Stealth QQing

XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver
Posts: 165 Arc User
To all those nubs who QQ about stealth LEARN ONCE AND FOR ALL STEALTH IS A SKILL and there are several ways to counter it. U can either get close to a mob or other players and aoe and if ur on duels u can simply run and sin will be forced to shadow teleport to reach u (this skill is glitched so it rlly doesnt teleport exactly to place moving target was, instead it teleports sin like 3 meeters away so they always have to run and get in position. Also u can fly and reduce dmage to half. If u got crapy gear and get 1 shoted your best chance is to fly and use omalleys blessing. If u still get 1 shoted then get better gear and stop QQing I got r8 wiz and sin (also working on a seeker) lol I wanted one character of each build. And I discovered all classes have their flaws.
U ppl who QQ about sins stealthing probably have never lvled a sin b:shutup. You dont know what is being on the other side, LA is like being nude on endgame (poor magic and phys deff compared to HA and AA) so sins have to stealth sometimes. Psy have their anti phys selfbuff wich makes them inmmune for some seconds wich are more than enough to kill sin, venos have their bramble, clerics their heals, mystics their heals and pet and wiz have their +100%, 120% if sage and 150% if demon phys deff selfbuff (wich most nubs dont realise about its usefullness turn 6k phys deff into 12k+ then add cleric and bm buffs and u got a crazy phys deff wiz).
So stop QQing, be creative and if thats too much for your then quit game because you are clearly a fail.
(Rank 8 Wiz/Sin and developing seeker)
U ppl who QQ about sins stealthing probably have never lvled a sin b:shutup. You dont know what is being on the other side, LA is like being nude on endgame (poor magic and phys deff compared to HA and AA) so sins have to stealth sometimes. Psy have their anti phys selfbuff wich makes them inmmune for some seconds wich are more than enough to kill sin, venos have their bramble, clerics their heals, mystics their heals and pet and wiz have their +100%, 120% if sage and 150% if demon phys deff selfbuff (wich most nubs dont realise about its usefullness turn 6k phys deff into 12k+ then add cleric and bm buffs and u got a crazy phys deff wiz).
So stop QQing, be creative and if thats too much for your then quit game because you are clearly a fail.
(Rank 8 Wiz/Sin and developing seeker)
Post edited by XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver on
Is this a QQ about people QQing?
And yes, stealth is a valid technique but people are also allowed to QQ about anything. Beat someone in a match and they'll QQ you hit too hard or your defense is too high. Doesn't mean you should change either of those things or even validate it by listening.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
tl;dr, someone summarize?0
Sakubatou - Sanctuary wrote: »Is this a QQ about people QQing?
And yes, stealth is a valid technique but people are also allowed to QQ about anything. Beat someone in a match and they'll QQ you hit too hard or your defense is too high. Doesn't mean you should change either of those things or even validate it by listening.
You have never played sin much do u? All those nub low lvl psy willing to fight u then u stealth and 1 shot them and they say "u stealth" wtf u would 1-2 shot me otherwise, same with archers who want to use their anti stun buff run away and hope u stay there and get killed from range. More ppl QQ about steath than about anything else. Its even more annoying than those who think clerics are buff slaves.0 -
Okeano - Harshlands wrote: »tl;dr, someone summarize?
Sins use stealth b:chuckleb:chuckle0 -
XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver wrote: »You have never played sin much do u? All those nub low lvl psy willing to fight u then u stealth and 1 shot them and they say "u stealth" wtf u would 1-2 shot me otherwise, same with archers who want to use their anti stun buff run away and hope u stay there and get killed from range. More ppl QQ about steath than about anything else. Its even more annoying than those who think clerics are buff slaves.
Understandably so, no other class gets to decide when a fight starts and when it ends.
I've leveled a Sin, believe it or not, and I QQ about stealth. Although annoying, stealth alone isn't what makes Sins broken. It's stealth-lag combined with DPS that can drop a HA before they can react.
No matter how weak you think LA is (Archers deal with it), having insane DPS, most control skills in game so others are forced to tank that DPS, Tidal/Focus, 2 teles of which one can stun up to 7 seconds, and Deaden makes up for it. A portable safezone is not needed.0 -
Okeano - Harshlands wrote: »Understandably so, no other class gets to decide when a fight starts and when it ends.
I've leveled a Sin, believe it or not, and I QQ about stealth. Although annoying, stealth alone isn't what makes Sins broken. It's stealth-lag combined with DPS that can drop a HA before they can react.
No matter how weak you think LA is (Archers deal with it), having insane DPS, most control skills in game so others are forced to tank that DPS, Tidal/Focus, 2 teles of which one can stun up to 7 seconds, and Deaden makes up for it. A portable safezone is not needed.
Thats statement is completly relative, DPS is not that crazy on pvp, the problem is most players I would say 99% at lest focus on wephon and give armor less importance. I saw 5 aps nirvana +10 daggers sin trying to stunlock r8 sin and she was unable to even think him during stun duration. And tht was only LA imagine what would happen on HA. The problem is not DPS or stealth. Its that MOST PLAYERS HAVE CRAPY ARMOR COMPARED TO THEIR WEPHONS. Mabye u can blame r8 wich gives good wephon but a not so good armor giving sins much better oportunity to stunlock players and making them feel a certain sence of OPness wich vanishes as soon as they face WELL armored player.0 -
XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver wrote: »Thats statement is completly relative, DPS is not that crazy on pvp, the problem is most players I would say 99% at lest focus on wephon and give armor less importance. I saw 5 aps nirvana +10 daggers sin trying to stunlock r8 sin and she was unable to even think him during stun duration. And tht was only LA imagine what would happen on HA. The problem is not DPS or stealth. Its that MOST PLAYERS HAVE CRAPY ARMOR COMPARED TO THEIR WEPHONS. Mabye u can blame r8 wich gives good wephon but a not so good armor giving sins much better oportunity to stunlock players and making them feel a certain sence of OPness wich vanishes as soon as they face WELL armored player.
Ohhhhh!!! I get it! It's because my BM's full Nirvana 2nd cast with R9 boots, with demon Bell and Demon Marrow on for 28.5k phy def, are just suck that I die under 5 seconds to G13 dags +10. It's not because Sins have high DPS even with R8 dags. And all those times that I die before it even show the Sin out of stealth, I just need better armor. I get it now. Carry on.0 -
Hey Mr bm nirvan prolly 5- refines on wephon of course u would die, im 100% sure u got jhones blessing instead of omalleys, nd because of nirvna defensive power sucks compared to r9 not becuse of the phys deff ITS BEACUSE FULL R9 gives u 20deff lvls bonus from equiping full gear, aslo im usre ur using those overrated vit gems wich are only usefull for barbs rlly all other classes should use deff jades for a +48 deff lvl permanent status 63 with omalleys blessing 68 if u include ring of trauma etc deff is **** nowadays, what rules is deff/attk lvls of course u will be killed by r8/nirvana +10 sin if your DEFF LVL IS CERO0
XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver wrote: »You have never played sin much do u? All those nub low lvl psy willing to fight u then u stealth and 1 shot them and they say "u stealth" wtf u would 1-2 shot me otherwise, same with archers who want to use their anti stun buff run away and hope u stay there and get killed from range. More ppl QQ about steath than about anything else. Its even more annoying than those who think clerics are buff slaves.
*points to signature* Have leveled two sins, a sage and a demon.
Maybe, I've just learned to ignore the "I lost QQ" from pk. You'll get there, too. Welcome to PWI.
The other day I was pking against a rank 9 sin during the metal wait, got myself into an "Oh $&@*" moment and shadow escaped... then realized he was a higher level b:laugh I was Deaded.
There are quiet a few techniques to avoid being 1 shot out of stealth, depending on your class though. Most involve having more hp or hotkeying genie skills and having good reflexes.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver wrote: »Hey Mr bm nirvan prolly 5- refines on wephon of course u would die, im 100% sure u got jhones blessing instead of omalleys, nd because of nirvna defensive power sucks compared to r9 not becuse of the phys deff ITS BEACUSE FULL R9 gives u 20deff lvls bonus from equiping full gear, aslo im usre ur using those overrated vit gems wich are only usefull for barbs rlly all other classes should use deff jades for a +48 deff lvl permanent status 63 with omalleys blessing 68 if u include ring of trauma etc deff is **** nowadays, what rules is deff/attk lvls of course u will be killed by r8/nirvana +10 sin if your DEFF LVL IS CERO
Wow way to make all the wrong assumptions. Sorry to break it to you, your 100% is wrong since I wear omalleys at all time outside of PvE. And no, I don't shard VIT like an idiot, but I'm also not full JoSD yet. My def lvl is 29, and will be 49 once I get R9 belt and Nrivana cape. And believe me, I know exactly how attack and def lvl work so save the lecture.
So your argument is that I only have the 2nd best armor in game instead of the best and that's why I die to a +10 weapon before a stun is up? Sin isn't OP because those people that are dying just simply don't have full R9?0 -
Still you must have low refines on gear because otherwise your comment has to be a lie, yesterday I saw +10 nirvana 5aps sin and she was UNABLE TO EVEN THICK during the headhunt duration a r9 sin with full deff jades, and thats just LA now imagine HA. b:thanks0
IMO its not the stealth i could care less, its the buffs, and the sparking while in stealth and not to mention the fact that they are chi machines.0
XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver wrote: »Still you must have low refines on gear because otherwise your comment has to be a lie, yesterday I saw +10 nirvana 5aps sin and she was UNABLE TO EVEN THICK during the headhunt duration a r9 sin with full deff jades, and thats just LA now imagine HA. b:thanks
My Nirvanas are +6, my R9 boots +10 (alone worth what a +10 dags would cost). I consider it average. Not refining my Nirvana higher since I'm replacing them with R9. But what I'm pointing out is that Sins that can kill me have spent much less than I have on gears.
Once again, you are looking at a case of R9 with full jades? Was that Sin double sparked while attacking that R9 Sin? Because other classes gets to tank double spark out of stealth. Do you know how much 24 JoSD cost? Sin's not OP because once you spent 600-700 mil on shards on top of full R9, you can tank it? While keep in mind a 5 APS +10 Sin only cost a fraction of that amount to gear up?0 -
So what ur telling me Love up and down is under 500mill on your server >.> Well thats just luck then. Not to mention IT WAS JUST LA r9 LA offers about 5k base phys deff.0
Okeano - Harshlands wrote: »Ohhhhh!!! I get it! It's because my BM's full Nirvana 2nd cast with R9 boots, with demon Bell and Demon Marrow on for 28.5k phy def, are just suck that I die under 5 seconds to G13 dags +10. It's not because Sins have high DPS even with R8 dags. And all those times that I die before it even show the Sin out of stealth, I just need better armor. I get it now. Carry on.
with that much phys defence as u said....u take at maximum 500 dmg per hit from an unsparked G13 +10 dagger and with that kind of gear i would think u have at least 8k base HP about 11k its inconcievable u die in 5 seconds from that considering u have a genie which take about 1 second to tap 1 of 2 skills which give u dmg immunity or another which lessens the dmg u take and note these 2 skills themseleves last 4-8 seconds u have approximatly 3 seconds before u die from that dmg and factor charm tick u gain an extra 2 seconds thats a response time of 4-5 seconds before u die while unbuffed (HP buffs that is) which is another 30% if buffed so u dieing in 5 seconds from G13 +10 sounds ridiculous unless u have no clue how to servive which translates to nubness in every essence of the wordb:shocked
also to note 105 sins on my server tend to wait out tidal to atk lesser geared sins take me for example 8.5k Base HP with 4.2k phys compared to their 12k+ Hp and 9k+ phys all base stats i have 1/7 of ur phys but they either take 1 min + to kill me from stealth or dont kill me at the end of the day with half the gear and twice the skill u still have a 70-80% chance of winning....even tho the game is quite gear dependent.....but it goes to show if u know ur skills and kno how to play u last more than 5 (still sound ridiculous) but i would say u simply lack skill[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Ragamufinsin - Dreamweaver wrote: »with that much phys defence as u said....u take at maximum 500 dmg per hit from an unsparked G13 +10 dagger and with that kind of gear i would think u have at least 8k base HP about 11k its inconcievable u die in 5 seconds from that considering u have a genie which take about 1 second to tap 1 of 2 skills which give u dmg immunity or another which lessens the dmg u take and note these 2 skills themseleves last 4-8 seconds u have approximatly 3 seconds before u die from that dmg and factor charm tick u gain an extra 2 seconds thats a response time of 4-5 seconds before u die while unbuffed (HP buffs that is) which is another 30% if buffed so u dieing in 30 seconds from G13 +10 sounds ridiculous unless u have no clue how to servive which translates to nubness in every essence of the wordb:shocked
Obviously they come out double sparking with Mire or Frenzy or Relentless. I use genie when I can react. Domain/Badge + Leapback + anti stun as soon as I can. But what good is that when they just force stealth then come back once my genie and anti stun is used?0 -
Okeano - Harshlands wrote: »Obviously they come out double sparking with Mire or Frenzy or Relentless. I use genie when I can react. Domain/Badge + Leapback + anti stun as soon as I can. But what good is that when they just force stealth then come back once my genie and anti stun is used?
i may have failed to suggest this but they also 2 spark from stealth too b:laugh
i still last more than 5 seconds with 4.2k phys b:shocked so why cant a bm with 28.5k?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Okeano - Harshlands wrote: »Obviously they come out double sparking with Mire or Frenzy or Relentless. I use genie when I can react. Domain/Badge + Leapback + anti stun as soon as I can. But what good is that when they just force stealth then come back once my genie and anti stun is used?
a genie with 190 energy and 2.30 regen will allow u to use expel and AD if the force stealth, but i guess most ppl go for occult ice which fail 1/6 of the time and take up the genie attribute points leaving u defenceless or u can say otherwise.....and deny u use occult which is a fail genie skill considering there are twice as many sins on any server to other classes and sins have tidal which let occult fail.....making it a perfectly good waste of the genie[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Lags and delay? Ask the R9 Barb that gets dropped before he can react I've been back on my 4 year old laptop for the past few months so it probably doesn't react as fast.
I last more than 5 seconds in total duration if I can get my genie in time. But you see my point of them *stealth* >*repeat* and this time my genie is in cooldown.Ragamufinsin - Dreamweaver wrote: »a genie with 190 energy and 2.30 regen will allow u to use expel and AD if the force stealth, but i guess most ppl go for occult ice which fail 1/6 of the time and take up the genie attribute points leaving u defenceless or u can say otherwise.....and deny u use occult which is a fail genie skill considering there are twice as many sins on any server to other classes and sins have tidal which let occult fail.....making it a perfectly good waste of the genie
Lol why would I use Expel? You do know that Sin can stun/sleep/seal/freez through Expel and wait it out right?0 -
Since this turned to be a hot thread anyone could tell me how much time until servers go up again?0
Since you are bored, feel free to watch Cheze fighting equally geared people.
I particularly like the fights against Questro where he just puts on CoD and occasionally 2 shot him with sleep + Throatcut.
Oh yeah all these are without stealth or sparking. Imagine with.0 -
Okeano - Harshlands wrote: »Lags and delay? Ask the R9 Barb that gets dropped before he can react I've been back on my 4 year old laptop for the past few months so it probably doesn't react as fast.
I last more than 5 seconds in total duration if I can get my genie in time. But you see my point of them *stealth* >*repeat* and this time my genie is in cooldown.
Lol why would I use Expel? You do know that Sin can stun/sleep/seal/freez through Expel and wait it out right?
ok expel......since ur not a sin u cant hit AD and then teleport 30-35 meters away
expel on the other...u do kno that being sealed doesnt mean u cant hit apo right? so a bm 28.5 k phys gets stunned for 5 seconds and reacts after charm tick the stun duration has been reduced by atleast 2 seconds meaning 3 seconds worth of stun left ( sticking to ur "i die in 5 seconds reasoning") hit expel or AD ur choice but am using expel guessing it wont be automatic they immediately hit condensed thorn ( i lag a second on that sometimes and so do most ppl if not all) the channel and cast for that skill is 1.1 second if i remember +1 the 1 second lag ( even without the lag it would take another 1-2 seconds to channel a stun or sleep).............hit vacuityb:shocked u still gain effect thru sealb:shocked[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I love when u get sealed by a sin because expel is glitched so sin seal lasts for 4 seconds while expel lasts 10 I believe and expel seal doesnt refresh sin seal so if u hit expel right after sin sealed you. You will get 6 seconds of physical inmunity regardles of what class you are.0
Okeano - Harshlands wrote: »Since you are bored, feel free to watch Cheze fighting equally geared people.
I particularly like the fights against Questro where he just puts on CoD and occasionally 2 shot him with sleep + Throatcut.
Oh yeah all these are without stealth or sparking. Imagine with.
there isnt an instance where he 2 shot him...and that fight certainly lasted more than 5 secsb:shocked and he is mageb:shocked[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
well am not gonna lie to u....with or without stealth fact is sins pwn most or all classes bms no exceptions unless the the dmg is too low to counteract the charm tick and gearing then sin cant kill bm and bm maybe cant kill sin if sin can play right so its stalemate[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Okeano - Harshlands wrote: »Since you are bored, feel free to watch Cheze fighting equally geared people.
I particularly like the fights against Questro where he just puts on CoD and occasionally 2 shot him with sleep + Throatcut.
Oh yeah all these are without stealth or sparking. Imagine with.
how can you call that bm (calvin) equally geared o.OBladedZero - Sanctuary
"Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."
-And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute0 -
Ragamufinsin - Dreamweaver wrote: »ok expel......since ur not a sin u cant hit AD and then teleport 30-35 meters away
expel on the other...u do kno that being sealed doesnt mean u cant hit apo right? so a bm 28.5 k phys gets stunned for 5 seconds and reacts after charm tick the stun duration has been reduced by atleast 2 seconds meaning 3 seconds worth of stun left ( sticking to ur "i die in 5 seconds reasoning") hit expel or AD ur choice but am using expel guessing it wont be automatic they immediately hit condensed thorn ( i lag a second on that sometimes and so do most ppl if not all) the channel and cast for that skill is 1.1 second if i remember +1 the 1 second lag ( even without the lag it would take another 1-2 seconds to channel a stun or sleep).............hit vacuityb:shocked u still gain effect thru sealb:shocked
The "5 seconds" is when they land a stun and my genie is used/not ready. You don't need to all these time analyst with genie after being stunned. I'm just pointing out that I can't tank the DPS for more than 5 seconds once they land their stun after geine/pots. With genie and pots I obviously last longer than 5 seconds but like I said, they stealth once you used those and next stun you are dead.
Demon HH is 6 seconds, tele stun is 7. There are at least 3 seconds of time of overlap of Expel with first stun. During this they either pop Occult, 80-90% with high STR genie, or does Condense.0 -
Damn this maintenace is taking years -.- I wanna jump on my sin or mabye keep lvling seeker idk.0
XxArchmagexX you still don't see the absurdity of the amount of gears it requires to even fight an average geared Sin? Throw me a R8/G13 Nirvana +10 of any other class with +5 to +8 armor (which are the gears of Sins that can drop my BM more often than not) and I'll eat it for breakfast.Ragamufinsin - Dreamweaver wrote: »there isnt an instance where he 2 shot him...and that fight certainly lasted more than 5 secsb:shocked and he is mageb:shocked
Yeah he's a full R9 mage with probably the same phy def as me if I don't spam demon bell, same if not more HP, and probably 30-40 more def levels than me.
You don't see the 2 shots? 2:55? 3:00?
BTW, at 0:55 of NyKage's video, you'll see cheze cut through his lvl 100 buff, the one that gives 1000% phy def buff.Traz - Dreamweaver wrote: »how can you call that bm (calvin) equally geared o.O
K Probably not Calvin? He's at least full +10 isn't he? It's no stealth and no sparking though.0 -
Wtf I have seen lvl 90ish seeker lasting more than that against a rank 9 sin on PK >.>0
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