PvP cleric
Hi all. I have few questions about PvP clerics/attack clerics/fighting clerics.
- What's your opinion about these type of clerics in a PvP server?
- Being PvP cleric means less efficiency healing?
- A PvP cleric CAN support and heal equal than a support cleric? If not, why?
- A PvP cleric CAN kill with the same efficiency then other classes?
- Finally... Is worth to being a PvP cleric in a PvP server? Or should I think in other class if I want to kill people? b:angry
Thanks b:surrender
- What's your opinion about these type of clerics in a PvP server?
- Being PvP cleric means less efficiency healing?
- A PvP cleric CAN support and heal equal than a support cleric? If not, why?
- A PvP cleric CAN kill with the same efficiency then other classes?
- Finally... Is worth to being a PvP cleric in a PvP server? Or should I think in other class if I want to kill people? b:angry
Thanks b:surrender
Post edited by lordfede on
Well - Im not on a pvp server. But until the real pvp starts - lets say 90+ - you already have all the skills anyway. In this game your restricted to certain skills during the lower lvls but in the end youll get all...
So there is no real difference between a attack cleric and pve cleric in the higher lvls. In the lower lvls though it might be that you dont lvl buffs as quick as your attacks or so. So youll lack something there. But in the end it doesnt really matter anyway.
My suggestion though, if you really wanna start an attack cleric, is to lvl IH, Wellspring and level the buffs a little slower and put the rest into attack. So you still can heal decently and have your attacks at higher levels.
And yeah - in the lower lvl rnages we still can dd pretty good compared to other classes. Later on maybe less but still pretty decent. But at that point there wont be any difference between support and attack clerics anymore.0 -
I'm not on a PvP server tbh, but that's only because I hate it with a passion.
ONE THING: FAC and PvP clerics are NOT the same.
Let me break it down:
The only real difference between a FAC and a "normal" cleric is that of the order of skill lvling. Armor doesn't matter, because essentially you'll have the same as you would if you were "normal". I view FAC as simply a way to confuse and complicate your life - you will have troubles healing and getting squads until 70~. Take note that real PvP starts 80-90+, and by that time you'll have more than enough spirit and coin to lvl ALL of your skills. So a FAC is not a PvP cleric.
Now, a REAL PvP cleric...Really, in the end it either comes down to skill, r9 armor(or Nirvana...you get the point), or both. Clerics were never designed to be ultra-awesome bombs in PvP. Sad, yes, but we DO have skills that if played right, can make us quite amazing. Then again, I doubt any of the above is new to you, so I'm going to stop there.- Being PvP cleric means less efficiency healing?
- A PvP cleric CAN support and heal equal than a support cleric? If not, why?
- A PvP cleric CAN kill with the same efficiency then other classes?
I'm going to say this once: there are three components to a PvP cleric.
...I'll take that back, the three components apply to ALL classes of ANY playing style.
1 - Skill
2 - Armor
3 - Luck
The ability to heal comes from our attack. A good PvP cleric will have a good weapon, meaning good heals (assuming you aren't a stupid **** to be a FAC). If you don't, well, I hardly see the issue since chances are if you are a PvP cleric you're going pure (or almost pure) mag. And I do once again assume you keep IH to your lvl at ALL TIMES.
Can a PvP cleric kill with the same efficiency? BAH, have you seen the PvP billboard ratings? Clerics are by FAR not on bottom. More like at the top, really.- Finally... Is worth to being a PvP cleric in a PvP server? Or should I think in other class if I want to kill people?
Remember those 3 components? They are the ones that make any toon "good".
There is no such thing as a build for a "PvP cleric". We aren't Barbs, or BMs, or Venos to have much of a choice for weapons and fighting style. Most good "PvP' clerics that you see are simply regular clerics that have played for long enough to have good gear and evolved their PvP skills enough to be called "good". Personally, I hardly ever see any good PvP cleric that was purposely made to PvP. Well, there are those heavy clerics that are like healing tanks but...thats another story. Ask if you want, but I doubt its a choice for you.Hating ain't cool.
(note: just to say something different)
in my opinion you can be a support cleric and be an attack cleric at the same time.
thats what im doing now.
I have a level 62 cleric right now and had a previous level 82 psychic. heres what to do:
1.) get wellspring surge and iron heart blessing:
- level both of it to level 5 in your early level (level 1 to 30) because it consume less spirit. and then max it later like at level 40 and above.
2.) get revive and purify:
- leave purify at level 1 and start to level it up and max it at level 70+
- leave revive at level 1 and start to level it up and max it at level 50+
3.) chromatic healing beam, stream of rejuvenation and regeneration aura:
- get this skill at level 80+ and max it don't get this early and in mid levels.
( wellspring surge and iron heart blessing is enough even at level 80s)
1.)GET vanguard spirit, magic shell, celestial guardian seal and spirit gift:
-- max vanguard spirit (its very cheap)
-- max spirit gift
-- you may leave celestial guardian seal and magic shell at level 5. and max it later.
3.) plume shell - max this skill.
2) greater protective aura, aegis spirit, exalted renewal and arcane empowerment
-- get these skills at level 80+
(you can buff your party individually and its not a big deal).
1)get elemental seal and dimensional seal
-- get these skills as a prerequisite and leave it to level 1
2.) get silent seal and chromatic seal
leave these skills at level 1 and max it later at level 80+
(if you want to enjoy duel and pvp and in able to match those melee fighters at early levels, you need chromatic seal. melee fighters have stuns and clerics have chromatic seal to put them to sleep.)
1.) get plume shot, great cyclone wield thunder and tempest.
-- max plume shot and great cyclone as soon it became available. this will be your bread and butter PVE skills.
-- max wield thunder and tempest.
2.) Razor feather -- max this later at level 80+
** Now how can you get sufficient spirit to all of these skills?**
do the crazy stone, bounty hunterquest and world quest every day as soon it became available.
at level 80+ and even at level 70+ you will start to get plenty of spirits.
Just do the crazy stone, bounty hunter and world quest EVERYDAY.
(My 82 psychic have already 2 million spirit, i just wanted to tell you will get plenty of spirits..)
here are the skills of my current level 62 cleric: (i always do the crazy stone and bounty hunter quest everyday)
1.) well spring surge - level 8
2.) iron heart blessing - level 10
3.) revive - level 8
4.) purify - level 1
1.) vanguard spirit - level 10
2.) magic shell - level 5
3.) celestial guardian seal - level 5
4.) spirit gift - level 10
5.) plume shell - level 10
Offensive skills
1.) plume shot - level 10
2.) great cyclone - level 10
3.) wield thunder- level 5
4.) tempest - level 1
1.) silent seal - level 1
2.) chromatic seal - level 10 -
- What's your opinion about these type of clerics in a PvP server?
They have a lot of balls making a cleric instead of a sin to PK with.
- Being PvP cleric means less efficiency healing?
No, you still heal well.
- A PvP cleric CAN support and heal equal than a support cleric? If not, why?
Yes, just because someone else's heals are better doesn't make them a better support cleric. Also, because our damage is based on magic, PvP clerics still want high magic = good heals.
- A PvP cleric CAN kill with the same efficiency then other classes?
No, APS kills PvE mobs the best. For PvP, sins have an easier time killing unless you're in TW, then archer/wiz/psychic is on top and sins are always dead.
- Finally... Is worth to being a PvP cleric in a PvP server? Or should I think in other class if I want to kill people? b:angry
It might be worth it if you are looking for a challenge and not play with your toes facerolling people as a sin. If you want to kill a lot of people easier though, I recommend rolling a sin/archer.0 -
Swannx - Archosaur wrote: »It might be worth it if you are looking for a challenge and not play with your toes facerolling people as a sin. If you want to kill a lot of people easier though, I recommend rolling a sin.
Fixed that for ya. Archers suck at endgame pvp (unless you r9 it, but then that argument becomes moot).Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
Current math challenge: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1029711&page=45
"Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray0 -
Wow, very excellent answers, thanks all!
This will help to a lot of people for sure.
I'll study the answers and if I have any question, I'll ask again b:victory0 -
IMO, Pvp Cleric isn't that hard.
Looking at the skill set and cooldown you should be able to roughly gauge what you need for pvp.
Well probably a Sin is better at PVP but what is the point of playing a game you clicking your opponent then look at your computer and watch him die. Boring~
PVP with cleric is definitely gonna be fun =D0 -
- What's your opinion about these type of clerics in a PvP server?
they can beat any class too. and they are deadly too. once they put you to sleep and paralyze you, you will be send to kingdom come in no time....- Being PvP cleric means less efficiency healing?
this kind of question is only applicable to those early and mid level clerics. because some clerics choose to learn the offensive spell first and ignore the heals and buffs and be like a wizard. but you can be a support and be an attack cleric at the same time in your early and mid level like my previous post here.
but speaking of end game clerics. all end game clerics can be a PVP clerics. and their proficiency of healing is not nerfed. because the proficiency of healing is based on the level of the skills and magic attack. and end game clerics already mastered almost all of the skills and they have high magic attacks.- A PvP cleric CAN support and heal equal than a support cleric? If not, why?
all End game clerics are both PVP cleric and support cleric combined. because they learned all of the skills and have high magic attack, good defense and hp.
about the low and mid level support and attack clerics. they are not equal. because in low-mid attack clerics they don't learn some of the healing spells ON TIME. because they focus both on healing and offensive spells or offensive spells only..- A PvP cleric CAN kill with the same efficiency then other classes?
i can say that a clerics are slower compared to them. in able to successfully kill someone(someone who are at the same level and the same level of equipments as you), We need to debuff them first and then nuke them. (put them to sleep,and then paralyze then nuke them to death).
for example:
Psychics are faster than them because their debuff and offensive skills are combined. they debuff their enemy at the same time nuking them to death. SO they are faster to kill somebody compared to as clerics.
Assassins have the initiative and the first move because of their stealth. and will stunlock you.
so they are faster than the clerics..
etc.- Finally... Is worth to being a PvP cleric in a PvP server? Or should I think in other class if I want to kill people?
if you want to choose the "best class" for killing people then cleric is not a good choice first....
Its worth having your so called PVP cleric in a PVP server because clerics can do much more compared to other class. clerics are the most independent class. and can do solo.
end game clerics are PVP class, support class, solo and independent class at the same time. which any other class cannot do....0 -
well this will be fun to answer albeit a long one so bear with it
Hi all. I have few questions about PvP clerics/attack clerics/fighting clerics.
What's your opinion about these type of clerics in a PvP server?
- as mentioned above ofc their ballsy at earlier lvls, even higher *sins*, but in a pvp server their great fun to play *I'm not on one on cleric but i got some decent lvls there so i at least know how the environment is and cleric are pretty strong there.
Being PvP cleric means less efficiency healing?
- to be redundant . . . . NO, their dmg comes from high matk, as do their heals to be frank the only heal i lvld pre 70 was IH, wellspring too if you want, it really helps but not a necessity *purify needs lvl 4 by 60's for BH51 just remember that for certain, meet to many FAC's that never lvl it and barbs die to bosses debuff*
A PvP cleric CAN support and heal equal than a support cleric? If not, why?
- in low to mid lvls a pure support cleric is probably 100% into these skills *if pure support*.Ironheart, Wellspring, the 4 buffs *and AoE versions lvl39+*, debuffs, and seals. with low lvls in cyclone/plume shot *plume shot probably lvld to lvl for a spammable attack to grind*
-naturally built all support skills their support will be better, pvp you lvl ur 2 defence buffs, plume/cyclone, plume shell, *seals at 60+ the debuff they offer low lvl isn't worth much unless you put a lot into them, and at that lvl theirs better things* IH/wellspring. so their support buffs aren't as good *regen, seals, higher lvl puri ect*, but their still a good support + heal + dps all round.
A PvP cleric CAN kill with the same efficiency then other classes?
- I really don't see why other people say they can't, archers are great dmg + range *as in most games their one of the top dps and pvpers just how it goes, meant to kill AA/LA*
- to mages we do less magic dmg but not far less, and we have spammable phys and mag skill where as their phys dmg skill has 2 spark cost and 30 second cd so we do high dmg in a variety not just one type *archers are the same, hitting phys and mag*
- bm's, probably the class i have the 2nd easiest time with tbh. they have high aps dmg in "MELEE", or a variety of skills based of of their wep, but other then aps we out dps them. being forced in mele is a disadvantage against a good cleric, a big one.
-barbs are an end game force to be reconed with, other then onslaught their not to terrible arma's easy to see comming and shield yourself with a genie. dps wise their like a mage in dph aspect rather then dps but physical and with a hell of a lot of hp *2nd easiest thing for me to kill early on, r9/vana with lvl 11 onslaught is a totally different story*
the rest you will figure out later, i won't go into heavy detail but basic
psy = similar to wiz but a -channel wiz can dps higher, psy debuff is dealable once you learn what your doing
sin = high dps spike dmg + stealth + stun to always get the 1st hit,hit hard and hit fast but kinda squishy lol.
veno = pet + veno = good dps, but without a nix or a good sawly their not to terrible till r9/vana
- Finally... Is worth to being a PvP cleric in a PvP server? Or should I think in other class if I want to kill people? b:angry
if you wan't variety and a skill based class cleric is a great way, if all you want to do is sit back and kill I'd say sin/archer/wizzy, their the dps's *wizzy geared well late game is a dps tank lol, normally a glass cannon + r9/vana = steel cannon
ps: if you made it this far theirs one more thing I'd like to mention/warn you of
pvp cleric isn't an easy to you learn you win class, unlike the others it takes serous skill to be great at it. they have all they need to kill pretty much anything they go up against when done properly. a ok pvp cleric is seen on pvp servers more often then pve but still not the most common, a good one isn't found often on either, and a GREAT pvp cleric can dominate most classes with similar gear lvls *hence above saying it's a class most based off skill in pwi for pvp ratings*0 -
If you talk about serious pvp, you wont do any before lvl 90ish.
At that moment, all your skill will be maxed (almost all)
There's no such thing as Full attack cleric, support cleric or pvp clerics.
It all boils down to your armor, weapon and how you put your attribute points each level.
Basically, put everything in magic, just enough in Strength to be able to use the best weapon of your level, and go arcane robe.
That way, you have the best build for pvp and for pve.
Your choice of shards will more or less make you better in pvp or pve.0
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