New to Sins

PoppyAnnn - Raging Tide
PoppyAnnn - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
edited July 2011 in Assassin

I have played pretty much every class now, apart from a barb anyway.
I've always kind of held back from playing an Assassin as SO many people seem to have them, I just thought them a bit too common. But seeing as Im a character addict, Ive been thinking of making one.
My question is - are they fun? I am not interested in dueling, PVP etc, I've always preffered PVE. What are your experiences with them in PVE?

I will be using a 1str 4dex build. Im finding it hard to find a character I want to stick to playing until later levels, not sure if this could be it but I may try!

Thanks b:victory

Oh and another thing. Sin type characters are usually my favourite to play in an MMO. The reason I have held back from them here is that people just think that I'd want to be another over-powered Sin along with the rest of the Sin population, if you get what I mean.
Post edited by PoppyAnnn - Raging Tide on


  • Evict - Heavens Tear
    Evict - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    PvE sucks until level 59 and acquire your 2 Spark skills. From then on, it's easy living. Instance runs are death if you're clueless about aggro control. At endgame, Assassins have nothing a BM or Archer can't offer unless you're into PvP.
    Dysk is my tasty chimichanga. <3
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    =D Hi, I'm fairly new to playing sins myself (Mine is only lvl17, so I'm no expert. I'm only playing it to try it out, like you). I've heard alot of complaints about them being really really squishy in the early levels, but I've been making life powder for it and it's been keeping me alive fine, at least so far. I recommend working on apothecary skills for it, because life powder is amazing for keeping you alive, and level 2 apoth can get you focus powder, which, even with lvl1 stealth should let you be in stealth for a while without mp troubles.

    I'm also using the pure build you're going to try. I rather like it so far =D

    I've also been using a bow to get a few good hits in before the mob reaches me. I've found that using that technique on physical mobs works out great, keeps me from getting hit too much, and when the mob reaches me I just slip stream it and either it dies just from that skill, or I have to only hit it once more for it to die. Since that pure build is basically the same for archers, sins do well with bows. <_< Your daggers are your top priority, though.

    Most people say sins don't truely begin to shine until 50+, but with how easy it's been for me so far, that shouldn't be too hard to reach. Especially if you have a good faction to help out =P

    I'm also usually a purely mage class type player, but so far sins are proving to be rather fun. Probably because its a squishy mele character. And I'm used to being a squishy =P
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • PoppyAnnn - Raging Tide
    PoppyAnnn - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    =D Hi, I'm fairly new to playing sins myself (Mine is only lvl17, so I'm no expert. I'm only playing it to try it out, like you). I've heard alot of complaints about them being really really squishy in the early levels, but I've been making life powder for it and it's been keeping me alive fine, at least so far. I recommend working on apothecary skills for it, because life powder is amazing for keeping you alive, and level 2 apoth can get you focus powder, which, even with lvl1 stealth should let you be in stealth for a while without mp troubles.

    I'm also using the pure build you're going to try. I rather like it so far =D

    I've also been using a bow to get a few good hits in before the mob reaches me. I've found that using that technique on physical mobs works out great, keeps me from getting hit too much, and when the mob reaches me I just slip stream it and either it dies just from that skill, or I have to only hit it once more for it to die. Since that pure build is basically the same for archers, sins do well with bows. <_< Your daggers are your top priority, though.

    Most people say sins don't truely begin to shine until 50+, but with how easy it's been for me so far, that shouldn't be too hard to reach. Especially if you have a good faction to help out =P

    I'm also usually a purely mage class type player, but so far sins are proving to be rather fun. Probably because its a squishy mele character. And I'm used to being a squishy =P

    Im the same, as in I usually play pure mage chars. The only melee class I have is my Seeker. Anyway your advice was good, thank you :) Still not sure whether to make one, I cant decide on a class to play! b:surrender
  • Octarius - Raging Tide
    Octarius - Raging Tide Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I was a character jumper for some time. Couldn't decide what to stick with. In every mmo I've always been either a healer or tank. Mainly a tank because well...I love to tank lol. Not because they are picked first each time but because the squad depends on me to pull correctly and to keep aggro at all time. To watch my surrounding and my healer. A tank isn't a good tank unless he's got a good healer.

    As for my sin. I love my sin. I started out jumping toons and left him at 22. But every time I kept coming back. Why I didn't really know. Finally got 34 and obtained BP. From then on I loved it. I killed fast. Could stealth through mobs if I didn't feel like fighting. I don't like pvp much either. But I do duel sometimes when challenged.

    My sin isn't a pure dex. Not until 100. I'm a 1str 3dex 1vit sin. Stopped at 40vit though. Once I"m 100 and got my rank 8 armor ect. I'll use my reset note and fix it. But right now I'm having a blast. You will to. The first half of your levels with any class are going to be boring because all you do is quest. Most I see buy FC heads so they can level up fast. I see so many fail at there class because of this. They get 6-7 levels per run and than don't know what to do or what skills to use in context with another skill.

    Like for example. Some of my fav skills with my sin are Earthen Rift, Sub Sea Strike, Head Hunt and Rising Dragon Strike. You always have chi if you use your skills right. Inner Harmony will give you 150 chi each tic so. RDS will give you alot of chi as well. Use that in sinc with tackling slash and you have almost full double spark bar.

    But when I come upon groups of mobs that we're fighting in fc or when I'm in TT. Soon as I know the tank has aggro, I double spark + Inner Harmony + Wolf Emblem + Sub Sea Strike(As it only lasts 8 seconds) + Earthen Rift. I love using that combo. Another quick combo I use is Wolf Emblem + Double Spark + Rising Dragon Strike + Sub Sea + Rift. Than I just help finish off any wounded ones XD. If you see a BM use HF. Pop Sub Sea right behind it followed by Earthen Rift for lots and lots of dead things.

    You will enjoy sin. Just make you lots of life powders (10Golden Hert + 15Necter=5 Life Powder) and you will be just fine. You will be rather squishy at the beginning. But once you get your double spark. The road you traveled to get it will be well worth it. I'm working on 89 to get my demon spark. o.o More aps b:laugh.

    I've typed alot but want you to understand how much I like assassins. This is the first DD class I've ever played and stuck with. I think you will like it too. Good luck.