-3% channeling a difference?

Posts: 47 Arc User
edited September 2011 in Wizard
i mean, just by itself, do you see any channeling difference compared to no channeling bonuses?
Post edited by XtinkX - Sanctuary on


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  • Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Lets say you use sandstorm. Channeling 2.5 seconds. 1 % of 2.5 is 0.025. so 3 % = 0.075. So instead of a channeling of 2.5 seconds, it becomes 2.425 seconds. Try to notice that...
  • Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    its noticable if your looking for it
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    It's not very noticeable until you have around -9% for most people. Even then, it's still not very noticeable most of the time.

    If you were debating on buying an item with -3% chan and had no other -chan bonuses, and did not plan to get anymore -chan bonuses for a while, I'd say it's not worth it.
    Formerly /Haiku/ of Lost City.
    Still cognitive atrophy at its finest.
  • Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Channeling reduction become noticable at 15%, with 15% you can add a DoT skill and max your DPS with pyro, gush, stone rain, pitfall, repeat. Channeling reduction also help in duels againts casters ^^ (said in lvl101 wizard guide).
    A good start for channeling gear is getting ring x 2 with -3%, Sleeve of Sea Captain -6% and Endless Ambiguity -3%. You can go up to 21% wth 2 rings -6% but it become expensive ^^.
  • Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I want -100% channel :). I know it's not really possible
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    sutra is quite possible.
  • Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Off topic;

    What is the highest percentage of -channeling you can get with items that are in the game right now?

    I wanna give you some good frequencies. 1710, 2.6, 2245, 3032, 400.
  • Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    in heaven's tear we have a -9% belt and -12% necklace. a few -9% rings, -9% blue sleeves(9x things), and some 7x -12% staff.


    -9% belt, -12% necklace, -9% ring, -9% ring, -12% weapon, -3% rank top, -3% fw cape, -3% fw hat, and the -9% blue sleeves.

    assuming 1 person had all of that, -69%.

    assuming they were hell and used hell fury, -94%.
  • Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    take off all channeling equipment. Use a few of your skills and watch the channeling bar. Put on -3% channeling. Do the same skills. You will notice the bar moves slightly faster. This is more noticable on skills like gush etc
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Kickass. Thanks.
    I wanna give you some good frequencies. 1710, 2.6, 2245, 3032, 400.
  • Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    But as you build channeling, it becomes more noticable
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    in heaven's tear we have a -9% belt and -12% necklace. a few -9% rings, -9% blue sleeves(9x things), and some 7x -12% staff.


    -9% belt, -12% necklace, -9% ring, -9% ring, -12% weapon, -3% rank top, -3% fw cape, -3% fw hat, and the -9% blue sleeves.

    assuming 1 person had all of that, -69%.

    assuming they were hell and used hell fury, -94%.

    Who owns the -12% necklace, do you know? I saw one advertised on WC today but it was a prank.

    Retired - Radiance
  • Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    it's a 9x cleric from triad, if u can find them. they're male. but i can't remember the name.
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Sorry i know i'm kind of out of topic but the support sent me this link because it couldn't find good answer to my question -___-
    so i would love to know if a mage had -ct items and with his dark moist skill have -99% ct
    does that make his skills instant OR not
    because i heard some people saying pwi made update that makes the max cast mage can ge t is 80% even if he have more ct items
    like if i got items that makes me 95% -ct
    it still would act like im 80% ct
    is that true?
  • Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hmm a forced necro...

    I'm pretty sure the cap is 90% because with psychics tide spirit and a wizzies sutra home teleport still takes a noticeable amount of time... Around 1 second for a 10 second skill

    If you had say 60% base channel demon spark and rapid growth for a mystic that would bump you to 105% channel.... Which Is impossible.

    Which means there is a cap of at least 90%

    There is no such thing as instant cast because there are no items in game to reduce cast time as well as channel.
  • Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    There used to be a bug where if you got enough channeling cast time would be removed too. That has been fixed. Now when you get -100%channeling or more, it caps back to 90%.

    As a side note, I think this is the all time low for pwi support competency. Send you to an over 2 year old thread that doesn't even contain an official response/testing? Just wow.
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hmm a forced necro...

    I'm pretty sure the cap is 90% because with psychics tide spirit and a wizzies sutra home teleport still takes a noticeable amount of time... Around 1 second for a 10 second skill

    If you had say 60% base channel demon spark and rapid growth for a mystic that would bump you to 105% channel.... Which Is impossible.

    Which means there is a cap of at least 90%

    There is no such thing as instant cast because there are no items in game to reduce cast time as well as channel.
    When the CT get over 99% it goes low not instant.. i know that ^^
    There used to be a bug where if you got enough channeling cast time would be removed too. That has been fixed. Now when you get -100%channeling or more, it caps back to 90%.

    As a side note, I think this is the all time low for pwi support competency. Send you to an over 2 year old thread that doesn't even contain an official response/testing? Just wow.

    well TY
  • Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    The impact of -chan gear depends basically on the channeling time of the skills.
    so lets say 25% can mean a lot or nearly nothing depending on the skill you are looking at.

    lets pick some examples from the wiz skill tree to make things more clear and to give you an idea
    of the impact of -chan

    just to remember the way how spell use works in PWI:

    activating skill (clicking button)->channeling bar(chan time)->dmg is dealt->1s dmg animation(cast) -->ready to activate next skill(click next button) or wait cooldown time to activate same skill again

    notice that cooldown starts running right after the dmg is dealt so the cast time is already part of the cooldown ( you can check that by looking on venomous scarab skill Channel 1.5 s Cast 1.0 seconds
    Cooldown 1.0 seconds) Unfortunately wizards are not only punished with a realtively long chan time that can be modified also our cast times and cooldown times are horrible (those who use hailstorm know what i mean)

    ok now lets start our little observation

    standard values
    gush: 1s chan 1s cast time = 2s in total before next spell
    pyrogram : 1.5s chan 0.8s cast time = 2.3s
    mountain seize: 5s chan 1.4s cast time = 6.4s

    with -3%
    gush: 0.97s chan 1s cast = 1.97s before next spell
    pyrogram: 1.455s chan 0.8s cast = 2.255s
    mountain seize: 4.85s chan 1s cast = 5.85s

    you see the difference on skills with longer chan times is more noticeable than on those with short but effect on fast chan skills is neglectable

    with -30%
    gush: 0.7s chan 1s cast = 1.7s before next spell
    pyrogram: 1.05s chan 0.8s cast = 1.85s
    mountain seize: 3.5s chan 1.4s cast =4.9s

    you see the difference between gush and pyro nearly is gone and the total speed of your gush has increased by 15% the speed of your pyro by 20% and your ms is now 23.5% faster compared to not having channeling gear. So here you notice a signifcant difference not only on your long channeling attacks but also on the fast spells moreover some skills become more attactive to use + new combos become available

    with -60%
    gush: 0.4s chan 1s cast = 1.4s before next spell
    pyrogram: 0.6s chan 0.8s cast = 1.4s
    MountainSeize 2s chan 1.4s cast = 3.4s

    as mentioned above the effect of skills here the stun from mountain seize takes effect after the channeling time as explained above so when you try to cast Mountain seize after you have used Force of Will (0.5s chan 2s cast standard) on your enemy the following happens according to the % of -chan in the example

    in all cases:
    cast time from force of will reduces the time you have to channel your ulti from 5s -2s = 3s so when you think about using MS you will see

    3s seal duration
    5s time before stun takes effect ( channeling time of MS)
    = your enemy has 2s to interrupt you or to counterattack

    3s seal duration
    4.85 time before stun takes effect
    = 1.85s unprotected still too long

    3s seal duration
    3.5s time before stun takes effect
    = 0.5s unprotected so in this case with slow reaction of your enemy/serverlag/ or the enemy making the mistake to counter with a channeling attack himself you have good chances that your MS will hit and stun first

    3s seal duration
    2s time before MS stuns
    = 1 s left on your side so basically now you can fow -->MountainSeize because of your -chan without a problem resulting in a situation where your chances to win a 1v1 when you have 2 sparks go up to 100% if your MS is strong enough to 1 hit the enemy

    (hint: dont try to use undine during fow to max the dmg even if casting the entire skill with 0.9s is possible standard Channel 1 s Cast 0.5 s = 1.5s--> 0.4s chan 0.5s =0.9s cast with -60% chan because the hit of undine will break the seal effect )

    So basically I suggest for every wizard regardless of the build to get at least -27% chan because that will allow you the following combination

    FOW -->BIDS

    which is awesome + you save up 1s on mountain seize makes it more attractive to use

    Sophoric Whisper -->BIDS
    in theory also works always even without -chan because 4s chan of BIDS and 4s duration of sleep but since there is always a click delay/lag you might still want to have -9% chan to be on the save side for this

    Having a bit of -chan also helps when it comes to the who stuns first game (especially in duels with archers or other stun classes) because the 0.5s chan of fow doesnt seem to be much of a problem but trust me its enough time to get your channeling interrupted or stunned (remember some classes like sin or seaker got teleport nearly instant stuns). With -chan using fow might still seal before you get stunned. Another point why the 0.5s chan of FoW might be a lot is that when there is a distance between you and your enemy ( which normally should be since you are a range class) the FoW has "to fly" to the enemy before the seal works so it might take a bit more time than 0.5s to seal here.

    Another good example where -chan really helps is morning dew

    greetz harm0wnie
  • Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    I hate to break this to you, but the impact of -channeling question was asked over 2 years ago. This was a necro where he asked a different question (whether the -cast time bug still exists).. so ya.. :(
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    There is no cap but things do get buggy once you hit -97+

    E.g -97% = Gush, SR, Hail, Pitfall, Crown of flame, Pyro, Undine, WotP all become insta cast.
    However a very common misconception mean people think that as soon as you hit the button you do the damage, no there is still cast time however that being said there is a bug with this if you can time your skills accordingly and make them hit at once it counts as one hit and you can bypass the hiero. Though there is little point considering BT or BIDS can do this w/ less cost/effort.

    -98% = More skills insta, all except ults i think.

    -99% = Pure insta, op **** and i will doubt it will see the light of day here.

    Now the cap you're talking about was (I do believe) put in place because of sutra; it supposedly makes your skills cast without -channeling however 5 sec w/ no chan is op to say the least so they made it -100 BUT once you hit -100 or above it caps it to -80 i believe so in a way there is a cap but only when you hit/surpass -100.

    ^ Hope that made sense. :)
  • Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    There is no cap but things do get buggy once you hit -97+

    E.g -97% = Gush, SR, Hail, Pitfall, Crown of flame, Pyro, Undine, WotP all become insta cast.
    However a very common misconception mean people think that as soon as you hit the button you do the damage, no there is still cast time however that being said there is a bug with this if you can time your skills accordingly and make them hit at once it counts as one hit and you can bypass the hiero. Though there is little point considering BT or BIDS can do this w/ less cost/effort.

    -98% = More skills insta, all except ults i think.

    -99% = Pure insta, op **** and i will doubt it will see the light of day here.

    Now the cap you're talking about was (I do believe) put in place because of sutra; it supposedly makes your skills cast without -channeling however 5 sec w/ no chan is op to say the least so they made it -100 BUT once you hit -100 or above it caps it to -80 i believe so in a way there is a cap but only when you hit/surpass -100.

    ^ Hope that made sense. :)

    And this is how rumors start ladies and gents. I almost want to take a psych class to better understand why anybody would pull this kind of ****
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    And this is how rumors start ladies and gents. I almost want to take a psych class to better understand why anybody would pull this kind of ****

    Lol, i guess you have never stepped outside of PWI? It is possible however NOT at current because well the gear cannot possible yield that much -CT here. It's a very real thing and is damn right fact however it can't be obtained in PWI... yet... :L

    Oh and i was replying telling him how the cap works not saying you can be insta here but thats how it works.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    And this is how rumors start ladies and gents. I almost want to take a psych class to better understand why anybody would pull this kind of ****

    you are soo cool
  • Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Lol, i guess you have never stepped outside of PWI? It is possible however NOT at current because well the gear cannot possible yield that much -CT here. It's a very real thing and is damn right fact however it can't be obtained in PWI... yet... :L

    Oh and i was replying telling him how the cap works not saying you can be insta here but thats how it works.

    nope, that's not how it works, unless you play on a private 2 yr old server.
    in PWI insta cast is not possible.
    And yeah, don't give me the bullcrap with "never stepped outside of PWI?" . I did, played for months on Private and I know what it possible there and what is possible here. You're just pulling ideas out of your *** with nothing to support them.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    nope, that's not how it works, unless you play on a private 2 yr old server.
    in PWI insta cast is not possible.
    And yeah, don't give me the bullcrap with "never stepped outside of PWI?" . I did, played for months on Private and I know what it possible there and what is possible here. You're just pulling ideas out of your *** with nothing to support them.

    Ideas that are reality, it does work like that. They haven't changed the mechanics at all, why? because what need is there when there isn't insta cast available, i never said that you can defiantly get it here already by no means no! However once people start crafting -12% Adorns, rings, necks w/e you might start to see it. But belive what you wish; remember they once said 5 aps was a myth and unachievable, how times have changed.

    Oh and i don't play phys at all, they are boring and bland to play to me, i play Demon/Sage Wiz.

    Plus this is way off topic now so imma head out of here ^^
  • Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Ideas that are reality, it does work like that. They haven't changed the mechanics at all, why? because what need is there when there isn't insta cast available, i never said that you can defiantly get it here already by no means no! However once people start crafting -12% Adorns, rings, necks w/e you might start to see it. But belive what you wish; remember they once said 5 aps was a myth and unachievable, how times have changed.

    Oh and i don't play phys at all, they are boring and bland to play to me, i play Demon/Sage Wiz.

    Plus this is way off topic now so imma head out of here ^^

    Thanks for leaving, we don't care for morons here.
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Posts: 967 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Thanks for leaving, we don't care for morons here.

    but I like it here b:sad

    Idk all of -chan stacks up. People get hh99 sleeves and boots for -3%chan don't they? Maybe you won't notice -3% alot but if you add it to -27% then you have -30%, but adroit's the archer in disguise on the wizzy forums.
    Siggy from bellefleurs.
  • Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    but I like it here b:sad

    Idk all of -chan stacks up. People get hh99 sleeves and boots for -3%chan don't they? Maybe you won't notice -3% alot but if you add it to -27% then you have -30%, but adroit's the archer in disguise on the wizzy forums.

    I lub you here D: And I'm not an archer b:cry
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I could smell this necro all the way to my house. b:surrender
This discussion has been closed.