
Posts: 751 Arc User
edited August 2011 in Dawnglory (EU)
Hi im Godz_Raven and im a Marshal of Valhalla from Harshlands server .
It as come to my attention that ppl think we have a faction full Cash Shopers, a only OP ppl faction, and i whould like to talk about that , first of all we do have 2 or 3 ppl that only cash shops althought recently they been doing some farmimg as well but mostly we farm all the time tt/nirvana/Lunar/tm althought we usually do it whit same members and fixed squads thats why you dont see us asking for help .
But most of all we play the game to have fun either pvping or farmimg we are always looking for new chalenges as you can see on this video
Also as why we lost the pvp tournment? well it aint that easy to fight 6 vs 12 since Crimson and Insanity both decided to take us out first(not that i blame then i think was probably their best choice )so its not like we had much of a chance .
As for the comment saying we are full of rank 9 i think thats the funniest thing to listen too since we have 4 rank 9 archers and only 2 are active in tw while Catalyst has 14 rank 9 archers (that i know off maybe they got more now) and they do know how to play so unless we get more rank 9 its very hard to fight thenm 4 vs 14 not much of a fair match .
As for pvp pk issues i think most ppl fail to understand we are playing in a pvp server if you dont want to be killed dont go outside safe or go play a pve server instead of complaining all the time like a 5 years old.
Dont know if you ppl ever read our leaders Posts but our intention initialy was to prevent any faction from taking over more then 6 lands in the map to make tw fun all the time and give every faction a chance to take a land we even keep a small land separated so small factions could fight it off between then but now since it seems no other faction in the server cares about that we are just gonna let Catalyst take all the lands killing the tw fun in the server (not that we can stop thenm anyway since our facftion hes full of inactive ppl and we can barely get 40 ppl for tw nowadays)
So to be precise we dont care about anything you say coz we are mature ppl .
i wont awser any questions or flame treads in this section or in any section coz i got better things to do then to check the forunms each 5 min .
And mos of all remember THIS IS A GAME PLAY TO HAVE FUN enjoy Good Luck and b:bye

Bring forth the trolls of Harshlands!

We have been given troll bait!
Post edited by Okopogo - Harshlands on


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  • Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    2 or 3 ppl that CS? farming???? trololololol

    teach me how to farm +12 r9 wiht full JoD in a week plz b:thanksb:thanksb:thanks
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Can I be in Valalalala's next promo vid when they do TW?
  • Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    No oko you can't

    You have to CS R9+12 then show off your pro skills in HH

    Can you tank HH with R9+12? I fear for your reputation b:thanks
  • Posts: 751 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I tink I cen do et.

    Catalyst will be coming out with it's own promo video soon! Everybody be excited and say how much you love hamburgers.
  • Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    i wanna take my hamburgers to bed and give it good stuffing b:victory
  • Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Everyone cashshops, but no one actually admits it. There are different reasons why the server has developed this twisted culture, and it all began with the introduction of a few changes made by PWI.

    And Now I'm going to insert some random smileys at the end of this sentence! b:shedtear b:faintb:spit

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Gonna pull a selective quote just because it is funny.
    As for the comment saying we are full of rank 9 i think thats the funniest thing to listen too since we have 4 rank 9 archers and only 2 are active in tw while Catalyst has 14 rank 9 archers (that i know off maybe they got more now) and they do know how to play so unless we get more rank 9 its very hard to fight thenm 4 vs 14 not much of a fair match.

    It's funny cause you are implying your Rank 9 Archers do not know how to play. Catalyst Rank 9 Archers 'do know how to play'. Thanks for the compliment, that's pretty much all I will take from this post. We're well aware that we have more Rank 9 Archers as it stands now, but it wasn't like this the first 2 Rank 9 Sales, you had the advantage when pressing O gave instant gear-advantage, now farming your gear and having TW income is catching up and it's bridging the gap.

  • Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Dear papabear

    you fail as a troll b:chuckle
  • Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    LawL at Catalyst constantly jerking themselves off on this forum, ****ing all class boys, all class.

    Also props to the Kylin groupies that ride Catalyst **** on every thread, glad you have some role models.

    Epic fail at the Catalyst who magically have gone from 101 to 105 in a matter of... well... since the glitch was exposed and trololololol saying Valhalla are glitching.

    Okopogo lower the price of IG's ****head.

    LawL at rolling HellzDemon and that full +12 r9 Psychic on the weekend solo, yea, ur all so ****ing pro. haha.

    Grow some balls and admit ur guild have more depth of OP people and yes, you have the same amount of cashshoppers as Valhalla.

    Barpa 8 or so r9 archers controlling the flanks against our 4 does not mean you have more skills.

    Suck **** to all the people who joined Catalyst and get nothing there, not even TW pay, because the crew that ditched the *** end of Zulu to make Catalyst still hoard TW funds so they can gear their mates and **** over the people who help.

    History will repeat itself coz this server is full of people who have no guts and join the bandwagon of the "stroke thyself" forum dorks.

    suck my **** you ****ing ****rashes
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    Epic fail at the Catalyst who magically have gone from 101 to 105 in a matter of... well... since the glitch was exposed and trololololol saying Valhalla are glitching.

    Yesterday I heard that, apparently, some Valhalla and Catalyst do the FC glitch together (can't name names for obvious reasons), so yeah.
    Okopogo lower the price of IG's ****head.

    Suck **** to all the people who joined Catalyst and get nothing there, not even TW pay, because the crew that ditched the *** end of Zulu to make Catalyst still hoard TW funds so they can gear their mates and **** over the people who help.

    I also hear they get pay too. Not sure as to how or how much though.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Catalyst BMs > Catalyst archers. Learn about TW so u can QQ about the right thing.
  • Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Catalyst BMs > Catalyst archers. Learn about TW so u can QQ about the right thing.

    topic in thread was about Archers, u r just stroking urself, in public, again.... eww
  • Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Learn about TW so u can QQ about the right thing.
    He's probably the only person on the server with a poorer grasp of TW than Bludd. At least Valhalla probably would have beaten Catalyst 20v80.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    and if we're talking about gear vs did myself and Elednor beat Taarloor and dynamite in a 2 v 2 (while I was uncharmed)...and then I beat taarloor in a 1 v 1 while I was uncharmed, and you were too dumb to figure out that I paralyzed you and instead you called it rubber banding XD. I mean, its like talking checkers and chess. Its really a joke...i dunno if ur friends tell u ur good or something. But its pretty widely accepted that Evoke failed, that you fail as a mage, you know absolutely nothing about TW and that you're a perfect fit in valhalla for obvious reasons. So I dunno why u feel at all like anything u say about catalyst, pvp or tw is gonna have any impact except making u look even more like a joke.
  • Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    All i saw was Curses and Ele running alot and surprising us when me n dyna were doing the event, you guys got rolled a few times too so whatever, me n dyna never pk together either so kinda sux to be u. Beat Ele 1v1, happy to 1v1 u anytime Curses, i really dont give a **** who says im fail behind a r9 archer or op sin coz well u guys are the pvp dominant classes thats why theres so many sins and r9 archers, derp.

    You can say what u want about me Curses but fact is u know **** all about me and all ur doing here is making urself look like a **** stroking egotist who is so smug that the server wont rebel against his bunch of merry butt ****ers he can try and dictate opinions.

    "ohhh Valhalla is gonna take the map, save us" - Curses

    "ohh we are so pro everyone needs to learn to play" - Curses

    Anyone who takes u seriously for a second is a ****ing toolbag...
  • Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Taarloor, you've been pretty fail since the pre-r9 / sin days. You will always be the mdef cube neck mage. Just stop it now.
  • Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited July 2011
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    CrimsonJr vs. Evoke was fun. Especially when their assassins popped out of stealth to stun and melee the ***** out of our crystal.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Zulu vs Evoke 15 vs 50 when we disbanded, was fun !
  • Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    there is no need to 1 v 1 u anymore. You have literally never killed me in pvp...ever. and the fact that an uncharmed archer who only has r9 bow beat a charmed full r9 mage is enough to say i dont need to waste my time trying to prove a point. Everyone in valhalla just sounds so mad all the time. Taarloor and kywe grumble about the most random things like its going to change our opinion if they recycle the same garbage over and over. How hard is it to admit that someone is better than you.

    Justin Bieber, you're a better singer than me.
    Wayne Gretzky, you're a better hockey player than me.
    Nurfed, you're better at math than me.
  • Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    LOL, i know im fail. so what now? i dont really careeeee about the game like you all do.
    Catalyst has no one pro, so dont know what you guys saying. you all die like everyone, even if +12 LOL
    why cataqqqq keep crying like babys about valhalla. grow up and be adults not QQers LOLz
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    History will repeat itself coz this server is full of people who have no guts and join the bandwagon of the "stroke thyself" forum dorks.

    Oh, is that why you triple stacked Insanity instead of stacking Cata with AL? They are sending invitation for stacking but you went and bid the furthest Insanity land from Cata instead. I heard Valalala has no leader and is actually rand by a board, make sense.
  • Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    LOL, i know im fail. so what now? i dont really careeeee about the game like you all do.
    Catalyst has no one pro, so dont know what you guys saying. you all die like everyone, even if +12 LOL
    why cataqqqq keep crying like babys about valhalla. grow up and be adults not QQers LOLz

    Saying you dont care about the game and spam refreshing forums and posting endless rages sends a very different message.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Who is curses and Ligeia btw, i havent seen them at pk. You guys have other spots which you keep only for yourself? Dont be jealous and share then.

    Kywe and Taarloor at least show themselves
  • Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I never pk'd. I ask'd the GM for 12,000 kills and they said okay, just as long as I agreed to keep the harshlands forums active.
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Im just asking where are you pking then, cause its not at west, sp , ho so where? You have 12k kills so you must did it somewhere
  • Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Im just asking where are you pking then, cause its not at west, sp , ho so where? You have 12k kills so you must did it somewhere

    Contrary to what people say, most of us are very inactive. I dont feel the urge to go stand at west gate all day. But seeing as the game is older than 6 months, which i know is hard to believe for most ppl, there was a time long long ago i did a bit of pew pewing. Also, I've gotten a kill or 2 in the couple of TW's ive been in. complicated stuff i know.
  • Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Contrary to what people say, most of us are very inactive. I dont feel the urge to go stand at west gate all day. But seeing as the game is older than 6 months, which i know is hard to believe for most ppl, there was a time long long ago i did a bit of pew pewing. Also, I've gotten a kill or 2 in the couple of TW's ive been in. complicated stuff i know.

    Miata and the old Curses used to fucck shiit up at west. They never left west.
  • Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    bluksjb wrote: »
    Who is Ligeia btw
    First Archer to 100 on Harshlands, first second recast weapon, first Blackhole bow, second third fairy (first sage), and 15th in the PvP rankings. But I was gone for like 8 months, so it's not surprising new kids don't know me.

    Who are you?
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    First to be ridiculed and made fun of endlessly. LOLUSAGE EA BRO? b:chuckle
    rank 9 - 19% farmed


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