Reikara's "I Will Draw You" Competition

Yanou - Heavens Tear
Yanou - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
edited August 2011 in The Fanatics Forum
I don't have all the time in the world to draw everyone, but I don't like asking for requests (I always draw for free) and then being given really boring uninteresting preset characters to draw. Sorry, but that's me. As an artist, I highly value creativity and uniqueness in all aspects of life. I can't have fun drawing a character who has no sense of individuality or interesting personality, it saps the fun and enjoyment out of it.

I'm just too busy with an actual art course I won so I can't exactly draw every request I would get. So the solution instead is to run a little competition. To enter it is very simple, you just need to upload screenshots onto the thread of your character, and meet the requirements. If you fail to, you will be automatically disqualified. I don't waste time on people who don't read my requirements I need in order to draw them to begin with.

However my specialization is detail, thus I would like to draw your character in it's armour. I'm not scared of the intricate minute little details, but I absolutely require screenshots close enough to see it. I can't guess what it looks like from a distance. I've lost my pen for my graphics tablet unfortunately so I can only go as far as inking the line art. However inking and lines happen to be my specialization/ strength anyway, I'm not so good with colours. You could simply put it in the colouring book thread for someone to colour, ask an artist on to colour it or bribe Kyna because her colouring skills **** life.

Even though I've requested armour, any cash shop or normal hairstyles are welcome and will be drawn. CS hair tends to be more detailed anyway.

* If your screenshot cuts off the page, please either scale it down to suitable dimensions for the board, or either post a link to the image instead. I must be able to see your whole character and preferably the whole screenshot.

*I require numerous screenshots of your character, which must end up including every part of your character, from HEAD TO TOE. It doesn't matter if their feet are in a different screenie from their head, I need to be able to see what kind of footwear they have and likewise for every other part of their body.

*You MUST include close ups of your armour, front, back and at least one side view without interference from poses, lights from skills / special effects and weapons. If you want any particular pose, weapon, or special light included please put these in separate screenshots. I will happily draw weapons and need close ups of those specifically too.

*I have no problems at all with multiple entries from contestants, even if you make a newbie in level 1 armour. However there will be a limit to how many characters you can enter to prevent it from getting too out of and, which is 4. Remember that level isn't a deciding factor in the judging process. All 4 entries will be valid so long as each character's screenshots meet the requirements. If one fails to meet them, that character will be disqualified however the other entries will still remain valid.

Character's gender or level doesn't matter and won't affect my decision on who I draw, so long as you meet my rather demanding requirements. I know I sound a bit anal but I honestly can't draw you if you don't provide me with adequate screenshots, and I've had numerous requests in the past of people who expected me to know what their backs looked like while only providing a front view screenshot.

Genies, pets, extras and such can be included but again please allocate them separate screenshots. Your pose, expression and such will be up to you if you are chosen. I will be selecting after a period of time, the character whom I deem has had the most effort put into their character in terms of uniqueness/ originality. If you are a preset character, sorry, but you will be wasting your time. I can't put a definite time slot on how long I will be accepting entries for, since the fanart section gets little traffic as it is. I expect it to end either after a few days or if I've got enough entries (looking for around 20 hopefully.)

Here's some links to a couple pwi works I've done which are updated to my current skill level. Both portray two different styles to present my versatility. If you like one style more than another, or want a cross over of both I'm happy to negotiate as I like a challenge.

*Disclaimer; I'd like to put some decent amount of effort into the winner's artwork so please expect it take a little while to finish. The inking and pencil process alone can take quite a few hours, especially on detailed works such as armour.



Earthguard (Modeled from ChaoticShelley's Earthguard character):
(Anime-esque / realism-pwi mix. This style was a first time tester but I was pleased with how it turned out and thus I am offering it as a style to choose from.)

My Venomancer:
(Anime/ Manga style. My default style.)

If you like some elements from both of the styles I'll glady mix it up. I'm also happy to change and/ or add some things to your taste, whether it be hair bows, different hairstyle for a genie, different pattern on a weapon or an extra dagger etc. However I'll only be negotiating this with the winner so please reserve this request until you've been chosen. I'd prefer the text be kept to questions, reservations and such so I don't have to read through wall texts that won't be relevant in the end. :/

Here is an example of my modified work based on existing elements in PWI. Added earrings and custom designed armour top.

(If you're wondering why the title says Reikara when my character's name is Yanou, it's simply because I used to be an artist on this forum better known as "Reikara" a year or so ago.)
Want to be drawn like a French girl too? Head over to the Fanart Forum and drop your screenies on the PW Colouring Book Resource thread. Inspire an artist and get drawn, it's a win-win situation.
Post edited by Yanou - Heavens Tear on


  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I LOVE YOUR LINES!!!! i really hope i win althoguh i dont expect to :( ill work on getting some screenshots together tomorrow morinng unfortunatly im gonna need to makeover scroll her cause i have gone off her hair atm and IF i won i wouldnt want the hair to be imortalized on her for all time.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • Yanou - Heavens Tear
    Yanou - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Well depending on my schedule I may run this competition more than once. These exercises actually help me put some of the methods I'm learning from my own course into practice. That asides, I love drawing for PWI due to amount of effort the developers and players put into the aesthetics, even though I don't enjoy playing the game anymore. So there may be some chances to win again in the future yet, though I won't make make any definites. I'll just see what happens. :)
    Want to be drawn like a French girl too? Head over to the Fanart Forum and drop your screenies on the PW Colouring Book Resource thread. Inspire an artist and get drawn, it's a win-win situation.
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Its always good to develop ones skills and i hope you do cause i really do love it and i have coloured yoru lines before *guilty look for not posting the efforts* lol

    im kinda tempted to put a char that isnt Dors in the competition. im just concious that my armour and weapons on my assasin may not be interesting enough for you
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • Yanou - Heavens Tear
    Yanou - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Well actually I have no problems at all with multiple entries from contestants, so long as it doesn't get to any ridiculous number lol. I mean I don't have any real problems with drawing level 1 armour if people want to make a newb to enter with, however the idea is that I'm judging based on the amount of effort you put into your character to make it unique, not the amount of newbies people can create in X amount of time. So in this case I'll put a limit on it, say no more than 4 entries per person. Sound fair?

    So you're welcome to enter Dorset plus any alts you have, so long as both character's screenies meet the requirements. Asides from that, I would like to see what you did with my lines. :P
    Want to be drawn like a French girl too? Head over to the Fanart Forum and drop your screenies on the PW Colouring Book Resource thread. Inspire an artist and get drawn, it's a win-win situation.
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Oki Doki XD i will enter a couple of mine then. and you knwo me ALLLL of my chars i take ages and ages and millions of makeover scrolls to perfect. cant wait to see some of the otehr entries.

    and nuhuh im not showing you my latest attempts cause i not happy with them but i am gonna colour some of your lines afresh soon and i promise ill show them xd
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • Yanou - Heavens Tear
    Yanou - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I guess I should explain it a little better. There's two reasons I requested armour only. One is to make it fairer for everyone, since not everyone can always afford the cash shop goodies to stand out from the crowd. The second is that like I stated, I enjoy drawing the detailed armour, as it makes characters seem that much more kick a--.

    So I wanted the judgement process to be as fair as possible, only taking into account the features about their character that everyone is able to edit. So I'm more or less looking for the ones that are the most unique in terms of the character customization system in creation. To judge on the armour would then mean I would only be able to accept entries from certain levels, since everyone more or less wears the same until 70+.
    Want to be drawn like a French girl too? Head over to the Fanart Forum and drop your screenies on the PW Colouring Book Resource thread. Inspire an artist and get drawn, it's a win-win situation.
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    well the thing i love most about your lines (i colours some of your Reikara lines also) is the armour. you the only artist on here who gets armour how it should be in my eyes. anyways imma sleep now ill get you the entries in the morning, have a great time XD
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Ohhh, sounds fun
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    ^^ Expect one or two entries from me, your armor detail is BEYOND EPIC. I'm at least entering my veno, I need some art of her.

    Would 2 sets of detail shots be allowed? Her armor is easy enough to get details of, but I actually designed her around a rather special set of clothes gifted to me by an old friend from my nostalgic first days on the game...before she quit. ;__; If you would allow that, I'd send it to her as a gift, I think she'd get a blast out of seeing I still have her set after all this time. <_< This is if I were to be considered, of course.

    Another thing I'd like to ask, if I were chosen, could I color it myself? =) You would of course be credited as the concept and lineart artist.

    And one more thing for everyone else to consider, F9 (camera mode in game) is your friend for detailed shots! ^w^
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Ohh sounds like fun. Here's my first entry. Dn't know if'll enter my cleric and mystic yet but I feel like since this char was specifically made to be different than tb presets, I'd enter her first. The details are all clickable thumbnails, btw. :)

    Front Armor details

    Back Armor Details
    Face without armor/ better angle of face
    Is it okay I mixed and matched some newb armor? I figured this was more interesting then the mediator set the psys get saddled with for their level 3 quest to meet the npcs/get first set of armor free. Sorry about the one with the skill bar in it btw, although I think you can see the details really well. When she stood still for some reason the HA armor disappeared off part of her derriere...I think it's a secret code to Psys not to wear hard armor. XD When I actually put her on a server I did make her ears a bit smaller as you can see in the second pic. :P
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Yanou - Heavens Tear
    Yanou - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Is it okay I mixed and matched some newb armor?

    Yes, there's no requirements that all the pieces of the armour have to match. You can mix various ones to your taste, I just need to be able see the details. Whatever armour your character is wearing will be drawn. If the pieces clash and overlap in game, I will find a way to fix it when I draw it so it looks natural. Same with hair that gets cuts off with armour.

    ^^ Expect one or two entries from me, your armor detail is BEYOND EPIC. I'm at least entering my veno, I need some art of her.

    Thank you for the compliment.
    Would 2 sets of detail shots be allowed? Her armor is easy enough to get details of, but I actually designed her around a rather special set of clothes gifted to me by an old friend from my nostalgic first days on the game...before she quit. ;__; If you would allow that, I'd send it to her as a gift, I think she'd get a blast out of seeing I still have her set after all this time. <_< This is if I were to be considered, of course.

    Ok; question. The second outfit is cash shop clothing correct? I can appreciate and sympathize with "nostalgic first days", however I also need to stick by my rules. If it's a gift for another person however I'd be willing to try to make some sort of negotiation. However I'm not quite sure how to work that out as of yet and at this point no one's been selected so go ahead and post the 2 sets for now. I'll think on it and see what I come up with. I want a solution that's fair to everyone.
    Another thing I'd like to ask, if I were chosen, could I color it myself? =) You would of course be credited as the concept and lineart artist.

    Yes, that's fine. So long as I end up being credited for the line art, I don't mind who colours it.

    Thanks everyone for the entries thus far. I wasn't actually expecting any enthusiasm to participate in my competition.
    Want to be drawn like a French girl too? Head over to the Fanart Forum and drop your screenies on the PW Colouring Book Resource thread. Inspire an artist and get drawn, it's a win-win situation.
  • Yanou - Heavens Tear
    Yanou - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I wanted to update with a newer example I just finished. This is what I mean by editing some finer features to your taste. With this Tideborn, I customized her tattoos, armour top and gave her earrings.

    Want to be drawn like a French girl too? Head over to the Fanart Forum and drop your screenies on the PW Colouring Book Resource thread. Inspire an artist and get drawn, it's a win-win situation.
  • Nasoni - Momaganon
    Nasoni - Momaganon Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Showin' my male characters some contest entry love. b:thanks

    Entry #1 ~ Female Assassin

    ~Full Body Shots

    Front: 1
    Sides: 1 2
    Back: 1

    ~Face Shots

    Close Up with Armor: 1
    Close Up No Armor: 1
    Side Views, No Armor: 1 2
    Back View, No Armor: 1

    ~Armor Shots


    Front: 1
    Side Views: 1 2
    Back: 1


    Front: 1
    Back: 1
    Side View: 1


    Side: 1
    Front: 1
    Back: 1


    Front: 1
    Sides: 1 2
    Back: 1
    Entry #2 ~ Male Blademaster

    ~Full Body Shots

    Front: 1
    Sides: 1 2
    Back: 1

    ~Face Shots

    Close Ups with Armor: Front | Side1 | Side2 | Back
    Close Up No Armor: 1
    Side Views, No Armor: 1 2
    Back View, No Armor: 1

    ~Armor Shots


    Front: Upper Section | Lower Section | Full
    Side View: 1
    Back: 1
    Angled-ish: 1


    Front: 1
    Back: 1
    Side View: 1


    Side: 1
    Front: 1
    Back: 1


    Front: 1
    Sides: 1
    Back: 1
    Entry #3 ~ Male Cleric

    ~Full Body Shots

    Front: 1
    Side: 1 2
    Back: 1

    ~Face Shots

    Close Ups with Armor: Back | Front | Side1 | Side2
    Close Up No Armor: 1
    Side Views, No Armor: 1 2
    Back View, No Armor: 1

    ~Armor Shots


    Front: 1
    Side View: 1 2
    Back: 1


    Front: 1
    Back: 1
    Side View: 1


    Side: 1
    Front: 1
    Back: 1


    Front: 1
    Side: 1
    Back: 1

  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Decided to add my cleric

    Front View of Armor
    Back View of Armor
    The boots of the armor (I took off the pants so you could get the detail of the boots)
    Side View/Detailed view of neck of armor/head shot
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Ok; question. The second outfit is cash shop clothing correct? I can appreciate and sympathize with "nostalgic first days", however I also need to stick by my rules. If it's a gift for another person however I'd be willing to try to make some sort of negotiation. However I'm not quite sure how to work that out as of yet and at this point no one's been selected so go ahead and post the 2 sets for now. I'll think on it and see what I come up with. I want a solution that's fair to everyone.

    =) Thank you for answering. Yes, I designed her around an old cash shop outfit from a friend. But I think, for the fairness of the competition, I'll stick with her armor for now. Perhaps some other time, outside the competition and if you're not too busy with your art course, if you felt like drawing her outfit I'd be thrilled. XD Until then, I will compete by the rules! :D

    ~Reserved for Entries~
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    HEY im back XD


    Dorset Face and Full

    Dorsets Armour Top , Bottoms , Side Full , Back Full , Boots
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • Yanou - Heavens Tear
    Yanou - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Well the competition is tough as it is from what I see already. Very much liking this. Still might give it another day or two to allow for more potential entries. If no more enter by that stage I believe I'll wrap it up and judge the existing entries. So everyone might want to get their alt entries in within the next two days. :)
    Want to be drawn like a French girl too? Head over to the Fanart Forum and drop your screenies on the PW Colouring Book Resource thread. Inspire an artist and get drawn, it's a win-win situation.
  • Yanou - Heavens Tear
    Yanou - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Entry #1

    ~Full Body Shots

    Front: 1
    Sides: 1 2
    Back: 1

    ~Face Shots

    Close Up with Armor: 1
    Close Up No Armor: 1
    Side Views, No Armor: 1 2
    Back View, No Armor: 1

    ~Armor Shots


    Front: 1
    Side Views: 1 2
    Back: 1


    Front: 1
    Back: 1
    Side View: 1


    Side: 1
    Front: 1
    Back: 1


    Front: 1
    Sides: 1 2
    Back: 1

    What's the name of the armour top you're wearing there, Nasoni? I don't believe I've seen it before. Is that rank armour or something?

    Also on another note, if anyone is unsure of the screenshot requirements, I'd like to make this post a guideline of what's ideal for me. However all the other previous entries also meet the bare minimum requirements as well, so this amount isn't absolutely necessary.

    Remember since I'm judging based on your character customization, your face is very important for me to see, whether it's included in your armour shots or a separate screenshot as a focus.
    Want to be drawn like a French girl too? Head over to the Fanart Forum and drop your screenies on the PW Colouring Book Resource thread. Inspire an artist and get drawn, it's a win-win situation.
  • Nasoni - Momaganon
    Nasoni - Momaganon Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    What's the name of the armour top you're wearing there, Nasoni? I don't believe I've seen it before. Is that rank armour or something?

    Also on another note, if anyone is unsure of the screenshot requirements, I'd like to make this post a guideline of what's ideal for me. However all the other previous entries also meet the bare minimum requirements as well, so this amount isn't absolutely necessary.

    Remember since I'm judging based on your character customization, your face is very important for me to see, whether it's included in your armour shots or a separate screenshot as a focus.

    It's the Rank 8 Top for Assassins. Ocean Supreme Armor is what it's called I believe.

    I personally prefer to be over prepared in most situations, hence the large amount of screenies. b:surrender

  • Liba - Heavens Tear
    Liba - Heavens Tear Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    This is a wonderful thing you're doing

    If anyone wants their line are coloured and shaded- drop me a line :)
    (send me an e-mail too...
    The weapon;
    The full view
    The head shot (With Thunder pony tail)
    The armour, hope it's close enough.

    I shall hand you full, free artistic license, if you want to challange yourself, i guess i could hand you some pictures of McNugget, the loyal nix;
    I have no pose preferences, you can do what you want with libby- if you feel lazy, a head shot will do me just fine :DD x
    Haters gunna love this ^
    Liba- 9x Sage veno, TheEmpire
    X_xMoonx_X - 7x Future demon cleric
    _Nix_x - 7x Sin :)
  • limeball
    limeball Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Ok guys, deadline to get your screenshots in is now 6pm tomorrow. I'm in the GMT +10 timezone. Or 17 hours since the time of this post. After that I'll begin judging the entries. I should probably add that I am Yinou, minus the avatar.
    Previously known as:
    Reikara - Lv. 94 HA/AA Venomancer
    Limeball - Lv. 80 Assassin

    Quit and came back.
  • Limeball - Heavens Tear
    Limeball - Heavens Tear Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Urgh, furk. Yanou. My bad typo.

    Finally remembered my old account to post with.
    Reikara - 94 HA/AA Veno - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Limeball -84 Assassin - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Reikarah - 99 Seeker - Sanctuary - Retired

    Why do I stick around? I draw pwi fanart.
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Edit: NVM ill leave dors as my only entry hope you pick me... XD
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I decided to use my male seeker, last entry from me. XD I just realized that newb seeker armor is incredibly detailed. I tried to make the same format that I used for the others for easy reference but it took too many screenies to get all the details of his armor. Sigh, I wish some of the older armor had this kind of overhaul too.

    First, I didn't know if you'd need this shot. It's the shoulder pad, just in case the detail of it is kinda hard to make it out. Figured better over screenie than under screenie. click And here is a more well lit screenie of his head click

    Full View of Armor
    Details of Front of Armor
    Details of Back of Armor
    That little weird bulky detail on the sides of the armor (the big bulky black thing)+shoes
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Limeball - Heavens Tear
    Limeball - Heavens Tear Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Alrighty thanks guys. I actually passed out 6pm...conspiracy... >_> <_<

    Anyway thanks for the entries, I'm looking them over now and deciding.
    Reikara - 94 HA/AA Veno - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Limeball -84 Assassin - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Reikarah - 99 Seeker - Sanctuary - Retired

    Why do I stick around? I draw pwi fanart.
  • Limeball - Heavens Tear
    Limeball - Heavens Tear Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Alright after much thought and consideration, a winner was selected. It was a tough choice. They'll find a private message in their inbox. The winner will be revealed here once the drawing is finished and uploaded both here and in the PW Colouring Book thread.
    Reikara - 94 HA/AA Veno - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Limeball -84 Assassin - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Reikarah - 99 Seeker - Sanctuary - Retired

    Why do I stick around? I draw pwi fanart.
  • Limeball - Heavens Tear
    Limeball - Heavens Tear Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Oh hell. -_-

    I AM working on this by the way, I'm just seriously caught up in a lot of study and other real life dramas. At the same time though I didn't really want to rush it either, I'd like to put my best into it. I'm trying to set aside as much free time as possible. Nasoni's Blademaster was the contest winner. Although only the chest and above is showing I will be adding in the lower half of his body, down to his knees. I was having a fit at the time of drawing the rough sketch of the anatomy due to not being familiar with the male gender.

    Here's the video link to some sections I recorded of it if anyone's interested to see the making of. However the audio did get disable due to issues with a track so BYO music.


    I know you're probably going "WTFASAFSASDFGHN IT DOESN'T TAKE THAT LONG TO DRAW THAT" but inking it the way I do... kinda does. iSlow. You'd lol @ the video's original length pre speeding up.
    Reikara - 94 HA/AA Veno - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Limeball -84 Assassin - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Reikarah - 99 Seeker - Sanctuary - Retired

    Why do I stick around? I draw pwi fanart.
  • Meimeixo - Heavens Tear
    Meimeixo - Heavens Tear Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Wow, that is amazing o.o Looks so pro already b:dirty
  • Narriru - Dreamweaver
    Narriru - Dreamweaver Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Agreed! He looks awesome. No rushing, take your time. b:victory