is this game really good?

boypure4 Posts: 0 Arc User
edited October 2011 in Dungeons & Tactics
hello, i just got told by some friend that this game is rlly cool, so i decided to check it out.. but i wanna kno a few things, first of all

1. is this game dead? or do MANY players play it?

2. is this game full of botters, hackers?

3. Is this game really fun?
Post edited by boypure4 on


  • Kathikins - Dreamweaver
    Kathikins - Dreamweaver Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    1) It's not currently dead; plenty of people play it (except on the Archosaur server, apparently)
    2) No, no
    3) Ehh... not so much, these days. But plenty disagree with me.
  • boypure4
    boypure4 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    what do you mean "not currently" so this game will die soon? or sumthing?

    rate the game 1-10? will the game get better?
  • DeadRaven - Sanctuary
    DeadRaven - Sanctuary Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    In my opinion:

    1. Game is not dead in terms of the number of players that continue to log on. However, the population of players is definitely in decline, and is significantly smaller than when I started playing in '08....but then that is to be expected as a game ages. The game can also create the impression of being rather quiet because many players now avoid doing quests and simply "live" in the instances (caves) to speed-level.

    2. No.... the game has had problems of this nature in the past (even I have seen a bot or two), but relatively speaking, it is very good at keeping bots out of the game. There have also been some recent problems with hackers but again, PWI seems to take these issues seriously...their profit margin is at stake afterall....and the community in general is quite good at bringing such issues to light to make everyone aware of hackers. The main problem right now is with scammers trying to sell gold from external websites and scammers in general that will try to con you out of your money in-game - "buyer beware!" With a little common sense, these can be avoided.

    3. Only you can decide....just try it for a bit and see for yourself. If you wanted any advice however, I would strongly recommend that you ignore the people that will encourage you to speed-level. Just take your time learning the game and learn how to play your character. You will level fast enough as it is.
  • Fulcanelli - Raging Tide
    Fulcanelli - Raging Tide Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    boypure4 wrote: »
    what do you mean "not currently" so this game will die soon? or sumthing?

    rate the game 1-10? will the game get better?

    don't worry people is always saying that this game is dying... since 2009 b:chuckle

    but right now there is alot of people pissed off due to some "cuestionable" changes ingame and the lack of communication from the guys who "run" the game here b:surrender

    but is a good and fun game I think, I complain sometimes but I still play it lol

    for me the game right now: 7/10

    the GMs are saying that a "good" patch is coming on so it might become better? who knows...

    it depends of you really if the game is fun or not, try it, make some friends, don't rush to endgame and it can be pretty enjoyable.

    That's my opinion b:victory
  • Segreta - Sanctuary
    Segreta - Sanctuary Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Uhm a little advice:Never ask such questions in this forum xD
    Seriously most of the players that are active in the forum(Not necessary playing the game anymore),are very pessimistic and tends to say things like game is dead/no content/boring/etc etc.

    Just consider 2 things:
    - Some players in this forum have played since game started(3+ years)
    - Many others have been playing for lots of time(2+ years)

    Consider these people probably have run every instance for like 100+ times(Except some low level ones),and endgame instances for like 1000+ times(TT/Nirvana),so its at least NORMAL that these people think that this game is boring LOL off course after you run an instance 100+ times if you're still running it means that you're addicted(Because simple truth is,that instances in this game are pretty much static,not dynamic,thus repetitive).

    Its also funny how some people think that there is not enough content for endgame,I mean,there are more instances at lv.90+ than any other level range(Delta/Warsong/Nirvana/Abandon/TT3-x/Seat/Lunar/Events).
    Consider that"Some",people like to rush via powerlevelling from 1 to 100(If not to 105),skipping all the middle-content,then complaining that there is not enough of it!,funny isn't.

    Then again,people that plays for over 2/3 years that says the game is boring/dead are lame,any normal human being would get bored after playing the same game(With medium-low changes),for 2+ years,not surprising if these people consider it this way!

    In my opinion,this game as an average lifespan of 1 year,more or less,if you play more probably means you're addicted^^(Seriously,there is not enough content in this game for justify playing more than 1 year,unless you can play only a hour a day of course).
    Of course if you like to try all classes to an average level the lifespan extends for an extra year or so,but its unlikely that will happen unless you really like it.

    1 -- Population is still pretty good on old servers,some of the newest servers(Archosaur mostly),have way less population
    2 -- There are very rare botters around
    3 -- Can't say,give it a try for a day
    Iam Segreta,Queen of the Chicken Kingdom,proud owner of the legendary Blue Chicken,BEHOLD Mortals o,o^
    Current # Chickens:
    ^,^ <- My Cleric <3
    o,o <- My Veno
    n_n <- My Bm
    =,= <- My Barb *Used as Mount*
    >,o <- My Sin(Stealth all the time for no reason)
  • zmajmaleni
    zmajmaleni Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I would like to know how much this game is similar to wow, mainly in pve(dungeon/raid) content.
    I played Loong too,nice game but gets kind of boring and hard to lvl at late lvl`s + lack of pve(dungeon/raid) is what bugged me the most.I like group pve play, as it`s , for me the best fun in games like this.
    So i am wondering what is situation in that regard here.
    And any advice on archer class? I played Orc hunt in wow and it is my favorite class in this type of games, so any input would be greatly appreciated.
    Thx in advance!
  • swizzlah
    swizzlah Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    i am a lvl 11 archer i just started yesterday and i gotta say this game is pretty good, but in low levels you find maximum 10 people in the village (atleast this happened to me, first impression was that the game was under-populated)
    then, i checked out the map and i realized every char has it's own city and that the map is really big so yeah it's kinda normal
  • Elanxu - Dreamweaver
    Elanxu - Dreamweaver Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    boypure4 wrote: »
    hello, i just got told by some friend that this game is rlly cool, so i decided to check it out.. but i wanna kno a few things, first of all

    1. is this game dead? or do MANY players play it?

    2. is this game full of botters, hackers?

    3. Is this game really fun?

    1. no matter what people say, it is not dead....yet. but at this rate, people expect it to die next year, during which many many new mmos are coming out. i believe this because many people have told me, they will quit next year.

    2. no botters and no hackers. a lot of afk people though....which doesnt count b:laugh

    3. It may get boring at times, but when you have people around you to talk to, and squads to go through dungeons, it is a lot of fun. There is a lotttttttt of stuff to do, and new things continue to pop out at high levels, just when you think you know everything XD. I have been playing for 3 years and am still unlocking new lands and trying new dungeons and minigames.
    the loser fail nab cleric from dreamweaver who quit pwi, but still wanders the forums.
  • Lythianaa - Dreamweaver
    Lythianaa - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,307 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    1. This game is not dead. There are still plenty of players that log on and play, old and new alike. Plus, we have curious new players like yourself joining PWI, so that adds to the number of players out there.

    2) Nope, there has not been much issues with hackers and botters as far as I know in this game. PWI does a good job in this aspect at least....

    3) Now, this question, from my experience, I will have to say no. I've played for 2+ years and took a long break, came back, and still the same. It's difficult to level at times, hard to find squads if you are not the "right" class for the squad, too aps orientated, rude players, cash shop orientated (like WAY too much), and huge capitalism in the market. But then again, it's to be expected of most games that come out. All the old players or most of them, have moved to bigger and better things. I will say though, this is ENTIRELY up to you to decide if it's fun for you or not. It's your experience and time that you're putting into this game. If you enjoy it, great. If not, don't waste your time and find something you really want to enjoy.
    Thank you so much ForsakenX for the sig b:cute
  • Griffs_Lycan - Raging Tide
    Griffs_Lycan - Raging Tide Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    PWI has become the facebook of mmo's its a very social mmo compared to the ones ive played which can be a good thing but then it also makes me a lazy player :s
  • Keliska - Raging Tide
    Keliska - Raging Tide Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    For me, I see a lot that create a toon and get to lvl 20. Only to quit the classs (at the least).
    You would need to get a good faction as most players are high levels but seem to be less helpful nowadays.

    They need to make a seperate world chat for those that can't find help as Private Chat room don't seem to draw in people. -.-;
    Venomancers/Clerics rock![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

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