Advise (100+)

arkangel9 Posts: 11 Arc User
edited August 2011 in Assassin
K guys just want an advise on my gear this is what i plan to rooll whit most of it cuz its what can i afford just want to know if its ok or maybe push it a little more to make it better, thanks fot ur help guys..
Post edited by arkangel9 on


  • Pytharia - Lost City
    Pytharia - Lost City Posts: 757 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Lets just say it's not a bad start except the refines but I hope they weren't your idea of decent refines. You definitely want to highly refine those daggers more than anything else. Other than that you've made a good start but don't call that your end game gear. Eventually replace the cape for a -.05 one, replace that helmet for Warsoul/Nirvana and also replace those legs with Nirvana, and lastly get that all mighty -.05 tome.

    Edit: Sometimes i don't understand why people post a calc and say, hey is this good for endgame? I probably won't be able to afford more :/. It's not like when you get to end game your money making stops, if anything you make money easier. So there is always time for improvements.
  • Empu - Sanctuary
    Empu - Sanctuary Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I don't think it's all that bad. But you have to look at it as a base to expend on, not as an ultimate goal that won't change after you get it.

    Some things though :
    Maybe you got an alt to get a tm69 cape you can accountstash to your sin?

    The rank 8 top and leggings are minimum 3 sockets, and daggers always 2. Why are some not filled?

    Refine everything to +3 at least. This is not every hard or expensive cause you can do it easily without orbs. You can get cheap mirages in single mode TT now they introduced fairy boxes, and might get some of the 50 mirage rewards from lvl100 bh1.

    If possible, try to get 5k+ hp unbuffed. This will really help you to stay alive.
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Pretty average.

    I have the same setup, except with the following changes:
    1. I got a Energetic Robe: Wraithgate
    2. I use a Band from Heaven's Jail 7/7
    3. I got a Warsoul of Earth

    Also, those refines need improving. At that level, at least +3 with Immaculates is pretty much standard.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Well, if you can afford r8 but no shards at all and highest refines being +1, I'd suggest just using npc gear.
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Well, if you can afford r8 but no shards at all and highest refines being +1, I'd suggest just using npc gear.

    Well of course, ideally, you wouldn't buy R8 and those TT99 pieces and instead use the about 200,000,000 coin to merchant yourself up to a decent level.

    Personally, I got rank 8 because I got bored of not playing the game.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • JennaKate - Dreamweaver
    JennaKate - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    My Suggestion:
    'hence' i didn't refine because i dont know what you can or can't afford
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    My Suggestion:
    'hence' i didn't refine because i dont know what you can or can't afford

    That tome is one of the dumbest investments ever. No one will sell it to you for less than what a Pan Gu, Creator costs, plus about 100,000,000 coins, all for 3 stats. If you got money to waste on something like that, rather get a Ancestral Divine Hat, at least that'll help with something. And why the hell would you use 2 Signs of Frost: Chaos? Oh, and what's up with the 150 unspent stats?

    Also, you just pretty much copypasted the most cookie cutter sin build ever. What a waste of time.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • bubbelgirl
    bubbelgirl Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    If u want 2 save coins & get a decent gear asap, i'd say try 2 get as many sockets filled with hp stones, preferably immaculates but u can always wipe the stones & replace them with better, once u got more coins.
    As for the hat, y not go cheap & stick with a helmet of lion spirit ? Pump up the sockets to 4 & immaculate citrins in it. That way u get a hat that'll last u a very long time, 4 a reasonable low cost....even gives u a nice +0.2m/s & dex/str +4. Not bad at all 4 a lvl51 piece b:scorn
  • Nepanthe - Raging Tide
    Nepanthe - Raging Tide Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Using chaos rings lets you get more def when you stat them. They're better for long term even though they're weaker in the attack area. You do less dps but your surviveablity(not a word :D) is increased by 1600+ at +10. If you can manage it get a -.05 tome and replace your ashura boots and vambs with nirvana style. This still gives you 5aps but drops you to base 3.33. You also get more defense which means you can tank more.
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Using chaos rings lets you get more def when you stat them. They're better for long term even though they're weaker in the attack area. You do less dps but your surviveablity(not a word :D) is increased by 1600+ at +10. If you can manage it get a -.05 tome and replace your ashura boots and vambs with nirvana style. This still gives you 5aps but drops you to base 3.33. You also get more defense which means you can tank more.

    Dude has a crappy help and a crappy cape and you tell him to buy pointlessly expensive rings?
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.