New classes for races

Blueturtle - Dreamweaver
Posts: 87 Arc User
Under the race of Humans :
Fencers: Fast and flexible, these humans are able to shred objects and beings to pieces in seconds. They will inflict bleeding to whoever challenges them. They cannot block heavy hits. Rapiers are their main weapons.
Gladiators: Having an iron and steel will, they are able to deal extra damage to Monsters of wood. Their guide to victory is what reward lies ahead. Their determination is to survive, so they have the ability to jump over their opponent in a special attack only available when they have low health. They will have ability to use shields, maces and pikes.
Under the race of EarthGuard:
Peace Keepers: These EarthGuard are able to lower damage of enemies ,using the Pole weapons for regular attacks. Higher level peacekeepers will be able to nullify damage, and shoo away unwanted creatures.
Under the race of Winged Elves:
Slayer: These elves are highly skilled with spellswords, which deal extra damage using chi stones. In many legends, elves have superior strength to humans. They are stronger than warriors, soldiers, seekers and blademasters, so...Give elves the Slayer class!!!
Under the race of Untamed:
Berserker: These maddened beasts have a high amount of health. They are the high damage takers and receivers, and have high speed hits using daggers, claws or fist weapons. They are extremely slow using swords, magic and other weapons.
Under the race of TideBorn:
Hydraulic: Having the power of the seas, this TideBorn can transform into a mighty serpent. They use the power of the sun and moon to charge their watery attacks, using octangular Chi mirrors called GiultBaGua. (Source:
Fencers: Fast and flexible, these humans are able to shred objects and beings to pieces in seconds. They will inflict bleeding to whoever challenges them. They cannot block heavy hits. Rapiers are their main weapons.
Gladiators: Having an iron and steel will, they are able to deal extra damage to Monsters of wood. Their guide to victory is what reward lies ahead. Their determination is to survive, so they have the ability to jump over their opponent in a special attack only available when they have low health. They will have ability to use shields, maces and pikes.
Under the race of EarthGuard:
Peace Keepers: These EarthGuard are able to lower damage of enemies ,using the Pole weapons for regular attacks. Higher level peacekeepers will be able to nullify damage, and shoo away unwanted creatures.
Under the race of Winged Elves:
Slayer: These elves are highly skilled with spellswords, which deal extra damage using chi stones. In many legends, elves have superior strength to humans. They are stronger than warriors, soldiers, seekers and blademasters, so...Give elves the Slayer class!!!
Under the race of Untamed:
Berserker: These maddened beasts have a high amount of health. They are the high damage takers and receivers, and have high speed hits using daggers, claws or fist weapons. They are extremely slow using swords, magic and other weapons.
Under the race of TideBorn:
Hydraulic: Having the power of the seas, this TideBorn can transform into a mighty serpent. They use the power of the sun and moon to charge their watery attacks, using octangular Chi mirrors called GiultBaGua. (Source:
Serving all but trusting no one but myself,Blueturtle.
Serving all but trusting no one but myself,Blueturtle.
Post edited by Blueturtle - Dreamweaver on
Yet another suggestion that lacks any real thought.
Fencers=APS sword........i already hate it.
Gladiator- That looks like you just made that up for making it up's sake.
Peacekeepers- Ranks among the most **** of these classes. Seekers can already lower the attack level of their targets, sins can lower their attack rate and mystics can can lower def, attack, and attack rate, among other things. Nullifying damage? sorry but no. Shooing away unwanted mobs? I fail to see where this would be useful in the face of the fact that all mobs die in a few shots, the time you take to use that skil, you could be killing the unwanted mob instead.
Slayer: Last time i checked elves are hardly ever stronger than humans, but they were very dextrous, and in tune with magical forces. Hence the reason why every mmo you see elves are the best archers and magic users. in fact i can't recall anywhere that says they are outright stronger than humans but in all honestly i would like to see what story/game/anime has that (i'm a MASSIVE fan of all things elvishb:pleased) they don't really NEED a melee class.
Berserker: Once again no thought what so ever. High health, high defense, high attack, and high attack RATE. The balance is greatly disturbed with this one young grasshopper. I never hear of a berserker class that his high attack AND defense. you know, cos they're BERSERKERS? as in F**k defense i'm gonna charge down your throat and kill you in 3 hits if you don't gun me down before i get to you. But even in that regard they would fail since just about everything in this game can 2 shot anything that isn't a boss and that even at low level.
Hydralic: No freaking info what so ever just like all the others. It was simply slapped in there just so the TB aren't left out.
When it's all said and done, no way in hell PWE would listen to suggestions like these. If they are going to add new classes, they are going to be classes they themselves made because frankly, 99% of these class suggestions are ****. People hardly EVER stop to think about factors like balance, party dynamics or hell even a proper outline of what the classes they are suggesting can do. In this entire forum, there is only 1.........ONE class suggestion that is properly thought out and in the end that suggestion is a part of a bigger idea for a new race. At over 600 post, which most of which are favorable, THAT idea is the only one that has a real shot at getting implemented. The creator of that idea poured blood sweat and tears into making that post and it shows. Then you have posts like...........this thing. good luck mate this thread is gonna die like the rest of em. either that or get firebombed until a mod comes along.0 -
BarBuDar - Heavens Tear wrote: »In this entire forum, there is only 1.........ONE class suggestion that is properly thought out and in the end that suggestion is a part of a bigger idea for a new race. At over 600 post, which most of which are favorable, THAT idea is the only one that has a real shot at getting implemented. The creator of that idea poured blood sweat and tears into making that post and it shows. Then you have posts like...........this thing. good luck mate this thread is gonna die like the rest of em. either that or get firebombed until a mod comes along.
May I have link for that suggestion?0 -
BarBuDar - Heavens Tear wrote: »Yet another suggestion that lacks any real thought.
When it's all said and done, no way in hell PWE would listen to suggestions like these. If they are going to add new classes, they are going to be classes they themselves made because frankly, 99% of these class suggestions are ****. People hardly EVER stop to think about factors like balance, party dynamics or hell even a proper outline of what the classes they are suggesting can do.
But isn't that part of what makes them fun? You get to poke holes into all the suggestions that these people come up with and shoot them down in flames for proposing a class in 1 paragraph when any good proposal for a class would flesh out at least 6 or 7, detailing stats, background, skills, roles, ways to balance them if needed, and a bunch of other stuff that would make it so that you could actually see the character's place in perfect world.
I honestly have an idea I've been throwing around, but I haven't had the time or motivation to properly write out all the thoughts that I've put into it and until I can, it's going to just stay a thought.
And to touch on the ideas:
-Fencer is just sin with a rapier instead of daggers...
-How do gladiators use shields? We only have one slot for weapons... Also we don't need another tank, barbs and bms have it covered, if you want to make a human class make it something the humans don't have already.
-Peacekeepers would only be useful if someone accidentally aggroed a mob, ooh, so helpful... otherwise it's just a pole bm with seeker abilities.
-No legends have strong elves, they are always the dainty, dextrous types like Bar said, if you're going to have a melee elf class it'd have to be something with dual blades that attacks quietly and for lots of damage, oh wait we have one of those, it's called an assassin...
-The untamed already have a tank, it's called a barbarian, stop making duplicate classes...
-Really? A giant serpent? How in any way does that fit in to the rest of this game? Chi mirrors? This in no way shape or form fits into perfect world...
The one thing I actually liked in these suggestions is the prospect of the sun and moon attacks you mentioned. Some class that has attacks whose effects change depending on whether it is night or day, maybe fire attacks during the day that lower elemental resistances and water attacks at night that slow or immobilize enemies, that I could actually start to build a class around, not all these duplicates and out-of-place characters.
Actually, the more I think about it, the more I like the sound of a spellsword revolved around that idea... I hope you don't mind if I run with that since the idea I had was for only 1 class and you need 2 to make it a race, and don't worry, I won't steal your giant serpent idea b:chuckle0 -
Brocherota - Sanctuary wrote: »May I have link for that suggestion?
Here you go b:cute[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3
'...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru20 -
TanisHawkeye - Dreamweaver wrote: »But isn't that part of what makes them fun?
so trueb:chuckle
Burbu pretty much beat me to the punch and said what i was going to say lol. in all honestly i am against new classes in the game, i would much rather rework the old classes with new skills and stats and kill all things involving APS. however, if a new class/race is suggested, and if it is presented properly, i would support it. to bad this isn't one of those. when making suggestions it is important to be as detailed as possible large scale ideas in particular like new races. it's rather stupid how some people would just put a paragraph our hell even ONE SENTENCE to describe their idea. honestly, i can't help but wonder if the OP is being serious cos the way these classes are described, it obviously has element in them that would make them OP or just flat out useless.
at this point, any new classes would have to be part of the race that is on the evil side. it goes without saying that something like that would require a ton of work. not just for the race itself, but the fact that said race would need a massive chunk of land for itself, it wouldn't make sense if you put a single wraith city i a spot in the current map. with that new land would need "good guy mobs" and an entire new chain quests and the NCPs to get them from. translation: NEVER GONNA HAPPEN.0 -
Lady_buffer - Heavens Tear wrote: »however, if a new class/race is suggested, and if it is presented properly, i would support it.
If I ever get around to describing my classes in enough detail to the point that I am satisfied with it, I hope people like you would be around
So many people are just full on "No new classes" but I like the "No half-assed ideas" mindset, even if there's a snowball's chance in hell it would ever be implemented, exploring the good ideas and beating down the bad ones are what makes these "New Class" posts such fun0 -
Thanks everyone for your feedback.Yes,these were thought out...poorly...but there was no giudelines on how to propose a new class besides this:
What would their weapons be? What would their skills be? How would you retrcon them with the current storyline of PWI? What would they look like as the default? How would you prevent them from causing problems with balance issues? If an older class, how would you make sure you aren't nerfing a particular class to much. What about changes through gear? How would this affect balance in PvE? PvP? Think outside of just your classes' perspective. In general, the more detailed the better. Also keep in mind, that the older classes were originally developed by an entirely different studio making updating possibly more complicated than we realize.
I got weopons.I got some skills.I dont know what retricon means.Graphics? I had no ideas.Balance? Ever since the earthguard came along, the balance has been offset-and new classes would help restore it.I dont know what nerf means.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Serving all but trusting no one but myself,Blueturtle.0 -
yeah these classes are not thought out at all lol. guidelines or no guidelines, common sense should tell you what would happen if some of these abilities were added to the game. they lack any form of balance.
the main example is the assassin class. they have stealth skills and that's fine, but what isn't fine is how they can just jump right back into stealth in mid-combat use buffs that make him annoying as hell to kill then jump back out of stealth and start killing you again. hell a sin can pretty much stay in cloak for hours if they wanted to provided they have the mp charm or lots of mana pots. NO mmorpg has sins that can do that and there is a reason for that. balance. something like that skill should have been TIMED, given a reduction in movement speed, and set in a way that forces you out of cloak the minute you use a buff or something.
nullifying damage- sins have a skill like that: focused mind and tidal protection i think. it had like a 25% chance the sin will evade damage (you get 1 point of damage basically) even the sin version is more balanced than that idea.
fencers- the minute you suggest fast attack rate ppl think 5 aps right off the bat, something that by all rights NEVER should have been in the game. aps is the main factor that is messing the game up atm,and why the older classes are getting harder to find.
berserkers- as a poster said, berserkers NEVER have a mix of stats like that, in fact no class does, the idea you presented can actually make the class more broken than sins, since they inherently are built about aps, it would stand to reason that it would be possible to get game breaking APS at a lower level. they have high defense, AND attack as well. this makes them harder sitting than sins, who can't get their epic dame until their crit rate gets higher AND less squishy.
Nerfing is internet lingo for weakening. the aps needs to nerf, the sins need to be nerf. nerfing is generally done to something that is too strong for it's own good. it's used in a slightly different context in the statement you copy and pasted. it means new classes should be careful not to REPLACE the others. which is exactly what the newer classes are doing now. see how phys replaced the wiz? or how sins replaced just about every DD in the game? THAT is what they want to avoid (altho they did a fail job with that with the TB). the EG are balanced decently enuf, people run to them cos they are more fun to play, plain and simple. make the older classes fun to play as well and you will get the same result.
retricon i never heard that word before, but given the way it's used i think it means how will they be part of the storyline. this is meant for entire race suggestions, and given how the game is set up, they may rather make a whole new race than add classes to the current ones.
new classes take A LOT of thought to make. it's not as simple as "they use poleax, can nullify damage, can shoo away mobs." devs spend a fair deal of time to make classes for mmorpgs, if you want your idea to be taken seriously, you shouldn't make a post that would force the devs to think of how to fill in the gaps YOU left in YOUR idea.
adding new classes to the game will NOT help restore the balance because in the end the same broken elements will still be there. it's like someone having an illness that eats away at an organ in the body, and rather than deal with the illness itself, they choose to keep transplanting new organs. that is why the revamp and nerfing threads are so positively accepted and new class/races are flamed (aside from most class suggestions not having any details.) revamping the older classes and nerfing the TB would bring the game back into balance, comparable to the way it was back in 2009 only better since (if done right) the older classes would be improved.0 -
BarBuDar - Heavens Tear wrote: »Yet another suggestion that lacks any real thought.
Slayer: Last time i checked elves are hardly ever stronger than humans, but they were very dextrous, and in tune with magical forces. Hence the reason why every mmo you see elves are the best archers and magic users. in fact i can't recall anywhere that says they are outright stronger than humans but in all honestly i would like to see what story/game/anime has that (i'm a MASSIVE fan of all things elvishb:pleased) they don't really NEED a melee class.
Ever heard of Eragon? Shadeslayer?
Ok.I am a MASSIVE fan of playing elves,and they need some serious melee help.I have suggested a melee attack for clerics,but no one is interested. obvi there is more than enough help from other areasof PW,but in the homeland near the tree city,there is little melee help.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Serving all but trusting no one but myself,Blueturtle.0 -
Berseker not using a sword or axe....WTF O_O
Yeah, no ****ing thank you.
Berserker is the class that people choose when they want to wield a big *** mother****ing weapon and if something can't kill them before they are in range, *** **** that target with 2 or 3 hits.
Defense on a berserker? **** THAT. ***** GIVE ME THE INSANITY DAMAGE LEVEL CAUSE I'M GONNA **** YOUR **** UP!
*cough cough*
Uhm...*sin poofs*Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~
_Perses_ - Lost City wrote: »Berseker not using a sword or axe....WTF O_O
Yeah, no ****ing thank you.
Berserker is the class that people choose when they want to wield a big *** mother****ing weapon and if something can't kill them before they are in range, *** **** that target with 2 or 3 hits.
Defense on a berserker? **** THAT. ***** GIVE ME THE INSANITY DAMAGE LEVEL CAUSE I'M GONNA **** YOUR **** UP!
*cough cough*
Uhm...*sin poofs*
lol i admire your enthusiasmb:chuckle0 -
well, i disagree with practically every class you have made up.
the only class i really want in this game is something that reminds me of a necromancer.
-some sort of thing that can absorb health from other veno's/mystic's pets. or something that could possible take over the pet for a short period of time and have it attack its owner. it could also possibly be almost a total mirror class and can buff itself to reflect a lot of damage(kinda like the veno's bramble, but more of its main power and its main sort of attack).
every race has two classes, though, and i dont want to change this.0
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