Mystics Pros & Cons



  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I was expecting that some players will be disappointed. They probably thought they could get away with a Hercules without having to pay or farm for it. If PWI had done that, more than half of the playbase would just quit.

    Maybe PWI did a lot of mistakes in the past, but something like that they wouldn't do. How would you feel having a new Hercules going around that you can get for free when others farmed for months or paid real life money for it. Let's not forget that we are talking about a considerable amount of money here and the Legendary Pets were PWI's main source of income for a long time, before the APS craze and these insane sales.

    Also, Mystics should not expect to be able to do things Venomancers can. We are talking about two different classes here. Yes, Venomancers (with Hercules especially) can do a lot and they are, after all, considered a solo class. Mystics are considered a support class. Not denying, of course, the soloing ability of Mystics and the support abilities of Venomancers. I'm just saying.

    It's getting tired to read QQs about the summons from people. Other than the Storm Misstress' MP issue, the summons are pretty well done in my opinion.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    The "redone" OP doesn't sound much less negative than the first time. If you think the offensive plants are a "waste of mana," you're not playing your mystic right. If you think Cragglord is a waste of two sparks, you're not playing your mystic right. If you expect to be able to solo as well as a veno, you are not playing your mystic right.

    Mystics aren't venos. Don't expect them to tank like one. And fyi, my veno's GW had trouble with mobs in 51 at 6x as well; why should Devil be as sturdy as a herc, thereby making all the time spent farming hercs/working to pay for hercs a waste for every veno that has one?

    Really, if you want a solo pet class, you picked the wrong one. Re-roll.
  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    The "redone" OP doesn't sound much less negative than the first time. If you think the offensive plants are a "waste of mana," you're not playing your mystic right. If you think Cragglord is a waste of two sparks, you're not playing your mystic right. If you expect to be able to solo as well as a veno, you are not playing your mystic right.

    Mystics aren't venos. Don't expect them to tank like one. And fyi, my veno's GW had trouble with mobs in 51 at 6x as well; why should Devil be as sturdy as a herc, thereby making all the time spent farming hercs/working to pay for hercs a waste for every veno that has one?

    Really, if you want a solo pet class, you picked the wrong one. Re-roll.

    The OP will never be a big happy story, it is afterall named pros & "CONS". Please feel free to add any Pros that you might be aware of at a higher level, and I will add them to the relative "Pros" sections. Unfortunately I can only post what I know about, and apparently at mid levels, the Mystic is still lacking or in-effective in a lot of areas.

    Someone pointed out that the plants are much more effective once you level them up, so I have changed the wording a bit to reflect that. Just like any other class, you never earn enough quite enough Spirit to keep all your skills leveled up. Maybe some people level their plants first and have better luck, but I prefer to upgrade all my primary skills first, and get to the support skills when I can afford the Spirit cost(which is rare).

    This brings up a good point though, maybe someone should start a thread on "Mystic Skill Leveling"...boy will that be a controversial thread, lol. IMO, I level up my primary weapon skills 1st(including pet summons), then my healing, rez skills and defensive skills, then any other leftover support or assist skills (like plants).

    I still stand that at mid levels(when you 1st get the cragglord), he is a waste of 2 sparks, and I am playing my mystic just fine. I have other 2 spark skills that wont leave me in an agro dilema, like running in circles while I try to spawn a new pet and heath it theres really not that much to think about from that perspective.

    OK, I'll explain yet one more time that I am NOT trying to play like a veno.

    1) Its impossible to play the Mystic like a Veno, because the Mystic is not a solo class.

    2) The mystics summons are NOT comparable to the venos pets.

    3) Herc was never compared to the mystic summons anywhere in the OP.

    4) Whenever I have the urge to play like a Veno, it's simple, I play my Veno.

    Please, lets try to keep this post from being a veno soapbox thread. Every other post states that the mystic summons should not be compared to Herc..."YES, WE KNOW ALREADY, THANK YOU VERY MUCH." Nobody compared anything to a Herc except the posters complaining about Herc comparisons.

    lol you kinda just proved that you want a pet with hurc capabilites by saying this lol. the mobs in frost coevered could kill even my level 80 archer be thankful you could even kill mobs at all. stop trying to solo instances, it's a fool's quest. even if it's for the mobs in the intance DON'T do it. just because one or 2 classes could pull off running in there at level 60 something doesn't mean mystics can or should. and as menteioned, in oderer to do that, you must cough up the cash to be able to. you want to solo mobs in that place? go refine your gear to 12 then maybe you'lll have a chance to kill the mobs in there.

    **SIGHS** You are absolutely right, it is a fools quest. It's impossible to solo an instance with a Mystic, it's just no do-able...anyone that tried, has surely respawned a lot.

    The Mystic HAS to rely on the summon pets for survival in order to play the game. irregardless of the Herc (or any other veno pet), I still think the Devil would be more well balanced in the game if it had at least a few more HP...just enough to allow one more opportunity to heal it before it dies would be fine. Thats not a lot to hope for, and its CERTAINLY not wishing it had the power to dominate like a Herc.

    BTW...for the record, all my experiences are based on going into instances with a team, not as a suicidal solo.
    And I will strike down on thee with great vengeance and furious anger...the life you thought you led is gone, and your catshop is on an island surrounded by dinosaurs.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    But we're talking about instances here right? Because for normal mobs I'd never use my pet as a would be just a waste of mana to heal it now and then when a mystic can easily tank most of the mobs. Ok, archer mobs are an exception, but with one pre-cast falling petals that's just fine too. I only use my pet (mostly the devil) as support damage dealer, but with natures vengeance + soul absorb + eventually another natures/ bramble tornado I could easily do normal mobs (including increased life, etc.) without any pet.

    For instances - of course you have to rely on your pets, because that's elite mobs. I mean, it's not like wizards or psychics can allow them to get really hit by any mobs in there which is why they usually attack the mob that the tank has under control. So the tank is their pet. I don't really see the problem here.

    For cragglord I've to say I love it...maybe that's because I see it as a skill and not as a summon. But for the short 20 seconds he really does insane damage and is a great skill to throw in on a boss fight and much more powerful than thicket. And for [?] bosses it's just as lovely.

    Offensive plants - well for normal grinding I don't use them either because the mobs die way to fast to make the mp worth it. But I like them on bosses too...punishing sting for [?] because extra damage is always nice and for normal bosses without aoe I usually keep befuddling creeper out there.
    The sleeping plant, espacially with lysing, is a great live safer if something goes wrong. Someone wrong gets aggro and the party is in danger? - summon it, lyse it and give everyone time to take control again. 13 seconds of sleep are a lot in tricky situations. The only real plant I haven't really found a use for is spidervine - I don't think I ever really used its so if anyone knows what to do with it, I'd like input.

    What's consumption - as far as instances go it really is a nightmare sometimes. Rez, summons, heal for summons, heal plants for aoe bosses - it really drains mp like crazy. I try to accept it as the price for a fun class, but it sucks really sometimes.
    Therefore I don't really have problems with normal grinding and mp - don't know what some people are doing there but I feel like I had it worse on my psychic.
  • Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    sorry for throwing the hurc referance. the way your post sounded made it seem as tho your trying to solo the mobs in a instance. seeings how even a veno can't do that without a hurc, i just threw it in there as a sort of example.

    i'm not saying that mystics CAN'T solo an instance, i'm just saying refineing your gear should add hp and defece thus allowing it to be possible. take AA refines. at max you can get 600 more hp for you. according to a post, your pet gets 50% of the gear value, that means 300 for that one peiace of gear, then there are the oraments that would give pdhy defence etc when refined. this of corse would cost a pretty penny.

    now your saying the devil pet needs a bit more hp cos it's a bit unbalanced, i think your doing something wrong somewhere. the pet heal skill is so freaking fast that i litarally been in situations where devils hp was so low i couldn't see any red in it's hp bar but saved it.
    in a party situation in an instance your pet shouldnt have aggro, there are other classes for that, and the devil sure as hell ain't strong enf to steal aggro from a bm or barb. could it be coccrect to assume that the party you were in had no real tank? in any event, i seen the devil take quit a few hits from ferren's aoe.

    I still stand that at mid levels(when you 1st get the cragglord), he is a waste of 2 sparks, and I am playing my mystic just fine. I have other 2 spark skills that wont leave me in an agro dilema, like running in circles while I try to spawn a new pet and heath it theres really not that much to think about from that perspective.

    this is your opinion and i respect that, however the fact that so many find cragg to be extremely useful even at level 1 should at LEAST have you wondering if your doing something wrong. and chances are, you are.

    i must ask, what situations you use it in. cos i use craglord all the time and i never get arrgo. the fact that you have arrgo issues when using cragglord shows that you seem to be lacking in knowleage in the arrgo management area. so once again, i'll post it.

    cragglord is not a skill that you use on anything that can swing a stick at you. i get the feeling that you used cragglod on a mob in an instace and got burned.....bad. that was your first mistake. craglord shouldn"t be used on instance mobs when your near the level as the instance. it is a skill that should be used in a party situation. since it's to be used in a party situation, this quickly reduses it's practicality down to fighting bosses, cos in a party, intrance mobs fall like flys. just like archers and their barrage of arrows, and sins with their high attack rate and sparks, one should wait for the tank to BUILD aggro before using it on a boss. let at least 1/4 of it's hp go down, 1/2 if you want to play safe. you would NEVER get aggro if you do this i promise you. cragglord should be looked at as a nuke skill that should only be used under certain cercumstances. when fighting normal mobs, cragglord will kill it in a few seconds, if you want, you can send it off to kill other mobs but you do that at your own risk.

    now i'm not going to down thicket becos it's really a nice skill, but when i hear people run on about thicket is better than cragglord i can't help but laugh.
    both of these skills have their uses. thicket is good for normal grinding and putting a stop to annoying runners in intances, but when you need damage, cragglord is the one to call.
  • Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I still stand that at mid levels(when you 1st get the cragglord), he is a waste of 2 sparks, and I am playing my mystic just fine. I have other 2 spark skills that wont leave me in an agro dilema, like running in circles while I try to spawn a new pet and heath it theres really not that much to think about from that perspective.

    The Mystic HAS to rely on the summon pets for survival in order to play the game. irregardless of the Herc (or any other veno pet), I still think the Devil would be more well balanced in the game if it had at least a few more HP...just enough to allow one more opportunity to heal it before it dies would be fine. Thats not a lot to hope for, and its CERTAINLY not wishing it had the power to dominate like a Herc.

    BTW...for the record, all my experiences are based on going into instances with a team, not as a suicidal solo.

    lol based on your posts, i would beg to differ about you playing this class just fine. Your posts are screaming "i didn't bother to try out the skills properly". As the above poster said, when so many people are refuting your claims, it generally means YOU are the issue. and your post proves it. it shows a wide array of fails. IF you are in a party then:

    1. w=When pulling, why do the mobs even get to you? A melee class is suppose to intercept.

    2. Even without pulling how in the 7 levels of Hell can you NOT be able to kill instance mobs in a party?

    3. In a party, how can your pet die as much as you claim? Your pet shouldn't have aggro, and even if it did, even an instance mob can't kill off devil fast enuf where you can't heal devil. In a party, the mobs fall fairly quickly, so you may end up spamming pet heal but you would have to do so for to long.

    There is only one of 2 options here. Either allllllllll those times you were in a squad, the squad was fail in every since of the word, OR you are just lying trying to cover up your tracks, and you really did in fact try to solo the instance.

    either way, fail is fail, you learn to play your class. read the guides, you'll find alot of helpful info.
  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    lol based on your posts, i would beg to differ about you playing this class just fine. Your posts are screaming "i didn't bother to try out the skills properly". As the above poster said, when so many people are refuting your claims, it generally means YOU are the issue. and your post proves it. it shows a wide array of fails. IF you are in a party then:

    1. w=When pulling, why do the mobs even get to you? A melee class is suppose to intercept.

    2. Even without pulling how in the 7 levels of Hell can you NOT be able to kill instance mobs in a party?

    3. In a party, how can your pet die as much as you claim? Your pet shouldn't have aggro, and even if it did, even an instance mob can't kill off devil fast enuf where you can't heal devil. In a party, the mobs fall fairly quickly, so you may end up spamming pet heal but you would have to do so for to long.

    There is only one of 2 options here. Either allllllllll those times you were in a squad, the squad was fail in every since of the word, OR you are just lying trying to cover up your tracks, and you really did in fact try to solo the instance.

    either way, fail is fail, you learn to play your class. read the guides, you'll find alot of helpful info.

    Thanks for the input. The last 2 posts are actually fairly accurate in a lot of respects. I agree with both of you that in an elite squad, thats built right, I dont have many problems. In reality though, I guess I am rarely in the "perfect" squad, maybe about 1 out of 10 times. Its not that ppl are bad players or not giving it their all, it's just sometimes you cant wait for everyone you need when they arent available...ppl just want to get their quests done, so we go with what we got. So yes, it's usually when there's no tank that I keep getting the agro, probably due to the devils hits rate. Dont laugh, but I've been in squads with a cleric playing tank (not kidding), regardless of who's tanking, if they are squishy, and almost dying, I send the cragglord in to give them a chance to regroup, he almost always takes the agro (esp hitting with 16K+ sometimes), and when he gives me the ol, "better luck next time kid", thats when I start running in circles hoping someone will intercept.

    "7 levels of hell", lol, that pretty much sums up where I felt like I was. Often, I find myself being the ranking guy in these makeshift squads with a lot of new rambunctious players that are still learning the ropes. You know the kind when you yell, "WAIT!", but they charge into a room and get the whole squad ambushed, yeah...Anyway, you got 2 choices, either roll with it with what you got, or hang up your hat...and I prefer to roll with it. So while you're starting to understand the "root" of my dillemas with instanced elite mobs.. Im out there healing the guy that just jumped the gun, healing myself, and somewhere in there I'm healing my pet a couple times...thats the point where Im thinking, geez, a little more HP in my pet would sure be helpful about now. I'm sure lots of other ppl arent lucky enough to be in a perfect squad either, but thats life in the perfect world, and seems to be more the norm at mid levels. Since this is where most of my experiences have been thus far, its why I post the things I do. They're just a reflection of the reality of things that do happen often out there. So yes, I agree 100% that with a great squad, most my problems dont exist....and I dont have a white nuckle grip on the mouse, lol.

    Can someone with more experience please tell me the best way to handle Wyvern as a mystic (assuming a good squad). I've come to the conclusion that devil should not be used there. If I was lucky enough to have devil at 100% health b4 wyvern lets out an AOE burst, its takes 98% of his health, obviously he dies a lot, and I run out of mana very fast, respawning him so much, that could be used for heal assist, etc. Would I be better off using just debuff and heal plants here?(since they take less mana to cast). Whats an experienced opinion on that?

    "and you really did in fact try to solo the instance" LOL, no, I doubt its even possible to solo a whole instance with a mystic, the timer would probably run out first. Of course I have gone in by myself sometimes to test out my fortitude against elite mobs when I get some new gear or's nice to see if ur money was well spent, and to know exactly how well you hold up, so you know what to expect when ur in a squad. I do expect to die some when I'm doing that kind of testing though.
    And I will strike down on thee with great vengeance and furious anger...the life you thought you led is gone, and your catshop is on an island surrounded by dinosaurs.
  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    OP updated to reflect an overall more positive viewpoint of the Mystic.
    Added some feedback.
    And I will strike down on thee with great vengeance and furious anger...the life you thought you led is gone, and your catshop is on an island surrounded by dinosaurs.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    "Show me the moneeeyyyyyyyy"

    Honestly though, that's it, it's all about cash grabbing off players and this won't changed. I used to play PWI long time ago and got a Cleric up to high lvls so I know about the Mana pool and what it costs for everyone. I left for Battle of the Immortals and this is where it all started, they make the mana pool so restricting you don't have a choice but to 'buy' mana charms or other. It was like as stated the mana pool you find it hard to catch up, it's intentional they do it to make money. Greed is like a bottomless pit that is never filled. Then it went to Forsaken World, I installed but after reading about Clerics having the same problem with poor mana Regen I uninstalled straight away, after experiencing Battle of the Immortals suffocating system to 'force' people to cash shop I started to see a pattern, Suffocate the player and make them buy buy buy.

    This is the mentality of greed, Now with the new Mystic Suffocation system of Low mana, I now see the pattern as confirmed and hind sight would tell me that it's just going to get sutely worse, each expansion or some such branches away from the traditional need of high regen, to make it low Regen and suffocation in game-mechanics, it's implementation at it's finest b:shocked

    It isn't just one person saying this, alot of people are saying it about Mana regen problems, this is in three games, I've played for over years, so I know what I see and talking about, if you deny it you're either blind or ignorant. b:bye

    I know I know, heard your side of the argument too in Battle of the Immortals, There's ways of dealing with it your just QQing. No they are not, after close observation on things there is a pattern over 3 games same Complaint and it's escalating. No it's not just them you are just in denial. b:shutup
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Do not play the class, if you dont handle it b:pleasedb:pleasedb:pleasedb:pleased
  • Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    "Show me the moneeeyyyyyyyy"

    Honestly though, that's it, it's all about cash grabbing off players and this won't changed. I used to play PWI long time ago and got a Cleric up to high lvls so I know about the Mana pool and what it costs for everyone. I left for Battle of the Immortals and this is where it all started, they make the mana pool so restricting you don't have a choice but to 'buy' mana charms or other. It was like as stated the mana pool you find it hard to catch up, it's intentional they do it to make money. Greed is like a bottomless pit that is never filled. Then it went to Forsaken World, I installed but after reading about Clerics having the same problem with poor mana Regen I uninstalled straight away, after experiencing Battle of the Immortals suffocating system to 'force' people to cash shop I started to see a pattern, Suffocate the player and make them buy buy buy.

    This is the mentality of greed, Now with the new Mystic Suffocation system of Low mana, I now see the pattern as confirmed and hind sight would tell me that it's just going to get sutely worse, each expansion or some such branches away from the traditional need of high regen, to make it low Regen and suffocation in game-mechanics, it's implementation at it's finest b:shocked

    It isn't just one person saying this, alot of people are saying it about Mana regen problems, this is in three games, I've played for over years, so I know what I see and talking about, if you deny it you're either blind or ignorant. b:bye

    I know I know, heard your side of the argument too in Battle of the Immortals, There's ways of dealing with it your just QQing. No they are not, after close observation on things there is a pattern over 3 games same Complaint and it's escalating. No it's not just them you are just in denial. b:shutup

    Um, did you quit playing before people started using the insanely cheap herb yuanxiao which restore 5k mana each or something? Because I'm really not sure who still uses mana pots after 75 unless they're ok with throwing the extra money away just to not have to click on pots.
  • Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    "Show me the moneeeyyyyyyyy"

    Honestly though, that's it, it's all about cash grabbing off players and this won't changed. I used to play PWI long time ago and got a Cleric up to high lvls so I know about the Mana pool and what it costs for everyone. I left for Battle of the Immortals and this is where it all started, they make the mana pool so restricting you don't have a choice but to 'buy' mana charms or other. It was like as stated the mana pool you find it hard to catch up, it's intentional they do it to make money. Greed is like a bottomless pit that is never filled. Then it went to Forsaken World, I installed but after reading about Clerics having the same problem with poor mana Regen I uninstalled straight away, after experiencing Battle of the Immortals suffocating system to 'force' people to cash shop I started to see a pattern, Suffocate the player and make them buy buy buy.

    This is the mentality of greed, Now with the new Mystic Suffocation system of Low mana, I now see the pattern as confirmed and hind sight would tell me that it's just going to get sutely worse, each expansion or some such branches away from the traditional need of high regen, to make it low Regen and suffocation in game-mechanics, it's implementation at it's finest b:shocked

    It isn't just one person saying this, alot of people are saying it about Mana regen problems, this is in three games, I've played for over years, so I know what I see and talking about, if you deny it you're either blind or ignorant. b:bye

    I know I know, heard your side of the argument too in Battle of the Immortals, There's ways of dealing with it your just QQing. No they are not, after close observation on things there is a pattern over 3 games same Complaint and it's escalating. No it's not just them you are just in denial. b:shutup

    I never knew what Charlie Brown's teacher would look like speaking in type. And now I know. TY. =D

    Also, necro. b:sweat
    Censorship is the bane of creativity. Censorship is the bane of personality. Most of all...censorship is the bane of identity.
  • Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Reasons to play a mystic, in order of significance:

    .5 cast heal that's stronger than wellspring

    1 minute heal buff

    14m aoe somewhat-spammable CC in gale force

    Fast - cast ultimate that also does aoe CC

    Lucky Break

    aoe cc in listless blossom

    additional backup CC in pets (5 sec stun or 3 sec silence)

    Best magic defense in the game

    2nd best p. def for arcanes

    fastest chi gain of any caster class

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Burnout, why are you quitting? D: You're like one of the best people on these forums b:surrenderb:sad
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I dont understand peoples who thinks that mystics are like venos...
    mystic is dd and support and i dont see any same with veno than those "skill pets" and those are for support too not for tanking...or something

    and sorry my bad english lol
  • Posts: 636 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    you should get to higher lvl/gear bfor you make a general comment about mystic. they are meant for suport/dd not tank well not pet anyways lol.

    mana isnt an issue when you get ur 79 skill and with the 5000 mana pot from token.

    craglord is a great dd/aoe for 20 secs that's more than enough for rb waves. It is a 20 sec summons bc any longer it'd b op.

    offensive plants are great with lysin for aoe effects/debuffs.

    overall mystic's a fun class to play.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    "Show me the moneeeyyyyyyyy"

    Honestly though, that's it, it's all about cash grabbing off players and this won't changed. I used to play PWI long time ago and got a Cleric up to high lvls so I know about the Mana pool and what it costs for everyone. I left for Battle of the Immortals and this is where it all started, they make the mana pool so restricting you don't have a choice but to 'buy' mana charms or other. It was like as stated the mana pool you find it hard to catch up, it's intentional they do it to make money. Greed is like a bottomless pit that is never filled. Then it went to Forsaken World, I installed but after reading about Clerics having the same problem with poor mana Regen I uninstalled straight away, after experiencing Battle of the Immortals suffocating system to 'force' people to cash shop I started to see a pattern, Suffocate the player and make them buy buy buy.

    This is the mentality of greed, Now with the new Mystic Suffocation system of Low mana, I now see the pattern as confirmed and hind sight would tell me that it's just going to get sutely worse, each expansion or some such branches away from the traditional need of high regen, to make it low Regen and suffocation in game-mechanics, it's implementation at it's finest b:shocked

    It isn't just one person saying this, alot of people are saying it about Mana regen problems, this is in three games, I've played for over years, so I know what I see and talking about, if you deny it you're either blind or ignorant. b:bye

    I know I know, heard your side of the argument too in Battle of the Immortals, There's ways of dealing with it your just QQing. No they are not, after close observation on things there is a pattern over 3 games same Complaint and it's escalating. No it's not just them you are just in denial. b:shutup

    Did RB wave 2 today with cleric. Wasn't rainbow squad, so no MP aura. No MP pots were used by me and I'm sure I had the lowest repair bill by far. I seriously can't understand people complaining about MP for mages when repairs on melee cost far more and we rarely need pots.

    So far, the only thing I notice MP going fast for is resurrect, but typically your squad shows up 1 by 1 and your MP fills up accordingly, or you only need to buff the cleric.

    Unreasonably high MP costs are typically from not being pure mag (fail) or being in a fail squad or both.


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