Endgame Wizard Guide
Good guide. Lots of things to learn and mull over (even though I myself have played wizard for a few).
One thing to commend you at, is how non-condescending your guide is. While it gives a lot of good information, there's a sense of "space" for other players to think about and learn without getting so uppity about it. Guides aren't meant to "shove information down your throat", it's to make a new wizard think and create a style of their own while taking into consideration tips from someone who knows better (which in this case, is you).
So well done, and hoping to see more. b:cute0 -
skylites1006 wrote: »One thing to commend you at, is how non-condescending your guide is. While it gives a lot of good information, there's a sense of "space" for other players to think about and learn without getting so uppity about it. Guides aren't meant to "shove information down your throat", it's to make a new wizard think and create a style of their own while taking into consideration tips from someone who knows better (which in this case, is you).
Exactly b:cute
and thanksb:kiss0 -
added a pwi calc for what your gear should be at the very least.0
DaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »added a pwi calc for what your gear should be at the very least.
I like the incomparable sapphires in the weapon (and lack of stone barrier) b:cuteYoutube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
[SIGPIC]http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=684hgk&s=5[/SIGPIC]0 -
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »I like the incomparable sapphires in the weapon (and lack of stone barrier) b:cute
wewps, was changing it off of that thread I posted in a while ago :P
guess he forgot to put stone barrier b:shutup0 -
k I corrected it b:cute0
What ever u want on ur wiz build is the PW calculator is the best. build its depend on ur analysis and balance. its test also our good in math. LOL. well whats important is u have fun. Goodluck guys0
What days/times to you usually pk? Where?"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »What days/times to you usually pk? Where?
who me? Umm I pk whenever I'm bored, which is completely random. I pk at SP nowadays, but once they remove that I'll be at silver pool and occasionally west.0 -
DaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »I pk at SP nowadays
vsDaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »I'm not too active in pvp right now.
Seriously, guys, if your gonna lie, do a better job and not out yourself on another forum post, k? I ferret out inconsistencies and bs for a living. I will catch you."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »vs
Seriously, guys, if your gonna lie, do a better job and not out yourself on another forum post, k? I ferret out inconsistencies and bs for a living. I will catch you.
If he said that he didn't pk at all in the second quote.. you'd have something. Unfortunately for you, he said he didn't pk much.. I'm missing the lie/inconsistency/catch that you claim you found.Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
[SIGPIC]http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=684hgk&s=5[/SIGPIC]0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »Seriously, guys, if your gonna lie, do a better job and not out yourself on another forum post, k? I ferret out inconsistencies and bs for a living. I will catch you.
Okay I'm honestly starting to wonder if you're protrolling me by acting stupid, or if you're seriously this dumb.DaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »who me? Umm I pk whenever I'm bored, which is completely random. I pk at SP nowadays, but once they remove that I'll be at silver pool and occasionally west.
Read it twice. Read it three times.
Whenever I'm bored.
Completely random.
I don't pk for a few months because of a broke comp and school, and suddenly I don't pk at all it seems.0 -
One says you pk these days, the other says you don't pk lately. Try to cover it how you want - fact is anyone objectively reading can see the contradiction.
The fact is, you don't pk much at all. On another post you talk about your computer being out for a few months and that you played mostly on your sin all for the few months before that.
If you are being honest across all of your posts, you would admit that you haven't pk'd on your wizard for 6 months, and you likely didn't pk much before that either, since I think I still remember you being under level 100 back then. But again, w/e, I am happy to have the reader read, and I invite them to visit your server looking for you actually pking on your wizard. Ever. Or asking around for anyone that ever sees you pking on your wizard with any regularity.
And no, this isn't to troll you. Your not unlike most of the wizards that post here. I've gone looking for them on their servers too. Or ANY wizards even on their servers pking.
To date, I found one. Last weekend. On dreamweaver. Blue-named, but in Secret Passage.
And if you only pk casually, then say that. At least it would be more honest. I am not sure it is true, of course. But certainly more honest.
And if wizards are one of the best pk classes out there, as you assert in your guide, why only pk occasionally when you are bored, hmmmmmmmmm? And the fact that you only pk occasionally certainly helps to shed light on how you can come to that conclusion."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
Don't feel like picking apart that post, so I'll cover what stood out.
I'm sorry that I don't pk on a strict schedule. If I pk, it's usually on a thurs, fri, or sat. If I get a random urge on another day, I'll pk.
I pk'd before I was 100.
I haven't pk'd consistently for about 2-3 months if I had to guess.
My pk tendencies change with what's important to me at the time. Atm, farming so I don't need to cashop is more important to me, so pking is on the backburner. /simple as
When 2x is over and I don't think I can stand anymore auto attacking, the majority of my online time will be in SP.
Point is I'm a casual pker sometimes. A hardcore pker others. I TW all the time. I know how to pk well with my wizard, period. You can say what you want. Asking random people how good I am doesn't accomplish anything.
Maybe one day you'll be lucky enough to see me in action against a fair opponent. Fair being someone that doesn't grossly outgear me.
And we'll see if you have the balls to admit you were wrong.
Btw if you need to ask anybody from my server if I can play my wiz well, just look around these forums. There's Wizzie and AsiM for starters. I tw'd against them for weeks.0 -
DaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »Don't feel like picking apart that post . . . .
As though you could.DaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »I'm sorry that I don't pk on a strict schedule. If I pk, it's usually on a thurs, fri, or sat. If I get a random urge on another day, I'll pk.
Noone asked you for a strict schedule.DaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »I pk'd before I was 100.
Yes yes, we know. You were all over the place. Constantly. Everyone knew and feared you.DaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »I haven't pk'd consistently for about 2-3 months if I had to guess.
Impossible. You already told us you usually pk at SP.DaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »Point is I'm a casual pker sometimes. A hardcore pker others.
Noone on your server knows this alleged hardcore pker, ijs.
I know, THEY ALL have short memories, right? Gotcha.DaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »I know how to pk well with my wizard, period.
Not according to prof's friends who play on your server.DaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »Asking random people how good I am doesn't accomplish anything.
I didn't ask random people. I randomly asked EVERY person. Do that a half dozen times or more, and it certainly does "accomplish" something: it tells me that noone on your server really recognizes you as someone that pks.
Like I said though, don't feel badly, for the most part they didn't recognize any other wizard either.DaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »Maybe one day you'll be lucky enough to see me in action against a fair opponent. Fair being someone that doesn't grossly outgear me.
And we'll see if you have the balls to admit you were wrong.
Yes, let me know when you find that "fair" opponent. And I am not talking just an isolated 1 vs 1 against an opponent of your choosing, im talking about pking. And that means world pk, where you have to face ganks, and sins, and noob lvl 70s taking pot shots at you while you might be trying to 1 vs 1 someone, and people that (oh Q-Q) DO outgear you, and everything else it entails.
And what, precisely, do you claim I am wrong about? I never said whether you were good or not, lol. Honestly, if you could read and comprehend.
I said you don't pk regularly - and you've admited that you haven't pk'd in months.
I said that noone on your server recognizes you as someone that pk's regularly. And they don't.
When YOU chose to speak about how good I am at pk, I invited you to put up or shut up.
So far, I doubt I will have to admit I am wrong about anything b:byeDaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »Btw if you need to ask anybody from my server if I can play my wiz well, just look around these forums. There's Wizzie and AsiM for starters. I tw'd against them for weeks.
I am not going to ask your friends, or your faction mates. I am going to ask the people that pk on your server. Talk about "accomplishing nothing" - you invite me to ask your friends if you are good. I decline your invitation.
And note - I didn't ask people on your server if you were "good" at pk or otherwise play your wiz "well" - thats a matter of opinion. I deal in facts, son. Cold, hard facts. And the fact is, for all your lame excuses, you weren't pking when I went looking for any wizards at all, and when i asked people on your server who WERE actually pking in the pk areas, they never heard of you - and never saw any wizard pk with any regularity on your server.
Now, are they wrong? Sure, could be. Are ALL of them wrong each and every time I went there? Doubtful. But regardless, the FACTS as I've stated them are true.
If you object to what those FACTS seem to IMPLY about you, whether you pk, the basis for your claim that wizards are some uber pk class, etc., well then, thats just tough. Facts are facts."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
Now I think I understand how Adroit feels. Trying to argue with you is as pointless as trying to explain calculus to a wall. You completely miss the points, change the subject or ignore a point when it completely destroys your argument, and repeat yourself without backing.
Like I said before, you seem more interested in drama than proof.0 -
Proof? I offer you lots of ways to prove it.
Come fight me on your psychic. Tell me when you gonna pk on your server (oh yea, I forgot, gotta wait 6 months between your ownage of west gate). Start pk'ing more so people who DO frequent the PK areas on your server will have actually have some vague idea who you are.
Fact is, you dont WANT to prove it. You are afraid you CAN'T prove it.
And the fact that you feel like Adolt? Well, that just confirms everything I've ever said about him, lol. Thank you."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »Proof? I offer you lots of ways to prove it.
Come fight me on your psychic. Tell me when you gonna pk on your server (oh yea, I forgot, gotta wait 6 months between your ownage of west gate). Start pk'ing more so people who DO frequent the PK areas on your server will have actually have some vague idea who you are.
Fact is, you dont WANT to prove it. You are afraid you CAN'T prove it.
And the fact that you feel like Adolt? Well, that just confirms everything I've ever said about him, lol. Thank you.
DRAMAMYSTIC posts again!Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
[SIGPIC]http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=684hgk&s=5[/SIGPIC]0 -
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »DRAMAMYSTIC posts again!
The power of Christ compels you, Adroit !0 -
So I visited the forums again in a while, and I read this guide. I really fudging liked it. Nice job Killanator. And seriously, there's nothing to argue about here. This is just the "Flamewars" between Adroit and Bloodmystic again. b:laugh
P.S: Killanator, add meh on Skype bro, I need to stalk you when you don't play PWI. (asim.mehta) >:3"I would say that the worst band ever, Black Eyed Peas, played at the 2011 Superbowl, but I couldn't possibly take that title away from Nickelback"
- Drew Flowers0 -
Meh I'm pretty unconcerned with dramamystic atm. For all the complaining he did about me, he didn't seem to have one thing to say against the guide, which is hilarious considering his was picked apart within hours lmao.
And I'll add you when I get on skype b:cute0 -
DaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »Meh I'm pretty unconcerned with dramamystic atm. For all the complaining he did about me, he didn't seem to have one thing to say against the guide, which is hilarious considering his was picked apart within hours lmao.
And I'll add you when I get on skype b:cute
See? lol, you need me on these forums. You continually bring me up when im not even here. Talk to me about who causes drama again? b:laugh
My point about the guide, since you've missed it, is that you give pk advice but you don't pk and the rest, well, there is nothing really new there - as others pointed out. But if you need me to pile on, ok:
And as for mine being picked apart within hours? It was picked apart before it was even posted, let alone finished, which is all anyone needs to know to prove that it wasn't based on substance, it was to cause drama because someone other than Adolt or his jock sniffers dared to post anything.
So, keep talking. It won't make it true, but it sure is entertaining."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
You say I don't have pk experience, yet you don't have any complaints about my pk advice. Talk about no substance?
And why do I need to add groundbreaking material for this guide to be better than "meh?" Because last I checked, guides were just mean to teach people the basics. I actually stated that a few times in this thread.
But thanks for the aimless statements. They're excellent examples of trying to start drama without substance as well as hypocrisy b:cute
Take notes young wizzies, dramamystic is finally contributing to the wizard forums!!!0 -
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »If he said that he didn't pk at all in the second quote.. you'd have something. Unfortunately for you, he said he didn't pk much.. I'm missing the lie/inconsistency/catch that you claim you found.
How about now?DaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »Especially since someone like me that never pks keeps logic **** you b:chuckle
Just keep after a liar, the truth will come out every time
BLOODMYSTIC - proven correct 99 44/100% of the time"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
I've never actually seen a craigglord does it hurt or something?Siggy from bellefleurs.
youtube.com/user/HardToYawn?blend=1&ob=video-mustangbase0 -
DaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »You say I don't have pk experience, yet you don't have any complaints about my pk advice. Talk about no substance?
My complaint is you have no basis for your recommendations or your conclusions. As for specifics, they are legion.
You (here and/or on other forum posts) have claimed:
that divine pyro is only useful inside sutra and noone uses it outside of sutra (false)
that the debuff from undine strike and divine pyro stack (false)
that wizards are one of the best 1 vs 1 classes (only big ego wizards believe this - we are a group pvp class, not 1 vs 1)
that all fights should be kept in the air (why holy path on your genie? why in the air against ranged attackers? Most would say in the air only against melee opponents).
I could go on, of course. But honestly, its not my style to troll someone that is trying to help people on this game. It is only my style to troll people that troll others - or act like their opinion is gospel, and those that don't share it must be stupid. Unfortunately for you, your mindless adoption of Adroit's baseless criticisms to defend his self perceived superiority have placed you in that position. I suggest you stop blindly following your idols, think for yourself, you'll be better served by it, in game and outside of it."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
If people decide that what I say isn't sound advice they can adjust accordlingly. I just say things that apply to me.
Mainly because, as I believe I stated here as well, I don't have time to cater to every play style. This is mine. Newcomers are free to base themselves off it.
And thanks for the real life advice random person that spends tons of money on a game, is probably a grown man, and tries to outsmart other people in the subject of a certain class on an online game.0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »How about now?
Just keep after a liar, the truth will come out every time
BLOODMYSTIC - proven correct 99 44/100% of the time
And once again you can't catch on to obvious sarcasm. That's just plain sad b:sad
My turn to give advice- when somebody is throwing your own argument back in your face, and seems to be insulting themselves or purposely proving your points, they're being sarcastic.
When somebody states something that's obviously wrong, you know they're being sarcastic.
Once you find that you can detect basic sarcasm, feel free to try it out yourself b:cute0 -
DaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »And thanks for the real life advice random person that spends tons of money on a game, is probably a grown man, and tries to outsmart other people in the subject of a certain class on an online game.
Ah, your a little boy. Got it. Makes sense now."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »Ah, your a little boy. Got it. Makes sense now.
18. Little boy b:cute
Makes it that much worse that I keep owning you huh? b:chuckle0
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