New way to pull in fc and place bb?

starsofray19 Posts: 1 Arc User
edited July 2011 in Cleric
Ok so I go on this FC run 90+ mostly everyone was higher than 95, consisted of a barb, bm, 3sins and me. Everyone arrives randomly and not on time which seems to be a growing habit...they start and i usually don't buff until everyone is there so Im healing normally as they take out the shades and we stop at the doorway before the first big pull to the first boss. Were sitting there because one sin hasn't got there yet and I get a whisper from another sin in the squad to buff. I'm like I was waiting for the last guy to come and she whispers back oh he is ok so I buff.. and as soon as i am done here he comes down the hall asking for buffs. magic waste having to buff again. First boss down and were at the hall for the second pull to the second boss. I get off 1 IH and the barb starts running... Im like ok u dont need that... so I just start running behind him as always and he goes past the exit to the boss and keeps collecting the mobs on the hall leading past the bigroom so im sitting there waiting for him to come back down thinking ohh ok he can take all those mobs leading to the shade. Thats how I learned my fc's that u pull to the shade and BB, the barb came back by the hall leading to the second boss and asks "where is bb?" im like ummm...ur not at shade? so i put BB up they kill the mobs from the long hall and I drop it after thinking so "so they are gonna pull these little bit to the shade?" they come back with more mobs and the bm dies. Im like umm this is suicide? i thought u pull to shade? Your gonna die. The barb and girl sin respond, "no we won't we are pro and this is the pro way to pull". Im already aggravated and i say back no this is suicide. Second boss down so its time to do the big pull leading to the 4th boss the one with the bishops. So the barb pulls the ice mob thingies up to where the boss is and skips the mobs on the left and goes straight to the right and stops there holding the mobs and one of the sins grab the left over mobs on the left so i just put bb up where I stopped lost wondering "wth they are doing"...Boss with the bishops are down so its time to do the next pull and the barb tries to tell me how he is pulling in a mocking way like idk how to be a cleric, and i say dont tell me how to do my job ur the one who is doing things different. He pulls the mobs up to the boss with the lame huge attack thingy and skips the left mobs again going straight down the walkway and he also pulls the boss and oohh guess wat? Its my fault because I wasn't agreeing with him. That he is a pro and this is the pro way. girl sin backing him up the other squad members say nothing. BB up mobs go down and they go after the boss me pissed beyond belief drop bb and run straight into the super lame attack and die... i get back boss is dead and the girl sin and the bm is dead. I rez them and I walk off and they are like "aren't you gonna heal"? And I say aren't you pro? you use potions.. So I get kicked out of the squad and Im called a nub by the barb and I said his mom for having him. Then I wc to all clerics to not go with them because they are too "pro for us" and here comes barb pming me with his lame comments of nub and i suck. And i tell him he has no regard for his squad, like it is so hard for him to have said from the beginning he were gonna pull a different way. Not everyone pulls your way and who says your way is the pro way. He is like we don't need a cleric (hmm but ur outside in snowy village chatting for a cleric). I also say it is disrespectful how people in this game talk to clerics, seriously you have to remember our jobs is to keep ur butts alive, you just damage deal we gotta know who needs wat, wat skill to use when and, some of you know ur gear sucks or u cant take much damage why do u pull aggro and then say heal when in like 2-3 hits ur down? I do know some clerics are bad Ive seen my fair share, but when is all this huge negativity gonna come to an end in this game? wheres the love? and the kindness to actually teach and not ridicule or put down ones confidence. People forget that yes as clerics we have healing abilities but we also have attacks and from what ive seen we do some hardcore damage. it is a choice to heal you it is our skills just like any other class has their own skills, we are not obligated to heal you because you've built this game a certain way where a cleric "must" be a healer because we can damage deal just as good... Rudeness is and always will be so uncalled for...(p.s. sorry for my horrible grammar its 2 a.m. and idc about punctuations and capitalizations just sleep... lol) but what do you think?
Post edited by starsofray19 on


  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I can't believe I read that wall of text, but all I have to say in response to this is.. **** happens.

    That's why you try and go with friends first and foremost instead of random squads. Find people who are on the same page as you, who aren't going to talk down to you or not communicate. FL them and start being picky, the same way barbs are.
  • Prophete - Dreamweaver
    Prophete - Dreamweaver Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Wall of text.
    I quit around 10th line.
  • Yogaxpto - Dreamweaver
    Yogaxpto - Dreamweaver Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Quited at 80% of the text.
    You need some grammar correction in there....
    Trolling since September 2008b:victory

    Don't worry. I might stop trolling and say something useful... One day....
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    For as much as I could bear to read, they were doing pretty standard pulls. If you had an issue with it, you should simply have said "I'm not used to doing the pulls this way, so let me know where to BB."
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    ... Since when do pro squads run with clerics after 90+? Plus, pro clerics just do the pulls themselves b:victory

    First off, it drives me nuts when clerics wait for everyone to arrive to arrive before buffing. It takes us about 20 seconds to recover the mana from giving full 1 hour buffs, and in that time our squad can get started clearing. Not to mention alot of them ignore buffing because "its too much mana, I'll do it when everyones here" but then spam heal the unbuffed DDs because they're taking more dmg.

    Anyway, sounds like a communication problem from the start. Straight up tell the barb "if you're not pulling to where everyone else is pulling, at least tell me where you'll stop". Or tell him "I'll bb at shade" and he'll pull there.

    Although, it does sound like some screwy pulls. Several hints that the barb wasn't pro was doing half a magic hall pull, pulling to the boss, ignore mobs that can grab a cleric, and needing a cleric at all.

    Bottom line, take the initiative to communicate with your squad and they should also (although, from the wall of text/punctuation free post communication may be a problem.)
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • RayofLove - Dreamweaver
    RayofLove - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Yeah I know the punctuation and grammar sucks. I said that at the end lol. It was late at night, so I just ranted. Same for the long wall of text, I just typed read over it and thought, "oh its readable".

    Anyway yeah I said that, it isn't hard to have simply said how he was going to pull. I learned my pulls going to the shade, I'm accustomed to that and it is what I've done with other FC squads. That is the first I saw of pulls like that. Like even now they have sins doing backwards pulls, I don't mind doing things differently, just give some form of talk that your going to. I also did communicate I said, "I thought normally the pulls go to shade then BB" and he said, "this is the pro way to pull". He didn't tell me how to do the kind of pulls he was doing until the third pull, and it wasnt nicely or trying to teach me. It was mocking and rude, like I don't know how to be a cleric at all.

    Also you say it aggravates you that we wait to buff, but I have noticed alot that squad members just start clearing and don't wait for the buffs, even when everyone isnt there yet. I refuse to chase them down just to give them buffs that I have to give them again when everyone arrives...

    Once again sorry for my wall of text, if I could go in and edit or knew how to go in and edit (if that is possible) I would. Thank you each of you for your replies.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Yeah I know the punctuation and grammar sucks. I said that at the end lol. It was late at night, so I just ranted. Same for the long wall of text, I just typed read over it and thought, "oh its readable".

    Anyway yeah I said that, it isn't hard to have simply said how he was going to pull. I learned my pulls going to the shade, I'm accustomed to that and it is what I've done with other FC squads. That is the first I saw of pulls like that. Like even now they have sins doing backwards pulls, I don't mind doing things differently, just give some form of talk that your going to. I also did communicate I said, "I thought normally the pulls go to shade then BB" and he said, "this is the pro way to pull". He didn't tell me how to do the kind of pulls he was doing until the third pull, and it wasnt nicely or trying to teach me. It was mocking and rude, like I don't know how to be a cleric at all.

    Also you say it aggravates you that we wait to buff, but I have noticed alot that squad members just start clearing and don't wait for the buffs, even when everyone isnt there yet. I refuse to chase them down just to give them buffs that I have to give them again when everyone arrives...

    Once again sorry for my wall of text, if I could go in and edit or knew how to go in and edit (if that is possible) I would. Thank you each of you for your replies.

    Top right corner of your post, the little orange button that says, "Edit."
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • ChubbyKyros - Lost City
    ChubbyKyros - Lost City Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Well IMO, I think if other class wants to give stupid comments about your skill.
    Seriously, if they do stupid stuff stop your heal for a moment to keep yourself alive.
    But frost you dont really need to BB if the barb is doing the correct thing.

    At least the barb i goes with onli need SOR once and the mobs would be died before they inflict even more damage. IJS
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    wall of text. ijs
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Manostra - Harshlands
    Manostra - Harshlands Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    tldr version

    Barb do strange pulls without explaining anything to cleric, cleric set bb on wrong spots because the wired pulls, some drama, cleric get kicked out of squad , more drama on worldchat and pm's.
    I hate Room 38
  • Kairu_ - Sanctuary
    Kairu_ - Sanctuary Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    lol screwy barb, i got a barb in fcc range and a 100 cleric so i know both sides of the story and how it goes. *considering I did full pulls to 1st boss and full magic pull to shade at 73 but already knew what to do*

    if the barb had problems with BB placement, if he was "pro" he'd holypath to BB, or turttle up while you got there, invoke or invoke + solid shield, or invoke > holypath ect. any amount of things to stay alive and bring to you. a barb who dies in fcc post 80 really is a fail barb sorry. even with no cleric a barb can do mild pulls with pots/apoth and kill, crappy heals and a barb can stay alive long enough to AoE down a group so long as the dmg isn't horrible

    cleric have a hell of a time with being bashed with any mistake, does get annoying. and a post 90 barb not doing a full shade pull should be slapped upside the head, even a crappy geared 90 can pull that off pretty easily. i have more issues in pheonix valley *dang immobilize b*stards that won't let me fully pull, so i have the bm bodhivista and pull, then run past me, roar > invoke GG.

    as for pulls in fcc on cleric, theirs only a few you CAN'T do without like r9/vana JoSD. the mele pulls lol, you can pull 1 group at a time mele or let ur bm pull a few. ALL of the magic mobs a cleric can pull post 90, just experiment and try not to die, you'll get the hang of it. holypath out of reach so you have time to BB, then the ranged mobs will follow and build up, also putting them all together for the bm to stun once he gets there a second after you stop lol. give a bm paint and they can solo kill pulls *their just not the best at the actual pull > survive till you can AoE unless it's the mele mobs. full fcc is very possible without a barb, witha compitent bm/cleric or bm/any mage class with some survival to alternate pulls based on who's better suited to survive till bm can stun > squad AoE kill. aps sin or bm for boss tanking

    hell a 3.5-4k hp sin can tank every boss in fcc if done properly, the pole on crack, boss after exp room. the aura on his feet, purify about when you think it's gonna go off, 2-3 IH's after that it does it again. you can purify before the sin/tank takes even 1 shot under the debuff. keeping expell on genie in case of stun > amp and purify + expell on self or any party member for quick survival vs mele mobs.

    ps: sry for ranting kinda off topic as well :(, noon the next day and yet to sleep