Do you still play your Cleric as your main?

Saunter - Raging Tide
Saunter - Raging Tide Posts: 2 Arc User
edited December 2011 in Cleric
I was bored and browsing the forums and found the poll in general where a lot of people ticked Cleric as their main toon, but as plenty of people pointed out in the replies there - it's ridiculously hard to find a Cleric in game.

I started playing PWI with a Cleric and they're still one of my favourite classes, but my Cleric's been sitting at 80 for a while now because I honestly got ticked off with playing it. Too many fail squads b:surrender

Rolled a Seeker and fell in love with the class. My Cleric's still my main, but lately I only bring him out if my Seeker needs buffing/healing or if my squad is in dire need of a healer. Because of this, I'm thinking that once my Seeker is higher I'll switch and my Cleric will become my alt :o

Just wondering b:thanks
Post edited by Saunter - Raging Tide on


  • Lafuteria - Sanctuary
    Lafuteria - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    ..I did the opposite. I dropped my main for my cleric.
    The Infernal City..
  • DuckTapez - Archosaur
    DuckTapez - Archosaur Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    my original main was a barb, which i chose cuz they're constantly needed
    not because it's easy for them to find squads (well ok, maybe a bit...but after hitting 101 that's pointless anyway) but because i have this fetish for helping people >_> which is what i supposed barbs and clerics are good for

    the reason i did not make another barb when rerolling to Archosaur was because i cant handle the stress and money involved with repairing anymore b:shocked do still prefer playing a barb but yes, my cleric is gonna stay as my main for a while (on this server anyways, which i still don't play as much as my original server Sanc cuz...well, fail server be fail b:surrender has nothing to do with class preference)

    probably would've made a seeker too (or sin even, as much as i dislike them still gotta admit there's something attractive behind the ability to solo dungeons without having to kill everything in the way...or maybe i just dislike them out of jealousy) instead of a barb as my first main if i didnt start playing before the RT expansion

    Duct tape is like The Force: bright on one side, dark on the other. It holds the world together, and, if not handled correctly, becomes a sticky mess.
  • Viper_girl - Heavens Tear
    Viper_girl - Heavens Tear Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Despite the huge investment in a Herc & Nix, my Veno former main is pretty much on life support.

    I'm rotating between Cleric, Mystic and Seeker. Each is far more enjoyable in its own way than the Veno which is fairly useless/unwanted at this level. (I also have a Sin but I hate that boring OPd class so much I rarely play it)

    But I know what the OP means about fail squads. Though it doesn't always only affect the Cleric, my Seeker (who was Tanking) has died many times because the fail healer switched attention to healing/rezing a fail Sin and other squishes who got caught in an AOE they were warned about.
  • Kyzarin - Raging Tide
    Kyzarin - Raging Tide Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I previously played an archer and a mystic (the lv. 73 archer is still set as my display pic), but now my cleric has become my main. The only other character I play with any frequency is a low level (<20) seeker.
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    it's ridiculously hard to find a Cleric in game.

    -Depends on the circumstances: Low level FFC's full of fails -F* that!
  • NinnaXXX - Sanctuary
    NinnaXXX - Sanctuary Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    well yes i do, my cleric was my first char back in 2009 before the game started to get totally screwed xD all i can say is if i would had started playing now i wouldn't had made a cleric probabaly a sin/bm. And yeah well i do have a bm alt now but my cleric will always stay my main ive been playing it for over 2yrs and im not a too offensive person so cleric is perfect for me b:chuckle
    The greatest danger for most of us
    is not that our aim is too high
    and we miss it
    but that it's too low and
    we reach it.
  • Draekka - Raging Tide
    Draekka - Raging Tide Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    My main was orginally a cleric, my first character ever. She's now just sitting at 94, because I very much prefer my Veno over ALL my other characters. Though now that my Veno is at 90, I'm probably going to focus on my Psychic for a while.

    As much as I like being the healer, I was tired of the stress of QQers and fails. Its much more fun to be a DD IMO. ^^
  • ImNotFiveAps - Dreamweaver
    ImNotFiveAps - Dreamweaver Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    my main was a cleric. but I got tired of people asking me for shiit all the time, then never returning the favor when I needed something.

    So I rolled a sin and do most shiit by myself.
  • Baby_pho - Heavens Tear
    Baby_pho - Heavens Tear Posts: 636 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    i made my cleric first with veno when i started this game. then i made my cleric my main leaving my veno behind and now i got a bm and a mystic also but i still play my cleric the most. I guess becuase im so use to healing. playing other chars just annoys me because when i am on my other chars. when i squad with other clerics. sometimes i happen to comment on what they do and they give me attitude "i know what to do" when they arent doing things efficiently and causes squad wipe. i just want to get on my cleric at those times and stay on her.

    my main will probably always be my main because i farm with her and do many other things with her. but maybe when i get my bm/mystic to 100 it will change.
  • TsarBomba - Heavens Tear
    TsarBomba - Heavens Tear Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I stopped playing my archer to start a cleric, and it's been a (mostly) rewarding and fun experience so far. I like not begging for buffs and heals, and helping people, except for the ingrates. And being a cleric I choose who dies and who lives, so even if I end up in a fail squad, at least I get some fun getting back at those who ticked me off ^-^
  • Yin - Momaganon
    Yin - Momaganon Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Yea cleric is my main and I quess it will always be. And I end up to get bored on alts
  • Jenisky - Raging Tide
    Jenisky - Raging Tide Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I still like my cleric best. I rolled a (now 102) sin to farm with, but cleric is still my main. I'm playing around with a mystic too which is alright since it has some cleric-y skills -- I really like being able to heal myself, so I'll probably stick with these two classes. b:pleased

    Join Leviathan! - apply at
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I have 3 toons, Cleric lvl 101, Veno lvl 80, Sin lvl 64.

    I like my sin, its still a noobie but its fun to play. I like my veno because it can tank whatever I want, but I LOVE my cleric because its my first toon.

    My cleric has all my attention at the moment because it is simply, fun. Yes I get tired of people calling me for stupid things, like res, res, res, res again... oh can I get a ress again plz!? or the constant can I get buffs @ Disney?! (while I'm enjoying my self dueling at west... and if I say "busy soz" they claim you're rude PF, and they dont even pay the teleports pfff!).

    Or those that want you to do their bhs, you help them once and call you every time they need something OMFG GET A FRIGGING SQUAD, NOT ME. b:angry

    Most of the time someone needs a buff, I always say, I'm "here" come if you want, I wont move because, why would I use my coins to get a "ty, bye."? heh.

    I have 2+ years playing my cleric, and even though people can get on my nerves at times, I love my job, heal, DD, debuff, sleep / silence, tempest the hell outa people and mobs. b:chuckle pew a plume shot + tempest before a mob dies from the plume shot is also fun.

    And the chance of having people's EXP on my hand is simply awesome >:] decide who lives and who dies, if you **** me off, you will die, if you're cool I'll keep you alive ;D if you mess up I wont ress you because I most likely will lose exp as well. :) Oh, and its not only exp, its ticks what we charge as well hahaahaahahaha *evil laugh* - oh and I'm sage - weird huh?! >:]
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • _SparkPlug_ - Heavens Tear
    _SparkPlug_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Left my veno for my cleric.

    I find the cleric much more enjoyable and always welcome in squads. (BUFFS MUAHAHA)

    still use my veno for farming though.

    ps: Cleric wings is just sooooooo beautiful! b:victory
  • jaanyoo
    jaanyoo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    "Do you still play your Cleric as your main?"

    My cleric is a storage unit now b:sad

    My BM is my main farming character, my mystic is the main character I play for fun.
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    My cleric is now my crafting alt, with me going back and forth between a sin and a veno as my mains.

    I got so sick of people constantly bugging me to drop whatever I was doing to go res them/buff them/heal them for oracles/etc. Cuz, like, there's no way I'd have anything better to do than be at their beck and call, right?b:bye
  • Jacerai - Dreamweaver
    Jacerai - Dreamweaver Posts: 943 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Yep, still playing her, though the PMs for help these days are piling up.

    I play my alts as well (I'm an alt-oholic) but I will always log on my cleric to pew pew a few, heal, buff, debuff, do all the things a cleric was made for.

    b:sin Sometimes I do Leeroy, but only with friends.

    I love my cleric main. Makes the day interesting when you jump into a random group and try to keep them alive. Then do a solo Lunar with a crazy wizzie to calm down (squishy heaven, Lunar be).

    I used to get the "res me pl0x" calls, but once I tell them I'm on the other side of the map (normally I am) and that I won't be teleporting down there (flying...), they stopped sending them to me. Hey, I will res you, but if you're close.
    b:cute The world may be small, but it is far from known.

    Why the rage? It's a draining emotion.

    Me: DaValentine (veno), Jaceraie (mystic), etc etc etc b:chuckle
  • Chrisssss - Sanctuary
    Chrisssss - Sanctuary Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    b:surrender This has been my main since 2008, and probably one of the oldest cleric toons still active in the server. Yeah not gonna lie though I've had times when I considered switching toons as my main but idk been doing tw and really enjoy the cleric job too much to change toons pluse I've invested too much time and money to switch xD. If any of the newer clerics want some advice just hit me up.
  • Auralina - Sanctuary
    Auralina - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I learned to play PW on cleric and it's still my main. I do tend to love making alts also, the variety is fun, but so far I always come back to cleric. :)
  • Mekkhala - Lost City
    Mekkhala - Lost City Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    My cleric is my main. The other classes didn't hold my interest after lvl 100.
  • Swannx - Archosaur
    Swannx - Archosaur Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Well, too late to turn back now, might as well push through with my cleric as my main. b:surrender
  • Hiemus - Raging Tide
    Hiemus - Raging Tide Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I only have a cleric. I don't really have time to level another toon. I invested a Hell lot into planning and gearing this cleric so I solo all the **** except main bosses like Krimson. Cleric gives me the challenge of seeing and predicting my environment and team movements. It also gives me the choice of easily helping people, or not. With some cash (I work), these gears give me independence that comes with high HP and p.def so I don't need to rely on DD or tank for minor boss in quests. Or pk.

    I play cleric as main (only toon lol) because of wide variety of what I can do with it.
  • Severos - Raging Tide
    Severos - Raging Tide Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    i started playing as an archer, got it to 20 then got bored of it, way to squishy b:surrender
    then i rolled a fail cleric till 30 (was going for vit and dex more than mag and str b:shutup)
    after that i rolled my current cleric, few vit points, only what i need for my gear in str and rest in mag,
    i love my cleric since i find all squads easly, and sometimes i even get paid to do things for others (helping to open TT, help a squad in FC and drop/stay at heads, or simply just to buff ppl around arch/snowy) have to say i like it, but it doesn't mean i don't get paid for everything, so if i'm already in arch/snowy and someone need buffs i give for free, same if i'm heading to TT and someone need help to open it.
    i rolled a sin and he's 81 now, don't have any intention of making it my main, still i'm playing it a bit more than my cleric since i can solo TTs.
    on a side not if you see this girl tell me [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<.<
  • ILubby - Raging Tide
    ILubby - Raging Tide Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Yes I still do! :)
  • StreamElf - Sanctuary
    StreamElf - Sanctuary Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Yup, my cleric is still my main. Sometimes i play another toon more (i'm now busy playing a sin) but after a while i get bored and i go back to my cleric. I just love being able to heal myself b:chuckle
    8x Cleric (Sanctuary)
    6x Veno (Sanctuary)
    5x Assasin (Harshlands)
    3x Archer (Sanctuary)
  • littlefoot240
    littlefoot240 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I still label my cleric as my main. It's only 70 due to the fact I often get bored and quit playing for long periods of time. I still hold it as my fav tho. I've tried other classes, i'd say my seeker is my second favorite.
    As for those of you complaining about people asking for rez and liking having people's exp "in your hands", well, I guess that's why I left that skill at lvl 1. LOL! love it!
    Any seasoned players remember "Cayeon's Guide to Full Attack Clerics"? I used that as the back bone of my build being that I often soloed a lot. And honestly, IH is the main skill in squads. But because of that guide is why rez is lvl 1. Call me selfish.
  • HildieGarde - Heavens Tear
    HildieGarde - Heavens Tear Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    As for those of you complaining about people asking for rez and liking having people's exp "in your hands", well, I guess that's why I left that skill at lvl 1. LOL! love it!
    Call me selfish.

    Fail Cleric. Yes indeed you are selfish and shouldn't play a cleric. Rez is a unique Cleric skill and should be maxed as soon as reasonable. It would be like Venos not using Amp or Barbs not giving their squad HP buffs etc.

    Glad you aren't on my server. I maxed the Rez on my Cleric and Mystic as soon as I could. I LIKE to know I helped someone not lose XP.

    The QQ about rez demands nowadays is mostly when you are in the middle of a boss fight and are waiting for the right moment to do the rez.
  • Disarmonia_X - Heavens Tear
    Disarmonia_X - Heavens Tear Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    My Cleric is my main. I have played other classes, and have many alts. However, I play my cleric the most. I am bored of her honestly, but I get so damn peeved in other squads with other clerics. I'll just as well stick to this one.

    Sadly, I am a cleric troll: I won't hesitate to offer helpful advice, and if someone bites my head off "I know wtf I'm doing, I'm not telling you how to play your class, noob." - Well, lesson learned (I will bite their heads off instead, swap toons/show them, and do it myself - if they get mad, and ragequit the squad. That's fine. I can solo heal everything.) Yes, I'm a meanie.

    When it comes to helping non-faction: I do it sometimes, I'm usually quiet in squad, and observe what others are doing, sending out pointers if someone seems to need it. I guess you'd call me a back-seat healer/teacher.

    Anyways, I'm going to end this here before other people start trollin'.

    ~PWI status: Retired
    P.S. and happily ever after: with Aneu~
  • Tenshi - Harshlands
    Tenshi - Harshlands Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Well, after I did reach 100 lvl I lost interest to lvl up more so I don't fc/sfc and bhs :( (bhs just rarery to do got some cleric action, beacause i love being cleric afterall) I got my r8 gear and just put items on auction to sell it if something will be sold I put money into my gear to upgrade it some. After it I go to my newest alt-sin on other pvp server <hides>
    *^ My alt ^w^

    **^ Horny woman in real playing MALE sexy cleric. <3
  • GroovyGroovy - Heavens Tear
    GroovyGroovy - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    i started playing cleric about a year ago, then dropped pwi at all in december and started to play again in april. i love it more than any class. but when sometimes i want to dd, i go to free pvp servers and start a bm here xD
    i spend a lot of time to levelup her, to make her armor, weapon etc good and i hope i will keep the same work long.