


  • Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    also, i somehow missed this gem of awesomeness on the third. pve and/or credit card accomplishments highlighted in red, i'm not going to comment on those.

    Sorry you can't afford credit card accomplishments. Also, unlike haters like you, rank9 is a very small portion of our income. It's ok I know I know life is not fair and your allowance won't cover rank9 cost for a while.

    Btw if I remember correctly, Ligea was a hardcore gamer, he farmed his *** off (and took my lvl60 xbow b:sad ).

    Also the comment on PvP, I won't let that go. I contributed to his kills and deaths of course. I assure you, I WAS a legitimate kill...until I fell behind...waaaaay behind. (well I was always behind but you get it...i think)
    PvE = F2P PvP = P2P
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    No one asked you to care.
  • Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I played on another version from day it opened (3+ years), lvled each older class to 100+ (old school) - and my Veno was +11 wep, +10 all farmed gears, four socket -- we did not even have orbs for sale (ever). Nix/Herc came out once in 3 years (I had 2 sets of both - farmed).

    FC was not a pansy leveling-the-noob-to-105 center and no BH or Hypers. PWI - was just opening... (I joined day 1 on a PVE server)

    Why should I care about someone spoon fed levels, items and such?

    Opening your wallet to level and get gears is hardly an accomplishment.. *yawn*

    Sorry I don't have 3 years to play consistently. *opens wallet*
    PvE = F2P PvP = P2P
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Go open more packs and tout how pro you are...

    Oh oh oh! I wana play too. Ummm...

    Go stalk people for hrs more just to wait for them to go AFK so you can PK them.
    I have been prefecting the art of watching them grind > tire > and pounce on them the moment they go afk. Win win for me.... and a lesson for them.... (find sz when going afk).

    Nothing with with this - since I like to think as a squishy predator my only goal is to use their vunerabilities to ensure I kill them. Eventually, their weakness is time... and eventually their name is added to my kill count. The how > why is moot - only the fact I killed them is relavent.
    *Checks Core* Wow you actually managed to find 10 people that went AFK.
  • Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I played on another version from day it opened (3+ years), lvled each older class to 100+ (old school) - and my Veno was +11 wep, +10 all farmed gears, four socket -- we did not even have orbs for sale (ever). Nix/Herc came out once in 3 years (I had 2 sets of both - farmed).

    FC was not a pansy leveling-the-noob-to-105 center and no BH or Hypers. PWI - was just opening... (I joined day 1 on a PVE server)

    Why should I care about someone spoon fed levels, items and such?

    Opening your wallet to level and get gears is hardly an accomplishment.. *yawn*

    I'm calling bullshiit on everything. You are just saying things. If you were so pro at PvE tell me how you got to level 100+ on every class in less than 3 years. If you played PWI "Since day 1" you would know there were only 2 PvP servers during closed beta. So I'm curious to how you got on a PvE server. Biitch please I've played this game since the 1st grade on the Chinese server.
  • Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    He had a recasted bow before rapture chests were in packs.
    Actually, they came out before I finished farming it. No one was interested in Nirvana weapons because they seemed unobtainable, so I bought two or three of them for 20mil each. I did miji FC from 94 to 100, which was about .2% more EXP per hour than grinding spiders with an HH90 bow.
    Honestly, Aizza, my advice would be to not try to e-peen people you've "never heard of before." There's always a chance something like this will happen and you'll just end up looking silly.

    I also call BS on leveling 6 10x in a year. It took our most hardcore zhenners and fishers four months just to hit 90 on one character and most of them had done it once before.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Sorry you can't afford credit card accomplishments. Also, unlike haters like you, rank9 is a very small portion of our income. It's ok I know I know life is not fair and your allowance won't cover rank9 cost for a while.

    lol what? i was bashing those achievements as insufficient grounds for considering oneself important, not bashing cash shopping in general. speaking as someone who just bought medals and chips for my second r9 character, i'm pretty sure my allowance is doing alright (i've been getting $10/week from my parents since i was 8 years old, it adds up, don't be jelly).

    as far as what rhyme said, that's all well and good, but being the fastest to beat up NPCs in pve doesn't make you relevant in and of itself. i remember those days as well, but i don't particularly care to stake my self-importance on whether i was the first on one server to farm a set of NPCs for my gear, nor do i attach much weight to anything related to the unique pvp rankings. as i've said, the incentive for moving up on that list is to kill a fresh batch of lowbies every few days - that hasn't changed over the past several years we've been playing pwi.
  • Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    i was bashing those achievements as insufficient grounds for considering oneself important
    I don't really consider myself important. I was asked a question and I answered it.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    If you've ever eaten a hamburger, did you ever think about how much effort was put into making that single hamburger? It took humans millions of years to develop the technology to even make ground beef, but now you get to buy that yummy processed liquid beef and have it served between 2 buns for your convenience.

    Similarly, if PWI released a pack that contained stuff in-game that normally took years to farm, and it costed only $1, why would someone do it the old fashioned way?

    Would you really go and buy your own farm, raise your own cows, kill it yourself, butcher it and section it into portions, then build the machinery to process it into cut ground beef? Then boast to everyone how you're better than them because you make your own ground beef and can get it for free? (meanwhile everyone else just rolls their eyes and hands over a $1 bill for their burger, then spends all the time they saved doing "fun stuff").

    Processed hamburgers make our lives better, and by analogy, cash shopping does, too.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    if You've Ever Eaten A Hamburger, Did You Ever Think About How Much Effort Was Put Into Making That Single Hamburger? It Took Humans Millions Of Years To Develop The Technology To Even Make Ground Beef, But Now You Get To Buy That Yummy Processed Liquid Beef And Have It Served Between 2 Buns For Your Convenience.

    Similarly, If Pwi Released A Pack That Contained Stuff In-game That Normally Took Years To Farm, And It Costed Only $1, Why Would Someone Do It The Old Fashioned Way?

    Would You Really Go And Buy Your Own Farm, Raise Your Own Cows, Kill It Yourself, Butcher It And Section It Into Portions, Then Build The Machinery To Process It Into Cut Ground Beef? Then Boast To Everyone How You're Better Than Them Because You Make Your Own Ground Beef And Can Get It For Free? (meanwhile Everyone Else Just Rolls Their Eyes And Hands Over A $1 Bill For Their Burger, Then Spends All The Time They Saved Doing "fun Stuff").

    Processed Hamburgers Make Our Lives Better, And By Analogy, Cash Shopping Does, Too.

  • Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    CS makes the world go round
  • Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Similarly, if PWI released a pack that contained stuff in-game that normally took years to farm, and it costed only $1, why would someone do it the old fashioned way?
    Because we are here to play the game, not buy pixel power.

    If you want to skip 90% of game content, what is the point of playing it in the first place?
    Packs World International
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    If you've ever eaten a hamburger, did you ever think about how much effort was put into making that single hamburger? It took humans millions of years to develop the technology to even make ground beef, but now you get to buy that yummy processed liquid beef and have it served between 2 buns for your convenience.

    Similarly, if PWI released a pack that contained stuff in-game that normally took years to farm, and it costed only $1, why would someone do it the old fashioned way?

    Would you really go and buy your own farm, raise your own cows, kill it yourself, butcher it and section it into portions, then build the machinery to process it into cut ground beef? Then boast to everyone how you're better than them because you make your own ground beef and can get it for free? (meanwhile everyone else just rolls their eyes and hands over a $1 bill for their burger, then spends all the time they saved doing "fun stuff").

    Processed hamburgers make our lives better, and by analogy, cash shopping does, too.

    The difference is the hamburger is 1 freaking dollar and you need food to survive.
    Cash shopping r9 is three months rent, it's a total luxury (and an overpriced one at that) and honestly I struggle to see how it's fun to be r9 unless you're fighting other r9s. It's their blind ambition to be the best that ends up killing the fun.
    That's really more like we all need food, but the CSers have a blind ambition to be the fattest, so they buy all the hamburgers they can until the rest of us can only manage to get our hands on one burger every three days. At the same time the CSers are getting ridiculously sick from eating so much and literally puking the half of the burgers back up, so it's like "wtf are you doing."
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    With the exception of that Tala guys annoyingly long posts that I didn't read, and the fact that I don't know half of what you are all talking about this was still a pretty entertaining thread.
    Push me,
    And then just touch me.
    Tilll I get my,
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    This is only 1/4th of the fun.
  • Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I'm back from my trip, is nice to see u guys are still talking about the same shet ^^

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    i cant believe i actually read the this whole thread ahahaha normally i dont but since i saw ma martin i said i shoudl answer to all the crappy QQ n rage that sometimes tend to go to weird ppl screaming for attention cough cough i think she knows who im refering too ahaha.

    kk so here it goes, is clear we cata dont like valalas not for the fact of ur cs group we actually dont care about it, we love how u guys rage and compare to us saying we dont cs... when we perfectly had never say that i love it ahahaha, we cant denied our guild has cser cus hey we do the difference between our csers and urs is that ours sides of using their sexy credit card they take their time to help their mates to lvl farm w.e we need awsomeness ahahaha i bet u can suck ur words n let me know if u have ever farm something prolly not <3 i love also how u rage to oko saying u dont seem him inh any tw hey let me answer to u thats prolly cuz 100% of ur tw u never get out of the spawning area or prolly cuz u never show to us. funny shet right? so no wonder y u dont see him ahahahaha.

    about mr lige shet, hmm as far as i remeber since i got pkable mr ligeia was there camping ma *** n ye he was really decent at all his gear was farm or csed y should that matter he was one of the few that actually lvl as fast as he could n he disservs the credit.

    for the rest of the creepers cough cough... y should we care about ur wtb attention issues, damm im tire of all the threads n seen all this damm ragin nabs raging randomlly shet about howdare u to say this about me when their premenopausic synthoms r perfctly the reasons of raging to ramdom ppl n makign threads lost their sence, plz go see doc girl please...
  • Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    let me know if u have ever farm something prolly not <3
    Valhalla does farm. They WRECK TT, they do Lunar, and they can do trophy mode (did you know there's more than one?).
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    i cant believe i actually read the this whole thread ahahaha normally i dont but since i saw ma martin i said i shoudl answer to all the crappy QQ n rage that sometimes tend to go to weird ppl screaming for attention cough cough i think she knows who im refering too ahaha.

    kk so here it goes, is clear we cata dont like valalas not for the fact of ur cs group we actually dont care about it, we love how u guys rage and compare to us saying we dont cs... when we perfectly had never say that i love it ahahaha, we cant denied our guild has cser cus hey we do the difference between our csers and urs is that ours sides of using their sexy credit card they take their time to help their mates to lvl farm w.e we need awsomeness ahahaha i bet u can suck ur words n let me know if u have ever farm something prolly not <3 i love also how u rage to oko saying u dont seem him inh any tw hey let me answer to u thats prolly cuz 100% of ur tw u never get out of the spawning area or prolly cuz u never show to us. funny shet right? so no wonder y u dont see him ahahahaha.

    about mr lige shet, hmm as far as i remeber since i got pkable mr ligeia was there camping ma *** n ye he was really decent at all his gear was farm or csed y should that matter he was one of the few that actually lvl as fast as he could n he disservs the credit.

    for the rest of the creepers cough cough... y should we care about ur wtb attention issues, damm im tire of all the threads n seen all this damm ragin nabs raging randomlly shet about howdare u to say this about me when their premenopausic synthoms r perfctly the reasons of raging to ramdom ppl n makign threads lost their sence, plz go see doc girl please...

    Please take a break from glitching FC and go to school instead so you can learn some spelling and grammar. kthx.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Please take a break from glitching FC and go to school instead so you can learn some spelling and grammar. kthx.

    blasphemy, that is what makes marcechu, marce b:kiss
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    holy moly this thread is getting massive and every1 QQing back and forth over the same shet

    we get it, Valhalla made some bad choices, but, hey, they WRECK IT !!! omfg I can't deny I LOL'd in real life for that

    anywayz... lemme grab some popcorn this is gettin Jerry Springery
  • Posts: 965 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    holy moly this thread is getting massive and every1 QQing back and forth over the same shet

    we get it, Valhalla made some bad choices, but, hey, they WRECK IT !!! omfg I can't deny I LOL'd in real life for that

    anywayz... lemme grab some popcorn this is gettin Jerry Springery

    who you?
  • Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I don't really consider myself important. I was asked a question and I answered it.

    fair 'nuff.

    good lord marce, my brain imploded trying to decipher that.
  • Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Some ppl's first language is not english, so ignorant and pathetic...pretty sure you're of em them kids that got no puzzzy in high school and got smacked around.
  • Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Some ppl's first language is not english, so ignorant and pathetic...pretty sure you're of em them kids that got no puzzzy in high school and got smacked around.

    His post was pathetic...did you even read it? LOL. If your english is that bad stay out of a public forum.

    It's about as bad as Cimon's posts, except this guy randomly presses enter sometimes to make a "paragraph".

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    lol, who gives a **** about being grammatically correct on a forum? What are you trying to prove? I understood everything SHE said and there was no need to tell someone you don't know what to do.
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Please take a break from glitching FC and go to school instead so you can learn some spelling and grammar. kthx.

    omg lawl!!! excuse mr who ever u r for ma nab grammar if u didnt understood ma post who cares i wasnt even caring for u to answer, i made a statement that has been going over n over again + i wanted some raging biach to shut her mouth, so far i had never had an issue with any1 to understand me but dayam seems ******* exists <3
  • Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Marce wins for most epic rant of epicness.

    I read the thread and the gist of it Valhalla Cause they expose glitches and **** like that?
    Formerly LadyTsukiyo: Nab cleric, and Harshlands biggest loudmouth. Annoying the living **** out of people, Self-Proclaimed Queen of Sarcasm and One-liners circa 1990.

    Died as a cleric, reincarnated into a mystic.
  • Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Marcechu will **** you guys up. Dun mess with her.

    Marce<33 b:kiss


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