Best in TW

viper2112 Posts: 6 Arc User
edited September 2011 in Arigora Colosseum
Doing TWs is my favorite part of the game. I have a lvl 95 archer that does pretty well in TW but I am looking for a charecter that will dominate. I have played every class and have most of my alts are lvl 75 or better. The one alt that I have that is low is a lvl 12 psychic. Two of the best players on the Raging Tide server are psychics. I just want to make sure before I sink alot of time into a charecter that it will be worth it.
Post edited by viper2112 on


  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Wizards are awesome in TW. Archers are really good too as you've realized, but their fatal flaw is their lack of AOEs. BoA is good ofc, but it doesn't stand up to the likes of BIDS/MS/BT.

    Wizards are also great in TW for a couple other reasons.
    Distance shrink is awesome. Being able to instantly retreat 25 meters is awesome. It moves you out of other ranged DDs range, and bring you back towards your factions people so that mele DDs can't follow you without getting ganked.

    Stone barrier also gives us excelent phys defense for an AA class. When full buffed, as you should be if you're in good TW fac, assassins won't be able to roflpwn you like they can in 1v1. They'll be killed/stunned by your fac mates before they can kill you (usually).

    We're also cata killers. Have a veno purge a cata barb, undine them to lower their mag res, then use a sutra combo to do a huge amount of damage. If you can coordinate with a bm so that the cata barb is HF'd when you use the sutra combo, the cata barb is almost certainly dead.

    Lastly, the sheer number of other players covers up our chief weaknesses. Normally the only balancing factors for wizards is our low hp and slow casting times. When there's 79 other players for the enemy to target, you will hardly ever get killed if you play correctly. Because you don't get attacked very much, your squishiness is obviously not an issue because you don't have to worry about taking much damage. It also makes up for our slow casting because when you don't get noticed, you don't get interupted or attacked while your channeling a spell.

    So that's why I personally believe wizards are the best TW class. If anyone begs to differ, go for it.
  • LightKast - Lost City
    LightKast - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    hhmm lols
  • XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver
    XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Looking for a TW massive K.O class? Wizard

    Its designed to deal massive damage you can wipe out about 12 players in 1 well positioned shot.

    Specialy sage wizards excel at this they got more chi so they can cast more massive aoes and SAGE BID IS THE CRAZYEST AOE ON GAME.

    BID is the hardest damage output attack in the hole game deals more damage than any psy,veno or mystic skill and ofc more than clerics tempest. But sage BID is insane because it also adds a 50% chance to increase critical hit rate by 30% for 15 seconds + the crit rate wizard already has. So basicly you get a caster with more crit than a sin/archer for 15 seconds.

    For example my wiz would have 42% crit rate with that skill (and I got only 5 dex) b:victory
  • Aizza - Harshlands
    Aizza - Harshlands Posts: 719 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    - Archers with that damn STUN > zing zing > dead : make me want to break their bows
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    if u go as sin in TW....*shakes head

    Archers and Wizard were the TW masters, each with its own playstile. Wizard for mass aoe pwnage and Archer for 1v1 pew pew. Sure , each could do the other's job, but just not that good as the original.

    Then rank8 became cheaper than a pair of used underwear...
    And rank 9 is all over the place...
    And you know, there is that class, called Psychic...and their def/attk buffs and Soul of .... skills. And yeah, the tables turned around completely.
    Right now Psy does what both archer and wiz were doing before and it's even better at it because of the white/black voodoo.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Nurfed_You - Harshlands
    Nurfed_You - Harshlands Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I wouldnt say psy is better at archer/wiz job. psys are far better in open/group pvp as they have a wide array of survivability skills. Really, a psy falls into its own job in tw. I see psys as more of a class to hit you hard a few times until your squad starts hitting htem. Then the psy's buffs will start taking effect/white voodoo switch. all the while your archers/wizards are doing their jobs and destroying said squad.

    While psys can do a wiz/archer job, it isn't better at it by any means.
  • XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver
    XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    if u go as sin in TW....*shakes head

    Archers and Wizard were the TW masters, each with its own playstile. Wizard for mass aoe pwnage and Archer for 1v1 pew pew. Sure , each could do the other's job, but just not that good as the original.

    Then rank8 became cheaper than a pair of used underwear...
    And rank 9 is all over the place...
    And you know, there is that class, called Psychic...and their def/attk buffs and Soul of .... skills. And yeah, the tables turned around completely.
    Right now Psy does what both archer and wiz were doing before and it's even better at it because of the white/black voodoo.

    Wtf u telling me ur a 100+ wiz who doesnt know how to rip a psy?!?!?!

    If they use black vodo just sleep and BT them, thats instant K.O

    If they use white voodo they hit soooo low that u can just healyourself until they switch back to black, then use seal/sleep them and 1 shot them. Psy can seem OP if you dont know how their skills work but I analized them and know they have big weak points.

    I always win vs equaly geared psy (im r8)

    Black/White voodo is good to make meeles kill themselfs... but when u can simply 1 shot them like wiz do then Black/White voodo is more like a self debuff b:thanks
  • Ezehc - Lost City
    Ezehc - Lost City Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I wouldnt say psy is better at archer/wiz job. psys are far better in open/group pvp as they have a wide array of survivability skills. Really, a psy falls into its own job in tw. I see psys as more of a class to hit you hard a few times until your squad starts hitting htem. Then the psy's buffs will start taking effect/white voodoo switch. all the while your archers/wizards are doing their jobs and destroying said squad.

    While psys can do a wiz/archer job, it isn't better at it by any means.

    yeah archers purge and psys can't :\
    Lost City Cheze Refining Service. Save up to 40% of orb cost for refines up to +9.
  • Pyroatheist - Lost City
    Pyroatheist - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    As much as psychics are very useful and powerful in TW, I would never confuse them as being able to do the job of an archer or wizard. A psychic is not going to be able to take apart a cata barb with 1 or 2 big shots like a wizard can, and a psychic can also never match the use of barrage or immediate single target damage that an archer can pull out.

    What psychics are is more of a mobile tank. They have lots of semi-powerful aoes, all of which have nasty side effects (root/blind/stun/bleed). This allows them to be more of a constant aoe damage dealer, able to adapt to the changing situations better. A wizard is more of a one-off class, you drop a few HUGE nukes, then go recharge and wait for things to be ready again. Archers have massive aoe damage with barrage as well, but they can only set it up on a tower or something else immobile like that, and then just leave it. A psychic can move around while dealing consistent aoe damage, adding another element of damage and crowd control to a TW. With the judicious use of white voodoo and holy path, psychics are also very difficult to take down if they are paying attention.
    Look at your post, now back at mine. Now back to your post, now back at mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine, but if you stopped trolling and started posting legitimate comments it could look like mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You're scrolling through posts, reading the posts your posts could look like. Back at mine, it's a reply saying something you want to hear. Look again, my reply is now diamonds. Anything is possible when you think before you post.
  • Aizza - Harshlands
    Aizza - Harshlands Posts: 719 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    viper2112 wrote: »
    Doing TWs is my favorite part of the game. I have a lvl 95 archer that does pretty well in TW but I am looking for a charecter that will dominate. I have played every class and have most of my alts are lvl 75 or better. The one alt that I have that is low is a lvl 12 psychic. Two of the best players on the Raging Tide server are psychics. I just want to make sure before I sink alot of time into a charecter that it will be worth it.

    I suggest continuing to work hard on your archer. It's not so much the class then the person playing the toon that makes a person good in TW .... as does time..

    You never really start out good in TW, you have to get in there, get past being frustrated when dying over and over and ... well it takes time.

    Don't worry so much about what's far off in the distance or all the things you need to do - focus on one thing.. and go with it.

    So... which ever class you feel comfortable pvping on the most - go with that one.
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    To quote another forum post (forgot who wrote it)
    Wizards have 2 disadvantages only, Channelling time and their low defense.

    In TW and the mass of scores of people, these two disadvantages are completely ignored because there are so many people and you will rarely be a target like you will in small scale PVP. Even if you are a target, an instant 25 meter teleport backwards will save you.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
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  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    To quote another forum post (forgot who wrote it)
    Wizards have 2 disadvantages only, Channelling time and their low defense.

    In TW and the mass of scores of people, these two disadvantages are completely ignored because there are so many people and you will rarely be a target like you will in small scale PVP. Even if you are a target, an instant 25 meter teleport backwards will save you.

    That would be meb:cute
  • angellicdeity
    angellicdeity Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    People who say Psychics can do everything archers and wizards do better in TW obviously aren't in many factor guilds.

    Archers are an absolute necessity because there is no replacement for Barrage of Arrows on the crystal and towers. No other class can lock-down map positions like archers can. Often what determines whether or not a guild can kill a crystal is whether or not 3+ archers can open up barrage on the left tower, right tower and crystal.

    With enough barrages open the opposing guild must waste time running around or flying over the barrage.

    Wizards cant be replaced by Psychics. The area that a wizard AOE covers is twice that of a psychic. This is important because you don't win even TW's by picking off people 1 by 1. You do it by killing at least 2 people for every 1 person you loose. In experienced TW a psychics AOE area is not enough to cover entire squads - especially with lag. Wizard AOE's, like archer AOE's can make or break crystal pushes.

    There isn't a lot of space to spread out in the guild base (containing the crystal). Two important times for wizard AOE's is the push over the wall, and the time after the first wave of opponites respawn. A wizard AOE needs to clear away enough people so archers, catapults, and attack squads can bunker down on the crystal.

    After the first wave respawns they're all clumped up near their entrance. Wizard AOE's are important to force respawning, giving your catapults more time to hit the crystal.

    What Psychics are great for is locking down high profile targets. They're heavy hitters, and have a good chance at taking out the other factions heavy hitters. Psychics will save your team-mates from a nasty blade tempest, or BIDS. Psychics will save your team mates from the devastating rank 9 tanks in TW.
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    To quote another forum post (forgot who wrote it)
    Wizards have 2 disadvantages only, Channelling time and their low defense.

    Self buffed... a wiz will have more of BOTH defenses then any archer of comparable gear. So unless you are depending on 8% advance purge, 5% purge, or veno purge.... wiz is going to have the better defense.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Ezehc - Lost City
    Ezehc - Lost City Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    self Buffed... A Wiz Will Have More Of Both Defenses Then Any Archer Of Comparable Gear. So Unless You Are Depending On 8% Advance Purge, 5% Purge, Or Veno Purge.... Wiz Is Going To Have The Better Defense.

    Lol Wut
    Lost City Cheze Refining Service. Save up to 40% of orb cost for refines up to +9.
  • Aizza - Harshlands
    Aizza - Harshlands Posts: 719 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    People who say Psychics can do everything archers and wizards do better in TW obviously aren't in many factor guilds.

    Archers are an absolute necessity because there is no replacement for Barrage of Arrows on the crystal and towers. No other class can lock-down map positions like archers can. Often what determines whether or not a guild can kill a crystal is whether or not 3+ archers can open up barrage on the left tower, right tower and crystal.

    With enough barrages open the opposing guild must waste time running around or flying over the barrage.

    Wizards cant be replaced by Psychics. The area that a wizard AOE covers is twice that of a psychic. This is important because you don't win even TW's by picking off people 1 by 1. You do it by killing at least 2 people for every 1 person you loose. In experienced TW a psychics AOE area is not enough to cover entire squads - especially with lag. Wizard AOE's, like archer AOE's can make or break crystal pushes.

    There isn't a lot of space to spread out in the guild base (containing the crystal). Two important times for wizard AOE's is the push over the wall, and the time after the first wave of opponites respawn. A wizard AOE needs to clear away enough people so archers, catapults, and attack squads can bunker down on the crystal.

    After the first wave respawns they're all clumped up near their entrance. Wizard AOE's are important to force respawning, giving your catapults more time to hit the crystal.

    What Psychics are great for is locking down high profile targets. They're heavy hitters, and have a good chance at taking out the other factions heavy hitters. Psychics will save your team-mates from a nasty blade tempest, or BIDS. Psychics will save your team mates from the devastating rank 9 tanks in TW.

    Exactly - Wiz's are the most perfect type of CC (Crowd-Control)
  • johhnyboi1232
    johhnyboi1232 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Wtf u telling me ur a 100+ wiz who doesnt know how to rip a psy?!?!?!

    If they use black vodo just sleep and BT them, thats instant K.O

    If they use white voodo they hit soooo low that u can just healyourself until they switch back to black, then use seal/sleep them and 1 shot them. Psy can seem OP if you dont know how their skills work but I analized them and know they have big weak points.

    I always win vs equaly geared psy (im r8)

    Black/White voodo is good to make meeles kill themselfs... but when u can simply 1 shot them like wiz do then Black/White voodo is more like a self debuff b:thanks
    Go say that to ezehc on the lost city server, u will probz get 1 hitted