new content idea (great idea i think)

Posts: 4 Arc User
edited October 2011 in Suggestion Box
hi was just thinking, PWI need a nice story for new content an i was thinkin bout a new race called the Celestial and there is only one class in this race but the are very complicated in there skills, in which i mean that they use mental abilities to form weapons to attack enemys such as a psy sword or a kinetic mace or even a energy whip. this race was the very first race and they were the ones who gave the elves their wings, the untamed their human like qualities, the humans their technology to adapt, the tideborn their fins and the earthguard their 3rd eye ability. this race would also be able to extend the content, in which i mean they can be sent from the gods to rebuild the doomed PW after it was saved but almost completly destroyed. they could be the ones who teach the masters of the old classes new skills from the forgotten scrolls and these masters could then teach all the trainers of the world in order to train every character. finally this new race could live in the clouds over seeing every race to keep a watchful eye on them and make sure they dont miss behave.

ty for reading pwi players x b:pleased
Post edited by __Phantom__ - Lost City on


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  • Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    good grief. yet another new race idea>_> there is no need for anymore races. the balance of the game is alreay suffering due to tideborn and earth guard (the EG onlyto an extent)

    this idea fails right off that bat because if you actually bothered to pay attention to the back story, the wraith were the first race, pan gu decided to kill them off with a flood, and then he personally made the other races, HE gave them their gifts not these "Celestials".

    the old classes still have a whooping load of potential in them. the devs need only dirct their focus from hording money, back on them and they will see it. seriously this is getting a bit ridiculous to add new races without even working on the orginals is just stupid at this point. the onlt 2 classes that you commonly see now a days from the old classes are clerics barbs and maybe BMS. in heavens tear, i can go for days without seeing a wiz, archer or a BM for BH 69/79. this is due to everyone preferring the newer classes cos they offer more OP/interesting ways to play. we don't need new classes we need to polish the old classes.
  • Posts: 699 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    good grief. yet another new race idea>_> there is no need for anymore races. the balance of the game is alreay suffering due to tideborn and earth guard (the EG onlyto an extent)

    this idea fails right off that bat because if you actually bothered to pay attention to the back story, the wraith were the first race, pan gu decided to kill them off with a flood, and then he personally made the other races, HE gave them their gifts not these "Celestials".

    the old classes still have a whooping load of potential in them. the devs need only dirct their focus from hording money, back on them and they will see it. seriously this is getting a bit ridiculous to add new races without even working on the orginals is just stupid at this point. the onlt 2 classes that you commonly see now a days from the old classes are clerics barbs and maybe BMS. in heavens tear, i can go for days without seeing a wiz, archer or a BM for BH 69/79. this is due to everyone preferring the newer classes cos they offer more OP/interesting ways to play. we don't need new classes we need to polish the old classes.


    I will submit that your idea sounds quite interesting, but I agree with Outlaw here.

    "I always thought I'd be the only one doing crazy things for people who would never care enough to do it back or to act like idiots or be entirely vulnerable, and making someone fall in love with you is easy, and flying 3000 miles on four days notice because you can't just sit there and do nothing and breathe into telephones is not everyone's idea of love, but it is the way I can recognize it because that is what I do."
    Sig pic by Nowitsawn
  • Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Your idea would contradict with PWI storyline,
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I kind of agree with outlaw even tho i play seeker. Well i just like seeker better then the other classes and its not op. Ok on topic sure you can say im a newb but im not i have played this game for a long time but left for a year and this is a new account and my only one now ok so i seen every class in the past 3 days over and over and over so that statement is false. Yes people do use new classes because thier curious what the new classes offer. I agree with you alot that that there should be no more new races for a long while like a year i shud put and that the old classes shud be relooked at to improve play and not make them boring. I will be makin my own topic on suggestions to new stuff that will bring new players in and keep the already community amused. I really dont care about the "story" of this game because were not playing that were playing what is avalible to us here none of that story **** matters because its just for the nerds to read of when thier bored or cant get enough of this game. Classes shudnt be held back because of the games stories. Every class should be relooked and and given full potential so people dont jump to the new classes like "omg! that dude totaly destroyed me im so going to make a character of that class because i cant play my class omg omg.'' Thats all i gots to say.
  • Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    ^^ just who the hell are you to say weather or not we all are into the story? statements like that immediately put me in a bad mood. such arrogance to think you can read the minds of millions of players.

    the story DOES matter as such the devs would do their best to keep up with it. this part of the story in particular there it has already been stated that the warths were the first race, is. set. in. stone. it is the foundation on which the story is built upon. they would never throw a **** wild card like this race what is being suggested. hell this part of the story is spoken in the game trailer itself.

    i dont pay much attention to the story my self, but i'm sure there are many who do. and i'm damn sure that the Asians who play this appreciate the story more than us westerners. (i'm sure the Asian version of this game has more players than this one. since they are the majority, it's safe to say the devs would cater to them more)

    Outlaw is 100% correct. there is no more need for new races, nor the classes they would bring. there is a thread about revamping old classes right here on the first page of the forum. it offers sensible idea about how to make the older classes fun again. if they would add some of this idea, it would be the best thing that could happen to this game besides all the bug fixes
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    oki i have taken everyone's comments (even though they are extremely one sided and quite frankly, mean)

    i have also added something to my little idea, the celestial race were once wriaths and they decided that it was not the way they really wanted things to go, this is why the escaped and retreated to the sky never to be seen again till today x
  • Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    While I may like or not your story,I think this game as more urgent stuff to worry,like bugs/class balancing/etc.While another class is mostly unneeded,it may be good IF had some innovative aspects(Not like a copy-paste from another class),you didn't described a single aspect yet(Other than the mere story,which is,not exactly the first thing to worry when suggesting a new class).

    You didn't described a single skill,for I don't see anywhere this"great idea",you talking about.

    If you wanna see a good suggestion thread about another class,see this one:
    WTB>More Fash
    Currently Want-to-buy list>>(W=White;B=Black;A=Any color)
    ((W. Steampunk Top \\ W. Aegan Dress \\ W. Road Warrior Vest and Shorts \\ W. Cougar Top \\ W. Barfighter Top \\B. Chipao \\ Trading B. Shinobi Set to White \\ B. Bowknot Top \\ W. Porcelian Dress \\ B. Leopard Boots \\W. Corsair Dress \\ B. Debutante Dress \\ W. Sunshine Blouse \\ W. Tiger Lily Dress \\ W. Stardust Dress \\ \\ Red Bikini Bottom \\ W. Crown Princess Dress))
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    yeah people will be mean in threads like this because most understand the consequences of a new race/classes being added to the game as it is now. the consequences are plain as day yet people still insist on throwing out these idea. they don't even take the time to think up of a proper set up for the new races idea, they just throw it into the air with little thought. not that it's a good reason to be so cold but you get the idea.

    a one sentence back-story, very basic gist of what skills they may have, and flat out clashing with storyline. this is basically how almost every new race idea is set up, this one included. of the oceans of new race ideas, only TWO were ever really thought out.

    your idea isn't thought out at all. and honestly it's amazing people even came here to even comment on it. (seen race idea have 10 veiws and not a single reply lol). you idea about these cerlstals going up in the sky is a very leaky patch at best. i'm sure you could find the storyline somewhere on the site. read it and you'll see what i mean.

    in addition to this, i doubt there will ever be anymore race cos each race is suppose to represent an element (so i've been told)
    humans > fire
    winged elves> metal
    untamed> wood
    tideborn> water
    earth guard> earth (lol yet they only use wood attacksb:chuckle)

    this means to PWE there may not be enuf space for another race, that is assuming what i've been told is true.

    EDIT: yeah that link soul posted is one of ONLY TWO proper race ideas on this site. if ANY new race gets added, and it was an idea from the players, it would be that one.
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    ^^ just who the hell are you to say weather or not we all are into the story? statements like that immediately put me in a bad mood. such arrogance to think you can read the minds of millions of players.

    the story DOES matter as such the devs would do their best to keep up with it. this part of the story in particular there it has already been stated that the warths were the first race, is. set. in. stone. it is the foundation on which the story is built upon. they would never throw a **** wild card like this race what is being suggested. hell this part of the story is spoken in the game trailer itself.

    i dont pay much attention to the story my self, but i'm sure there are many who do. and i'm damn sure that the Asians who play this appreciate the story more than us westerners. (i'm sure the Asian version of this game has more players than this one. since they are the majority, it's safe to say the devs would cater to them more)

    Outlaw is 100% correct. there is no more need for new races, nor the classes they would bring. there is a thread about revamping old classes right here on the first page of the forum. it offers sensible idea about how to make the older classes fun again. if they would add some of this idea, it would be the best thing that could happen to this game besides all the bug fixes

    who the hell are you to go around the forums trolling everyone. If you bothered to read the whole thing you would know that i was only speaking for my self and i dont think your playing as the wraiths and of course this race the OP is suggesting wouldnt be made because it has too many flaws and conterditcs this so called story. The story proabaly really matters to you but i dont see much in it, sure we have the game and its based on that story dosent mean it has to stay in the storys past the story should move on its been a couple of years. Seriously im not trying to hate on ur opinions im just saying you should respect others ideas. Not doing anyone any good the way your doing it now.
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    lol buffer could have gone about things in a more civil manner but she makes a good point. regardless whether or not one bothers with the storyline, it is something that should have as few pot holes as possible. it would be a bit funny to have such a glaring pothole in like what this idea would produce.

    i also agree with buffer in that the players in Asia would pay much more atteion to the story and try to enjoy it. as such it might be a bit more important to keep it floating since there is a good chance that the bulk of PW plays would be over there. (altho the guys in Asia may not give a hoot either, this is based of discussions of the few Asians i know. all of which say they practical study the storylines in MMOs lol so this hardly holds water but it's possible given how their view very greatly from us here in the west)
  • Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    good grief. yet another new race idea>_> there is no need for anymore races. the balance of the game is alreay suffering due to tideborn and earth guard (the EG onlyto an extent)

    the old classes still have a whooping load of potential in them. the devs need only dirct their focus from hording money, back on them and they will see it. seriously this is getting a bit ridiculous to add new races without even working on the orginals is just stupid at this point. the onlt 2 classes that you commonly see now a days from the old classes are clerics barbs and maybe BMS. in heavens tear, i can go for days without seeing a wiz, archer or a BM for BH 69/79. this is due to everyone preferring the newer classes cos they offer more OP/interesting ways to play. we don't need new classes we need to polish the old classes.

    Agreeing 100%!

    You tell him,dude!!b:laugh
    Serving all but trusting no one but myself,Blueturtle.
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    i simply wanted to make a form for those who wanted to see maybe another race which has been deceloped by the public. i wanted to just kick start the idea by putting a few of my own into it, everyone who just said, NO! to another race i have one thing to say to you... WHY DID YOU BOTHER TO READ THE FORM IF YOU DID NOT WANT ANOTHER RACE!... there is no need to smack my ideas down like i was inferior to all of you. i would even go as far to say that it was bullying because each comment i read just made me a little deprest each time all i wanted to do was get my idea out in the open in the hope that some people could help me with it.
  • Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    let me give you some advice. if you are going to make a race suggestion, don't expect for people to help you with it. if you are going to go throuh the trouble of posting it, then YOU should have a full idea of how the race should be, it's suppose to be YOUR idea after all. you offered no real insight to this class. no roles, no skills, nothing. don''t expect such a bare bone suggestion to be accepted especially in the face of the fact that other classes are going bye bye due to new races over-shadowing them. you really need to put thought into it and it would help some if you actually knew the storyline so you wouldn't slam right into it like you did here. put more effort, and it would be more excepted that i assure you.

    as for people posting on a subject that they are against. you are hopelessly naive if you think only people who are all for your idea will post here. and even more naive if you think ppl would even agree with what you posted thus far in the face of the fact that your idea directly clashes with the storyline


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