version is low - but it's not!

Camak - Momaganon
Camak - Momaganon Posts: 12 Arc User
edited September 2011 in Support Desk
Following a System Restore (Windows failed to start >.< ) I started the elementclient and it showed Game Version 566. So I pressed Start and everything went normally until I tried to log in and got the message "Your current client version is low. Please exit and update."

So, I exited, pressed Update and confirmed the Patcher window but nothing happened. Tried to run the game again and got the same message on trying to log in.

Then I tried to do the manual patch and this time got the message "Version and client are the same." yet on running the client it again tells me that the version is too low - what's going on and how can this program contradict itself? Any help greatly appreciated!
Post edited by Camak - Momaganon on


  • Die_all - Sanctuary
    Die_all - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    heyiam haveing the same problem and i did the same thing see this is why they need to stop adding stuff and start fixing the problems at hand if u find a way i wold like to know how to fix this iam sorry tht i dont have a ancer but yea iam have the same problem word from wordb:shockedb:shockedb:shocked
  • Shinzooo - Heavens Tear
    Shinzooo - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    If ur having problems patching u need to open ur game via the patcher not ur element client lol. It will auto update to the current version 90 % of the time unless ur running a OS like vista or Windows 7. You probably need to either A. Turn ur firewall off or B. Turn ur virus protections off.
  • Apollonya - Dreamweaver
    Apollonya - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Verify your game files from the updater. That solved the problem for me.