Assassin World International (AWI)

Magicsaber - Dreamweaver
Magicsaber - Dreamweaver Posts: 727 Arc User
edited July 2011 in General Discussion
I play my Wizard and don't want to be high level (so that APS priority will not bother me), but some events changed whole Perfect World International so much, that I had to write this topic.

sins go solo their fc and get within few weeks to 105 thats of couse is allowed

...but for the rest not...cause they abused a glitch.

Wow, suddenly its balanced...but bannable ..oh yeah its a sarcasm.

lets see the PWI ranks:

1st page...80% assassins
2nd page...90% assassins
3rd page...90% assassins
4th page...90% assassins
5th page...90% assassins

nuff said?
Guess the first who complained about this glitch, been assassins as well. How dare you all to level to 105 without stealth!!!!!

PWI Interviews First Player to Hit 105 Level CapJan 27th, 2011 at 12:09 PM by Reiyami:
How long did it take to reach the cap and how often did you play?

When I reached 103 I was doing 36-40M XP/day in about 4H, so I was supposed to get 104 by the first week of August and 105 by the second week of September. But due some laziness and good TV shows, I only got 104 by end of September and 105 by end of November. I believe that with turning off my TV and 4H of daily frost, it's possible to level another assassin from level 1 till 105 in less than 4 months.

6. Any advice you'd like to give to others who would like to accomplish what you've accomplished?

- Patience. Learn how to plan ahead and give time to reach your goals.
- Keep it secret, the lesser amount of people doing what you doing, the higher the profit.
- As good secrets are best kept that way, I shall not reveal more :P

From Assassin PWpedia:

High critical hit chance
Tied with archer for fastest running speed
Very quick stealth skills
Fast attacks
Liked in most squads
Best in PvP
Highest single target DPS
Has best evasion - added by me comment

Not very much HP in the beginning (comparison made with Wizard may be - comment by OP )
Less skills
Hardly any AoE skills
Short range compared to others (comparison made with BM or Barbarian ? - comment by OP )
Dies very easily at lower levels (if don't attack target - comment by OP )

At every bh squad exist at least one Assassin, at each faction are many active players Assassins.

How about change Perfect World International to Assassin World International ?
Post edited by Magicsaber - Dreamweaver on


  • Amencat - Sanctuary
    Amencat - Sanctuary Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    damn that would be fun, super fast stealth runs everywhere b:victory
    Some Rules each PWI Gamer should know
    1. Dont break this rules & no matter what: DONT TRUST ANYONE!
    2. Dont pay wine or heads fee (like to get kicked after that?) b:chuckle
    3. Dont borrow items (since when return gms scammed stuff?) b:embarrass
    4. Dont use your password in faction-forums (like hacks?) b:fatb
    5. Dont give your mats to the tt-banker (obvious, not?) b:beg
    6. Dont wait for help, or heals, or any other miracles,... (for more examples just play pwi and you will hate the whole humanity) b:bye
  • Abstractive - Archosaur
    Abstractive - Archosaur Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Yeh lol assassinz rule lol

    Bodyguard for Secret Passage at your service, now accepting daily installments of just 2.5m for your leisure.
  • XANTH_ - Heavens Tear
    XANTH_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I honestly..dont understand people who complain constantly..Play the game to have fun and quit complaining about stupid ****. So what if the majority of ppl on the PK rank are sins? Soes it really honestly matter? Tideborn has been out for what a year or so? and people are still complaining about how OP and stuff they are. Just play the game to have fun, talk to your friends, make your own fun and stop all the complaining. And for a name change...imo..thats just stupid...
  • Erakko - Raging Tide
    Erakko - Raging Tide Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    If there were option to play server without assassins I would play there but as they exist there complaining doesn't help much.

    I do most things solo these days so couldn't care less.

    I also made an assasin myself but don't really play it as cleric is more fun.
  • Magicsaber - Dreamweaver
    Magicsaber - Dreamweaver Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I honestly..dont understand people who complain constantly..Play the game to have fun and quit complaining about stupid ****. So what if the majority of ppl on the PK rank are sins? Soes it really honestly matter? ...

    No, it is all right.

    This is not QQ.
    And for a name change...imo..thats just stupid...

    Yea, you are so wise.

    Why you post in this topic ?

    It is stupid for you anyway.
  • Alex_Gantz - Dreamweaver
    Alex_Gantz - Dreamweaver Posts: 468 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Love the name!! b:laughb:laughb:laugh
    and... yeah what can I say?.. I`m a wizzard.. ergo I hate fishes b:surrender
  • Magicsaber - Dreamweaver
    Magicsaber - Dreamweaver Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    ...So what if the majority of ppl on the PK rank are sins?...

    At my first post were not any words about PK.

    Please, read it.

    More, Rankings is by Level.

    And I really think, that no one from non APS classes can himself reach high level so fast as 105 level Assassins, Blademasters, etc.

    PWI is now really AWI.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    OP also forgot to mention that sins are one of the worst AOE classes, and few people ever ask for one in RB, and for PVP/TW most roll mages now.

    Sins have a distinct PVE advantage against single targets, however, sadly OP too dumb to realize that there's always been complaints against those who have certain advantages. I can't tell you how annoying it was reading how veno's and hercs and nixes are so OP when I started playing this game. The new annoyance is the QQ about assassins.

    The explanation for why sins are highly useful in PVE is somewhat on target but there are also easy rationales for them (highest evasion.. duh, pure dex?), however, OP obviously quotes a laundry list that's out of date.
  • Magicsaber - Dreamweaver
    Magicsaber - Dreamweaver Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    OP also forgot to mention that sins are one of the worst AOE classes, and few people ever ask for one in RB, and for PVP/TW most roll mages now. ...
    ...Hardly any AoE skills...

    Read at my post.

    And I saw, how fast high APS Assassin kill group of mobs.

    One by one.

    I not need PvP / TW myself as Wizard, I say about common known facts.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Read at my post.
    That was not your post. That was a quote of someone else's work. However, read the last part of the post you responded to where I said you quoted a laundry list that's somewhat accurate but highly out of date.
    And I saw, how fast high APS Assassin kill group of mobs.

    One by one.
    Doesn't really help for RB. That's why sins are generally relegated to running and only a replacement for a veno.
    I not need PvP / TW myself as Wizard, I say about common known facts.
    Most people roll a wizard now specifically for TW.

    Only stupid people rolled a wizard even before assassins to "tank" or be the highest "damage". That was veno+herc, archer, and before assassin, fist bm.

    I gotta say though, if this was purely assassin world, why it would be so easy to find people of every class to do FF and RB? They must be assassins in disguise amirite? OP should hook up with Mumintroll.
  • Magicsaber - Dreamweaver
    Magicsaber - Dreamweaver Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    Only stupid people rolled a wizard even before assassins to "tank" or be the highest "damage". That was veno+herc, archer, and before assassin, fist bm.

    I play Wizard because don't want to play melee.

    Venomancer ... I have one. But I like to play my Wizard.

    And my Wizard can tank bosses. More, soon (may be month later) he will be able to tank without squad of random people, including high level of them.

    I don't want to say that you stupid, but I must to, because you said it about me.

    I gotta say though, if this was purely assassin world, why it would be so easy to find people of every class to do FF and RB? They must be assassins in disguise amirite? Stupid OP...

    May be because they can't go at other instances ?
  • Sefiere - Sanctuary
    Sefiere - Sanctuary Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    hmm a wiz talking bout assassins again?
  • QueenOfNukes - Heavens Tear
    QueenOfNukes - Heavens Tear Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I will first admit, I chose the third option, because I really dont' know what to say.

    First of all, yes there is an abundance of sins. But I think because of that, it is even more important to stick to a class you love and be good at it. Of course, if you enjoy a sin because you can just select a macro and faceroll a keyboard, kudos to you, but if you enjoy a wiz/cleric/archer, whatever else, just play it.

    I mean, think about it, from 1-80 and we're not talking about plvl-ed toons, sins were like any other characters. They were in a squad with a tank, cleric and so on and trained like everyone else.

    Despite how many people are on the first page of the rankings, I think you should play the game the way you intended. My dream is to be 101 with r8 (r9 seems a little impossible) with Diamond of Dragons on every socket. Rankings don't really mean anything.

    And if it really bothers you that much, start networking, and find people who are likeminded and start running instances with them. It becomes really fun. Take it from me, who have been running with some lovely wizards and psychics and BMs who'd die to protect me. It's fun, you laugh and relax with people you have played with often.

    Don't let it get to you. There is always room for other classes because there's so few left! That shoul be enough motivation to be good at your job. Be the best at your class, and everyone would want you. (:

    My 2 cents.
    "Beware of the Queen, she'll nuke our heads off if we don't listen to her. b:surrender" - Devereaux

    QueenOfNukes was created on 16th June 2011.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I play Wizard because don't want to play melee.
    Then don't play melee, but understand the limitations that have always been there upon the wizard class.
    And my Wizard can tank bosses. More, soon (may be month later) he will be able to tank without squad of random people, including high level of them.
    Yeah and my wizard tanked her own FB89, so what?
    May be because they can't go at other instances ?
    They can, but one needs to look at why it is you aren't getting into these instances. Obviously you don't care to understand logical reasons why, you just wanna QQ about other classes succeeding, which wizards have done since well past your join date.
  • Magicsaber - Dreamweaver
    Magicsaber - Dreamweaver Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    ...if you enjoy a wiz/cleric/archer, whatever else, just play it.

    And if it really bothers you that much, start networking, and find people who are likeminded and start running instances with them. It becomes really fun. Take it from me, who have been running with some lovely wizards and psychics and BMs who'd die to protect me. It's fun, you laugh and relax with people you have played with often.

    I found better way.

    I can't play everyday and I know, that my Wizard can tank all bosses at bh59, for example.

    In squad with my Cleric he will be able to do so.

    Yesterday tanking boss, my Wizard had been killed, because he tried to get agro from Zimo while not saw, that Cleric (from random squad) used BB far from him. After about 4-5 hits Wizard (he had Barb's buff and about 4,5k HP) had been killed, although I tried to save him.

    Again my Wizard has all skills at maximum level and 5,35 mln. of spirit reserve, because he was in many bhs and fbs, in most of them as tank.
  • Anri_Rose - Archosaur
    Anri_Rose - Archosaur Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    O.O you cant tank with a wizzie im sorry but wizard guild rules state thats not allowed
    Trust me Im a Doctor

    Oh and btw, my only QQ about fish EVER, was simply this, They took my job, with the new classes less and less folks wanted wizzies in the runs
    ergo it became harder to lvl a wizzie naturally.
    Oh well im all good with it now ^^
    Where have all the mages gone. Long time casting.
    Who altered my siggy im
    kinda scared b:shocked
  • Femswordtank - Lost City
    Femswordtank - Lost City Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Fishies just make PVP more challenging, meh not gonna talk about PVE.
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Yey another sin QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ thread, haven`t seen them in a while, amusing b:chuckle
  • MaidenChina - Harshlands
    MaidenChina - Harshlands Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Yey another sin QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ thread, haven`t seen them in a while, amusing b:chuckle

    Hmmmm, maybe if it wasn't true, you wouldn't have so many complaints. b:quiet
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Yeah I`m also annoyed that every1 keeps making sins due to aps ****, I miss times like 1,5

    years back when sins were considered **** b:chuckle
  • Mustang_Roy - Archosaur
    Mustang_Roy - Archosaur Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Do not worry! what is the most useless class in tw? Sins b:chuckle (when it is 80v80)

    And I say tw makes this game fun and unique from other mmorpgs.
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    the problem with thie whole high DPS/APS buisness is that it has thrown other classes out of the game, especially the barbs and venos. i've been here since nearly the beginning, and have watched this game evolve, and now devolve. some classes, especially the untamed, have great difficulties getting into a BH, as they are see as 'useless', and players would rather fill up squads with the 'better classes' : ones that can kill the fastest.

    talk about racist. ... this game really has gone that wayb:cry

    I honestly..dont understand people who complain constantly..Play the game to have fun and quit complaining about stupid ****. So what if the majority of ppl on the PK rank are sins? Soes it really honestly matter? Tideborn has been out for what a year or so? and people are still complaining about how OP and stuff they are. Just play the game to have fun, talk to your friends, make your own fun and stop all the complaining. And for a name change...imo..thats just stupid...
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    the problem with thie whole high DPS/APS buisness is that it has thrown other classes out of the game, especially the barbs and venos. i've been here since nearly the beginning, and have watched this game evolve, and now devolve. some classes, especially the untamed, have great difficulties getting into a BH, as they are see as 'useless', and players would rather fill up squads with the 'better classes' : ones that can kill the fastest.

    talk about racist. ... this game really has gone that wayb:cry

    You know whats sad? After lvl95 noone wants a Barbs. Not even for FC. Cause appearently its faster, stronger, harder. Need 2 sins and 1BM, Cleric and 2 AOE. Barb? For what? Every melee idiot is able to tank every instance after lvl95 better than barb.
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • __Kikyo__ - Lost City
    __Kikyo__ - Lost City Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    this game is dying slowly.cant find pvp anymore.idk why im farming money anymore.
  • IrenaSteiner - Dreamweaver
    IrenaSteiner - Dreamweaver Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Not sure how ColdSnow came up with those numbers that is quoted by the OP but here are the %'s for the dreamweaver based on 169 characters that are lv102+

    Blademaster 43 players (25.44%) <---BMs have a slight lead in the rank.
    Wizard 12 players (7.1%)
    Psychic 3 players (1.77%)
    Venomancer 13 players (7.69%)
    Barbarian 12 players (7.1%)
    Assassin 41 players (24.26%) <---Where as the Sins are creeping up there...
    Archer 14 players (8.28%)
    Cleric 29 players (17.15%) <---Surprisingly, Clerics make up a 3rd in the DW ranks!
    Seeker 1 player (0.59%)
    Mystic 1 player (0.59%)

    So as you can see, the 80, 90, 90, 90... is pure exaggeration.b:chuckle
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    the problem with thie whole high DPS/APS buisness is that it has thrown other classes out of the game, especially the barbs and venos. i've been here since nearly the beginning, and have watched this game evolve, and now devolve. some classes, especially the untamed, have great difficulties getting into a BH, as they are see as 'useless', and players would rather fill up squads with the 'better classes' : ones that can kill the fastest.

    talk about racist. ... this game really has gone that wayb:cry


    APS has really ruined this game. Assassins (as a class) are fine by me (and my main is a Wizard so thats saying something) but its just APS is making assassins and BM's too strong.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
    |Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    the problem with thie whole high DPS/APS buisness is that it has thrown other classes out of the game, especially the barbs and venos. i've been here since nearly the beginning, and have watched this game evolve, and now devolve. some classes, especially the untamed, have great difficulties getting into a BH, as they are see as 'useless', and players would rather fill up squads with the 'better classes' : ones that can kill the fastest.

    talk about racist. ... this game really has gone that wayb:cry
    Veno and barb can both get high DPS (veno LA build magic and phys attack with 2.22 APS, barb 5 APS w/claws), veno and barb even when considering non-aps are highly wanted in squads (especially FF/nirvana) more-so than wizards and psychics. Have you even made it to end-game yet? I'm baffled as to what you base these assertions on.
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I don't want to say that you stupid, but I must to, because you said it about me.

    Age of generalized player in PWI: Under 15 years.
  • Eccii - Raging Tide
    Eccii - Raging Tide Posts: 481 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    the problem with thie whole high DPS/APS buisness is that it has thrown other classes out of the game, especially the barbs and venos. i've been here since nearly the beginning, and have watched this game evolve, and now devolve. some classes, especially the untamed, have great difficulties getting into a BH, as they are see as 'useless', and players would rather fill up squads with the 'better classes' : ones that can kill the fastest.

    talk about racist. ... this game really has gone that wayb:cry

    Wanna hear something funny?
    Barbs can get 5 aps too
    Never heard of a 5 aps veno but i'm sure LA/HA venos can get high aps too lol
    Retired on Barb-
    Currently playing mystic-
  • Vivetus - Sanctuary
    Vivetus - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    the problem with thie whole high DPS/APS buisness is that it has thrown other classes out of the game, especially the barbs and venos. i've been here since nearly the beginning, and have watched this game evolve, and now devolve. some classes, especially the untamed, have great difficulties getting into a BH, as they are see as 'useless', and players would rather fill up squads with the 'better classes' : ones that can kill the fastest.

    talk about racist. ... this game really has gone that wayb:cry

    If I remember correctly, for a long long time, both of the untamed were among the worst to squad with because of how high and mighty they felt: the veno in regards to wanting to squad in general (perfect example is TT "help me open this door so i can get my gear, but ill never help any of you because you dont serve my own interests"), as for the barb always feeling they are needed and taking abuse of it ( Attitudes towards BH and some other instances "Oh... well i see you need me for this boss, so instead of being a nice guy and tanking it for you(because i need it too) how about you give me free wine while i treat you all like **** until we finish?"

    I personally think it was matter of time that these two classes got bit in the ***, what goes around comes around, as for wizards, they do always get the short end of the stick, but for the most part at high levels, that seems to be totally worth it, mainly because wizards seem to be among the only classes that actually know what they are doing (ive seen wizards be better clerics than clerics in TT's and such) *waitsforstupidcommentaboutmypostcountandlackofexperienceontheforums*