. Its not necessary but defense isnt as large in here as HP is. You will receive godly buffs from the instance. So it is suggested that everyone gets HP rings and necklace/belt with ++ HP bonuses. This is especially important for the DDs who will be hit the most. Mainly the Mage and Archer.
Free Inventory Slots. You're going to get 3-5 items right off the bat. A cheap charm, (I prefer the O'Malley's), and two sets of resurrect scrolls, plus there's beans an quest items. You will also want a row or two free for the OHT mats, Tome Frags, Old Book Pages, and Shards that will drop from the bosses.
What Each class is responsible for:
Barbarian: You are the meat shield. This is extremely important. If you fail here the RB party will not go well. Your job is to group the mobs up for sharptooth and bring them in grouped up. You also need to know when to roar, this is something you need to learn yourself.
Genie suggestions: Tree of Protection, Solid Shield, Alpha Male, Cloud Eruption
BladeMaster: You have to have axes, with all the axe skills maxed for RB to go well. (If youre a solid fist BM and dont have the AoE stun ability that comes with axes, dont bother doing Delta because the Wizard will hate you and the run has a high chance of failure.)
Your primary duty is to stun when each wave is brought in and dragon the mobs. Its also a good idea to get a spear for knocking certain mobs in and learning the spear ulti. This is great because you will be getting fed chi the whole run. So you can double ulti with ease and make the runs much smoother. Do not leave blue ball range.
Read This Guide for good tips on the BM role.
Genie Suggestions: Alpha Male, Tree of Protection, Badge of Courage.
Wizard: If there isnt a seeker in the squad, you will pretty much be casting DB the whole time. Be sure to carry a low level weapon (like level 34 or something) so that you dont get aggro on all the mobs at once. The barb should be holding aggro from you and the BM should be stunning the mobs to brevent any you aggro from hitting you too much.
If theres a seeker in the squad, you will be playing the DD role while they Vortex. Every wave you will start off with a mountain. Just spam your ultis and dont die. Mix in hailstorm and knock back mobs off the archer as needed, but make sure its in straight lines and try not to knock back around a roar or alpha male.
Genie Suggestions: Tree of Protection, Absolute Domain, Holy Path, Expel
Cleric: You will be in blue ball almost the entire time. Your primary role is to announce the waves and to keep track of the timer. You also will be solo-holding the fake bosses from the first two waves while the rest of the squad farms beans so have some HP food handy. BBing is kinda boring and youll have a tendency to babble on and lose focus. Please dont do this on the Stun waves.
Genie Suggestions: Absolute Domain, Extreme Poison, Tangling Mire, Pheonix Dance, Badge of Courage, Holy Path, Expel (I typically carry two genies.)
Venomancer: You will have to time your AOE seal (Parasitic Nova) when the mobs first come in, usually good to cast it right after the BM HFs. During stages 3-5 your primary focus should be to amp the Increased Live mobs and use Myriad fox form as much as possible. (If you do not have Myriad Fox form, go get it immediately.) Starting with Stage 6 you will be casting Myriad Fox form, Parasitic Nova, and Noxious Gas like crazy.
Your other primary job is to get the bosses before they reach the zhens on wave 5. So follow the barb out on those waves and tank the boss with your herc well out of range.
Archer: You will be sharptoothing the mobs whenever they come in and grouped up by the Barbarian. The moment after you will need to open barrage on an Increased Life mob for best effectiveness.
Genie Suggestions: Absolute Domain, Tree of Protection, Expel, Cloud Eruption
Seeker: You will be following the traditional role of the Wizard DBing. You have the advantage of more HP, better gear, and much higher defense levels though. Your primary job is going to be Vortex, and you will be using your AoE attacks during the stun waves.
Genie Suggestions: Absolute Domain, Tree of Protection, Holy Path, Tangling Mire, Alpha Male
Psychic, Mystic: You will be DDing as much as you can. Mystics, avoid using your AoE skill as the seal with it will make the mobs run out of the AoE of the Seeker/Wiz.
Genie Suggestions: Absolute Domain, Tree of Protection
Assasin: You can do the runs with the BM to get beans faster initially. Bloodpaint FTW! And afterwards just DD as much as you can. Try to focus on Increased Life or Increased Defense mobs.
Genie Suggestions: Absolute Domain, Tree of Protection
I really need to tips on genie skills for this one. Spamming Absolute Domain and Tree of Protection for every class is kinda silly, but Im only really familiar with the Cleric, Veno, and Barb in Delta.
All About Celebeans
Farming Beans
The whole point to getting Celebeans is so that you can upgrade the Auras. (Auras will be discussed later.)
In between the stages, everyone except the cleric and the runner(s) will be farming the beans from the chests in the Happy Valley. (Accessed via the blue portal to the left of Harpy.)
If you have a Veno, Mystic, or Assassin in the squad, its a good idea to have them kill the mobs and pick up the beans during the first two stages. (Timing is important, if you kill the mobs too fast you wont be able to pick up all the beans before they disappear.)
Bonus Beans
In rainbow squads, you can get "Bean Sprout" and with those you can get a special quest. Youll need to speak to Crisium: Jofeng - "Valley of Reciprocity" 391 594(23) to obtain 880 celebeans. Youll need the whole squad in range for this. Be sure everyone is here to speak to him. There will be 4 particular moments you will be able to get this quest, if you fail at one of this quests, you wont be able to get the further quests from that guy.
In order for the BM to receive the bonus bean all 6 members must be close to Ms Jofeng when the quest is taken. This can be a problem if the Venomancer is still performing ticket runs. Good communication is required between the team in round 1 and 2 so the Venomancer can time the runs to return in time for bonus beans.
1st moment : just after starting the "Fight for Love" quest at Messenger: Earth - "Valley of Reciprocity" 363 520(23)
2nd moment : just when the first boss appears.
3rd moment : just after the first boss dies .
4th moment : just when the second boss appears.
With this quest you can make 880 x 4 = 3520 celebeans which are of great help.
In a rainbow squad the AOE team must NOT AT ANY POINT in round 1 and 2 have the aoe near the eye. Also avoid attacking the eye with any skills or pets. This will kill the hidden NPCs and result in the loss of future bonus beans.
Post edited by SylenThunder - Twilight Temple on
Auras, The Key to Success
The auras give an added bonus to the squad these are cast every few seconds by hidden NPCs near the eye.
The auras are set by 5 NPCs near the portal to the bean room. Taking to each one will give a quest to upgrade that NPCs aura. This requires a certain number of celebeans. The Auras are HP, Defence (Physical), Attack (Magic and Physical), Chi and Mana.
Assuming a typical squad consists of a Cleric, BladeMaster, Barbarian, Seeker, and two additional DDers, this is the recommended method for setting the auras.
Pre Stage 1: Set Mana to Level 1
After Stage 1: Set Chi to 1 and Mana to 3
After Stage 2: Set Health to 2, Defense to 2, and Max Attack as high as you can
After Stage 3: Raise Mana to 4 if you can and max Attack at 6
After Stage 4: Raise Health to 5 and Defense to 3
After Stage 6: Raise Defense to 5
After Stage 7: Raise Chi to 3 and max Defense at 6
After Stage 8: Max Heal at level 6
If you dont have a Seeker and have a Wizard instead, you will want to Start with Defense instead of Mana.
NOTE: Cool tip about Auras. The effects of the Auras affect Venomancer pets and Mystic summons as well.
Costs: - beans- lvl1: 500
- lvl2: 600
- lvl3: 700
- lvl4: 800
- lvl5: 800
- lvl6: 1000
Defense(phisical only): - %- lvl1:129
- lvl2: 160
- lvl3: 190
- lvl4: 220
- lvl5: 250
- lvl6: 279
Attack boost: - %- lvl1:120
- lvl2: 139
- lvl3: 160
- lvl4: 179
- lvl5: 200
- lvl6: 220
Life regen: - x/3 seconds- lvl1: 300
- lvl2: 600
- lvl3: 900
- lvl4: 1200
- lvl5: 1500
- lvl6: 1800
Mana regen: - x/5 seconds- lvl1: 500
- lvl2: 1000
- lvl3: 1500
- lvl4: 2000
- lvl5: 2500
- lvl6: 3000
Chi boost:- lvl1: 40/15 seconds
- lvl2: 40/10 seconds
- lvl3: 80/15 seconds
- lvl4: 80/10 seconds
- lvl5: 120/15 seconds
- lvl6: 120/10 seconds
Doing the Running Quest
This is typically the BMs job from stage 1, wave 2 (also called Wave 1-2). It can be performed by any class that isnt the Cleric, the Barb, or the AoE DDer in the killing zone:- Go into Happy Valley, (Through the blue teleport portal to the left of Harpy Wraith.)
- You will find a NPC near you, with a quest, get it and start to run. You will have to find other NPCs on the way. Dont worry about mobs, they dont aggro if you dont hit them.
- After the first npc, you will need to croll the pit with the platforms. This is pretty easily accomplished by skirting around the left side of the roum where the chests are and then jumping the second half. Dont worry, if you go down, you will be automatically ported up to the other side.)
- Then, continue your run. When you arrive at the last NPC, go all the way back to the last room, remove your gear, and get aggro of 1 or 2 mobs, and die. You will be automatically teleported to the first npc, to turn in the quest and get another time to do the same. You will do this 10 times. (If you have a good AoE DDer and Barb, you can have two people split this up doing 5 runs each to get beans faster.)
In this way u could finish running when the timer of the boss of the round 2 is at 7-9 minutes left.
Before you turn in the last (10th) quest, dig chests in the last room. Then die, as usual. (People not familiar with this typically as if youre ok, or need help.)
Remember, when you die, you dont need to click "release corpse" (the old "return to the city").
Formation of the Killing Zone
The formation of the team is important. Unlike Gamma, Delta requires the team to be based at the neck of the valley not too far from the auras at the eye but, far enough away to not hit the bonus bean NPCs. The purpose here is to do as much damage as fast as possible to as many as possible. That is why the team needs to be in the narrow valley. The wizard/seeker and archer aoe hit the most mobs and the BM stuns hit 90-100% of the targets. The front of the team should be the Barb ready to intercept the mobs, behind him the BM at stun on arrival. The main kill zone has the wizard at the front the cleric 6-10 steps behind and the archer to the right of the cleric, slightly up the mountainside. This gives the archer and cleric the distance away from the mobs and give the wizard mass access to the mobs.
The Stages
This is a short summary of key things in Rebirth Delta. There is too much to list so only key points are noted, and you should be aware that no 2 Deltas are ever the same, alot depends on the skills and knowledge of your team, and most of all luck.
Round 1
Summary: A basic mixture of physical damage close range mobs with some ranged. The key here is not to let the boss at round 5 die in the aoe or it causes problems for the chest digging.
Wave 3 contains some sleepers, however they have a low success rate but still Barbs should be careful
Round 2
Summary: Again a mixture of different mobs, most do little damage. Keep larger numbers away from the wizard though.
Wave 5: Regular and Fire resist mobs. Wizard should shut down Dragons Breath and fight manually with water or Earth.
Round 3
Summary: Not too bad but if you get alot of sleeper and stunners on waves 3 and 4 your will have issues.
Wave 3: Sleepers. These need to die fast. Look for any mobs classed as Sorcerer, these possess the ability. Success rate for sleep by these mobs is low but dont take chances.
Wave 4: Stunner Advisors, kill these immediately if you dont and they get to the cleric youre in big trouble. Also dont let the other mobs gather on the wizard, this is another way to fail as these mobs dont like that fire damage
Round 4
Summary: Pretty easy mostly physical damage mobs keep them off the wizard, archer and cleric and your fine.
Wave 2: Occasionally some fire resist mobs. Not usually many though keep Dragons Breath up.
Round 5
Summary: Rattus type physical damage mobs. Keep these off the wizard.
Wave 3: Large wave who seem to dislike wizards, aggro control needed here.
Wave 4: As above
Round 6
Summary: Archer waves
Wave 2: For some reason these archers tend to start targeting the cleric. BM and Barb need to get aggro off them and get these into the kill zone aoe fast. Archer battle alone isnt enough.
Wave 4: Like wave 2 but even worse. Stun often and get them into the kill zone. This is a good place for the Veno to start aoe stuns on a regular basis. The Chi Aura should be refilling you as fast, or faster, than the cooldown on Parasitic Nova. Any plus life mobs are top priority
Round 7
Summary: A wide assortment of mobs generally speaking this round isnt too bad but be on your toes.
Wave 5: Pot time, these mobs hit very hard arcane / light armor beware.
Round 8
Summary: A mixed bag of mobs, the real danger is from glitches not mobs. Flying mobs are priority number 1.
Wave 3: First of the flying mobs have the Archer deal with them at first, if they pose a problem get them in the fire aoe and have the Hercules pound them too.
Wave 4: More flying mobs, rinse and repeat as above.
Wave 5: Again flying mobs these are a massive problem and are the utter priority, if these glitch they will get to the Harpy and your basically screwed.
Round 9
Summary: This is painful, you need to pot almost all the way through this. Have vac powder on standby for wave 3 and 4.
Wave 1: A mixture of Green and Oranges Hercules style mobs. The green ones need to die fast or they can kill the Barb/BM. Just get these into the fire/arrow/vortex aoes asap
Wave 2: Florafang Flower mobs, low threat get them into aoe and your fine until . . .
Wave 3: This is HELLISH! There are a mixture of stunner mobs here mixed in with tree mobs. The tree mobs however are so large they block your ability to see properly or target. Hit a vac at the start of this wave, pot and pray like hell they die fast. If not your get a nasty double wave with . . .
Wave 4: Hard hitting p dmg mobs with even more advisor type stunners. Stunners are priority one, rest can wait. If you survive your onto
Wave 5: Rather nasty bunch of metal damage mobs with the boss, not to hard Barb should take magic dmg reduction charm now and pots.
Round 10
Summary: Final Boss, grats you made it. Ok this is simple have the barb tank it and cleric heal, rest FIRE AT WILL.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Source data was obtained from...
[Rebirth Delta] By Lost City's Llama
A BM's Updated Guide to Rebirth Delta By Dreamweaver's Slivaf
Rebirth Delta Wiki Article
Thanks to...
_Snot_ - Sanctuary, for a list of the genie skills he uses on his seeker.
Storm_Fists - Sanctuary, for teaching me about setting up auras.
Skadei - Harshlands and Storm_Fists - Sanctuary, for teaching us how the Mystics Cragglord can obliterate bosses. (I'm not kidding on the obliterating part. My wife's Cragglord was hitting 100k+ regular with HF, Myriad, and Devour up.)
Skadei - Harshlands, for reminding me about the amount of free inventory you'll need if you wish to make any money doing these runs.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
As I said before, many thanks to those who made the original posts that I gathered much of my data from. All I have really done is compile it all together into one location, updated it with information on the new classes, and to modify it to be more in-tune with the current state of the instance and how it is typically run.
As I grow and learn more I will continue to update this guide. I am looking very forward to the input from fellow players that I can incorporate into this guide.
I did not cover Spawn-Point Delta in this guide for two reasons.
1. It is an introductory guide for individuals who are not familiar with the mechanics and quests within Delta.
2. In order to do Spawn Point Delta, you need to have an excellent squad with similarly excellent gear. Usually this is only done for the BH's where you merely need to get to stage 2 or 3 and doing that without Auras is not terribly difficult. By the time you are at that level, you should be familiar with the instance, and this guide would be moot.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »Expel is useful because you can cast it on a cleric / archer / wiz without breaking their zhen skill. Cloud eruption is good for archers starting up barrage before the chi aura kicks in.
Do people still do delta the traditional way? I thought everyone just does it at the spawn these days to save like an hour and a half.
Thank you for the info on the Genie skills, I'll update that.
And LOL, yes, it's still done the traditional way. I've been doing training runs for a month now and this weekend decided to put the guide together because all the other data was so old. Doing it is a pretty decent way for the upper 80's and level 90's to get shards and make a few coins. Also great for gathering mats for tomes and Chi stones.
I am curious though, I can do a traditional in 2-hours fairly easily with a good squad that know what they are doing, and training runs typically go for 2.5-3 hours, (some time being spent training of course), how long do Spawn Point runs take? I have yet to experience one of these yet, but hear my barb friends complain about it LOL.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Ohh didn't realize you were still going... I'll just move my post down ;oExpel is useful because you can cast it on a cleric / archer / wiz without breaking their zhen skill. Cloud eruption is good for archers starting up barrage before the chi aura kicks in.
Do people still do delta the traditional way? I thought everyone just does it at the spawn these days to save like an hour and a half.
Spawn point takes an hour and a half I think.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
Socket Calculator - -
SylenThunder - Sanctuary wrote: »I am curious though, I can do a traditional in 2-hours fairly easily with a good squad that know what they are doing, and training runs typically go for 2.5-3 hours, (some time being spent training of course), how long do Spawn Point runs take? I have yet to experience one of these yet, but hear my barb friends complain about it LOL.
whats there for a barb to complain about... i could easily double the repair bill of barbs doing spawn rb.1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.
Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf0 -
Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear wrote: »whats there for a barb to complain about... i could easily double the repair bill of barbs doing spawn rb.
Hahaa I dunno, I never have any troubles with my barb. I hear barbs complaining about super high repair bills, but from what I can determine, the better your gear is, the less damage you take, the smaller the repairs. I do FCC training runs with my barb and the highest bill I've had was around 56k. The norm being 20-35k. In Delta I go two stages before I repair and then it's typically 17-25k and I'm holding aggro the majority of the time. I don't see why spawn point would be any harder for the barb. Maybe the ones I hear from just aren't doing it right, or were in really bad squads.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
SylenThunder - Sanctuary wrote: »NOTE: Cool tip about Auras. The effects of the Auras affect Venomancer pets and Seeker summons as well.
Pardon me if I'm incorrect, but isn't it the Mystic summons?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
As a scared cat cleric, I used to always use vacs at stun waves, till I was told nah, you don't really need, just AD (yes, I know long cd on AD) when you rechannel BB. Problems occur when BB is in cd, but CHB and wellspring keep my duckies alive. Just saying this cause using a vac is usually a waste, imo, for cleric. But then again, my squads usually keep mobs off my sore bum.
Also, I'd love to stress over how AWESOME cragglord timed well with dgs is in GV, since it pretty much obliterates waves.
And it woul be nice to mention people would like to have a lot of free inventory spots, since at entrance, you get 10 dolls, 10 scrolls and a useless blessing and I think one more thing that I'm missing. So if we want drops too... yup, inv spots.
Another thing! Venos and Sins should really really really keep the boss out of zhen reach (QQ to random aggro bosses tho, making poor guys run around) until the squad finishes the last wave of mobs, and if they cant tank, run around with it, in the other room.
/rant0 -
A little something about the card boss(es) you can get in Delta would be nice.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic -
Thanks for the update! Very helpful for teaching Delta to folks new to it. Would it be possible to add the timing for the Wave 1 and 2 bosses? I know the cleric tanks the bosses, keeping them alive to maximize the amount of time available for digging beans but I'm not sure of the exact times when everyone has to be back.* Celestial Demon Archer * Celestial Sage Psychic * Maybe Sage Assassin * Finally Sage Wizard *0
Just get a barb and 4 mystics. Or just get a mystic to smash the wave with cragg as the barb is pulling. b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Really nice guide. I've been doing a lot of deltas lately since my faction are all working on our OHT culti lines and this pretty much matches with what I've noticed works for most squads.
One thing I disagree with a bit is your aura priorities. If you're running without a seeker, you'll never need more than mana 2 (for archer) and even then I'd priorize def1 over mana2 unless you've got an epic geared wizzie. Even with a seeker you probably won't need more than mana 3 from what I've seen. Though I don't play one so I've no idea how much mana a Lv10/11 vortex eats.
When I set auras I usually do this:
Pre stage 1: mana 1
After stage 1: chi 1, atk 1, def 1, mana 2. If i'm lacking beans I'd rather go without mana 2 than one of the others unless we have a seeker, then drop the def aura instead.
After stage 2: HP 2, def 2 and rest in attack (if non-squishy squad you can put HP and def at 1 and max attack first)
After stage 3: chi 2 and rest to attack. If seeker wants mana 3 add it here.
Once attack is maxed, max def, then HP then chi.
And as mentioned by others you should emphasize the veno/sin role of tanking/kiting the boss away from the zhen. Some of them drop BB, stun or debuff the squad which can ruin the run if the boss is allowed to come in when mobs are still there. This is especially important in wave 9 where the mobs will give you trouble enough as it is.0 -
Anyone else want to chime in on what Aura's you set?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Quick mention BMs don't get aoe stun with axes b:pleased, just don't use a bow and try to stun, doesn't seem to work b:chuckle (and now i know why the harpy was laughing at me). That being said, having demon roar of pride will be super helpful, you will not miss.
When i was playing this game, i never did rebirths, no one created squads so never learnt about it. I went straight to spawn point delta for bh 100, stage 4~5 usually. We prefer, seeker, barb, sin, bm, cleric +1 (wiz, archer...). Practically all the runs anyone has done or has talked about is spawn point. I did 7 spawn points so far and each time none of the members knew how to set auras. So might be useful to keep that in mind.
The above is for delta.0 -
Quick mention BMs don't get aoe stun with axes b:pleased, just don't use a bow and try to stun, doesn't seem to work b:chuckle (and now i know why the harpy was laughing at me). That being said, having demon roar of pride will be super helpful, you will not miss.
When i was playing this game, i never did rebirths, no one created squads so never learnt about it. I went straight to spawn point delta for bh 100, stage 4~5 usually. We prefer, seeker, barb, sin, bm, cleric +1 (wiz, archer...). Practically all the runs anyone has done or has talked about is spawn point. I did 7 spawn points so far and each time none of the members knew how to set auras. So might be useful to keep that in mind.
The above is for delta.
huh? BM has aoe stun for all melee class weapons
Spawn Point is lil can't use auras...the guides are for classic style runs.lvl101 Legit archer...not 1 hyper used or multi-FC0 -
From the second line on BM in OP's post "(If youre a solid fist BM and dont have the AoE stun ability that comes with axes, dont bother doing Delta because the Wizard will hate you and the run has a high chance of failure.)" That implied aoe stun comes with axes, and not as you mentioned an all class weapon skill.
Spawn point is different, but i ask to see if anyone does it, and so far no one has done the "classical" style. Which is sad. It is one thing to not do it, and another to not know it at all.0 -
Re: Mystics
1) With respect to the comment about not using AOEs due to seal/scatter, in delta it really doesn't matter. The mobs will come back quick into the vortex/DB/BoA anyway.. If the squad is really having a tough time with waves backing up then I suppose.. but otherwise, the AOE comment is not set-in-stone. A mystic's best friend is cragglord, which tears through mob groups like shrapnel. Since summon time is an issue (20 secs / 23 for sage), I like to tab through the mobs while he's attacking until find an 'extended life' mob to settle on. That way a mystic can go about other business rather than worry about cragg having idle time.
And since there is a 60 sec CD (37/40 secs after he disappears), there is plenty of time for mystics to stay busy. At times when there are no archers/ranged mobs to pull into vortex/DB/Boa, NOT using gale force or Thicket is doing a disservice to dph on mobs. In fact, if no seeker in squad and the Wiz/archer could use a little breather.. gale force/thicket can actually be helpful. So imo mystics should use AoEs with discretion, but not avoid them altogther... This isnt FC where everyones hypers are running.. the mobs will come back into zhen in a couple secs anyway, and only a few scatter as is b:victory. An alternative to gale/thicket is to use storm mistress and her aoe attacks
2) Mystic summons can do the 'veno role' of peeling the boss away from mobs if needed, on an auras-style run. Set up near the path straight N of gods eye and use chiyhu to get boss aggro. This works v well, though on stage 9 its kinda tricky since the boss moves so fast through the mobs
personally i prefer spawn point due to time saved, espesh with a seeker in the mix. If for some reason Stage 9 throws a curveball, people can head back to city and have time to regroup again, albeit sans celebeans. Some squads will go spawn without barb if hard to find, though imo a barb in any delta squad is always a huge +
Fun Note
The best mystic on dreamweaver mentioned she can solo (up to/including) W2.. I hope I get to see her in action sometime to see how it's done0 -
If you are setting up with an archer as the main tank instead of a wizard (in the event no seeker is present and a wizard is having trouble surviving) elaborating on a Wizard's use of Will of the Phoenix and Mountain Seize is quite affective. A Wizard can also seal a melee mob that an archer has targetted with BoA (via assist attack) and it will run back and help aggro the ranged mobs.
Additionally, an archer can assist a tanking wizard when no barb is present with Wingspan. One can also target the wizard or archer and cast expel on them as well.
I personally like Frenzy (Enrage) for DDs in all PvE instances, especially when they aren't tanking. Frenzied BoA while a wiz/seeker is tanking helps things die alot faster. One can even get away with using it while tanking as long as BM/Wiz/Psy are on top of stuns and cleric bothers to AD after (Found this out in a no barb/seeker w3 tonight; sin, veno, archer, wiz, bm, cleric).
Mire is also good on a BM/Sin genie to be used with HF/SS.
About Auras:
Is there a specific reason you recommend mana aura? As an archer, even a high mana aura does little to stop me from spamming herbs and wearing an mp charm. I know that BoA is less costly as is DB. Wouldn't prioritizing attack/defense and then doing mana if those are both maxed make more sense? Just my input from squad experience and preferences. More attack = more dead mobs faster.Ring Engraving/Amulet Carving Guide -
Retired from PWI.
b:bye0 -
So, I finally did 2 more fulls for my Full delta and I thought to document the experiences here.
The first was a spawnpoint delta, or at least started as one. Squad build was 3 archers, Seeker, BM and cleric. I had the highest weapon refine so I managed to keep alot of aggro through extended BoA crits (Seeker had a lower refined TT99 gold wep).
I like to set up the Wiz/Seeker near the front range of BB so that the seeker aggros all mobs before it gets to BB. I normally stay towards the back of BB range and BoA/STA/TB ranged mobs that stray too far to pull them into BB.
It was spawnpoint until wave 7 when the BM ran out of scrolls. Then we all ported back and set up on eye like normal. Putting the seeker forward on BB allowed me and the other archers to keep aggro off the cleric. Smooth run overall.
My last full (last night) was very smooth. No deaths for anyone aside from the BM. Squad was r9 wiz, me, 2 clerics, BM and sin. Normal set up with the Wiz DBing at the edge of the BB. After w3 we decided that pulling wasn't that necessary and I began to aggro alot of the mobs with AoEs and pull them into DB, primarily doing what a BM would normally do. We had the BM and Sin concentrate on HF/SS and chi gain to make all mobs die faster.
My main point is that there was no Barb and that it is possible to do full delta without one if you cannot find one. Just stack AoEs and have good spacing and you should be fine.
Another full completed. Squad was Me, Wizard, Seeker, BM, Sin, Cleric. Very smooth normal style run. Mined all the beans before w2 ended by letting the seeker solo w1 with the cleric.
I started experimenting with shadowing the puller on stunwaves and using Elven Alacrity when their antistun wears off. It is difficult to time, but it saves them occasionally. I normally use EA perioidically to bring the puller back to BB. I still like to catch the ranged mobs with BoA and run them into the Wiz DB/Seek Vortex.
Also also, Holding boss aggro from 5.0 sins/BMs with a r8+7 bow ftw. Auras rock xDRing Engraving/Amulet Carving Guide -
Retired from PWI.
b:bye0 -
Just wanted to point out that the what does assasin do is not very good/detailed.
For assasin obviously god of frenzy weapon(rank 9 +12) is best and you should use demon chill +30 attack levels, focused mind, wolf emblem, triple spark, inner harmony, genie frenzy skill+20 attack levels, demon sub sea(right after bm hfs), demon earthin rift.
Rising dragon strike then earthin rift till mobs are dead. Can pick off archers an mobs that run away from main group also.
When hitting with triple spark,145+ attack levels,crit and god of frenzy....I often out dd the supposed "aoe" classes.0 -
RunningTiger - Dreamweaver wrote: »Assassin's job in delta: FC to 101, buy rank 9 +12.......
(wait, isn't delta a level 85+ instance?)
I just love comments like that. I should hope that with the most expensive weapon in the game and every level 11 skill you should be able to out dd lots of stuff. Just tell me, can you out dd a rank 9 +12 seeker with sage vortex, or a rank 9 +12 wiz with demon DB, or, or, or, or......? That's like saying a rank 9 +12 seeker can out dd a lot of sins on nirvana bosses, sure it's "true" but you aren't comparing same gears, or your knowledge of other classes skills are horribly limited. Your dph may be higher but cooldowns, switching to single targets, and the need to constantly 3 spark really nerf your aoe dps.
Rank 9 +12 ANYTHING is ridiculously overpowered for pve, delta hasn't gotten any harder since tt99/lunar gear was the absolute best available.
This guide was obviously designed for people who don't have overpowered gear, doing regular delta with a r9 op squad is a waste of time (the only reason to do it that way would be so the archer could afk, I guess). For an old school squad, or people in their 90s who are actually using delta to level and farm, "advice" about how to use uber endgame builds is useless.
Let's say there's a post detailing a plan for climbing a mountain. Would "your guide sucks, the best thing to do is fly to the top in your private helicopter" be a relevant comment? Didn't think so.See, I can hyper a nub up like the rest of yas!0 -
Helllo every1
To bad few ppl do Delta runs (not to mention Gamma). Yes on BH days a few more, but just up to w5 max.0
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