What's with these Mystics...

Desdi - Sanctuary
Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
edited August 2011 in Mystic
...that almost completely ignore the skill right there that is called Break in the Clouds?

I've played a Mystic up to lvl90 so I believe I have quite some experience with this class so since last time I checked Mystics aren't more DD than Healers.

This is not a rant here but I'm wondering if you've come across Mystics, in your BHs, that's for god knows what reason don't heal?

Here's an example;
Did my Psychic's BH59 couple of days ago and we found a Mystic. So I thought it's ok to go like that and not get a Cleric (in the worst scenario I would tank the bosses and purify myself using Psychic's Will). A while later one of the sins left and that Mystic invited another Mystic.
Neither would heal us throughout the run and we barely made it at the bosses until we shouted at them. Before going on we asked them to heal.
One of them said they had no mana (but was lvl77 so herb pots are available). We told them not to DD then. They said their heals are weak. I explained they aren't and lastly they said they came to DD... but, hey, we had no Cleric. The second Mystic showed us they had MP charm. We asked why he didn't heal at all and we never got an answer.

★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
Post edited by Desdi - Sanctuary on


  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Ha, my experience is the opposite of yours. The mystics I've run into are usually too eager to heal, and end up healing when it isn't necessary (such as when a cleric has everything under control.)
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • AKB - Archosaur
    AKB - Archosaur Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    *sigh* i saw many mystic like that. This type is of mystic is a [Mp Lover Mystic] b:surrender U play a mystic,the class that eat most of mp in game. So u get a mp charm or herb rite? b:angry i really hate that kind of mystic.

    But my case is more MP-Lover Type mystic. Squad with cleric, so the mystic is a DD role. but sadly the mystic only DD using his/her pet(without giving chi to). No casting skill too. b:angry WTF is that kind of DD.

    [ If u play mystic, get ready to eat a lot of herb ] b:laugh
  • Mexicanfeo - Lost City
    Mexicanfeo - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    im a mystic, i know that mystic are healers when it come to BH. when u use falling petals you really dont need to use break of clouds that much. the more magic stat a mystic have the less break of cloud skill u use, yesterday i went in a BH with 2 sins, 2 seekers, 1 barbarian and me. they said we werent going 2 last because they didnt have a cleric, pfft we did that run like nothing, sooo what im trying 2 say if you are going 2 be mystic raise your magic stat as high as u can, and leave your summons to fight, or better yet lvl up your salvation pet to lvl 10, shes is very usefull on BH
  • OontzOontz - Dreamweaver
    OontzOontz - Dreamweaver Posts: 782 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    And here I thought you guys hated when people fced straight to 100, completely avoiding your bh squads.
  • Asgardeus - Sanctuary
    Asgardeus - Sanctuary Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Grr some people.
    I love my BitC and it's usually my panic reaction if I see someones hp go down way too fast. Spam break til he's halfway safe and I can think further...

    And Desdi, what you encountered there, were the classic noobs. With no cleric in squad, a mystic should heal. They're a partial healing class after all.
    I know it's hard to keep up with your mp pre 75 but.... then say 'No sorry, we need a cleric'. And saying you cant keep up after 75 is just plain plaziness.

    Lazy mystics are just like venos that spam venomous ^.~ There's a lot to the class you can do to help others and hell, you can heal. Something I wish I could when I see my squad getting killed slowly on my veno.

    Meh, even if you got an average weapon and have some vit, your heals are strong. (You know I don't fall into that category, guess you seen my mystic around so hard to judge for me xD) Not using them is just plain failing at your class ^.~
  • Vixter - Harshlands
    Vixter - Harshlands Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    if there is no cleric in squad then yes i believe a mystic should just be healing only lol (possibly throwing plants down on bosses too if theres time and of course letting the pet deal some dmg as well, if salvation isnt needed). but if there is a cleric then by all means, the mystic should DD! heal when necessary or in trouble, if the cleric gots it under control there most likely no need to.

    now what I wanna know is, whats with all these mystics with the ugly azz faces? like seriously ive seen some pretty messed up bugged eye mystics b:laugh b:avoid
    vixter (101 Heavy Veno) ~ TT farmer
    Peachie (102 Mystic) ~ Main character
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    It's good to know all of you know how to play Mystic at least lol.
    I know that those go roll a Mystic, do it for a reason; they don't want to be 100% healers, they like having pets, they don't want to invest into pets like Hercules etc. etc. but you gotta be stupid or something if you, as a Mystic, don't heal in squad that has no Cleric >_>

    Also, I'm aware that Falling Petals heals a lot too (though it doesn't work on DoTs as it doesn't activate, at least last time I played on Mystic that was the case) but they barely even used that in the said BH.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Lunaryl - Heavens Tear
    Lunaryl - Heavens Tear Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Mystics have a wide range for a reason, and it should be used. A good mystic (or any person with a brain, for that matter) would know when to work as support or when to work as DD. In the situation with no cleric in the squad, then yes, it would be obvious that the mystic(s) should be healing.

    I'm sort of annoyed with the lack of faith in mystics, both by squads and by mystics themselves. I'm happy to see that FF squads are finally starting to consider mystics as a viable option as a cleric substitute. When I was leveling, that was laughable. We're able to do just as much as a cleric, we just do it in different ways.
  • AlysonRose - Heavens Tear
    AlysonRose - Heavens Tear Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I don't go anywhere over 79 without a cleric (cept eden) because I haven't ever done them without one. Not just on my mystic, at all.

    That includes FF. I know judging from all the WC about it that you don't need a cleric for FF, but I don't FF much and don't care. I know how the squad is gonna operate when it has buffs and BB, and since I only do FF when I'm like 3 non hypered runs from lvling I haven't had an opportunity to go and see what a mystic would do.

    I would need to do this on my psy which hasn't FFed since 100 and has no reason to of course.

    I believe I probably could solo heal Brim, but since there is no reason I have to I'd rather not waste mine and the squad's time doing it when we could have buffs and BB and pull all the mobs into the craglord's loving arms as I aoe debuff them.

    Sot, Aba, and Warsong no just no. People have a hard enough time getting the concept of pulling the boss and themselves into vital herbs range if I have already set it down. I don't think me having to spam comforting mist and warp shield while my plants/salvation get aoe spammed right back on an unbuffed squad (probably consisting of 4 sins and a bm all over 100 with under 5k hp like so many these days) is the best option.

    Protip: If you see the shiny red herb that heals you come out, and you stop pulling the boss and decide to park it 20 feet away when everyone else is getting their heal on, you should come towards the light. Because unlike BB I CAN'T MOVE THE DAMN PLANT AFTER IT GOES DOWN FOR 30 SECONDS.

    Seriously even when I'm the one pulling and solo healing 90% of the time the tank decides to catch it out of range of the herbs I drop. Just because it isn't a giant Blue Ball it doesn't make the concept any different regarding where you should stand before you go afk on auto attack. At least I only waste one spark instead of 2 when they do that.

    Also venos have never, ever, passed me a spark. Unless I get in a fail squad for metal and the archer has only noob arrows to glitch with on my psy.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I don't go anywhere over 79 without a cleric (cept eden) because I haven't ever done them without one. Not just on my mystic, at all.

    That includes FF. I know judging from all the WC about it that you don't need a cleric for FF, but I don't FF much and don't care. I know how the squad is gonna operate when it has buffs and BB, and since I only do FF when I'm like 3 non hypered runs from lvling I haven't had an opportunity to go and see what a mystic would do.

    I would need to do this on my psy which hasn't FFed since 100 and has no reason to of course.

    I believe I probably could solo heal Brim, but since there is no reason I have to I'd rather not waste mine and the squad's time doing it when we could have buffs and BB and pull all the mobs into the craglord's loving arms as I aoe debuff them.

    Sot, Aba, and Warsong no just no. People have a hard enough time getting the concept of pulling the boss and themselves into vital herbs range if I have already set it down. I don't think me having to spam comforting mist and warp shield while my plants/salvation get aoe spammed right back on an unbuffed squad (probably consisting of 4 sins and a bm all over 100 with under 5k hp like so many these days) is the best option.

    Protip: If you see the shiny red herb that heals you come out, and you stop pulling the boss and decide to park it 20 feet away when everyone else is getting their heal on, you should come towards the light. Because unlike BB I CAN'T MOVE THE DAMN PLANT AFTER IT GOES DOWN FOR 30 SECONDS.

    Seriously even when I'm the one pulling and solo healing 90% of the time the tank decides to catch it out of range of the herbs I drop. Just because it isn't a giant Blue Ball it doesn't make the concept any different regarding where you should stand before you go afk on auto attack. At least I only waste one spark instead of 2 when they do that.

    Also venos have never, ever, passed me a spark. Unless I get in a fail squad for metal and the archer has only noob arrows to glitch with on my psy.
    I've done just fine in Abba, SOT, and Brim, all with a 93 mystic pure magic. You have to anticipate the fails as any healer. If you're at any time afraid of getting unwarranted aggro, you have salvation, and have the same advantage a wizard has over a cleric which is a constant passive-like defensive buff. Almost every time my mystic goes to Brim all hell breaks loose at Rangers which I'm sure those who've played cleric before remember quite vividly, but never have I died.. except when I went afk. b:chuckle

    The necessity of BB anymore in any instance except perhaps RB is highly overrated. Playing mystic as a sole healer is fun, on pulls you can still whip out Cragglord or Storm Mistress and AOE the **** out of pulls while healing.

    As for chi there's cloud erupt, sage chi skill, sage NV, and simply not spamming plants that consume chi (especially vital herb) so often. Chi moderation is something every class has to manage.
  • mecatl33
    mecatl33 Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Not all of us mystics play the same. Some play it totally like a cleric and never DD. Some play as a DD and never want to heal. Some play in between. If you squad 2 mystics you never know what you're getting. My build is light armor and my priority was DDing and lvling my DD skills first. I'm working on lvling my plant heals now. I'm lvl 79 btw. Even if I gimped my magic by going LA I can still be a better healer than some clerics I've squaded with. If I'm the only healer I know I'm going to be cleric and I'll autores everyone. Btw not everyone likes autores including some clerics I've come across. b:bye
  • suzubishi
    suzubishi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    ...that almost completely ignore the skill right there that is called Break in the Clouds?

    I've played a Mystic up to lvl90 so I believe I have quite some experience with this class so since last time I checked Mystics aren't more DD than Healers.

    This is not a rant here but I'm wondering if you've come across Mystics, in your BHs, that's for god knows what reason don't heal?

    Here's an example;
    Did my Psychic's BH59 couple of days ago and we found a Mystic. So I thought it's ok to go like that and not get a Cleric (in the worst scenario I would tank the bosses and purify myself using Psychic's Will). A while later one of the sins left and that Mystic invited another Mystic.
    Neither would heal us throughout the run and we barely made it at the bosses until we shouted at them. Before going on we asked them to heal.
    One of them said they had no mana (but was lvl77 so herb pots are available). We told them not to DD then. They said their heals are weak. I explained they aren't and lastly they said they came to DD... but, hey, we had no Cleric. The second Mystic showed us they had MP charm. We asked why he didn't heal at all and we never got an answer.

    You got some bad mystics in your squad. I play mystic and it bothers me to see people's hp going down so i constantly heal them throughout the run, and dd at the same time. Our heals are NOT weak, that is for sure. Mystic heals are often underestimated and a lazy mystic would use that excuse to not help out the team. But if anyone ever squad with a good mystic, they would know that they can heal, dd, lure, and provide a really strong shield along with aoe heal plant. Mystic really is the jack of all trades, and there's no excuse for them to not use those skills to support the squad.
  • Shiki - Momaganon
    Shiki - Momaganon Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I'm really annoyed at the lack of faith in mystic's heal.. I could aoe heal on public quest just fine with vital herb + healing herb even if it means that I need to really concentrate to build chi up and keep eyes peeled on the herbs.. as well as occasional AoE heal top up but nooooo.. WE MUST HAVE CLERIC and BB else party won't go.

    Last night a lv 77 assassin and lv 70 barb were looking for a cleric for pyro (1st boss bh69) for 30-45 mins then I said I'll heal.. the sin then went to say.. I don't know if it will work. Derp ffs.

    Our cleric in FC ragequit @ last room so I had to heal on the mob parts and no one died. Even my seeker partner keeps saying.. oh I don't know if I can tank this without BB.. although everytime it worked out fine. Still so little faith on us mystics -_- *rage

    Off topic question:
    1. should I max my AoE heal in order to replace clerics in the future run if occasions arrive and I have to solo heal FC?
    2. salvation.. I'm having a hard time working with her. The only time I can use her properly is by energy leech but I can't seem to put up shields on my party even though she has mana. She just stands there and whacks the mobs >.< Any tip on how to use her effectively?
  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    AoE heal... I really don't use it often. If vital herb is out, it's not needed. BitC would also probably be faster if only 3 or so people needed healing. But yeah, you might as well max it eventually.. I just wouldn't make it a huge priority.

    For salvation, I set it to manual so it doesn't attack what I'm attacking. I'm not sure why you're having an issue using her shields, though maybe she doesn't like to cooperate when attacking something. Just click the squad member and double click the shield and it should work. I also love the level 11 version, because it has an aoe shield with a fairly low cooldown.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Off topic question:
    1. should I max my AoE heal in order to replace clerics in the future run if occasions arrive and I have to solo heal FC?
    2. salvation.. I'm having a hard time working with her. The only time I can use her properly is by energy leech but I can't seem to put up shields on my party even though she has mana. She just stands there and whacks the mobs >.< Any tip on how to use her effectively?
    1. Comforting Mist won't replace a cleric BB but it will replace a cleric chromatic heal. I can think of perfect times this is useful in FF, for bishop groups, for any boss or group of mobs that AOE where plants either are insufficient for heals, might die, or are simply not worth summoning (i.e. quick running squad on mobs). Two examples: Soon as Runephoenix goes "Burn the sky down!", debuffs tank with crush vigor-like chi drain, he will begin channeling his AOE, I wait 1-2 seconds after I see that skill drop on someone to channel CM. Another example is Holeen. Soon as he says "Reign of Frost" I wait about 2-3 seconds then start channeling CM which will usually go off by the initial halving damage Holeen's reign hits with. Plants die so to me a well timed CM can replace plants here. Max it.

    2. The problems people have with Salvation has to do with attempting to do Martyrdom, which really drains the **** out of both your MP and Salvation's chi pool, especially for bosses like Fragrance. I'd suggest using Aegis first and foremost. To me Martyrdom is more like a full dragon pull if you're afraid two people might take aggro. 1) Aegis on the tank, 2) Martyr on the person that might take aggro to give yourself time to heal them. Another option I use sometimes is if I see a squishy person would be running Brim and at Rangers, I would Aegis on them and Martyr on myself, or if I want to be fearless just Aegis on myself and take down Rangers on my own. Aegis has a very short cooldown so use this often, and use Warp Shield (sage/demon Salvation skill) as well when you get it.

    3. Like veno pet, always have your summon on follow and manual. There's no point in setting Salvation to autoattack as she is a support pet and does crappy dmg. Doing damage can mean she is more prone to any boss that may switch aggro. That doesn't mean she doesn't generate aggro as both buffs do indeed carry aggro so do not use them in the middle of a pull on the tank pulling as Salvation will get aggro.