Not So Perfect World

Dannue - Lost City
Dannue - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
edited October 2011 in General Discussion
So I am this average player from Lost City, I do some CSing, not as much as many but enough to make the game a p2p, I also advertise the game for free in my FB page but still I have no rights whatsoever. And you there reading this, you have no rights either.

Exactly the same happens to this friend of mine who got banned today and doesn't have the slightest idea why. He sent in e-mails to ask for an e-mail address change, as the mail he used to register his account is an old one of which he forgot the password and security answer. It happens to normal people. The only answer he got after sending 3 different messages was that PW only accepts requests sent from the e-mail originally used to register the account.
Today he simply got banned. He can't access the e-mail so even if there is an explanation there he can't see it. He can't send a ticket either. So his r9 Assassin is out of the game. It was one of the first Assassins to have r9 in Lost City, no sale at all! This means he has spent dollars enough to deserve a little respect as a consumer.
But yes, he doesn't even know why. He just gets a message saying he was banned.
What shall he do then? Have his whole guild sending tickets and threatening to quit like a well known guild in Lost City did for its leader? Would that ever be necessary if this company respected its clients?

PW provides a service and has obligations towards the consumers. Even if you don't CS you most probably advertise the game and recruit CSers which means you do have rights. Even if you didn't do any of the above you are a human being and that gives you rights too. How difficult is it to add a reason to the ban message, a number that could send you to a reason? Like you feel you have to defend yourself but you don't even know from what. b:surrender
How difficult is it to a GM to talk to the person and tell him "well you have done this and we are banning you"? Aren't we paying your salaries, my dear Sirs? Do you live in some 3rd World dictatorship that disregards respect towards people's rights? The average player in PW is 18/20 years old. We are adults, we keep this game alive, the least you could do would be treat us with the respect everyone deserves.

Change your ban policies Sirs... it's the 21st century we live in, not the Inquisition times anymore.
Post edited by Dannue - Lost City on


  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I lol'd at R9 with no sale.
  • Dannue - Lost City
    Dannue - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I guess PW is right then, if fighting for your rights as a consumer only makes u lol... sad i'd say.
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Did your r9 buddy happen to partake in SFC/JFC/pizza FC/dragoon FC?
  • Veri - Lothranis
    Veri - Lothranis Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Odd... I thought you gave up all your rights when you made your account AKA accepted the Terms of Service.
  • Dannue - Lost City
    Dannue - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Not at all ... i wouldn't be writing this if he had some sort of idea of why he was banned. We know what is bannable.

    When u accept the ToS you certainly do not lose your rights. Does it say there that from that point on you stop being a citizen, a person with rights? Even more if you didn't do anything to violate the ToS.
  • Veri - Lothranis
    Veri - Lothranis Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Not at all ... i wouldn't be writing this if he had some sort of idea of why he was banned. We know what is bannable.

    You do ?

    PWE reserves the right to discontinue the Service or to terminate or suspend your account at any time in its sole discretion for any reason, or for no reason.

  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I guess PW is right then, if fighting for your rights as a consumer only makes u lol... sad i'd say.

    Your friend should have used his brain and kept track of his damn emails. I dont see why people apparently go through so many anyway, what reason is there to switch? Spam? Blacklist. Abusive emails from old friends? Blacklist. ****? Change your password / security and roll onwards.

    Personally I like the email lock PWE uses, it means that to completely take ownership of my account you need a lot more than just one logon name and password.
  • Dannue - Lost City
    Dannue - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    You do ?

    PWE reserves the right to discontinue the Service or to terminate or suspend your account at any time in its sole discretion for any reason, or for no reason.


    That is precisely the reason for my protest, got it?
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    You do ?

    PWE reserves the right to discontinue the Service or to terminate or suspend your account at any time in its sole discretion for any reason, or for no reason.


    I think they prolly put that clause in so that they don't have to list out every single thing that can get a person banned. Square Enix is the only MMO company I know to actually ban people for no actual, logical reason. PWE doesn't seem like the type to turn up its nose at a paying customer even when the customer does something wrong, let alone for no reason.
  • Dannue - Lost City
    Dannue - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Your friend should have used his brain and kept track of his damn emails. I dont see why people apparently go through so many anyway, what reason is there to switch? Spam? Blacklist. Abusive emails from old friends? Blacklist. ****? Change your password / security and roll onwards.

    Personally I like the email lock PWE uses, it means that to completely take ownership of my account you need a lot more than just one logon name and password.

    Well i know of some ways you can lose your e-mail access.. i used to have one as part of a package promo from my internet provider. And i just lost it when i changed provider. They gave me 2 weeks and then it just wasn't active anymore. So many things can happen. I know the info from my e-mail accounts, but i can understand that these things happen.
  • Veri - Lothranis
    Veri - Lothranis Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    That is precisely the reason for my protest, got it?

    Oh right so you want to know why he got banned.... Tell your friend to send some proof that he is indeed the person who made the account because they cant just randomly provide any information to some random person asking for private information.

    Clear picture of passport or drivers license normally works just fine. If it still fails you can try doing the same thing to the email provider to recover the old email account.
  • Deteriorate - Harshlands
    Deteriorate - Harshlands Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Well i know of some ways you can lose your e-mail access.. i used to have one as part of a package promo from my internet provider. And i just lost it when i changed provider. They gave me 2 weeks and then it just wasn't active anymore. So many things can happen. I know the info from my e-mail accounts, but i can understand that these things happen.

    Anyone using an ISP provided email is an idiot when there are obvious and unrestricted/unlinked free ones such as GMail, Hotmail or even YahooMail.

    srsly, how do you give people stuff they can get for free anyway as part of a "package??"
  • Dannue - Lost City
    Dannue - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Oh right so you want to know why he got banned.... Tell your friend to send some proof that he is indeed the person who made the account because they cant just randomly provide any information to some random person asking for private information.

    Clear picture of passport or drivers license normally works just fine. If it still fails you can try doing the same thing to the email provider to recover the old email account.

    OMG Veri... they don't accept requests sent from an e-mail account that is different from the one you used to register. If the answer to the e-mail he sends is just "we don't accept, we don't read, we don't care about your problem" what the hell can he do? He has been trying to get this solved for a long time. And now he gets banned. He doesn't know why, he didn't do anything wrong. But he can't even access this forum with his account. He can't send a ticket, he has no means to contact the company that banned him for a reason unknown to him. He can't defend himself. And that is the whole point of my protest. It's like he was judged for something but he doesn't know what. Can you see how unfair that is?
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    OMG Veri... they don't accept requests sent from an e-mail account that is different from the one you used to register. If the answer to the e-mail he sends is just "we don't accept, we don't read, we don't care about your problem" what the hell can he do? He has been trying to get this solved for a long time. And now he gets banned. He doesn't know why, he didn't do anything wrong. But he can't even access this forum with his account. He can't send a ticket, he has no means to contact the company that banned him for a reason unknown to him.

    Does he at least know what company his original provider is from? If he does most will still allow you to recover your email from there. First thing he needs to do is get the email address in line. He needs to figure out how to recover the username. Afterwards he can submit a ticket from the email address that was originally done.

    If you no longer have access to your account's registered email address, then first please try to recover this information from your email provider. If you are unable to do so, please email us at with the subject "Email Change Request". Once you verify your account information we will change your email for you so that you can proceed with the password change.

    So first step is to recover the email, which means he needs to talk to his email service provider. If that doesn't work, instead of sending multiple emails about his ban he needs to submit a ticket to the right people (not the gms that remove bans) using that subject. Once they have changed his email, then he can go about getting unbanned.

    Also, he should never have sent 3 emails. You don't spam them with emails,, you send one and wait patiently for a reply. Spamming emails actually makes you lose priority and puts you at the bottom of the line. They won't even read the other emails sometimes, simply close the tickets and tell you to keep it to one ticket. They automatically open a ticket for you if you use that email address.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Ikarium - Dreamweaver
    Ikarium - Dreamweaver Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Thats kind of a one-sided rant.
    You go on about rights and how they should tell him what he did to get banned and so forth....

    Thing is.......they probably did. By sending an email to the contact email he provided them with. How is that their fault he doesn't keep track of that stuff? Or lost it and didn't update it?
    I got an email stating exactly why I was banned when it happened and how to contact them about it, which they almost certainly did for him. Its not as one-sided as you make it sound.
    if he had access to the email and they didn't send anything at all, I could see.......
  • SteamyFish - Lost City
    SteamyFish - Lost City Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    1. he did not forget the email address.
    2. he did not forget the email addresses password.
    3. he did not make the account.
    4. he bought the account.
    5. go QQ more
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Original title.
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    1. he did not forget the email address.
    2. he did not forget the email addresses password.
    3. he did not make the account.
    4. he bought the account.
    5. go QQ more

    and you're stupid.
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    1. he did not forget the email address.
    2. he did not forget the email addresses password.
    3. he did not make the account.
    4. he bought the account.
    5. go QQ more

    Is this just a good guess on your part or do you know something the rest of us aren't being told? b:shocked
  • Angelz - Lost City
    Angelz - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    lol he bought his account Real Chucklenuts sold his account to BARBAAR for 10k USD months ago i am surprised it toke them this long to bann him for it
  • SteamyFish - Lost City
    SteamyFish - Lost City Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    lol he bought his account Real Chucklenuts sold his account to BARBAAR for 10k USD months ago i am surprised it toke them this long to bann him for it


    suprised the guy even had accessssss to Ziltch for 10 n half months.

    10k spent wisely
  • SteamyFish - Lost City
    SteamyFish - Lost City Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    So I am this average player from Lost City, I do some CSing, not as much as many but enough to make the game a p2p, I also advertise the game for free in my FB page but still I have no rights whatsoever. And you there reading this, you have no rights either.

    Exactly the same happens to this friend of mine who got banned today and doesn't have the slightest idea why. He sent in e-mails to ask for an e-mail address change, as the mail he used to register his account is an old one of which he forgot the password and security answer. It happens to normal people. The only answer he got after sending 3 different messages was that PW only accepts requests sent from the e-mail originally used to register the account.
    Today he simply got banned. He can't access the e-mail so even if there is an explanation there he can't see it. He can't send a ticket either. So his r9 Assassin is out of the game. It was one of the first Assassins to have r9 in Lost City, no sale at all! This means he has spent dollars enough to deserve a little respect as a consumer.
    But yes, he doesn't even know why. He just gets a message saying he was banned.
    What shall he do then? Have his whole guild sending tickets and threatening to quit like a well known guild in Lost City did for its leader? Would that ever be necessary if this company respected its clients?

    PW provides a service and has obligations towards the consumers. Even if you don't CS you most probably advertise the game and recruit CSers which means you do have rights. Even if you didn't do any of the above you are a human being and that gives you rights too. How difficult is it to add a reason to the ban message, a number that could send you to a reason? Like you feel you have to defend yourself but you don't even know from what. b:surrender
    How difficult is it to a GM to talk to the person and tell him "well you have done this and we are banning you"? Aren't we paying your salaries, my dear Sirs? Do you live in some 3rd World dictatorship that disregards respect towards people's rights? The average player in PW is 18/20 years old. We are adults, we keep this game alive, the least you could do would be treat us with the respect everyone deserves.

    Change your ban policies Sirs... it's the 21st century we live in, not the Inquisition times anymore.

    b:laugh r9 without r9 sales? b:laugh Chuckle's EA for sure had rank 8 long before rank sales but rank 9.... girl u tripping?
  • SteamyFish - Lost City
    SteamyFish - Lost City Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    and you're stupid.

    Yes I am.

  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    lol he bought his account Real Chucklenuts sold his account to BARBAAR for 10k USD months ago i am surprised it toke them this long to bann him for it

    $10k USD? Well, you know what they say about a fool and his money.... b:chuckle
  • gyroki
    gyroki Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    rnt u the one whos sharing account with Krankzz? i wonder if this is a bannable offense..
    Btw.. didnt c AbdulK for a long time b:laughb:kiss
  • SteamyFish - Lost City
    SteamyFish - Lost City Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    gyroki wrote: »
    rnt u the one whos sharing account with Krankzz? i wonder if this is a bannable offense..
    Btw.. didnt c AbdulK for a long time b:laughb:kiss

    AbdulK been banned nearly a year now.
    nope i dont acc share since i have quit the game but i come on to just check the forums.b:surrender
  • kondors
    kondors Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    There is a perfectly valid reason as to why email may be unable to be accessed, though not saying that it is the case in this particular instance.

    Example: I set up a pwi account with my current, web based, valid and frequently accessed email address. All is fine and there will never be an issue.
    In keeping with what is allowed and advocated by PWI, I subsequently create a second PWI account and lo and behold... PWI will not allow me to use my frequently used email address to register the account. Why? who knows..
    So now I have to create an email account specifically for my second account. I create an additional Hotmail account and all is fine... for a while.
    Three months later Hotmail look at my second email account and decide.. hmm you havent accessed this in a while... and they delete the email account.
    I have the account name, the password and all the relevant information I created that account with.
    So... I contact Hotmail and they say to me.. well... the account no longer exists, but since it hasnt been subsequently created by anyone else you can simply re create the account with the original name and if you so choose, the original password too.
    Helpful people Hotmail... but wait...
    Although the email now exists again, is accessible and is capable of receiving email, PWI emails do not arrive there.
    No clue why, but they don't.
    The ONLY solution is to create yet another new email account to register your pwi account to, and hope that you can satisfy them that you are who you say you are.
    The problems are a mixture of things here:
    Apparently you must use a second email address to satisfy PWI... (the root cause of the problem in honesty)
    You must access this email account regularly even if you have no real reason to