:x Multiple questions combined into one~

buruberri Posts: 4 Arc User
edited October 2011 in Dungeons & Tactics
Uhmm howdy~ ,

-Well I was wondering , I see a lot of people saying the game is dead and stuff but I thought to myself that there's always those over pessimistic people , so I was wondering is the game like still worth playing , or is it completely ruled out by unfairness? Also I was wondering what server is the best for friendly PvE fun with some PvP involved? I mean like a server that has a more friendly player base than others , you may be stereotypical , it sometimes help ,like which server's economy is the least messed up ?. I really want to give this game I shot but hearing other people's opinions helps my reassure wether it's worth it or not ~ Thank you~
Post edited by buruberri on


  • Fonyan - Heavens Tear
    Fonyan - Heavens Tear Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    It's not the same as before, sure, but definitely not dead yet. A lot of people still play this game. Actually, I've seen more people that are doing quests when I was playing on my psychic the other day. b:cute

    Screenshot thread:

    Currently playing: real life ver. 2.0
  • sangodoc
    sangodoc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    buruberri wrote: »
    Well I was wondering , I see a lot of people saying the game is dead and stuff but I thought to myself that there's always those over pessimistic people ,
    Yeah. People have been saying that since 2009, and here it's nearly 2012 now. So... it's either not dead, or... woot! Zombie game! b:chuckle
    buruberri wrote: »
    so I was wondering is the game like still worth playing , or is it completely ruled out by unfairness?
    To be completely honest, that depends on your goals. For most people the game can still be fun, but if you need to be a top level PvPer then that is expensive and you've missed a few sales that would help. Still, there's plenty of other stuff to try, and it's free so you can see for yourself if it's fun for you.
    buruberri wrote: »
    Also I was wondering what server is the best for friendly PvE fun with some PvP involved? I mean like a server that has a more friendly player base than others , you may be stereotypical , it sometimes help ,like which server's economy is the least messed up ?
    Well, the economies are pretty much the same on most servers, within 10% or so. As for "friendliness", you'll find a variety of types of people on any server, some good, some bad. I only use the Dreamweaver server, but I've only encountered a few "bad eggs" there.

    So, you should probably go with whichever PvE (Player versus Environment) server has the lowest ping time (the smallest MS you see listed when you select the server when logging in). If the ping times are fairly similar for you, then the time zone the servers are in may be a factor as well.

    The PvE servers are:
    Heaven's Tear - West Coast
    Sanctuary - West Coast
    Archosaur - West Coast
    Dreamweaver - East Coast
    Raging Tide - East Coast
    Lothranis - Europe (French)
    Momaganon - Europe (German)

    On PvE servers, players normally can only attack each other if they go into PK (Player Killing) mode, which lasts for 10 hours minimum. (There are still a few areas, such as some rooms in the Cube of Fate, in which PK is always enabled.)

    The East Coast servers are on Eastern time (EST or EDT, UTC -5 or -4, respectively), the West Coast servers are on Pacific time (PST or PDT, UTC -8 or -7), and the European servers are on Central European time (CET or CEST, UTC +1 or +2). A lot of events on PWI happen in the evening (8:50 PM - midnight), server time, so if the ping times are about the same you might want to choose based on which time zone works better for you.

    For more information on the servers, see the Servers entry in the PWI wiki.

    Hope that helps!
    Visit the PWI wiki for the useful information. Stay at the PWI wiki for the pie. ;-)
  • Fulcanelli - Raging Tide
    Fulcanelli - Raging Tide Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    you should try it, it is a good and beautiful game, just don't rush, PLAY IT, be friendly and talkative and the game can be fun b:victory

    but, just in case: don't put money on it

  • buruberri
    buruberri Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    wow these are all great answers , ^-^ thanks so much , I'll give the game a shot~
  • WangZi - Dreamweaver
    WangZi - Dreamweaver Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Been playing since roughly 3 years ago, and still playing now b:victory
    but yeah, make a lot of friends since that's what's going to keep you playing most of the time in my opinion, and take your time and enjoy the game instead of power-leveling (which is tempting, but don't do it) and... try not to spend money in the game, because it could become addicting b:chuckle

    Sig made by Dorset b:victoryb:thanks
  • TanisHawkeye - Dreamweaver
    TanisHawkeye - Dreamweaver Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Sangodoc wrote: »
    Yeah. People have been saying that since 2009, and here it's nearly 2012 now. So... it's either not dead, or... woot! Zombie game! b:chuckle

    Hey look Ellis, it's Kiddie Land! b:pleased

    The people on the forums are the ones who will have you think the game is dead because they are bored with it or are sitting up at 100+ and they rushed there and don't have anything to do now, the rest of us who take our time, meet some nice people, level at our own pace still have plenty of fun with this game, so I highly encourage you to try it out.

    Now you just have to pick a class to start with, I'd recommend starting with something magic since they are harder to mess up and you don't have to worry about missing. Clerics and Mystics are wanted for parties, and Venomancers are good soloists, so I'd advise one of those to start with until you get up to speed, might also wanna look up a stat build for whatever you do decide on so your stats arent screwed up at later levels
  • Protarius - Archosaur
    Protarius - Archosaur Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I am very pleased to see ppl post good coments on the game. This is a very good game which you will enjoy no doubt. Give it a shot.

    Hope you have fun and welcome to perfect world!