Phantom Bid Glitch

Skuttlebut - Sanctuary
Skuttlebut - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
edited October 2011 in Support Desk
For several months now on the Sanctuary Server there has been a "phantom bid" on the Island of Broken Dreams. When bidding opens up on Weds. Nights you can visually check the Territory Wars Map via a Teleport Master and see a arrow designating a bid on the Island of Broken Dreams, yet there was no System Announcement for that bid. Subsequently upon bid closing Thurs. Night that bid disappears and theres no actual attack logged for that land. Until last week it had only been effecting that one land. I had submitted a ticket about it and the eventual response was that it would be forwarded to the QA department and that its probably just a display glitch. Many months later its still there and not fixed.

Last week a similar glitch occured. I went and checked my Territory Wars bidding screen with plans to place a bid. Upon checking the screen it showed that I had already placed a bid on the Land of Great Lakes. Even thou I never placed that bid the arrow was there designating it and the system would not allow me to place a bid anywhere else stating my factions one bid has been placed. Despite me nor anyone else ever placing that bid the arrow stayed there preventing my faction from bidding on any land. Upon bid closing that designated bid dissappeared and there was no attack logged on that land. Nor had any bid been announced in system chat for that land. I updated a ticket that has been open since 9/29/11, (a ticket that hasnt been responded to as of yet), with this information. I also contacted a GM via PMs on the forums in hope of getting some live help with the situation.

This week rolls around no helpful responses via ticket or pms on what to do if the same thing occurs for my faction this week. Nor have there been any responses about inquiring wether or not a GM could be online during the TW bid opening to see the glitch firsthand and help find any corrective measures.

Which brings us to tonight. TW Fund Raising was announced and immediately after that announcement, upon checking the Territory Wars Map it shows a bid on Great Lake and a bid on the Island of Broken Dreams. Yet again no bids have been announced in system chat. My Territory Wars Map screen shows my faction placed a bid on Great Lakes again just like it had last week and it is preventing my faction from being able to place a valid attack bid this week again. If a gm would go in and check the bid logs they would see that theres no actual bid on either of those lands and definitely not one by my faction even thou the map screen shows differently. Below is a Screenshot of my screen showing that it is designating that we placed a bid even thou we havent.

Considering the time sensitive nature of this problem as well as this being the second week my faction has been denied the ability to place a TW attack bid I hope some corrective actions can be made before the closing of bidding on Thursday. I will be submitting a Bug Report Ticket along with this post as well.
Post edited by Skuttlebut - Sanctuary on


  • Papinjo - Sanctuary
    Papinjo - Sanctuary Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    *bump* can we plox get some kind of an answer to this topic,cause our faction will be unable to attack for second week if somthing isnt done!
  • PinkyMe - Sanctuary
    PinkyMe - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Bum.. damnit papi, u beat me to it b:chuckle
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Actually it's the 3rd week: 2 weeks of phantom bid and 1 week of a certain faction fakebiding...

    Submited a ticket.
  • Jandira - Sanctuary
    Jandira - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    Please fix it! b:surrender
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited October 2011
    I'm curious, if you try to bid on the land, what happens?
  • PinkyMe - Sanctuary
    PinkyMe - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    Even thou I never placed that bid the arrow was there designating it and the system would not allow me to place a bid anywhere else stating my factions one bid has been placed. Despite me nor anyone else ever placing that bid the arrow stayed there preventing my faction from bidding on any land.

    We cant make a bid at all
  • NinnaXXX - Sanctuary
    NinnaXXX - Sanctuary Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    agh hope it gets fixed asap ._. we NEED ATTACKS D:<
    The greatest danger for most of us
    is not that our aim is too high
    and we miss it
    but that it's too low and
    we reach it.
  • LiQQy - Sanctuary
    LiQQy - Sanctuary Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Lets try to explain it to them in a way they understand.

    We got 3 major TW factions on sanctuary server.
    One of them cant place any bids atm.
    Tw is kinda boring on sanctuary anyways and with 1 less faction attacking its just dead.

    The reason why people gear up is mainly TW.
    Since we cant TW theres no reason to gear up which means we dont charge zen.
    No charging => less income for the PWI company.
    Not to mention that the current income isnt that good anymore.

    Its up to you PWI.. Loosing 200 customer or more because of a phantom bid glitch problem which prolly can be solved easy... Its wat you get paid for, its your job. Its about time... FIX IT! b:bye
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited October 2011
    Hey guys, I got the PM, and I'm going to talk to frankie about it as soon as he gets in. Thanks for the heads up!
  • Kerona - Sanctuary
    Kerona - Sanctuary Posts: 1,771 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    1 2 3 4....

    We want to declare war D:
  • Sakura_Star - Sanctuary
    Sakura_Star - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2011
  • Engeli - Sanctuary
    Engeli - Sanctuary Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    cant.. attack b:cry people will start calling us cowards b:shocked !
  • Strife_son - Sanctuary
    Strife_son - Sanctuary Posts: 1,217 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    umg lg qq so much! y u qq lg babies?
  • Eyrnn - Sanctuary
    Eyrnn - Sanctuary Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    umg lg qq so much! y u qq lg babies?

    *kicks Pinky_son off forums*

    bump btw b:avoid
  • magistratos1
    magistratos1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    *waits for the automated "dont share account info" post* b:cry

    come on, communicate with us peeps. <search the mistake

    jokes aside, are there any news? b:surrender
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    *waits for the automated "dont share account info" post* b:cry

    come on, communicate with us peeps. <search the mistake

    jokes aside, are there any news? b:surrender

    No responses. Meh another week...
  • frankieraye
    frankieraye Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The OP's pm last week was the first time I'd heard about this glitch. Has anyone else on his or any other server witnessed/experienced it?
  • Skuttlebut - Sanctuary
    Skuttlebut - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    How about you or another GM simply come onto the server and visually account the problem as I have requested? Why does it seem that this is an impossibility to get a GM to actually physically log onto the server they are supposed to service and help correct a problem? If a GM had gotten online any time during the bidding process they could have visually seen the glitch. Now TW bidding is closed and as the map shows on the following 2 screenshots neither land that had shown, visually shown bids via the previous Screenshot do not have TWs on them.
  • Sakura_rose - Sanctuary
    Sakura_rose - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    1 2 3 4....

    We want to declare war D:
    umg lg qq so much! y u qq lg babies?


    But yeah seriously its just as simple to look at it for yourselves...But since bidding is over with can't. Getting tired of this. Can't do **** but do defense. Lame!
  • So_Wet - Sanctuary
    So_Wet - Sanctuary Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    ugh stupid fail glitch is it really that hard thou to come online as a gm for 5 mins and witness it ugh
    Hello World!
    Complete your First quest. July 30th 2009 b:victory
  • Kerona - Sanctuary
    Kerona - Sanctuary Posts: 1,771 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The OP's pm last week was the first time I'd heard about this glitch. Has anyone else on his or any other server witnessed/experienced it?

    I sent a PM as well.

    It is the first time the glitch has affected an active, old, BIG TW faction.
  • Druski - Sanctuary
    Druski - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    b:angry no TW at all this weekend..........sigh...fix it's your job afterall b:sweat
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The OP's pm last week was the first time I'd heard about this glitch. Has anyone else on his or any other server witnessed/experienced it?

    Viewing the TW map for bids both before and after they were announced I can confirm there were 2 bids that disappeared just as he said.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
    Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
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  • oxavier
    oxavier Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    No TW this weekend makes me wanna kick rocks and sulk. Pl0x fix! Ticket submitted.
  • Strife_son - Sanctuary
    Strife_son - Sanctuary Posts: 1,217 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The OP's pm last week was the first time I'd heard about this glitch. Has anyone else on his or any other server witnessed/experienced it?

    So instead of investigating this PM, you ignored it for over a week. All other GM's are too busy to look into this issue? I can understand if you might be busy frankie, but you were tipped off last week, then notified again of the issue this week, and still did nothing about it.

    Time to dust off the ol' PI outfit and get to work.
  • Kleiron - Sanctuary
    Kleiron - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Viewing the TW map for bids both before and after they were announced I can confirm there were 2 bids that disappeared just as he said.

    the 2nd was a TB area, Island of Broken Dreams if im right. ofc i forgot to make a SS of it b:angry
  • Minimus_ - Sanctuary
    Minimus_ - Sanctuary Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The OP's pm last week was the first time I'd heard about this glitch. Has anyone else on his or any other server witnessed/experienced it?

    This is the 2nd weekend we can't bid and it clearly showed a bid that disappeared. But tickets were sent already last week. Please correct this glitch. Since we aren't attacked we don't have any territory war this weekend.
    Middle lane, middle lane.. b:shutup
  • Engeli - Sanctuary
    Engeli - Sanctuary Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    no tw awsss
  • PinkyMe - Sanctuary
    PinkyMe - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Yey >.> Thanks GM's for being so slow on things. b:angry No tw at all this weekend.
  • LiQQy - Sanctuary
    LiQQy - Sanctuary Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Its really frustrating that you guys know about it since last week but didnt take the time to fix it. Thats what the maintenance is supposed to be for.
    Not to mention that this glitch could be the end of LG as we are primarily focused on TW which we cant participate in atm which means that we may loose member. b:sad

    I actually never complained about anthing on forums during the past 3 years but this is really fked up.

    3rd week without an attack because of fake bidding (no action has been taken) + 2 weeks of phantom bid glitch. b:bye