Tanking Seekers

mjdbravo Posts: 31 Arc User
edited July 2011 in Seeker
i read alot about seekers tanking bossess/mini bossess but how can we do it if we only have str and dex....??? and most seekers i know do this stat...
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  • ReMakaBo - Archosaur
    ReMakaBo - Archosaur Posts: 845 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Maxing your defense level buffs compensates well for lack of HPs... basically you recieve a substantial amount of less damage than other classes.
  • Blaydewind - Raging Tide
    Blaydewind - Raging Tide Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    HP gear and refines make up for lack of VIT, which is why I personally don't feel the need to add VIT.
  • Chrisalys - Dreamweaver
    Chrisalys - Dreamweaver Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I dont add vit too. Tho, we can still refine and shard well our gears and level numbness as possible. Seekers take less damage than barb, with some refines here and there we reach what? 8k-10k hp? its enough IMO.

    About holding agro, I doubt a psychic can draw agro against a perma-held yathagan, easily done by using Herb Huanxiao and a MP Charm.

    you can trade 3 tokens of luck for 50 huanxiaos if im right, its cheap. A Plat MP charm is around 1.5m at DW.

    Seriously, read this: deal Base damage + 100% Weapon damage + 7842.8 every 1.5s
    Psychics (the OP ones) do damage about every 2 seconds for their long cast times. 0.6 Channel + 1.4 cast = 2s.
    The stacking time advantage generates more aggro than the slower and stronger attacks from other classes.

    All this + BP = ???
    Take your conclusion.
    "What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!" - Dracula
  • Dangler - Lost City
    Dangler - Lost City Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    personally once i have sage HP buff i have over 22k hp but thats mainly due to lots of vit stones and high refines. b:chuckle i find that even with a mediocre +6 R8 sword that agro can still be stolen too easily by those wonderful Assasins. I hope this will change once the R9 comes out b:laugh
  • supertroyman1
    supertroyman1 Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    if ur really worried about the lack of vit do what i did. follow the 3-1-1 build until lvl 50 then switch the build for dmg (3-2 every lvl or 7-3 every 2 lvls) that way ur not lacking in vit but u can still hit fairly hard. on top of numbness itll take ALOT to kill u
  • Cavorex - Raging Tide
    Cavorex - Raging Tide Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I did str and dex to the highest gear i could possibly get and put the rest into vit, 160 vit, 260 str, the rest vit. only lvl 91 on seeker but i have almost 7K hp and rarely use a cleric, Bloodpaint is more useful to me, and my hp rarely drops below 75%, I've also tanked every boss up to fb89 without an issue so far, and solo'd most of them. BUt i agree refine and shard your gear. if nothing else it will help in the long run.