I'm Really Confused Guys Please Help :(

Agylexius - Lost City
Posts: 2 Arc User
I dont know what can I do in this problem, I started PW a month ago and I adore this game, But the problem is that I made more than 20 characters, like I when I made the 1st one (seeker) cuz i thought it was my playing style and I liked its look, then I lvled it up till 12, then I saw some vids on youtube for Archers kickin butts in pvp, I made an archer char. then I saw wizards doing the same, I made a wiz then I discovered that I have to get almost all my stuff + and make stronger and these thingys, then I dont know what to do, I am so confused with Super ultimate character and others say that these chars are nubs, and now all I need is some pros talking and telling me:
-What Class should I pick that I would not have to spend real money on it.
-And I need someone that Tried almost all classes and knows every thing about them,
So please guys help me cuz i dont want to leave this awsome game for a problem like that, and please if you really want to help Give me like all the information you got and you dont know how that would make me feel much much better and i will always remember your help, and also if you'll come in here and post bad stuff or just say Ima nub or something, please dont, just so you dont waste your time and mine...
And Thanks...
-What Class should I pick that I would not have to spend real money on it.
-And I need someone that Tried almost all classes and knows every thing about them,
So please guys help me cuz i dont want to leave this awsome game for a problem like that, and please if you really want to help Give me like all the information you got and you dont know how that would make me feel much much better and i will always remember your help, and also if you'll come in here and post bad stuff or just say Ima nub or something, please dont, just so you dont waste your time and mine...
And Thanks...
Post edited by Agylexius - Lost City on
The way I see it...if you're seeking 'super ultimate character' with current standards then you're either going to have to spend [a lot of] real money or you just happen to be a really good merchant (or...if you have a sugardaddy/momma LOL).
edit; Also, I think really any class has the potential to be really good. It just depends on how much effort you're willing to develop it and learn it. Everything has it's pros and cons and really I think it just boils down to your play style. There are a lot of unanswered questions like:
a; Is this for PvE or PvE or both?
b; Do you prefer to be supportive? Offensive? Defensive? Hybrid of some sort?
c; You like mages or melees more?
And one more thing, beginning levels are usually really boring, I think...but quitting a character at level 12 doesn't really show how much potential it has. I would at least wait until 20~30 after cultis...or 59 if you can hold out that long, before making an official decision.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
What the hell are you talking about? b:cute0
Just play class that fit yourself the most.
Like if you don't want to spam button to infinity, then play auto attack class.
If you don't like to be squishy play class with medium to big hp.
If you like magic then play magic class.
If you like pet then play pet class.
If there none that match with you, then i dunno.
Of course you can forget all those thing with $ b:dirty
With $ you can change a handgun to a machine gun.
With $ you can change a tank to a walking fortress.
With $ you can change a demigodfish to a godfish.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...0 -
Well, if you need info on pros and cons and/or other beginning info of any class, try checking this out. http://pwi-wiki.perfectworld.com/index.php/Main_Page
If you plan on getting to level 89, you should try here for info on which path you plan to have your class take. http://www.ecatomb.net/skill.php
Plan on customizing what gear you would like? Try here. http://pwcalc.com/
Just dabble a bit with those, see what you like.
But also take note that all the class have their uses for certain things in the game, (dungeons, squad combos, TW, ect.). Most of which can also be found in the first link, though some of it does need updating (the more advanced things).
Got questions? Just ask. Like Yanami says, try out which is you think is best suited to your playing style. Good luck with your class and have fun. ^^
Oh PS: If you plan on building the 'quote' "ultimate character" it will take you a LONG time without use of the cash shop or several hundred million coins. Again, good luck.
Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.0 -
Lets see...
Okay I will list pros and cons of each class and how they behave in PVP.
Starting with my main class which is cleric.
Pros: Some what expensive class, not as expensive as others claim, to do the main job which is healing you don't need anything else but Iron Heart, Stream of Rejuvenation, Plume Shell and buffs, this TO DO THE MAIN JOB ONLY.
Cleric can be versatile of defensive and offensive, potions (level 75 ones - Yuans are cheaper than Crab Meat / hp pots).
Cleric can find squads pretty easy and will make a lot of friends due to its abilities.
Cons: They can be very squishy, as in they die fast if you're not carefull. They can deal damage but not as high as wizard. The end-game gear is expensive and will most likely end on you spending some money if you want to PVP, else it can be very cheap.
PVP: Do not try to PVP if you don't have TT99 +12, R8 or R9 <- best.
TW: Your main role will be keeping people alive and buffed - and attack when possible.
Worse enemy: Sins (due to their hide - spark - kill abilities).
Pros: They can pretty much do their own quests, they're cheap as of gear because pet gets 90% of the damage. These are most of a solo class, if you get a Hercule (pretty much the best tank pet you could get) and being able to controll it, you will be able to do your stuff with no help on 80% of the time. They rarely use potions which is a good saving of coin, usually normal potions you find on mob drops will be more than enough. They can be versatile, they can go Arcane based (magic), Light Armor based (crits - dex/str/vit) or Heavy Armor based (str / vit). Either is good, deppending on your play style.
Cons: Pretty hard to get into a squad, people preffer a barb than a veno tanking a boss. Their skills can be expensive.
PVP: Get a Phoenix (nix), which is the best PVP weapon a Venomancer can have, these two pets, Phoenix and Hercule, come from the boutique and can be expensive, but once you have these you can leave a littlebit appart the gear. As of for engame, you will need to invest a lot of time or a lot of money to get your engame gear.
TW: Your main role is keep everyone brambled, keep barbs/bms debuffed, kill everything in your way.
PVP: Fun to PVP with a veno.
Worse Enemy: Deppends if you're Arcane, Light or HA.
Pros: It can be really fun, wanted in all squads (on high level you will be mostly required to have high attacks per second - aka aps, which is expensive to get). Able to kill big amounts on PVE and PVP. These are one of the main DDs in PWI. They can stun lock :]
Cons: Due to the boom of APS, they now need two weapons, axes and claws, which can get really expensive (money wise).
TW: Main role is stun everyone and HF / kill clerics and pretty much anything that comes in your way.
PVP: They are pretty fun, if not the most fun class to PVP with.
Worse Enemy: I would say wizard 50% and psychic due to their 8 second phy damage immunity.
Pros: One of the main DDs of PWI, their build is pretty simple - magic. They can kill a bunch of monsters and have a lot of AOEs for this. They can become very deadly.
Cons: They tend to take aggro a lot on lower levels (if they have good gear) wich can get them killed, but with a cleric in squad is not much of a big problem. Their engame gear can be really expensive.
TW: Your main role will be killing a big chunk of people.
PVP: They will everything, fast. Yet if they don't know what they're doing they can also die, fast. ^^
Worse Enemy: This one is hard, probably AA Veno due to their debuffs on Wizard and Nix DD. - may be wrong let a wiz tell ya.
Pros: Ranged attackers, can kill pretty much anything due to their knock backs / stuns before something reaches them. Don't know much information about archers since I have not rolled one yet. You can use claws to become an APS archer, however, this breaks the archer specs due to the fact that they cannot use any kind of skill and are very squishy / cannot hold many hits, making them an easy death.
Cons: They mostly use charms are healing resource, due to their lack of defense on light armor they can be really squishy against magic or phy attacks. They burn a lot of MP, casting time is some what of an issue due to their lack of negative channeling on skills (they are LA so they don't want any -% channeling in their gear lol.) They need a lot of arrows...
TW: Main role is killing the crystal and the towers.
PVP: Hmm, well, wouldn't mess up with a barb, a sin, a bm or veno.
Worse Enemy: Sins, other Archers, Barbs, Veno, Wiz (as I know xD) - they also tend to die a lot with psychics and clerics (with good gear obviously).
Pros: Every squad wants a barb :] and more if its a full tank build ^ -^ on lower levels. They are the main "tank", they have a lot of HP and physical defense. They can take pretty much anything with a good cleric.
Cons: They can get very expensive, their repair bills are high, they burn a lot of charms (hp and mp), on higher levels barbs tend to go dex barbs due to the fact that most can't be a tank anymore (hold aggro) due to the APS rush on sins, archers, bms.
TW: If its a full tank build aka "cata barb" they will be the main DD to the crystal. They will have full squads to heal and protect you, you will burn a lot of your charm(s) for this but they're VERY needed in TW factions, and more than loved in high level instances for Rebirth, and others.
PVP: Due to their high HP and defenses, if you get some what a decent magic defense with shards, you will be able to hold pretty much everything, ofcourse its still killable...
Worse Enemy: BMs and I'd not be too sure but I'd say Wiz as well.
Pros: Able to hide, they can kill fast, they can recover HP a lot faster while attacking, their main advantage over BMs, Barbs, Archers regarding APS is that Sin is the only class that can use skills with daggers and still reach 5 APS (which is the highest attacks per second anyone can get). They can make a lot of coin when on higher level with the correct gear which can be very expensive.
Cons: You can take aggro with ease, making you an easy death. Low level is a pain, you need a squad on lower levels, gear and potions / charms are expensive.
TW: You can have two roles: a) Kill clerics - b) Do scouting.
PVP: It's a blast - yet be carefull you could die with ease.
Worse Enemy: BMs / Barbs / Clerics - with a lot of apoth / spark / plume shell / stuns (lol).
Pros: One of the highest DDs in PWI, can take a bunch of mobs at once, they can recover with their skills, they have a lot of usefull skills, not like other classes. I think they can AOE purify when they're sage ._.
Cons: They tend to take aggro a lot, aka die a lot. Their gear can be expensive, they burn a lot of MP.
TW: Your main role is kill everything.
PVP: One of the best PVPers in Heaven's Tear is a Psychic. You call it.
Worse Enemy: UHHHH... don't know ._. they kill pretty much everything, probably barb due to their high HP? don't really know.
Pros: They are the combination of a barb and a BM, however they cannot get 5 APS, these are more of a PVE oriented class, don't take me wrong, they can be killer in PVP as well ;] - due to being a new class I don't know much about them, but in frost they can pull a big pool of mobs and kill them with ease.
Cons: They can't have 5 apsQQ - guess they use a lot of charms as well, and endgame gear is expensive (think they cant get Rank 9 gear yet)
TW: Do not have information about them, haven't seen any in TW yet that I really noticed a role, guess simply run and AOE when stunned everyone with BM? - that'd be most likely it.
PVP: They can kill, a lot.
Worse Enemy: Guess it could be Psychic or BM.
Pros: They are a combination of cleric with venomancer, they don't need to level their pets, their pet is always the same level as the Mystic, they can resurrect people with a simple buff (like a ress scroll but without limitation) - if not wrong, sage version reduces exp loss by 95% and recovering 50% HP, demon version recovers 100% HP but reduces exp loss by 88%, not as good as a cleric but yet better with HP than with nothing of HP xD they can be really fun. They can heal themselves and their pet, they have a lot of aoes for healing and debuffing.
Cons: They burn MP like hell, their endgame gear can be expensive, their pots are cheaper than Hp pots, they cannot get Rank 9 yet i believe.
TW: Don't really have information on TW, gess it would be reduce the channeling and aoe heal - more supportive based.
PVP: I have seen some Mystics being really killer in PVP, but since they are a new class I think information is needed to know what their weakness really is, guess rolling a mystic would be enough.
Worse Enemy: Guess Veno or Wizard or even Sin due to the fact that they're AA and don't really have any protections against Physical i believe.
Wah that was long! o.o hope it helped! :]
In conclusion, every class is good, as long as you know what you want.WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.0 -
If you wanna be the best with any class your gonna have to spend money period, or a long time farming. Either those or be sub par0
Yamiino - Heavens Tear wrote: »SO MUCH TEXT
Basically this. There's always a search option in the forums as well.......use it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thank you so much ForsakenX for the sig b:cute0 -
Lythianaa - Dreamweaver wrote: »Basically this. There's always a search option in the forums as well.......use it.
Sometimes people just like to write a lot to help *impress* people.
Then found out it's not that much rewarding or satisfying after writing wall of text,
since no one comment on it or +1 it.
Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...0 -
MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear wrote: »Sometimes people just like to write a lot to help *impress* people.
Then found out it's not that much rewarding or satisfying after writing wall of text,
since no one comment on it or +1 it.
...you realize that the black isn't matching the background, right?b:shutup0 -
MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear wrote: »Sometimes people just like to write a lot to help *impress* people.
Then found out it's not that much rewarding or satisfying after writing wall of text,
since no one comment on it or +1 it.
If he wants help picking a class, I just exposed the basics of each, no one can tell him "roll this class it's cheap" because every class is expensive if they want to be competitive in PVP.
What I simply did is point out the good and bad things of each to make it easy for him to pick one toon for main.
And no, I did not want to impress anyone or to get feedback on it, only did it to help, if he reads it or not is not my problem, tyvm.WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.0 -
That a very nice thing's to do. b:victory
Sorry, my bad. b:surrender...you realize that the black isn't matching the background, right?b:shutup
Yes, i do. b:shutup[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...0 -
Yamiino - Heavens Tear wrote: »Archer:
TW: Main role is killing the crystal and the towers.
lolwut0 -
Guys you're really fantastic, I think all of you really helped me, so my decision is to stick with one character till the end , and will look for my playing style in the websites you gave me, I am really really happy that you guys helped and thanks againb:thanksb:victoryb:pleasedb:pleased0
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