Seeker Vs Sin Question

Posts: 9 Arc User
edited December 2012 in Seeker
im already able to kill som 10x sins, if they arent prepared, and defaintyl for sure 9x sins and other ****, was wondering i have a ungeared 80 sin with 6 gold medals and a 82 seeker with sacred comprehension +4 w8ing for me in 3 lvls. im VERY good at both i undertand everything about genies and ****. just give me ur opinions. sins and seekers, at lvl 100 with nirvana gear sin aps with 4 aps base and seeker with r9. post ur fav class between the two, i love seekers strong skills and tactics, but i also love how sin never runs out of chi and well aps is just fun lol
Post edited by goldjunkie on


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  • Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    r9 seeker > nirvana 4 aps sin (it won't even be a contest.)

    Now, r9 seeker vs r9 aps sin?? I will say no one can give a correct answer since rank9 is still non-existent for seekers. However, in theory a r9 seeker should be able to take out a r9 aps sin.

    Edit: aps is boring.

    You will never catch me. But if you do, someone else will take my place. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    The problem with an R9 sin is that god damn GOF. The seeker needs to be able to keep himself alive through the stuns and keep away from the damn demon sparks. Holy path and badge of courage help with that significantly, along with AD for when they pop out of stealth. I usually let them hit me a few times, then AD, because then I can get away. An R9 seeker, speacilly with a charm, should be to do the same on a R9 sin. I know a good crit on a R8 seekers Gemini can 1 shot a lot of sins, so i imagine a R9 seeker with frenzy can do it just as easily. When it comes to TW I'd choose the seeker over the sin any day. I would say go R9 seeker.
  • Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Rank 9 +12 seeker.... Over 20k+ hp and over 100 deff lvls with proper shards LOL gl trying to stunlock that sins. U got 10 seconds before charm completly heals them >.>
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    guys seekers will rule the world.

    my weapon is nv+10. and my armours +5 all around.

    TODAY.... i fought Gi_Joe. r9+10, +10 ornaments and like +7 armours.

    it was 2-0. 1 vs 1.
  • Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Use the seeker. It takes some degree of skill to use, whereas the sin is so simple it's embarrassing.
  • Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Seeker all the way! So u can 1 shot nabs like the wiz above me b:cute
  • Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    As I stated before, only seeker weak point is low magic defence, other than that they are a steelwall.
  • Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    As I stated before, only seeker weak point is low magic defence, other than that they are a steelwall.

    And that weak spot can be hidden by barb-like hp
    I <3 A lot of people
  • Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    And that weak spot can be hidden by barb-like hp

    Errr from all classes on PWI I condider barbs the easyest for wiz to kill... But thats my peronal wiz pvp experience, all I do is slow them down, and attack from distnce if they get close just use distance shrink and away. I kill most brbs using gush and distance shrink mostly and ifthey get too lose seal them or sleep them. Also like to sleep and then MS them if I see the chance. HP is not big issue I hit for about 3-5k with normal gush on them and my wephon is only r8 +5
  • Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Rank 9 +12 seeker.... Over 20k+ hp and over 100 deff lvls with proper shards LOL gl trying to stunlock that sins. U got 10 seconds before charm completly heals them >.>

    Eh... I've seen videos of R9 Sins reaching a dph of more than 300k. That kind of damage can blast through 30k HP Barbs before they can even invoke. With the insane attack levels R9 sins can obtain (which will negate most of your defense levels), if they do manage to stun lock you all it takes is for their GoF to proc and you'll be a 2-3 shot at the most.
  • Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    yan00 wrote: »
    guys seekers will rule the world.

    my weapon is nv+10. and my armours +5 all around.

    TODAY.... i fought Gi_Joe. r9+10, +10 ornaments and like +7 armours.

    it was 2-0. 1 vs 1.

    I like how someones selling 3rd boss in that picture b:laugh
  • Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Eh... I've seen videos of R9 Sins reaching a dph of more than 300k. That kind of damage can blast through 30k HP Barbs before they can even invoke. With the insane attack levels R9 sins can obtain (which will negate most of your defense levels), if they do manage to stun lock you all it takes is for their GoF to proc and you'll be a 2-3 shot at the most.
    So it only takes 50 hits for a r9 sin to kill harpy wraith?....

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    So it only takes 50 hits for a r9 sin to kill harpy wraith?....

    He probably means dps, and even with 5 aps that's a stretch but might happen. But that's PVE... I easily hit up to 40k in PVE but unfortunately I don't get to those numbers in PVP. Neither will the sin, even if he gets up to 300k dps that will be a lot less in PVP - especially if he's dealing with 120+ def lvls and 15-20k phys def.
  • Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    So it only takes 50 hits for a r9 sin to kill harpy wraith?....

    Um... that statement makes zero sense since Harpy has 50 million HP and is a level 150 boss which means the damage reduction penalty is in effect.
  • Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    He probably means dps, and even with 5 aps that's a stretch but might happen. But that's PVE... I easily hit up to 40k in PVE but unfortunately I don't get to those numbers in PVP. Neither will the sin, even if he gets up to 300k dps that will be a lot less in PVP - especially if he's dealing with 120+ def lvls and 15-20k phys def.

    No I meant damage PER HIT.

    Here is a youtube clip made by a Sin with R9 daggers comparing its damage to G13 daggers.

    The second half of the clip shows the R9 damage. Notice that on crits the damage per hit reaches as high as 283 K ?

    Now imagine what kind of havoc that would do to a stun locked 20K HP Seeker... PVP penalty, Seeker defense levels and all. Your charm wouldn't even tick.
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    yan00 wrote: »
    guys seekers will rule the world.

    my weapon is nv+10. and my armours +5 all around.

    TODAY.... i fought Gi_Joe. r9+10, +10 ornaments and like +7 armours.

    it was 2-0. 1 vs 1.

    whoa dude :D wen did my old bud get r9 O.o, lolz, i got **** i dont belong on this server QQ, but nice bro :P he usualy isnt the best sin u could face tho man.
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    And that weak spot can be hidden by barb-like hp

    im a pvp build. the only way im getting super good hp is thru nirvana +10 armours wich add 1k hp each piece. so i hit a bit harder then alot of seekers, but if i can hit that gemini slash and make it successful, wizzies, archers, sins, mystics
    alot is just a easy 1 shot lol ^^
  • Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    i have to admit ignorance regarding seeker pvp possibilities ...other then that i can kill with out problems bm and barbar rank9...don't see why seeker would be different ..will be some kite ...stuns..eventually will be able to spark him b:surrender
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Errr from all classes on PWI I condider barbs the easyest for wiz to kill... But thats my peronal wiz pvp experience, all I do is slow them down, and attack from distnce if they get close just use distance shrink and away. I kill most brbs using gush and distance shrink mostly and ifthey get too lose seal them or sleep them. Also like to sleep and then MS them if I see the chance. HP is not big issue I hit for about 3-5k with normal gush on them and my wephon is only r8 +5

    Hmm Seekers have long range skills and kite too....i wonder how well your kiting will work when they start hitting you for long range dmg as well.
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Hmm Seekers have long range skills and kite too....i wonder how well your kiting will work when they start hitting you for long range dmg as well.

    lolz seekers long range skills are som of its most destructive skills anyways :P
  • Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    a deekers defs is no diffrent from other HA classes. the only thing that really sets them apart is there dmg.
  • Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    a deekers defs is no diffrent from other HA classes. the only thing that really sets them apart is there dmg.

    The only other "two" HA classes per say (ignoring venos) are Barbs and BMs. Neither gets 32 defense levels for free just from activating a mere skill. Barbs and BMs have to spend ungodly amounts of money to get that amount of defense levels.

    Damage wise, what sets the Seeker apart from the two classes above would be their aoe damage. Single point and boss damage... aps still rules the roost.
  • Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Hmm Seekers have long range skills and kite too....i wonder how well your kiting will work when they start hitting you for long range dmg as well.

    For seekers I do almost the same as on bms spark then seal them then 2-3 shot. I love my seeker tho its funny to rip sins and archers with it.
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Eh... I've seen videos of R9 Sins reaching a dph of more than 300k. That kind of damage can blast through 30k HP Barbs before they can even invoke. With the insane attack levels R9 sins can obtain (which will negate most of your defense levels), if they do manage to stun lock you all it takes is for their GoF to proc and you'll be a 2-3 shot at the most.

    You madez me ROFL.
    YOu remind me of those little bms that think they can pierce us with their little +10 decides...<3 lololol
  • Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    You madez me ROFL.
    YOu remind me of those little bms that think they can pierce us with their little +10 decides...<3 lololol

    Eh... no one in this thread has said or even implied BMs would be a great match up for Seekers. So not sure what the above comment has to do with anything... other than you being butt hurt about the fact that your precious "not even R9 Sins can harm us once we go Rank 9 !" bubble just got burst. b:bye
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Seeker win, lol.
  • Posts: 845 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    If they nerf the chi gain while in spark, sins may actually have a challenge on their hands. I just wonder how many will quit game all together because it will definatelly take away -easymode- for some of the sub-par geared sins that still manage to own, on a broken class.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    At this point seekers would kill sins of any same lvl or lower to be honest.with the morai skills that came in allowing seekers to see sins the same lvl or lower.Seekers def lvls and physical def also make them quite formitable.I am currently a 3rd cast NV seeker +7 Astrall ballads.I can pretty much 1 shot anything not wearing R9.I can indeed still kill r9 bms,barbs,and sins for obvious reasons.My def lvls are currently 74 and if i switch to atck mode my atk lvls are 84 and def lvls still 59.May I still let on that I do not have my 6th piece (+20 atk lvls) which will put me strong enough to kill most char in game after +10 my weapon even more so if I +12.Sins are good players but over all I dont like the playing style of hiding still its safe to attack again.Straight 1 vs 1 head to head no invisablility seekers would win.If the sin is equal or lower lvls that doesnt even come into account seeing as seekers can see them with the morai skill and 8 seconds is much longer then a fight with a sin will most likely last one way or another.


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