Countries with VAT fees - Change in ZEN Charge Policy
Hey PWE look up how many euro's/dollars i have spent the past years.
You gonna miss that from now on.
b:bye0 -
Isnt the VAT tax for items that u purchase and then OWN?
In PWI they OWN EVERYTHING. Your account, your gold, and your zen ALL BELONG to PWE.
SO if thats the case WTF would anyone have to pay VAT tax?0 -
this is **** im not charging **** anymore **** this rly ._. yeah.. keep on **** **** up[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
The greatest danger for most of us
is not that our aim is too high
and we miss it
but that it's too low and
we reach it.
-Michelangelo0 -
There is another significant fact that you seem to be missing here. As usual the American money machine remains ignorant of the outside world beyond the extent of their own trailer park.
When we used to be able to pay in dollars we also had a fee to pay for the exchange. I.E. someone ripped us off for changing pounds to dollars in the process of the transaction.
This was an "acceptable" loss since no one excganges currency for free.
However you now decide to apply the VAT, which incidentally should be a maximum of 20%, the legally set limit for VAT.
To this end I would expect worst case to experience a 20% increase in the cost of Zen in the UK. (Worthy of mention too is the fact that VAT is a UK tax not a european one, VAT is not applied europe wide , at least not under that name and not at a constant european rate)
The price difference I see now amounts to around 40-50%... so where is the extra increase coming from?
Finally... you have blanketed all european countries under one single currency in your own special ignorant way.
The UK does NOT have the euro as its currency and it is not the only european country that doesnt.
So now if we purchase Zen, not only do we face the vastly over inflated increase for a made up europe wide tax that obviously someone read a little about in order to find an excuse to further fleece people, but we now have to pay a currency exchange fee in order to pay in the euro's that you stupidly assumed was our currency.
Stop the lies, do your research correctly before applying and increased fee on an overpriced service and stop insulting people's intelligence by lying about the reasons.
Show us where you got the information from that led you to believe we have euro's for currency.
Show us where you got the information that VAT is a europe wide multilaterally applied tax.
Show us where you got the information that led you believe that this would ever be more than 20%.
Next time I suggest you dont use 4th graders to concoct your BS excuses for this increase.0 -
As long as it's not 7.5euro=> 10$, I'm not putting a single coin in this game anymore, like a lot of other people.
I mean, seriously, this is a theft.
In other MMO, they had to change the dollar to euro too, and put to 10$=7.5euro OFC, or made people pay 10euro but for more in game currency (call it a discount...).
Let's make a Zen Strike, they'll maybe understand we're not money b*tches and we deserve some fairness. They need us and our money to live, well, we don't need them to do so. Endpoint.0 -
omfg... played free for almost 2 weeks now because for this...i love it! pwi u r like a bank...keep savin...boom when rl things occurs i got the money invested there insteadb:thanks0
Starting the Aniversity of PWI due the day +1 day they put on the 11* and 12* Orbs i spend 2200 USD. The Months before it was about 200 - 400 USD each Month.
Since they raised the Prices i havnt charged any zen. Today i orderd a big Family Pizza with Bolognese, Chilli, Onions and double cheese for 14.15 Euro and now im just back from my favorite restaurant where i orderd :
Baguette roasted in Butter and Garlic and Aplecider
A Rump steak with grilled tomato, sauce bernaise and potato edges
A small mixed salad
and to finish an expresso
Costs : 25.50 Euro i gave 2.50 Euro Tip (yeah i know stingy but i orderd bloody and got medium) so 28 Euro Total.
I spend today 42.15 Euro for food, wich i hadn't spend but rather thrown at PWE if they hadn't changed their prices in conjunction with the hidden price raise via the not so cheap anymore "Sales"
IF PWE dosn't want my monney anymore wich is obvious for me i have no problems to find other souces of pleasure to spend it. Its not like im begging you to throw my monney after you. Playing for free is the only language you might eventually understand to consider an increased zen ratio aprox 20% to see any monney again from me.
Not that it matter
im just saying
good eveningI hate Room 380 -
LadyDagger - Momaganon wrote: »Te Dutch tax law (and also the European one) says that if I buy something in another country (EU or not) that is worth 22 euros or less, that i don't have to pay any taxes or VAT at all.
This means that the euro price for 3000 zen (or lower) should NOT be charged for VAT.
I say PWE is stealing from us.
Thats means that the prices for 3000 Zen (or less) should be the "old" prices without the VAT.(\__/)
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.0 -
They certainly won't be seeing the colour of my euros anymore! PW treats us like we are pre-school children that still can't do their Maths b:bye0
The over riding thing that stands out here to me is that the spineless representatives of this game apparently read and moderate these forums on a regular (?) basis.
This being the case, how come there is no response, defence, clarification etc on any of the huge number of valid points raised here?
Listen to your customers, answer their queries, respond to their grievances. Spineless drivel and lies about the reason for this travesty are not acceptable. It is time to provide a customer service and actually respond.
This Frankie person has plenty to say when it suits the company, have some guts man.. and get some informed and accurate information. You have had plenty of time to address any and all of the points raised in this thread.. do something useful for a change and respond as your position calls for.
Sick of the disgusting condescending and patronising way you treat the people who are the providers of your income. Do something for a change that justifies your position or resign and let someone who actually does give a hoot about the customer do the job instead.
Pathetic, inadequate, ignorant and uninformed performance is a clear indicator of incompetence in any walk of life. Sort it out or move on and sponge off someone else.0 -
I haven't charged any Zen since this change.
Would be nice to hear if any fair compromise is even being considered by PWI?0 -
Another passing thought... since PWI are claiming that we have to pay VAT for zen, how do they propose informing the european union every time someone exchanges in game coins for zen?
The principle is the same, we europeans have acquired zen, which apparently attracts taxation.. explain to me how this is tax exempt, and if it isnt.. then shouldnt US citizens be paying local tax for their zen?0 -
Another passing thought... since PWI are claiming that we have to pay VAT for zen, how do they propose informing the european union every time someone exchanges in game coins for zen?
The principle is the same, we europeans have acquired zen, which apparently attracts taxation.. explain to me how this is tax exempt, and if it isnt.. then shouldnt US citizens be paying local tax for their zen?
Pre paid cards in some states in the US charge tax. I use moneybookers so i usually get like a 6% charge using that too. But yeah, if i were to buy a prepaid card right now it would have a 6% tax rate on it[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
˙buoɹʇs ǝq ןן,ı ʇɐɥʇ ɟןǝsʎɯ ןןǝʇ ı os0 -
Prepaid cards are one thing and you are paying the local tax on the card, not on the zen.
the money you are being charged by Moneybookers is not a purchase tax ( Europeans have to pay the same fee to Moneybookers.. and it is exactly that... a fee... to keep moneybookers in business)
Your local tax that you speak of incidentally at 6% pales into insignificance compared to the almost 40% price hike we in Europe are now seeing for the purchases.
If you pay by any means other than a prepaid card.. you are not paying a local tax, probably because as suggested by someone earlier, we are not paying for anything that we subsequently own, since the zen, and everything pertaining to your account remain the property of PWI (or PWE) same horse, different jockey.
If you were actually to take this to a logical (pedantic and stupid) conclusion, you would have to say that the 'zen' resides in the geographical location of the server it is held on. This would then form the basis of the location whose tax system would be applicable.
If ... IF I purchase an item overseas and import it into the UK then yes.. VAT MAY be applicable... but guess what? The Zen isnt here.. it hasnt been snet to the UK, I didnt import it... and if I had done, please show me the customs and excise report for its import.
You can't? Then it NEVER came here... refund my increased purchase price immediately.
An analogy for you.. If I subscribe to lets say..The New York Times online.. I pay for the service.. fair enough. Do I pay VAT for that? Of course I don't...and why not?
Because the dang paper isnt here.. I didnt import it.. it never left the USA.
Get a grip, get a brain, get the BS price increase removed. There is nothing that has been imported here.. therefore import duties and VAT are NOT applicable. If (as I sometimes do) I purchase shoes from the USA, I pay import duty and VAT and all that good(?) stuff. I pay it because I have brought the itme(s) into the UK.
The whole point of the taxation and import duty centres around the fact that I have an item bought for less overseas than domestically, which I could then sell on and put businesses here out of work.
I cannot resell zen to anyone here.. apart from anything esle it isnt mine to sell.. back to the 'remains the property of PWI' nonsense.
Show me where this "item" that I am paying for enters the UK... oh yes and as I stated before... who the heck told you that our currency is Euros? Ididots... I have to pay to have my currency changed to Euros now too.. may as well have me pay in Yen for Gods sake... equally as valid a currency to me as the Euro is.
So many idiots, so few hand grenades.0 -
wtf... i cant post or it will be cut...
bah'0 -
Just an info..
The EU is trying to find a new law for taxes inside the EU ... and because PWE has also an office in Amsterdam (EU) they may be allowed to give us EU players better conditions for ZEN..
Im trying to keep you all Up to Date with new information b:pleased
b:victory0 -
KitsuMeow - Sanctuary wrote: »Just an info..
The EU is trying to find a new law for taxes inside the EU ... and because PWE has also an office in Amsterdam (EU) they may be allowed to give us EU players better conditions for ZEN..
Im trying to keep you all Up to Date with new information b:pleased
making party to run PWE office in Amsterdam (30min from my house)_ explosives and guns a must ... i meant rank9 +12 and vacuilty powders100% F2P legit 105 since starting this game. Full rank9 jaded +12 seeker. gona hate cuz they cant play a game0 -
Nniotora - Lost City wrote: »making party to run PWE office in Amsterdam (30min from my house)_ explosives and guns a must ... i meant rank9 +12 and vacuilty powders
set up vortex in their office xDMiddle lane, middle lane.. b:shutup0 -
frankieraye wrote: »*Copied from Shnuggles' posts here and here*
Further Clarification Below:
There was a law passed in Europe earlier this year that placed regulations for all businesses that have operations within the European Union that has forced this change. Companies were given a certain amount of time to comply to these new regulations and that time is now.
Prior to the change, Perfect World Entertainment was paying the VAT taxes for all of our European players and when this law was passed, we explained to the European officials that our company was paying this additional fee for our users so that they can continue to pay in United States Dollars and we were informed that we were no longer allowed to do so. That information came straight from the people in charge of these new regulations for Europe. Perfect World Entertainment was then forced to abide by these new regulations and we were forced to make the change you now see.
If you are playing from Europe, you are no longer allowed to pay in United States Dollars which is why you no longer see that option. This has absolutely nothing to do with greed or wanting more money or any other negative connotation that has been thrown out there in regards to the change. We as a company are simply complying to the new laws put in place in order for our company to continue operations in you local region. Had we not complied to these new regulations, we would have to just pull out of operations in those areas and no longer provide service to those regions.
as others said should only apply to countrys who use euro, alot of eu contrys don't and also if u are going to bs about not being greedy then why does it cost about 12,70USD for 1000 zen now? (9 Euro) shouldnt it cost about 6,5-7Euro?.... ugh pwi greed with lame *** excuses again0 -
If the Claims of the TE are true, so why isnt Gpotato (another Comany that offers a vast ammount of free to play titles) charging VAT right now ? They are also from US and have a Branch in the EU they should be in the same spot as PWE but obviously no increased ammount of Euros needed to buy their currency.
IF they found a way to avoid it, why can't PWE ?I hate Room 380 -
A shame you shouldn't set up a system to allow those of us in the UK to pay in Pound Sterling.
Your loss though, i certainly have no plans to charge ever again, and i used to be a regular charger.
Guild Wars 2 here i come!0 -
This is really stupid.
The prices dont even match, i dont pay 18 euros for 2000 zen but 18.46 , i know it only 46 cent but i pay extra cost through ideal so first pwi makes me pay more for my zen then the paying mathod also adds some extra costs ...
Ok this is the last time ill buy any gold b:angry[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
frankieraye wrote: »....
If you are playing from Europe, you are no longer allowed to pay in United States Dollars which is why you no longer see that option. This has absolutely nothing to do with greed or wanting more money or any other negative connotation that has been thrown out there in regards to the change. ....
all this is only about greed...luckly peole are getting smarter and not gonna let you rob them b:victoryb:victory0 -
SmarTrend currently has shares of Perfect World in an Downtrend and issued the Downtrend alert on September 09, 2011 at $18.95. The stock has fallen 32.4% since the Downtrend alert was issued.
SmarTrend expects the share price to rebound toward the $12.75 resistance level. Afterwards, we expect it to move downward with its peers in the SmarTrend Multimedia & Graphics Software industry.0 -
Since I am not living in a EU country in Europe you basically made me have to accept a law that isnt valid for my country. Not all European countries aren't members of EU....
By doing that you have removed my possibilites to make the choice which is best for me, and instead forced me to use a currency and tax system we don't use being a non EU-country.
Think that is called removing human rights, and there is an international court in Haag concerned with such matters. What you gonna do if all non EU.members gonna bring this to that court.
Maybe you should study the fact that not all countries have to do what EU says..0 -
Plain and simple solution here PWI...
When you charge Europeans for their Zen we want a stement in the charging receipt clearly stating the element that YOU are adding for alleged VAT.
If what you are trying to do is legal and above board you will have no problems in breaking down the charges for us.
HOWEVER.. please be advised.. if it subsequently turns out to be the case that you are trying to charge non applicable taxes, or incorrect rates, think hard and fast.
There are many many legal advice services out there that will gladly take a block client case form a very large group of European customers in a class action law suit that could prove costly.
If you are going to try to tax me.. be very very careful. Make ABSOLUTELY sure of what you are stating and the laws you claim to be complying with.
Not a threat... just sound business advice. The European contingent of this player base is not a small amount of people.0 -
A passing thought.. fellow Europeans a question for you all.
Are any of you familiar with the car manufacturers sales campaigns by several different vehicle manufacturers, where as an incentive to buy their cars, they state quite openly that they will pay your VAT for you?
I am sure it has been done with lots more things aprat from cars, but thats the one i recall most.
Seems odd that a car manufacturer can do it, since some of them are also US companies, but apparently PWI cannot.
Things is with the car too, you are paying for something that YOU now own, and something which is in YOUR country.
You never own the zen, nor does it ever arrive in YOUR country.0 -
1 Month zhen free since they added the vat fees !b:chuckleb:victory
On my opinion, this is the best answer that pwi european players can give them.
and the only one that should make them think to stepback b:angry
This month my zhen charge went for a nice dinner at restourant with family b:laugh
Who win?0 -
funantares wrote: »1 Month zhen free since they added the vat fees !b:chuckleb:victory
On my opinion, this is the best answer that pwi european players can give them.
and the only one that should make them think to stepback b:angry
This month my zhen charge went for a nice dinner at restourant with family b:laugh
Who win?
Mine will be going down the pub with me after tonight's TW on the German server b:pleased
Edit: apologies to my faction that I won't be charmed for the TW - but beer is more important :P0
This discussion has been closed.
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