A real game vs. PWI - updates

Rawrgh - Raging Tide
Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
edited July 2011 in General Discussion
I know there are a lot of people out there who for them PWI is their first real online game. So I would just like to illustrate one of the main differences between games that aren't **** and PWI.

Today's episode - Updates.

The problem with PWI is that there are no real updates. Content updates? HAHAHAHA. Bug fixes? There are bugs that have been in this game for over TWO YEARS now.

These are the most recent patch notes for PWI:

Faction Base
The Wandering Artist is getting senile and wandered off prematurely. We have relocalized most of the quest text for the Wandering Artist and his pets so that they make a bit more sense. Things to note:

The greeting text for most of the pets have been changed.
Tears Bamboo is now Young Bamboo.
Bird's Nest is now Giant Bird Egg.
Lost City Oil is now Lost City Honey. We don't know why your pets would want to eat oil.

JJ fashion set with Chinese characters in the name have now been changed to the Celebrity fashion set.

Fixed instances of "Bowmans" to "Bowmen".

"Frangrances Wine" will now be referred to as "Fragrant Wine".

Some of the Maiden-Kissed Chests were incorrectly named. They have been changed back to Heroic Chests.

A few text changes. And you know what's really bad? That contains at least 3x as many changes as the average patch for PWI. Throw in the fact that we frequently go 2-3 weeks without an update and it's just hilarious.

These are the patch notes for another game:

Removed - mentioning competing games is not allowed on the forums.

And for this game it's very rare to not have a patch each week.

This is just an example of how badly our developers and GMs just could not give 2 ****s about this game. They don't care. The game is practically unchanged from a year ago. The only real update was the earthgaurd update and for that we got:

2 new classes
Some new map that is literally a copy/paste of existing map
Guild bases without the features they were supposed to come with
You get potions for BH now
And a ton of bugs.

New content is incredibly rare and when it does come out it's mediocre, half assed and you can clearly tell some developer just came up with it because his boss told him to stop watching **** at work. Bug fixes simply do not exist. Unless a bug makes the game literally unplayable it is never fixed and even if it does, it takes insanely long to fix it (see name censoring)[/COLOR]
"My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
Post edited by Rawrgh - Raging Tide on


  • SinfuINature - Harshlands
    SinfuINature - Harshlands Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    you do know that crying about it in every post will do just about... ummmmm nothing... go play WOW if you want more more updates or a p2p game... b:bye
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    you do know that crying about it in every post will do just about... ummmmm nothing... go play WOW if you want more more updates or a p2p game... b:bye

    I love how you think you don't deserve good service or content updates because you're playing a free game. Go look at LOL, that game comes out with a obscene amount of content and balancing compared to PWI, and is also 10x cheaper if you want to spend and be competitive.

    Here's a shot of reality for you: PWI is NOT letting you play this game for free out of the kindness of their hearts. For all purposes, if you play this game free, you are a leech and they don't care *at all* about you. Think about why they keep introducing packs, why they don;t care about inflation.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • OIdpop - Heavens Tear
    OIdpop - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    This game is like washing hair with shampoo... Rinse and repeat if desired.
    Proud owner of many mains.101 bm,101 seeker,101 demon sin,100 sage sin,101 archer,101 barb,100 cleric,100 wiz( first toon since sept 08 finally made it in 2013)newly added mystic 100 HA,72 psy.
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    you do know that crying about it in every post will do just about... ummmmm nothing... go play WOW if you want more more updates or a p2p game... b:bye

    He's not crying. He's complaining. When the player base of this company's flag ship game complains enough, maybe something will be done to solve the countless issues.

    If you are unable to handle this type of "speak", it's quite plausible that this game's forums are not for you.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    There's this tank game I'm playing. It's F2P with option of premium account for 50% more EXP/credit gain, and other optional cash item like ammo with higher penetration and etc, but it's perfectly balanced. I was happy to spend some money on that game last month to make my grinding a bit easier, which is more than I have ever spent on PW since I rerolled on HL a year and half ago ($0).

    There were complains about people not able to squad up with friends and fight in the same match unless you have premium account, and now they are going to add platoon option for free to play players. They understand that it's better in the long run to make the game enjoyable even for free players, because those players will attract more friends to play, than to squeeze out every cent people are willing to pay if they want the game to be remotely fun. I was really surprised to see the addition of free platoon in the patch note today, because I've been so use to devs not listening to player base. (BTW, the devs for this game are in Russia)
  • RainbowVidel - Sanctuary
    RainbowVidel - Sanctuary Posts: 1,316 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    This is just an example of how badly our developers and GMs just could not give 2 ****s about this game. They don't care. Bug fixes simply do not exist. Unless a bug makes the game literally unplayable, it is never fixed and even if it does, it takes insanely long to fix it (see name censoring)

    Very old news is very old.
  • Kinjeto - Raging Tide
    Kinjeto - Raging Tide Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    <certain other guild game not mentioned here>
    - Linear leveling curve
    - More 'skill based'
    - Company cares about their community
    - Company IS gamers.
    - Currently in beta testing.
    When I'm done here I am heading there if not sooner.

    Hey that reminds me of another version of PW that was emailing my friend when she 'QUIT' and left she told them back politely that she unfortunately WOULDN'T be coming back cause it took 2 years to get "Samsara" into that piece of garbage.

    Funny how I leave one **** pile and the dream is kind-ahhh shattered. Although suppose it could be worse.

    Oh wait FACTION BASE WOO! IM EXCITED! WOOO! -- can you hear the irony and cynicism burning?

    "Oh we have to wait to hear from China!, Oh we have to wait to hear from China!, Oh we have to wait to hear from China! Oh we have to wait to hear from China!." You ever get sick and tired of hearing that? Its called ACTION and when it happens people are like "Damn your REALLY doing SOMETHIN' its a mir..." but you don't see that here.

    Time won't wake/make you wiser, but it will definitely wound you.
    b i t . l y /
    I was a man of ideas and action, but at the same time a gentleman. -- S a Z T u R
    Subtly is never my strong point, but I like to find the gaps in walls and the cracks in bricks.
    Are you kind of seeing what I'm saying. b:bye
  • brazenbusboy
    brazenbusboy Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    When toadies pile on any criticism of the game or its developers with mostly personal attacks and virtually no factual rebuttal, sounds like death spiral to me.

    Tons of effort goes into the ever growing pile of what is available as lottery prizes in the form of Cash Shop sale items. That is where 99% of the owners 'updates' goes. New ways to get players to gamble away more money. It would be bad enough if they were simply selling game power, levels, gear, etc. but they don't sell much of it outright. Instead they keep a team busy devising ever more byzantine ways to sell chances to win something. Not a day goes buy without some new wrinkle surfacing on how to shovel money at them in the hopes of getting lucky and actually getting something of value in return.
    Just some guy
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Game hasn't gave us any updates since released, that's actually considered content, bugs still here from the games first release, people have got lazier due to power levelling thus the game has got much more boring, certain classes are broken, R9 is over powered and not needed in the game, +12 is over powered and not needed in the game, amongst other bad stuff.

    Games doing OK I think...?
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Pwi is basically sacrificing all it's future income for MORE MONEY NOW. It's funny since it;s the exact opposite of my merchanting strategy, the one that has given me the money to get +11 R9 without putting in any real money. PWI has no faith in their customers' loyalty so they try to extract as much money as fast as possible, so why should the customers put any faith into PWI?

    Exactly. We've long since seen what PWI thinks of us and realize that they have no interest in the long term health of this game, and only care about income.

    It's healthy for a company to care about income, but not when it's at the expense of any future sustainability. Really feels like this game is run by a bunch of novices.

    PWI could take some lessons from Turbine, who have run successful and critically acclaimed free-to-play versions of both LOTRO and D&D online. The cash shops in those games offer REAL benefits without unbalancing gameplay for the free-to-play. And it's profitable. Who woulda thunk it?

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Juliaasmith - Dreamweaver
    Juliaasmith - Dreamweaver Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I know there are a lot of people out there who for them PWI is their first real online game. So I would just like to illustrate one of the main differences between games that aren't **** and PWI.

    Today's episode - Updates.

    The problem with PWI is that there are no real updates. Content updates? HAHAHAHA. Bug fixes? There are bugs that have been in this game for over TWO YEARS now.

    These are the most recent patch notes for PWI:

    A few text changes. And you know what's really bad? That contains at least 3x as many changes as the average patch for PWI. Throw in the fact that we frequently go 2-3 weeks without an update and it's just hilarious.

    These are the patch notes for another game:

    Removed - mentioning competing games is not allowed on the forums.

    And for this game it's very rare to not have a patch each week.

    This is just an example of how badly our developers and GMs just could not give 2 ****s about this game. They don't care. The game is practically unchanged from a year ago. The only real update was the earthgaurd update and for that we got:

    2 new classes
    Some new map that is literally a copy/paste of existing map
    Guild bases without the features they were supposed to come with
    You get potions for BH now
    And a ton of bugs.

    New content is incredibly rare and when it does come out it's mediocre, half assed and you can clearly tell some developer just came up with it because his boss told him to stop watching **** at work. Bug fixes simply do not exist. Unless a bug makes the game literally unplayable it is never fixed and even if it does, it takes insanely long to fix it (see name censoring)

    This is my first real online game, but even though they sometimes do things half assed, I love this game! Lol!! I love the fashion and the fact that fashion and image is important. Judge me if you may. But, in real life I don't have a whole lot of money and fashion. Though in this awesome game, I am rich and have cute clothes. I can be anything I want to be. If I had the same money in real life that I had in this game, I would be the same way. But, in this game I can express my true self easier. It's like being in high school all over again. I have nice gear too and an expencive weapon. My pets are little gods and I can customise them any way I want. I just love this game!! Despite the dramatic people **Cough** "Trolls" at times. :D

    As far as WOW goes, you have to pay for it, buy the expansians at game stop, and fashion I heard isn't important. - I Rather wear cute fash than armor or weird out dated clothes.

    Mu Online: Never played it, but there's no Fash and not as much cool stuff as there is on here, from the way my BF describes it.

    I can't really judge other games, but all I can tell you is I am sticking with Perfect World even though sometimes I get in a bad mood and say that I'm not! b:cute b:bye
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Ohh really? I'm telling this over a year but for every1 I'm just QQer. I saw this path of PWI looong time ago and I tried to open eyes to others, but I was just loser to them. Now more people can see it. I'm really glad. b:victory
    And of course I bet my bottle of wine, that GM will be quiet about it. They don't tell anything and this thread maybe will be closed for some unavailable reason.
  • Bubbles - Morai
    Bubbles - Morai Posts: 1,143 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    The problem with PWI is that there are no real updates. Content updates? HAHAHAHA. Bug fixes? There are bugs that have been in this game for over TWO YEARS now.


    Two years?
    Try six years.
    You wanna know what's so pathetic with the devs working on this game?

    PW was originally released back in 2005 as a p2p game for china.
    Sometime later, another version was released as f2p, for china.
    That second version got translated and was released in 2007 as pw my-en.
    A year later, pwi came out.
    There were also other versions released for different parts of the world like taiwan and the phillipines, but I don't know much about them.

    In all the years that pw has existed, maybe only 10% that existed since the original p2p pw was released were fixed.
    As far as I know, the bugs that exist on the still active p2p pw are the same that we see here.

    What's even sadder is that the leaked my-en server files that p. servers have, the people that work on them have fixed more bugs than pw devs have.
    Most of the bugs... from what I can tell are easy to fix.

    I think there are few reasons to explain this:
    Devs don't care
    Original devs that worked on p2p pw before they were fired didn't leave a dummies manual for the current devs
    Devs are lazy and are only concerned with adding in eyecandy
  • AlysonRose - Heavens Tear
    AlysonRose - Heavens Tear Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I find it especially amusing that this topic hasn't been locked yet.

    Not that any of it isn't true, but the fact that they can't be bothered to moderate the forum so that a topic that violates pretty much every forum rule they have and consists of people decrying their ineffectualness is kinda on the nose.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    This is my first real online game, but even though they sometimes do things half assed, I love this game! Lol!! I love the fashion and the fact that fashion and image is important. Judge me if you may. But, in real life I don't have a whole lot of money and fashion. Though in this awesome game, I am rich and have cute clothes. I can be anything I want to be. If I had the same money in real life that I had in this game, I would be the same way. But, in this game I can express my true self easier. It's like being in high school all over again. I have nice gear too and an expencive weapon. My pets are little gods and I can customise them any way I want. I just love this game!! Despite the dramatic people **Cough** "Trolls" at times. :D

    As far as WOW goes, you have to pay for it, buy the expansians at game stop, and fashion I heard isn't important. - I Rather wear cute fash than armor or weird out dated clothes.

    Mu Online: Never played it, but there's no Fash and not as much cool stuff as there is on here, from the way my BF describes it.

    I can't really judge other games, but all I can tell you is I am sticking with Perfect World even though sometimes I get in a bad mood and say that I'm not! b:cute b:bye
    I agree with you, and while I still find this game somewhat enjoyable, I've always thought reasonable criticism was applicable. There's no reason to be completely happy with this product, and there's no reason to be posting here if the game sucks the enjoyment out of life for you. The OP's topic is completely necessary for decent purposes.
  • ShiningRock - Lost City
    ShiningRock - Lost City Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Where the bloody hell is JaGeX at
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Two years?
    Try six years.
    You wanna know what's so pathetic with the devs working on this game?

    PW was originally released back in 2005 as a p2p game for china.
    Sometime later, another version was released as f2p, for china.
    That second version got translated and was released in 2007 as pw my-en.
    A year later, pwi came out.
    There were also other versions released for different parts of the world like taiwan and the phillipines, but I don't know much about them.

    In all the years that pw has existed, maybe only 10% that existed since the original p2p pw was released were fixed.
    As far as I know, the bugs that exist on the still active p2p pw are the same that we see here.

    What's even sadder is that the leaked my-en server files that p. servers have, the people that work on them have fixed more bugs than pw devs have.
    Most of the bugs... from what I can tell are easy to fix.

    I think there are few reasons to explain this:
    Devs don't care
    Original devs that worked on p2p pw before they were fired didn't leave a dummies manual for the current devs
    Devs are lazy and are only concerned with adding in eyecandy

    :D someone did his/her homework!

    - True PW was P2P game, but it lacked people (or more like they didn't get the amount of money they were expecting) so it became F2P (hence all the boutique sales, give more income than what P2P subscriptions would).

    - PW-MY as I know is completly fail and about dead due to release of private servers.

    - Guild/Housing system existed back on when PW was P2P if my memory has it right (so the Guild Base is not that much of a new feature...), they're still missing the custom housing system though which would be nice to see on these F2P releases.

    Here's a link from back 2007 of housing system :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9tQwi-HiCA

    - Yes bugs exist from the release of P2P and have not been fixed.

    - As I know the original devs of PW China got fired/quit and no current devs are able to get their hands into the real problems of the client / server. - So the FF glitch I'm sure is gonna stay there for probably forever. Just like how Veno's pets are able to lure, which was not intended. - or just like the sin hide and spark ^^ ~ - or like the perfect hammer / chest of coins that was unusefull for over a year until they decided to modify their text scripts to remove chest of coins as reward of FF - lol.

    I think Perfect World is focusing on their new games more than PW, like FW and so on.

    I'm just waiting for the release of DN SEA :) - for those that know what dn means ^^~ G.W. 2 or B&S <3 then imma leave b:bye
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Xyleena - Heavens Tear
    Xyleena - Heavens Tear Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Sadly. ... We know its not gonna change and comparing this game to others is well.. not worth it. Jsut got play said game that "doesn't suck and isn't PWI" o.o;

    Xyleena | 102 Demon Cleric | Radiance Faction : Main
    Gwendolynne | 101 Sage Venomancer | Heavens Tear
    Delecroix | 101 Demon Assassin | Heavens Tear
    Anatoxin | 8x Future Sage Psychic | Heavens Tear
    Diva | 92 Sage Blademaster | Dreamweaver : Retired
  • Cytte - Harshlands
    Cytte - Harshlands Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I wonder why the devs who replaced the origal ones can't fix the bugs plaugeing this game but p-server devs can. Honestly p-server devs should be hired to fix this.

    Pwi needs to realize they're handling their flagship game poorly and re-evaluate their approach. GL getting that to happen.

    I say we try to get the player base to boycott the game for a while for them to realize that we,the people who keep the game alive are unhappy with the current buisiness practices.

    That or flat-out quit for better games...Ima go LoL till DN comes my way
    I <3 A lot of people
  • RosangeIa - Heavens Tear
    RosangeIa - Heavens Tear Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I still say they should revert the game to what it was 3 years ago, take out the blasted packs and buy-your-R9 from the cashshop, add the new classes but balance them so each will actually play their class the way they were meant to. Maybe downgrade APS to 3 or lower. I get tired of this game's so-called strategy. It's no longer about the "holy trinity" it's more about auto attacking while you AFK. Sometimes don't even NEED a healer in a party anymore. I mean seriously what's the point in playing a game if it takes absolutely no skill anymore?

    As much as I love my Mystic on here I have gotten tired of the way the game has just plummeted to the depths of nowhere. Full of a lot of people who either re-rolled, don't know how to play their class, or in rare cases might even be actual newbies to PWI. sigh. Yes I'm complaining but I think I have legitimate reasons.

    All I know is I'm thankful to my friends for introducing me to this game in 2008. I made a lot of friends here over the years, many that have lasted well over the time I spent on this game and some I may even meet in the near future. In a way I'm glad it was my first MMO because it definitely isn't the worst. In the beginning, before all this plevel craze, it actually took a lot of time, devotion and skill to do certain instances and whatnot. When archers were archers, sins didn't exist etc lol! Oh well. I just wish the game still had that something that made it fun for me. I know it still exists but it's hard to find it anymore with all these bugs and **** that never gets fixed.

    I do regret wasting so much time (and money) on here but it was fun while it lasted I guess. I wont even come around the forums much come November. More than a few games I'll be moving on to, one of which is a really amazing looking MMO. Pay once and play, can't get any better than that. Awesome event system. Actions have repercussions and so on. People who are actually passionate about their product, unlike here where it's just a cash cow to them. PWI should have remained P2P under their original developers imo. Maybe things would've been different.

    Here since October 2008 ;)

    Check out my Art Corner:
  • Bo - Momaganon
    Bo - Momaganon Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I know there are a lot of people out there who for them PWI is their first real online game. So I would just like to illustrate one of the main differences between games that aren't **** and PWI.

    You are free to leave and never to returnb:victory
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The current developers aren't the same as the developers who made the game at the beginning.

    The current devs don't even know the source code for PWI apparently. So that's why they can't really change anything major.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
    |Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|
  • Jay_Dubbz - Lost City
    Jay_Dubbz - Lost City Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    This is all the content that PWI has received in the past three years

    Rapid growth of our server populations only to decrease
    5 servers added, for a total of 7 servers spanning the continental USA
    New Races with lame concepts
    New Classes that are unbalanced
    The game UI overhauled multiple times cuz it sucked
    Item-linking in chat cuz we should have been had it
    Countless Territory War battles cuz its the only end game thing you can do
    Cat Shop sprawl in Archosaur (by the way, have you tried the Augmentation Cookies?)
    Countless Marriages (and countless divorces :O )
    A whole new PWI Chapel instance
    Countless 1-star Dragon Orbs being sacrificed for the greater good
    Players buying ZEN just to run their own event giveaways, cuz theres no content
    The short-lived Perfect Horn (which was anything but is back now)
    Territory Map domination and subsequent release
    Countless deaths in room 1 of the Cube of Fate (please don't ;) )
    GM's losing duels to Bramble Hood (on purpose of course)
    Screenshot contests
    Volunteer Moderators working horribly through the night on our boards
    Calendar contests
    GM foxes speaking only in emotes
    Our PWI Facebook Page buying 100k fans
    Players believing the April Fools joke and trying to give their barbs wings
    Duke Rose disasters
    500 players in the same rose bush during Valentine's Day
    The slaughter of millions of particularly vocal snowmen
    GM Ironman not dying 'til he was good and ready
    A rodent in the PWI forums
    Recycled Dungeons
    Countless Sales
    Economy Inflation

    Looks like alot but this is actually nothing lol
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Some of that list brought back good memories and made me giggle. Especially the older ones. b:chuckle
  • Empu - Sanctuary
    Empu - Sanctuary Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Though there are tons of things that could and should be improoved by the company in this game, most act like the players are of no fault for (at least a part) the current problems.

    - For some reason, those who have the biggest mouth about how the game is so bad nowdays, still can't stop playing or at least stay on the forums here. They forgot there has always been a competition that involved cashshop or no-life playing to be at "the top of the server". The "big names" of tw on sanc are still the same as before, there are around 5 factions that ever had a significant part of the map. Ppl used to qq how bad wq was but that they had to do it, now ppl qq how stupid fcc is but keep spamming it. I don't see that much how mentality has changed... As if ppl used to help for fb's just to be nice. So it's the devs fault you can't get help for an fb anymore, because they made that the exp/rep from tabs became insignificant?

    -The economie is so affected by sales... but also by the massive speculation by merchants. Those merchants also contribute a lot to the inflation ingame. Most of them are purely speculators, driving prices up. Best example would be rep sales. At the first rep sale, demand to use the badges for r8 was really high and gold sky-high cause "maybe it's 1 time only". All the sales after, ppl understand the rep sales will be there regularly. Gold is barely affected by just rep badges, and not so much rush cause most are already r8 anyway. Yet, the lowest price of rep badges increased regularly during each sale for simple speculation purposes. Speculation doesn't create any value, it's not an "investment", and it's impact on ingame economie is disastrous. Actually, a merchant doesn't make money, they just let it circulate in a way they end up with more in the end. Just need to open a newspaper to see the effect of uncontroled speculation.

    -"Lvling became so easy, it should be as hard for the new ones as it was for us". Yeah, I also think lvling should be a bit harder, especially at 90+ or even 80+. However, the argument of "it should be as hard for them as for us" is kinda stupid. Did you ever think you had to grow up like your grandparents. No tv or pc, cause be honest, there is no reason you can do your homework faster on a pc then your grandparents writing it down, and that you don't have to spend time to work like them. I think many are happy that it's now possible to have a couple of alts, where having 1 main to lvl was already hard.

    -The whole aps-issue already started before the tb-release. Seems "everyone" wants to have classes balanced and aps-issue fixed, yet "everyone" wants aps DD for everything, cause "nobody" wants the 2h+ TT back. On glitches, "everyone" wants them fixed, but a lvl105 pops out every hour cause of the latest well-known glitch. Also, "everyone" wants classes rebalanced, but "nobody" wants to waith even 5 min to get a specific class when things get back to tank+healer+DD+support.

    -There is a massive cashshop hate, because it makes them overpowered. It's mainly jealousy imo. Some waste their money on a restaurant, some on a soundsystem for a car, and some like to become virtually immortal. When someone get's a ferrari rl, and get from the 1st to the next firelight faster then you, will you be saying that a ferrari should be accessible to all? Or say that they don't need that kind of car, so they should not waste their money on it and get a twingo like yourself? It's the players that want to be "competitive", because ingame they only group on lvl and gear-quality. I never got why some consider that ingame it should be like a communist society, where everyone has the right at the exact same thing. Maybe we should care a bit more about ourself, and a bit less about being like others.

    I do think PW needs to fix a lot of bugs, and most of all, rebalance classes to eachother and to pve content. But just dishing on the company, while factoring out our own responsability, is kinda childish.
  • Zenorx - Harshlands
    Zenorx - Harshlands Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    As bought up before, many of the p servers have a ****load more content and bug fixes, a more stable economy and better pvp than pwi.

    I find that kinda sad...
    And this FC glitch, just nerf the exp goons give to 1exp.... Not hard at all
  • RosangeIa - Heavens Tear
    RosangeIa - Heavens Tear Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Lol Empu, I get the feeling you're throwing me in with the masses with that comment. Despite the fact I have spent on this game and have quit and come back about ... well three times now (still have not actually logged back into PWI again) I have come to realize that nothing ever will get done. And yes I honestly do want classes rebalanced. I remember Nirvana for example, before the APS craze. Only reason 5 APS is attainable now is because with the TB expansion came the new equipment. Before that I don't believe it was reasonable to get 5 APS (or even possible). I remember running Nirvana with a rainbow squad where EVERYONE was doing what their class had always been meant to do. Tank tanks, archer pew pews, etc etc. I MISS that dynamic and it no longer exists. And this is coming from someone who was primarily a cleric before the TB. Even on my veno I liked having a squad full of different classes and everyone actually knew how to play their class.

    I left for a long period after the Rank 9 stuff was practically purchasable in the cash shop the first time. Was gone for 7 months or more, not sure didn't keep track. When I came back all I started seeing was advertising for "plvl in FF" in world chat. Talk about different. When I left at least people still leveled themselves! lol.

    To say we all complain about this **** but want or do nothing to fix it cannot apply to everyone. I'm willing to deal with the ebb and flow of the game dynamics but there's obviously something really wrong here.

    If we EVER want this game to return to its former glory it's not just the playerbase that has to get a grip on that, the developers need to hear that we're dissatisfied. Though honestly, I think I'm one of very very few who still likes the way things were before everyone demanded 5 aps only in their ******n squads. Maybe because I've only ever enjoyed healing/magic classes and my sin just got completely boring to me. What's the point in clicking something and watching it die? Might be amusing I guess but personally I like to actually have something to do. lol. But I dunno, rambling.

    Reason I left PWI again is because I'm just damn well fed up with it is all. I want other people to see that the game isn't perfect afterall and there are real things wrong with it. It isn't right that just because it's a "free to play" game means it's supposedly exempt from needing a developer that actually gives a **** about its playerbase.

    In the back of my mind I keep hoping maybe one day it'd get better but honestly it'll never happen. Especially if it's been this way since the original one from 2005 lol. Their formula obviously works so why change it now? Let's suck their wallets dry before the whole thing collapses. Short sighted is an understatement.

    Here since October 2008 ;)

    Check out my Art Corner:
  • HeavensRage - Raging Tide
    HeavensRage - Raging Tide Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    Removed - mentioning competing games is not allowed on the forums.

    Better games aren't afraid of mentioning competing games. LoL employees even have lengthy discussions talking about the features of HoN they like. But, when you're super insecure and you know that other games outshine you in every single area, it must be tough to allow healthy discussion.
  • Bubbles - Morai
    Bubbles - Morai Posts: 1,143 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    :D someone did his/her homework!

    - True PW was P2P game, but it lacked people (or more like they didn't get the amount of money they were expecting) so it became F2P (hence all the boutique sales, give more income than what P2P subscriptions would).

    Technically, no.
    The p2p version never became f2p, its still active and p2p as far as I know.
    The f2p version is separate from the original.
    - PW-MY as I know is completly fail and about dead due to release of private servers.

    It was dead when pwi was released, how the hell it still lives is beyond me.
    - Guild/Housing system existed back on when PW was P2P if my memory has it right (so the Guild Base is not that much of a new feature...), they're still missing the custom housing system though which would be nice to see on these F2P releases.

    Here's a link from back 2007 of housing system :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9tQwi-HiCA

    I had forgotten about those two features.
    While I never had a chance to explore the housing system since it was removed from the f2p versions...
    I do have a friend who "discovered" the guild base the original devs had made.
    It's actually a very well designed map and looks very pretty compared to the crapola that the current devs made.
    The only thing about it is that it, of course, lacks any interesting features in it. It just exists.
    - Yes bugs exist from the release of P2P and have not been fixed.

    - As I know the original devs of PW China got fired/quit and no current devs are able to get their hands into the real problems of the client / server. - So the FF glitch I'm sure is gonna stay there for probably forever. Just like how Veno's pets are able to lure, which was not intended. - or just like the sin hide and spark ^^ ~ - or like the perfect hammer / chest of coins that was unusefull for over a year until they decided to modify their text scripts to remove chest of coins as reward of FF - lol.

    I think Perfect World is focusing on their new games more than PW, like FW and so on.

    I'm just waiting for the release of DN SEA :) - for those that know what dn means ^^~ G.W. 2 or B&S <3 then imma leave b:bye

    Wanmei may be focusing more on their other games, however, they still can't pull off a decent update on any of them.
  • Empu - Sanctuary
    Empu - Sanctuary Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    @ RosangeIa : I'm well aware I exagerate a bit to the other side, on purpose cause most here just say : "game sucks, it was so much better before, all other games are better". A lot ingame actually became way way cheaper. Ever tried to gear a lvl50s with 3* gear before bh? Noticed price of bh wines before tokens? What mainly makes this game expensive is that all (all taken in a way of "generally speaking") want high aps, to do vana within 10min. It's the player base, that puts the standard high for it's fellow players. Even though TT90 with flawless shards +3 is way cheaper then before and will do perfectly well in all instances, you can do shiit with it cause of other ppl that won't get you in their squad (note that this is actually similar to one of the theories on the origines of the economic crisis). Idealising the past is a common phenomenon too (ask your grandparents how school was at their time). You say PW shouldn't destroy the economy trying to pump out each dollar out off the player base now, but do you realise how the playerbase itself is also destroying the economy by generating inflation? (another funny similarity with todays wold economy) Look how the prices of rep badges are doubled to 1st sale, while the number of ppl actually buying them to get to r8 is lower then that 1st sale. If that's not a speculative buble, idk.

    I do believe there is a lot to be fixed and balanced. But it's a bit easy to say "PW sucks, they do it all bad" (not refering to you specificly) if the playerbase itself also aids and promotes unballances. Also, unsatisfied minorities always make the most noise. All the "need 5 aps for vana" in wc, tells that the majority actually loves that unbalance. So save pwi, start with yourself no?