~How This Game Still Runs~

semprus Posts: 0 Arc User
edited October 2011 in Dungeons & Tactics
Hey all! :)

I used to play this game maybe a year ago... I never got very far, I also went back to other games that weren't free. Now I'm in need of a good, free MMO.

So I'm wondering, how strong is this game still going?

1) Is the customer support strong? Will I get help from GMs if I need it?

2) Are there regular updates/patches, or just massive expansions, like the recent Rising Tide and Genesis?

3) How necessary is it to purchase ZEN? As far as I understood a year or so ago, I could survive in the game fine without buying any ZEN while only doing PvM.

4) Is the player base large? Is it diverse? Will I find plenty of noobs to help me out in the low level instances, or will I just get picked on by the higher levels for being a noob?

5) Anything else I should know would be VERY much appreciated.

Thanks to everyone who helps out! :)
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  • DuckTapez - Archosaur
    DuckTapez - Archosaur Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    ahh the irony of that; what is this if it ain't trolling? b:shutup

    edit: ok seriously, to answer you very very briefly:

    1) no.

    2) the weekly patches really do nothing except introduce new items to the cash shop, so consider it the latter option (massive expansions)

    3) well if you have enough money to begin with you can always merchant (which is a fairly slow process), but yes this game is probably a LOT more cash shop reliant than you remembered it
    "a LOT" was probably an understatement b:surrender

    4) with everyone power leveling their characters, you kind of get a bunch of level 100 people who are still considered "noobs", so i really don't know how to answer this question

    Duct tape is like The Force: bright on one side, dark on the other. It holds the world together, and, if not handled correctly, becomes a sticky mess.
  • Protarius - Archosaur
    Protarius - Archosaur Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    As answers to your questions:

    1.- The customer suport is what is expected in a free MMO game, many people have problems, so they try to solve them as humanly possible. About GM help, yes, if you need a GM assistance you will be able to contact them and have reply to your questions, but again, as humanly possible. Most people here feel unique so they expect that their problem is the only one that GM have to attend.

    2.- There are regular updates/patches, and with every update/patch an explanation of what was the update about. Also there has been massive updates, like the one you mention.

    3.- Its not necesary to purchase zens. Here you have many options. The game basically is design for you to play all the game without need of purchasing zens, at early levels gear can be obtained easily, in mid level if you have worked your character to a decend crafting level you can make your own equipment after harvesting the matts needed, making very decent gear. At high levels you can still make your own equipment, having very decent gear without purchasing zens. This point is really up to you, how much time you are willing to put ingame to farm this matts. Lazy people just buy zens to buy the matts needed to make the equipment that perfectly can be done by farming.
    If you consider to obtain high level gear like rank 8 or rank 9 you would have to purchase some zens, although you could get them free, it would take too long, but a good option again would be farm high level matts like nirvana to make your own free high level gear.

    4.- There is a lot, a player base is big. You will find some players around, maybe not as much as before, but you can always ask for help for bosses, or special quests. Maybe find a lot of noobs to help out, not sure, maybe some, but also you will find other people in their alts.
    About getting pk, would only depend on which type of server you want to play, if you go into a pvp server, for sure any low level in some point will get pk, but if you go in a pve server you cant get pk unless you enable pk mode, so you would be safe.

    5.- I would just add that replys like you got before is what keep new players from wanting to play this game. I would just give you the following tip:
    Don't power level your character, the fun part of this game is actually play your character though out the experince of starting at lvl 1 and getting to lvl 100+. Knowing actually how to play your character is something you will get by actually playing each level and making your character grow in a balance way. Getting to lvl 100 in 2 days, purchasing the best gear around and not knowing how to actually use your character will make you just be a noob high level which will have more problems playing the game than enjoying the game.

    Now just have fun and wb to pwi.
  • EIvemage - Dreamweaver
    EIvemage - Dreamweaver Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited October 2011

    1.- The customer suport is what is expected in a free MMO game, many people have problems, so they try to solve them as humanly possible. About GM help, yes, if you need a GM assistance you will be able to contact them and have reply to your questions, but again, as humanly possible. Most people here feel unique so they expect that their problem is the only one that GM have to attend.

    sorry but i have to get this str8... no there is no support. if you have a problem that cant be solved by other players advice you can submit a ticket that will take 2 weeks to be reviewed. i dont even know why there is that little GM button in game, or the live chat support, because you can try at any day, at any time of the day, you wont get a response, guaranteed.

    i tried it for 2 weeks, waited at least 2-5 hours a day in the live chat support at random times of the day, aswell as clicking the GM help button in game around once/hour... never had anyone answer.
  • Protarius - Archosaur
    Protarius - Archosaur Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    sorry but i have to get this str8... no there is no support. if you have a problem that cant be solved by other players advice you can submit a ticket that will take 2 weeks to be reviewed. i dont even know why there is that little GM button in game, or the live chat support, because you can try at any day, at any time of the day, you wont get a response, guaranteed.

    i tried it for 2 weeks, waited at least 2-5 hours a day in the live chat support at random times of the day, aswell as clicking the GM help button in game around once/hour... never had anyone answer.

    About that, you can always PM GMS and you will get an answer, I have at least, and about live chat I have seen many cases that people has had help. Maybe you have had bad luck.
  • DuckTapez - Archosaur
    DuckTapez - Archosaur Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    About that, you can always PM GMS and you will get an answer, I have at least, and about live chat I have seen many cases that people has had help. Maybe you have had bad luck.

    don't think it's the rest of us that has bad luck
    you just have good luck b:cry care to try it out on some packs?

    Duct tape is like The Force: bright on one side, dark on the other. It holds the world together, and, if not handled correctly, becomes a sticky mess.
  • EIvemage - Dreamweaver
    EIvemage - Dreamweaver Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    About that, you can always PM GMS and you will get an answer, I have at least, and about live chat I have seen many cases that people has had help. Maybe you have had bad luck.

    ye im sure i had bad luck.. for 2 weeks str8. and all the other people just have bad luck aswell. so far i had around 25 people telling me that there is technichally no/hardly any support and 1 person that there is (which is you lol..).
  • Protarius - Archosaur
    Protarius - Archosaur Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Ok... then I have good luck.... unfortunatly that luck does not runs in packs