


  • Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Thank you.
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The other Valhalla BMs need to follow your example.
  • Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I know I know.

    But seriously, just admit we did a good fight. Valhalla from firday's war and yesterday's one were completly 2 differents faction. Idk what happened friday but our organisations sucked so bad mainly coz of ppls showing up for tw like 2 min be4 it start. Saturday this prob was fixed and we also fixed communication troubles beetween teams. See the results?
  • Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Wow, you think you're a good BM? Thats funny.

    Do you believe in the Easter Bunny too?
  • Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I don't believe easter bunny..

    ..I'm an easter bunny.
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    All I gotta say about this:

    Vovo <3
    Did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
  • Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    We had exactly same ppls than Friday war and was exactly leaded by same core.

    I wont defend myself for using claws, i just know i do good with them when i see Embustero and ther kylin's archer crew down on floor.

    Meanwhile, the catas get to the base 'cause nobody stuns them or amplify the damage on them. Or if you're in offensive squads, the ppl u are supposed to protect get killed...

    I like u Vode, not trolling u, u a good guy but... I know u can do better as a bm, u really can.

    And as far as KY loosing to valala... is just 'cause I'm not doing TW anymore ijs

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I also like you Gara but in a cata assist team, my role is too stun/amp/kill the DD class and like this protect the cata train and the DD who are on side/back. I would stun/amp the cata if i was in defense squad.

    claws got same stun as axes and with them i kill assist clerics in like 2 sec then go back to aoe stun + the 79 skill is a pro one in tw. Anyways i won't defend myself for using +12 claws instead of +5 gx (Yeah farming my R9 axes tage ages, sorry for not CS) and i also still use axes for dg. I promise you to use my axes when ill have farmed enuff to get them <3

    And Lira b:dirty
  • Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I also like you Gara but in a cata assist team, my role is too stun/amp/kill the DD class and like this protect the cata train and the DD who are on side/back. I would stun/amp the cata if i was in defense squad.

    claws got same stun as axes and with them i kill assist clerics in like 2 sec then go back to aoe stun + the 79 skill is a pro one in tw. Anyways i won't defend myself for using +12 claws instead of +5 gx (Yeah farming my R9 axes tage ages, sorry for not CS) and i also still use axes for dg. I promise you to use my axes when ill have farmed enuff to get them <3

    And Lira b:dirty

    I agree with you except for that part in red... I would call the target in vent for my squad's DDs to get, so I can quickly move to the next target... but I see your logic, hope it works for u man...

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Leave Vode alone Garav, he's doing what a BM should do in TW. b:victory
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Hey guys&gals, calm down and enjoy TWs, i would rather have TWs , and keep doing more fun in TWs than some others just are dying in boredom with end game gears and no TWs b:chuckle

    BTW i love my demon dgs b:laughb:pleasedb:thanks

    See you guys next weeks
  • Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Nice seeing u Joe ^^

    And that's the smartest comment a Valhalla member has ever typed on this forums, ty for it.

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    And we still waiting for the kylin's one. :troll:
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Damn you

    You made me spit my juice laughing now
    Did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    You pick any post of any Kylin, and it's going to be smarter than
    Thats the real difference between you and us. We admit our flaws, we work on them, we try again, and again.
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    You pick any post of any Kylin, and it's going to be smarter than

    lol your right because that comment is stupid they dont try try and try again. They lose then cry then cry some more go to a diffrent area cry. Then get happy when they do something they can only do once and cry again.

    ~ The life story of valhalla
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I will listen to any of you Kylin people about running from Cata, when you actually TRY to bid on them instead of hiding under their skirt.

    Oh wait.. That will never happen from YOUR side, pretty sure it will from theirs soon tho.

    Did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I will listen to any of you Kylin people about running from Cata, when you actually TRY to bid on them instead of hiding under their skirt.

    Oh wait.. That will never happen from YOUR side, pretty sure it will from theirs soon tho.



    By that logic, you should be bidding on them too.
    Like I just spent a good minute stuttering to myself, trying to come up with a way this since the fact that you'd even ask the question makes no god damn sense.

    Thought about mentioning how you can find multiple posts by multiple people (Kylin and Catalyst) saying how we look forward to seeing how a 1v1 goes and why we don't bid each other, so your question has been answered already.
    Thought about mentioning that we're KINDA BUSY since there's this great guild called "Valhalla" that keeps bidding us, so it would seem counter-productive to bid on someone ELSE when we've got another war to take care of.
    Thought about mentioning that we're not the aggressors in this war; this great guild called "Valhalla" bid us first. Not like we can just switch who we bid on and they'd leave us be, and again, it seems counter-productive to fight two fronts when we could be fighting one.
    Thought about mentioning that we haven't run from anyone (nor has any other guild on the map run really run from Catalyst, for that matter. Even AL can make the claim they did it only to support you guys), whereas Valhalla clearly has. CLEARLY.

    But by the end of it I was left speechless by the fact that your question is much better suited for yourself than ANY OTHER GUILD ON THE MAP, seeing as you're the only guild that has blatantly run the hell away from Catalyst. I was left speechless by the fact that every "excuse" Valhalla could possibly have for not bidding Catalyst, we could also use. And then some.

    So better question: Why aren't YOU bidding on them? Last I heard, I think Rocketpower said it was because you guys "are looking for FUN TWs," but if that's the case, why are we cowards for saying (both Kylin AND Catalyst members) that a 1v1 would be fun (as in everyone needs to clear out of the god damn way first), but Valhalla isn't a coward for moving to the other god damn side of the map and hiding behind walls of Kylin and Crimson for months? Even though bidding on us clearly wasn't a "fun TW" because we simply didn't have the numbers to attend two big wars at the same time? You never thought "Oh let's try Deicide instead then since they can never show." Gee, could that be because Deicide led right towards Catalyst?

    Also would you mind looking up the word "hypocrite?"
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    He is right why arnt you bidding yet? For me im not strong enough yet. But valhalla has everything going for them a good supply of ranked people and a good number of people that want to join.

    Maybe you cant take on catalyst. But if you claim to want fun tw's then winning or loseing shouldnt matter. So i think the statment you made is false.

    Valhalla is just looking for something to hide behind the fact that they got their feelings hurt by catalyst and now will act like they are not on the map at all.

    Maybe on the list of factions on the map:

    8.Valhalla 8 and dead last b:laugh

    I ranked you last because from Watchers on down to stalkers you do not see them QQing and running from catalyst. They know their limits even if they tried it would be hard for them to take the top factions.

    When you Valhalla a faction that has the power but cant use it. Has an ally that isnt even with you anymore. You went from your rush to catalyst to being pushed back all the way. Then asking your ally to take your last land leaving them boxed in so you could go and get away from catalyst.

    Valhalla can only run with its tail between its legs and the rest of the server will laugh.

    Tw is meant to be fun and you doing wars that roll the enemy. Im sorry but i dont see where the fun in this is. Catalyst is your own size you should have them in a stalemate not running and hiding picking the soft targets. No offence
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    Maybe you cant take on catalyst. But if you claim to want fun tw's then winning or loseing shouldnt matter. So i think the statment you made is false.

    Valhalla lost the right to claim they were "just looking for fun" the moment they started doing r9 ganks complete with immense ironguard usage.

    EDIT: And this is PK. There isn't another guild on the map that is well known for IG usage in PK. The only other group known for IG spam is sins.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I will listen to any of you Kylin people about running from Cata, when you actually TRY to bid on them instead of hiding under their skirt.

    Oh wait.. That will never happen from YOUR side, pretty sure it will from theirs soon tho.


    Yes we are totally hiding under their skirt and that's why no faction on the map was able to attack or stack us. Oh wait...

    We were too busy fighting the rest of the server. How many factions did Valhalla had to fight? You want us to fight Catalyst at the same time too? I guess Kylins are puss until we are literally at war with every TW factions on HL. Our first contant with Catalyst on the map was on week 16 of the map reset. On week 15, we just got stacked by Valalala, AL, Crimson and whoever the **** MECTHblE is. Hey, we were only fighting 3 TW factions at once, we totally should have bidded Catalyst on week 16.

    We picked our war with a faction of similar gears/strength, lost at first but stuck with it through lost and win. Then the rest of the server decided to butt in. You picked your war with a faction of similar gears/strength (not brain/skill), lost a few times and ran.
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Yes we are totally hiding under their skirt and that's why no faction on the map was able to attack or stack us. Oh wait...

    We were too busy fighting the rest of the server. How many factions did Valhalla had to fight? You want us to fight Catalyst at the same time too? I guess Kylins are puss until we are literally at war with every TW factions on HL. Our first contant with Catalyst on the map was on week 16 of the map reset. On week 15, we just got stacked by Valalala, AL, Crimson and whoever the **** MECTHblE is. Hey, we were only fighting 3 TW factions at once, we totally should have bidded Catalyst on week 16.

    We picked our war with a faction of similar gears/strength, lost at first but stuck with it through lost and win. Then the rest of the server decided to butt in. You picked your war with a faction of similar gears/strength (not brain/skill), lost a few times and ran.


    Oh god man I can't stop laughing. It's just so ridiculous... xD
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Remember, Valalaa just wants to have fun and
    We win, we lose, life goes on.

    Crystal sprinting Kylin for the win was obviously much more fun than fighting Catalyst and lose, even tho they "don't care about losing". And that's why they stacked us instead of fighting Cata, it's for the fun, not win, silly you. See, the fun came from the freedom of running down the empty lane, with not a soul in sight, not having to be bothered by def squads and catapults and sht that takes the fun out of TWs.

    Btw, notice how after a couple of weeks of Crimson no-shows, due to them fighting Deicide, we stopped bidding on them. I guess we are just too stupid to understand the fun in crystal sprints.
  • Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    That's valala's definition of fun. So now that's it's established that this is how valala is, what can we do about it b:sin kylin and catalyst have already figured it out b:avoid
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    That's valala's definition of fun. So now that's it's established that this is how valala is, what can we do about it b:sin kylin and catalyst have already figured it out b:avoid

    Lemme upload some pics from today's PK adventure....

    This is me attempting to count (in guild chat) what you're about to see...


    And this is what you're about to see:


    How did this happen? Me and the squad shown there just kinda squaded up because we all wanted to PK but couldn't because of the Valhalla ganks.

    It started out with me and DarkJumper vs. 5-6 of them, then eventually developed into us, Sicked_Dog, MrNoobism and tolome trying to fight dustgreat, jagajaga, Pry, KOX, and Torreto. tolome went AFK at one point (you can see him whispering me for reinvite in the color photo) but EatMyDustt immediately replaced him and I_PK_U_Sin showed up at that same time. Once EatMyDust and I_PK_U were there, we succeeded in clearing west gate completely. GO TEAM RANDOM! We did it. We successfully killed every Valhalla there and waited for their return for the next round.

    Immediately after we cleared west against those guys, those pics above are what happened.

    As I attempted to count in guild chat (and attempt to do now in these pics), that was dustgreat, jagajaga, Pry, KOX, Torreto, I_PK_U_Sin, Urdian, Caramell, MrsNospheratu, Cucu, OpSy, ELHAK, DST, Don_Masiv and maybe ~1-2 more... (I say 1-2 because there's always a possibility to miss a sin and I think I'm forgetting a wizard)


    the squad you see that I'm in, composed completely of random people who don't even know each other. (as far as I know. I didn't know any of them, at least)

    So can we agree that Valhalla isn't here to "play" but only cares about winning, and that they're a cancer that's killing the PK community of the server?
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I will listen to any of you Kylin people about running from Cata, when you actually TRY to bid on them instead of hiding under their skirt.

    Oh wait.. That will never happen from YOUR side, pretty sure it will from theirs soon tho.

    I'm now convinced that Pry is just Taarloor on mood stabilizers.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Cool story bro

    "Well sht, we lost on even number? Go back and try gain? **** that, let's call more instead."

    Valhalla GC: "Umm need like 10 more people at west plox."
    Valhalla GC: "How many are there?"
    Valhalla GC: "Like 5."
    Valhalla GC: "K on our way."
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Lemme upload some pics from today's PK adventure....

    This is me attempting to count (in guild chat) what you're about to see...


    And this is what you're about to see:


    How did this happen? Me and the squad shown there just kinda squaded up because we all wanted to PK but couldn't because of the Valhalla ganks.

    It started out with me and DarkJumper vs. 5-6 of them, then eventually developed into us, Sicked_Dog, MrNoobism and tolome trying to fight dustgreat, jagajaga, Pry, KOX, and Torreto. tolome went AFK at one point (you can see him whispering me for reinvite in the color photo) but EatMyDustt immediately replaced him and I_PK_U_Sin showed up at that same time. Once EatMyDust and I_PK_U were there, we succeeded in clearing west gate completely. GO TEAM RANDOM! We did it. We successfully killed every Valhalla there and waited for their return for the next round.

    Immediately after we cleared west against those guys, those pics above are what happened.

    As I attempted to count in guild chat (and attempt to do now in these pics), that was dustgreat, jagajaga, Pry, KOX, Torreto, I_PK_U_Sin, Urdian, Caramell, MrsNospheratu, Cucu, OpSy, ELHAK, DST, Don_Masiv and maybe ~1-2 more... (I say 1-2 because there's always a possibility to miss a sin and I think I'm forgetting a wizard)


    the squad you see that I'm in, composed completely of random people who don't even know each other. (as far as I know. I didn't know any of them, at least)

    So can we agree that Valhalla isn't here to "play" but only cares about winning, and that they're a cancer that's killing the PK community of the server?

    Yea i have seen the same thing not only once in a great while but on a daily basis. Its always like 5-15 of them vs 1-7 people that are random. They are destroying the fun of pvp with the amount they gank with their rank 9.

    1 rank 9 = 3 people with 90 gear depending on class

    Valhalla are just think they are pro but they can only gank which makes them fail.
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Yea i have seen the same thing not only once in a great while but on a daily basis. Its always like 5-15 of them vs 1-7 people that are random. They are destroying the fun of pvp with the amount they gank with their rank 9.

    1 rank 9 = 3 people with 90 gear depending on class

    Valhalla are just think they are pro but they can only gank which makes them fail.

    1 rank9 is actually more than a squad of ppl with 90 gear if they have a clue of what they are doing :P
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Posts: 719 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I just need to say.. I visited a PVE section of this Server Symposium... and HarshLands honestly has the most talented forum trolls.

    It's an honor to be insulted by you...



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