Need some suggestions

Nikit - Harshlands
Nikit - Harshlands Posts: 51 Arc User
edited September 2011 in Archer
Hello everyone,

I'm Nikit and m playing pwi from like 2 years and this is my first mmo so i had a bit of a trouble at start and i was a slow past years i havent played much because of school and college as for the question i would like to know what do u suggest for my archer?

i have deicides too +5 with 2 sockets which i use to farm nirvana with far i've farmed like 180 uncanny crystals and i would also like to know if i should farm more uncanny's and get nirvana second cast leggings or should i sell my uncanny's to get better 2x is there for next two weeks i can farm stuff :) (i dont cash shop)
Post edited by Nikit - Harshlands on


  • KedgeSniper - Lost City
    KedgeSniper - Lost City Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    since you dont cash shop.. and im guessing this is your only char to farm.

    I had get the nirvana legs.. since your cape bl0ws... Also i wouldnt bind it.. try get cv if possible. Shouldnt be to expensive and will be better... If you ever think to farm rank9.. Which i doubt happens ;x

    About refining.. It all goes down to what your aiming in the future.. Are you willing to farm at least the rank9 bow..

    In that case.. I would only refine the helmet and chest armor not to be so quishy while farming.. but focus all my money into gettin the bow.. which is probably better improvement than anything you can get.

    After the bow.. i would refine that and maybe upgrade sleeves/boots.

    b:chuckle But if your just farming with 1 character.. this will take so long.
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  • Sint - Harshlands
    Sint - Harshlands Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    sell cannies and merch with the resulting PROFIT.

    Since you seem unlikely to farm full r9, i would go with upgrading the armor pieces you have(except the cape and the pants). Raising your average refine to +6/7 is fairly cheap, and the HP benefit is decent.
  • Nikit - Harshlands
    Nikit - Harshlands Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    thnx for ur suggestionsb:thanks m working on it now..already got few gears to better refines and m not going to sell cannies i made..b:thanks probably gonna make nirv 2nd recast leggings and then refine it...since i cannot cash shop to r9 +12 m just gonna try to get r8 with high refines and farm stuff with it to focus on r9 b:cuteb:bye