Psychic: A pk alt



  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Well that's a shame. Seeing as an aps sin using windshield/relentless courage will be able to kill you before they show up on your screen due to server lag, having IG pots completely nullify your main innate defense to aps is sorta annoying.

    That's why you, to quote the Sniper from TF2, don't "stand around like a bloody idiot!" Stay mobile.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • upsides
    upsides Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I've decided I won't be playing this game.

    I've been reading around the forums and I can see how they just screwed you guys over with this +11-12 sale, and then taking it away in a day. People tell me that they've been screwed over before that too. With R8 sale and then taking away the medals from DQ rewards.

    I'm in no hurry to get screwed over either so I'll just find another game which doesn't treat it's player base this way.
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    undergeared? Lower lvl?

    What you be smoking, cause I need some right now o.O

    photos speak a thousand words b:cute

    He was 1 lvl lower. You were both in tt99. You're 4aps +5, he's nirv +10. You were charmed and had apoth, he was uncharmed and had crab meat.

    He won 4-0.

    You even said you would go serious on him b:shocked
  • Kerona - Sanctuary
    Kerona - Sanctuary Posts: 1,771 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    upsides wrote: »
    I've decided I won't be playing this game.

    I've been reading around the forums and I can see how they just screwed you guys over with this +11-12 sale, and then taking it away in a day. People tell me that they've been screwed over before that too. With R8 sale and then taking away the medals from DQ rewards.

    I'm in no hurry to get screwed over either so I'll just find another game which doesn't treat it's player base this way.


    [/10 char]
  • Havilah - Sanctuary
    Havilah - Sanctuary Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    photos speak a thousand words b:cute

    He was 1 lvl lower. You were both in tt99. You're 4aps +5, he's nirv +10. You were charmed and had apoth, he was uncharmed and had crab meat.

    He won 4-0.

    You even said you would go serious on him b:shocked

    You do know you just nullified your own argument, right? b:chuckle
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    You do know you just nullified your own argument, right? b:chuckle

    This isn't 2009, tt99 is undergeared. Plus I would consider not having a charm being undergeared as well.

    But hey, that doesn't change the fact the Perses boasted for 2pages about how no seeker could beat him, then he was destroyed 4-0 b:laugh
  • Havilah - Sanctuary
    Havilah - Sanctuary Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    photos speak a thousand words b:cute

    He was 1 lvl lower. You were both in tt99. You're 4aps +5, he's nirv +10. You were charmed and had apoth, he was uncharmed and had crab meat.

    He won 4-0.

    You even said you would go serious on him b:shocked

    Gear wise, you sounded more like it was equal(almost in favor of the seeker with nirv sword +10). Otherwise, you're right on having a charm + apoth. Beside, seeker should have an easier time with their metal atk(especially coming from that +10 nirv sword)? But what do I know about pvp, close to nothing sadly...
  • _Perses_ - Lost City
    _Perses_ - Lost City Posts: 1,917 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    DaKillanator: Again...What point does that thread have in this thread??

    Besides the fact of you failing to try and troll me, cause right now I couldn't give a **** less about YanX or that thread, hm?
    Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~

  • gunslot
    gunslot Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I love how you people bring in something from a completely unrelated topic into how a psychic is for a PK alt.....congratz at holding some bull**** that happened nearly a year ago over a person???
    gunslot wrote: »
    Don't be bothered by Perses, he's a butthurt idiot, trololol.

    Oh, and btw Perses if you're still wondering how you died that second time from a 5k hit that was less than your actual hp, the extra metal dmg from gemini slash soulsever proc doesn't appear in dmg log. ;)
    gunslot wrote: »
    Don't be bothered by Perses, he's a butthurt idiot, trololol.
    gunslot wrote: »
    Don't be bothered by Perses, he's a butthurt idiot
    gunslot wrote: »
    he's a butthurt idiot
    gunslot wrote: »

    Stop trying to flame people, it only causes flames/trolls your way, and 4 months is nowhere near close to a year. *smacks*

    And I like how you hide behind your 101 bm avi to look pro trololol, but you can't fool me, Yan showed everyone how much you fail. And if you don't care about what happened, stop talking to Killanator about it and go away already, fail bm.
  • XKi - Lost City
    XKi - Lost City Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    If you can't survive on a psychic with less than 36k soulforce, then reroll something you can easily, cheaply faceroll with. b:bye
  • Dedz - Raging Tide
    Dedz - Raging Tide Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    DaKillanator: Again...What point does that thread have in this thread??

    Besides the fact of you failing to try and troll me, cause right now I couldn't give a **** less about YanX or that thread, hm?

    I don't think DaKillanator failed at trolling you because your posts makes me assume that you are very mad. You look like you are hurt too. So DaKill, buddy, leave Perses alone. The defeats from YanX and the shame from that thread caused too much damage already.

    For Something related to the thread: Rank 9 +12 psy rules PVP.
    Let's assume the examples below have rank9 +12:
    A.)Psy vs Sin = Psy winner
    B.) Psy vs Skilled Sin = Sin winner
    C.) Equally skilled Psy vs Equally skilled Sin = Psy winner

    You will never catch me. But if you do, someone else will take my place. b:chuckle
  • _Perses_ - Lost City
    _Perses_ - Lost City Posts: 1,917 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I don't think DaKillanator failed at trolling you because your posts makes me assume that you are very mad. You look like you are hurt too. So DaKill, buddy, leave Perses alone. The defeats from YanX and the shame from that thread caused too much damage already.

    For Something related to the thread: Rank 9 +12 psy rules PVP.
    Let's assume the examples below have rank9 +12:
    A.)Psy vs Sin = Psy winner
    B.) Psy vs Skilled Sin = Sin winner
    C.) Equally skilled Psy vs Equally skilled Sin = Psy winner

    I can't believe I actually logged into to reply to i'm already facepalming...

    But just a fyi for you, I really stopped giving a **** about anybody besides my guildies, friends, and that is it for this game. I'm already over 70% of quitting this game, I have no desire to even play it....

    As for you seeming to think I'm hurt? No. I'm sorry but i'm not some 9 yr old child who screams profanities into the mic on a xbox live game because somebody kills me with a head shot or comes from behind and knifes me. So please, shut up and move on.

    Btw, if you are DaKill on a alt...congratz you got me to log in to respond to a obvious troll post.
    Nothing worthwhile to mention here, enjoy the animated signature~

  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I troll on my main, so a troll alt kind of defeats the purpose...
  • Chronowarper - Sanctuary
    Chronowarper - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I have a 65 psy which kills 76 sins like bugs. Here's the catch, they will ALWAYS try to sneak up on you using some shadow blah skill. But they can't hit you while stealthed. One advice is to have the impregnability pot on you which you can make at apo 3. Be alert. The moment they come out of stealth, use the pot. Lasts 15 secs. Not even tele stun works. I mean all you'll see is a bunch of yellow 'RESIST!!'s flying about. Landslide, vector and sandburst. Sin fry should be served. If it isn't, spirit blast and landslide again. If sin's still not dead, you've got a fooked build. Alternatively, if you hate making pots, always have at least 2 sparks handy. Let them come out of stealth, psy will and spam nuke as before. You ordered sin fry sir? :)
    A few tips:
    1. SOV always please. At that high refine, you'll probably kill in a hit with sov itself.
    2. SOSilence. We all love the huge red cool thing flying out of the enemy.
    3. Retaliation. Makes any possibility of a 1-shot kill on you, impossible. You CANNOT deal 1.8k dam plus enough to kill.
    4. After psy will, soulburn. A 5 aps sin will die before 1 second has passed. Problem solved.
    5. Pots. Get high apo and make cool pots. Pretty simple.
  • Havilah - Sanctuary
    Havilah - Sanctuary Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Tranquilizing Orb are the lv3 apo needing lv45 that act as a 8sec IG, complete with self-stun if you're not using an anti-stun form the genie, since psychic got no anti-stun of our own.
    The use of Soulburn should be watched, any sin with a brain will learn to watch it and counter act it or flee. Also apply to any other class.

    Now, something I learned with Aqua Cannon is that it keep casting even if I lose my target(s), be it by death or force stealth.
  • XEgocentrism - Harshlands
    XEgocentrism - Harshlands Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Psychics Pwn Everything/Everyone else. That is all folks. b:cool
  • LuciferV - Raging Tide
    LuciferV - Raging Tide Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Lets close this thread.. Psy rules!!
    Don't F. with me, I F. back ;)
  • Malxatra - Sanctuary
    Malxatra - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    One of the biggest problems that psys and wizzies have are overcoming sin gank, as we're so squishy and sins can deal so much damage.

    As long as the gear/level difference isn't too unfair, I feel that psys are perfectly capable of managing sin gank with the tools that they have available.

    There's so many sins that are stupid. However, skilled sins can use their stuns to keep you locked up. My friend suggested not to hit AD as soon as you see the sin come out of cover. He suggested to take the damage and let the first stun hit, and let your charm tick. As long as gear difference isn't too wide, you can take this damage because a sin who is aiming to stun lock cannot aps damage on you. Time AD to land right as the stun ends, and you will have blocked out two stuns (because a skilled sin will have planned the second stun for you). Now they will only have crappy stuns left. Thereafter you have sufficient time to psy will + soulburn. They will either be stupid and aps themselves to death or be forced to give up and wait out the psychic will/soulburn.


    Another thing I'd like to add - it is very possible to kill some r9 sins as a psy with **** gear if you can avoid taking any damage (in which case you will be one-shot). My lvl 96 psy is still wearing some nub level 70 gear, but killed a r9+10 sin! Yet, if the psy will + soulburn combo is set up correctly, it can kill sins with great gear provided the sin's aps is high enough, and stupid enough to keep attacking through soulburn.

    Anything to say about this tactic? I may or may not be wrong. Always open to new ideas and suggestions.
  • Mooooooooo - Lost City
    Mooooooooo - Lost City Posts: 377 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    One of the biggest problems that psys and wizzies have are overcoming sin gank, as we're so squishy and sins can deal so much damage.

    As long as the gear/level difference isn't too unfair, I feel that psys are perfectly capable of managing sin gank with the tools that they have available.

    There's so many sins that are stupid. However, skilled sins can use their stuns to keep you locked up. My friend suggested not to hit AD as soon as you see the sin come out of cover. He suggested to take the damage and let the first stun hit, and let your charm tick. As long as gear difference isn't too wide, you can take this damage because a sin who is aiming to stun lock cannot aps damage on you. Time AD to land right as the stun ends, and you will have blocked out two stuns (because a skilled sin will have planned the second stun for you). Now they will only have crappy stuns left. Thereafter you have sufficient time to psy will + soulburn. They will either be stupid and aps themselves to death or be forced to give up and wait out the psychic will/soulburn.


    Another thing I'd like to add - it is very possible to kill some r9 sins as a psy with **** gear if you can avoid taking any damage (in which case you will be one-shot). My lvl 96 psy is still wearing some nub level 70 gear, but killed a r9+10 sin! Yet, if the psy will + soulburn combo is set up correctly, it can kill sins with great gear provided the sin's aps is high enough, and stupid enough to keep attacking through soulburn.

    Anything to say about this tactic? I may or may not be wrong. Always open to new ideas and suggestions.

    If you can survive the first 4 seconds of the 8 second stun then the sin either forgot to equip his weapon or you have full jades +12.
    youtube channel:
  • Malxatra - Sanctuary
    Malxatra - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    As long as the gear/level difference isn't too unfair, I feel that psys are perfectly capable of managing sin gank with the tools that they have available.

    I was hoping I had made that point clear enough. I'm not necessarily talking about r9 thresholds. In any case, if you can hold out for those 8 seconds, you have a very good chance at fending off an attack.

    Your avatar tells me you're a 101 wiz on a PvP server. Surely you must have some tactics against sins? Perhaps you could contribute something to the thread.
  • DeathHunting - Heavens Tear
    DeathHunting - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Malxatra: That wiz is cheze (104 or 105 sin) new r9 +12 wizzy.

    Let me put it this way for his sin....if you survived the first hit his weapon wasn't equiped, if you survived a second hit then you are god, if you survived three hits then something is wrong with the game. (This is w/o r9 +12 JoSD/DoT/DoD/Cit/Gar/etc threshold)
  • brothergilbert5
    brothergilbert5 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I am a lvl 97 psy on Raging Tides server with TT90 gear... I have no problem killin sin my lvl and higher this is the same with most classes and ppl I incounter. So for pk/tw psy can kill anything. You can 1 hit a lot of ppl but ur genie refines and shards are very important ...b:laugh soo make a psy and kill all those sinsb:angry
  • patik1099
    patik1099 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    was re downloading the game cause the game wasnt loading i updated both patches it dont work so i thought id comment on here to blow time

    a forget about the guys on here who have dads that own oil companies,
    i seen a 29 +1wep (blue) cleric beat a 37(white) bm blacksmith gear,
    i seen a 94 sin kill a 100 psychic(me) but when i equipped sov i owned them)
    seen a 58 sin beat 78 cleric.

    i want so bad to be in the pw tournament one day, whats the going rate? last i heard it was 8k$ in equips for your charachter and ue getta few trip to dragatonia).

    mystics who are high r8 refined do better damage then r8sagepsy +5armor +8 wep, full magic adds mix vana and 2(dot)attack lv shards imbedded in meh warsoul helm,,the mystics have beasty damage now lemme tell ya there pets strong
  • LDooMl - Harshlands
    LDooMl - Harshlands Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    R9 +12 JOSD seeker > R9 +12 JOSD psychic... IMO

    oh and HIYA LONGIE!!
  • witniss
    witniss Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    patik1099 wrote: »
    was re downloading the game cause the game wasnt loading i updated both patches it dont work so i thought id comment on here to blow time

    a forget about the guys on here who have dads that own oil companies,
    i seen a 29 +1wep (blue) cleric beat a 37(white) bm blacksmith gear,
    i seen a 94 sin kill a 100 psychic(me) but when i equipped sov i owned them)
    seen a 58 sin beat 78 cleric.

    i want so bad to be in the pw tournament one day, whats the going rate? last i heard it was 8k$ in equips for your charachter and ue getta few trip to dragatonia).

    mystics who are high r8 refined do better damage then r8sagepsy +5armor +8 wep, full magic adds mix vana and 2(dot)attack lv shards imbedded in meh warsoul helm,,the mystics have beasty damage now lemme tell ya there pets strong
    If you saw the damage a decently geared wiz could do your jaw would drop
  • LuciferV - Raging Tide
    LuciferV - Raging Tide Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    R9 +12 JOSD seeker > R9 +12 JOSD psychic... IMO

    oh and HIYA LONGIE!!

    r9 +12 JOSD Seeker can kiss a r9 +12 demon psychic's (_|_) Psychic4eva

    witniss wrote: »
    If you saw the damage a decently geared wiz could do your jaw would drop

    And yes Wiz's dmg are wayyy higher than psys
    Don't F. with me, I F. back ;)