level 59 pet

Andrew_storm - Archosaur
Andrew_storm - Archosaur Posts: 7 Arc User
edited July 2011 in Mystic
OK so I'm a little upset on how they did this b:angry

cragglord should not last for 20 seconds i think.
OK so if his skills don't take mana then why not have the mystic transfer mana in to him. So that the amount of mana given to him will be the amount of time he last. In order to give him mana the first 20 seconds he is summoned he wont use mana at all so it gives the mystic time to give it mana so then at skill level 1 it takes 2.0 mana every second.

Every skill level up it takes 0.1 points less. At skill level 10 he takes 1 mana every second and at skill level 11 he takes the same amount. So say he haves 1895 mana at skill level 1 and u give him that much every 60 seconds he will use 180 mana so he will last 10 minutes but u can refill it or if they keep it where u give him mana only one time then so be it.

my point I'm trying to make is that its unfair that we have weak skill well most of them and i know veno's have to by 9999 of a item to get a kick butt pet but most of there's can kick are butt anyway.

so why should are strongest pet that's like a tank for one only last 20 seconds. So i feel the next update they should change it to what i said because i love my cragglord a lot. He is strong so why not Chang his skills a bit to say to mobs he does his hits like normal and to players he does his hits 35% less than normal.

i mean u have to think that's fair right we are weak most of the time so why not have him last like i said so he will cost more mana but he will be worth it who thinks that a a good idea say yes or no.

i hope a GM see's this and plz think about this idea i think it will make the mystic gamers a lot more happy i mean he does a lot of hits so incdress the cool down time a bit sa if its 10 seconds then make it 15 or 20 i mean his phy hit is high so i see no problem so plz change it.

Post edited by Andrew_storm - Archosaur on


  • Yogaxpto - Dreamweaver
    Yogaxpto - Dreamweaver Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    For as much as i can try i can't understand your text because i must have a headache seeing that you didn't care about your grammar spelling a sentence with more than 150 words each with makes your point of view very confusing even though you want us to see that you want to make another thread just alike many others in here to find out that cragglord is mainly for pvp and pulls and that devil chyiu can also fit in normal tanking because it can also be stronger when you upgrade your gear.

    Andrew, if you didn't understand some parts of my text, then i will be glad. (It was made on purpose)
    I didn't understand some of yours either..
    Trolling since September 2008b:victory

    Don't worry. I might stop trolling and say something useful... One day....
  • Andrew_storm - Archosaur
    Andrew_storm - Archosaur Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    For as much as i can try i can't understand your text because i must have a headache seeing that you didn't care about your grammar spelling a sentence with more than 150 words each with makes your point of view very confusing even though you want us to see that you want to make another thread just alike many others in here to find out that cragglord is mainly for pvp and pulls and that devil chyiu can also fit in normal tanking because it can also be stronger when you upgrade your gear.

    Andrew, if you didn't understand some parts of my text, then i will be glad. (It was made on purpose)
    I didn't understand some of yours either..

    there is that better o and sorry to say this but i did understand your text sorry if that upsets you
  • Yogaxpto - Dreamweaver
    Yogaxpto - Dreamweaver Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    still doens't meet the standards..
    Trolling since September 2008b:victory

    Don't worry. I might stop trolling and say something useful... One day....
  • Andrew_storm - Archosaur
    Andrew_storm - Archosaur Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    still doens't meet the standards..

    how about now and just say yes or no
  • XMiyala - Dreamweaver
    XMiyala - Dreamweaver Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I didn't read it all, but he's basically trying to say that cragglord should be treated like BoA or DB or vortex. Instead of cragglord lasting only 20 secs, it should last as long as cragglord has enough mana fed to him.
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Maybe if you lvl a bit more you'll realize you don't need cragg to last any longer than he already does? ^^
  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Cragg's 20 second duration is fine. You're not meant to use him indefinitely... what other ulti skill can you think of that lasts 10 minutes? For what you get out of it (pve wise) it's great. Also, no offense to any venos reading this but their pets aren't really better than ours. Some of them may be sturdier, but Storm can out DD any veno pet endgame except for the nix (which is 180 gold compared to 279k for levels 1-10 of SM) and the devil's not too bad either, especially considering the cheap 5 second stun. Basically... mystics are pretty good as is, stop complaining.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • zyean
    zyean Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Or, now here me out on this, they can buff salvation to be tankier
  • ptana
    ptana Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    zyean wrote: »
    Or, now here me out on this, they can buff salvation to be tankier

    your salvation is tankier when your mystic is tankier
  • Elfangorr - Archosaur
    Elfangorr - Archosaur Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I've only had my crag lord out once to see what he does, so I might change my mind after some more use but I too would like him to last a little longer. I would be happy with 1 min. and would be content 30 seconds total time he's out. If I do change my mind I'll try to remember to post here again. I don't think we need him for more than a minute based on my one time see-what-he-does test. He seems quite potent so I don't mind only having him a short time, though somehow 20 seconds seems a little too short. That said 10 minutes is too long for his power.
  • Barunaa - Heavens Tear
    Barunaa - Heavens Tear Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    cragglord lasting 20 seconds is one of the reasons i rage quit my mystic and stopped lvling her among other things.

    i do truly love mystics, but they are so underwhelming... such a disappointing class.
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Cragglord really needs some help. Sage/demon cragg should have given it better scaling or something, because my NV hits almost as hard as cragg's aoe's now, which is just sad for a 2-spark skill.

    Thicket is still strong, but I can already see it losing it's effect endgame also.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Retsuko - Heavens Tear
    Retsuko - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,016 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    my cragglord doing damage... was a while ago. Highest i've seen for me was 177k, with rank 9 wand it should be much higher.

    There's absolutely no reason to make a cragglord last longer then 20 or in my case 23 seconds. It does excellent damage and it should be treated as a super DoT nuke skill. Not as a pet. It's not a skill that you use on simple mobs but it's only worth it for aoe situations and on bosses when you feel like wasting your sparks.

    Only thing that could use some improvement is the cragglord's survivability. It can be 1 shotted in pvp which makes him pretty much useless.

    playing Faction Wars Again.
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    my cragglord doing damage... was a while ago. Highest i've seen for me was 177k, with rank 9 wand it should be much higher.

    There's absolutely no reason to make a cragglord last longer then 20 or in my case 23 seconds. It does excellent damage and it should be treated as a super DoT nuke skill. Not as a pet. It's not a skill that you use on simple mobs but it's only worth it for aoe situations and on bosses when you feel like wasting your sparks.

    Only thing that could use some improvement is the cragglord's survivability. It can be 1 shotted in pvp which makes him pretty much useless.

    Umm...that's rebirth...so you're saying just because Cragg can hit 100k under ideal conditions dragon + amps its fine? Try to get those numbers ANYWHERE else, rebirth is such a small part of the game. Also it does normal damage to those mobs while everyone else gets 25% normal damage.

    A wizard can hit 120k+ easy in rebirth, and that's suffering from 4x damage reduction. So they can actually hit almost 500k raw under GV full-auras.

    Cragg gets 15 attack levels now. After R9 it'll get 47 attack levels. That means it'll do around 30% more damage than a +12 R8 wep. (the main benefit of R9 vs R8 is not the mag attack, but the attack levels).

    I was able to get those numbers with a TT90, once all buffs are up you get some HUGE numbers.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Equin - Dreamweaver
    Equin - Dreamweaver Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    my cragglord doing damage... was a while ago. Highest i've seen for me was 177k, with rank 9 wand it should be much higher.

    There's absolutely no reason to make a cragglord last longer then 20 or in my case 23 seconds. It does excellent damage and it should be treated as a super DoT nuke skill. Not as a pet. It's not a skill that you use on simple mobs but it's only worth it for aoe situations and on bosses when you feel like wasting your sparks.

    Only thing that could use some improvement is the cragglord's survivability. It can be 1 shotted in pvp which makes him pretty much useless.
    if you done that after hf then it would be over 20k damage <3
    (20kx4= awesome overkill in FC bigroom)
    which is what i always do ^.^
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