

  • Gorgonnia - Heavens Tear
    Gorgonnia - Heavens Tear Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I've noticed some good comments being overlooked or ridiculed because the person wasn't lvl100 nor had r9+12, so take these forum debates with a grain of salt and use your brain, provided you have a functional one, to extract information that interests and benefits you.

    You're the one ridiculing comments of people who think vit is good for them. I'm a pure mag psy... I hit uber hard and live a lot (even when being ganked by 2 or more sins at the same time).

    I do know vit psys too, with +12 gear and vit stones and 15k HP unbuffed. They don't hit hard but they're as annoying as any other psy since (maybe you didn't know this b:chuckle) skills effects aren't based on mag attack. You can get hit for lower dmg but you'll still get stunned, sealed, etc etc. and you'll get affected by their buffs effects too, which again don't depend on mag attack b:pleased. Now, go kill them... I can but only keep ticking their charm while they're on white voodoo (Black voodoo is another story, they go down fast).

    Their choice was to make an annoying (due to skills effects), support psy which can pretty much tank everything.

    I can tank almost everything too... but I'll sure die much faster than them. I'd rather use my mag attack capabilities to DD and kill instead of supporting my squad with stuns and seals and debuffs.

    Two different choices, totally valid choices. Who are you to judge them?
  • TheDendra - Harshlands
    TheDendra - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Funny saying I maybe didn't know our skills aren't affected by +mag. What you are suggesting as the viable 2nd path for psys is something unique and the issue is, 99% psys won't come in the situation in which they'd need that build nor will they have desires to play psy like that.

    The reasons and situations in which chobos try to make vit builds viable are where pure build is clearly better.

    If you want to be a support psy, going for HA sounds even better than just going for some extra vitality points - as you said, our skills don't depend on mag ;)

    Most people don't even know why vitality fails for pve, so do you really think they can understand why pure build psys are best for DD in pvp, and even beyond that, do you expect them to understand why a psy would ever go for a HA build? No...people fail to process even the obvious, so no reason to overwhelm them with anything beyond the blatantly obvious things any psy should be able to realize by the time he hits lvl90, let alone lvl100.
  • _Petal_ - Harshlands
    _Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    At this point, it's a vain attempt to try and explain to Mister "If you don't do it my way, you fail hard and therefore deserve to be burned at the stake" .

    He can kiss the glitter flying from my @ss if he's going to be stubborn, shallowminded, and just plain rude. Illiterate I'll be damned, I'm working on my Bachelor in Medicinal Practices! (Early congrats are in order, I'm getting it in June, and I've already got a job in St. James Field Hospital thanks to my internship....who says mandatory internships didn't pay off?)
    Maybe you should consider getting some professional help for that God-Complex you have. I know several students who are working on Mental Health practices, you're more than welcome to come to the United Kingdom to visit....or if you're not up to it, you can always Skype one of them. Either way, your "higher than you" attitude is both irksome and unpleasant. OP is trying to get opinions, and you're being a tightwad about the whole deal. Whatever stick is up your behind, get it out.

    >.> I also apologize for forgetting you're on the forums so rarely I forgot you were even there. b:chuckle
    If it makes you feel better, I forgot DemansPsy and Operate. b:quiet

    I hope he's still playing by the time I hit 100 and farm out all my Nirvana. That's certainly all I've got to say about that.
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."
  • TheDendra - Harshlands
    TheDendra - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    What is there to discuss? There is one best way and there is one alternative if you wish to be a support class....

    As I said, if you wish to claim running backwards is a viable alternative, fine, that's your choice. This has nothing to do with my opinion or anything personal, it is simple truth and I always side with those that are right, and seeing I find your lack of intelligence amusing, I take it you've realized by now we won't find each other on the same side in discussions that often, if ever.

    My 1st psy had 41 vit on lvl34 and I went against my past experiences and logic to trust a knowledgeable person when I was told that pure build is actually the best in pvp. And yes, exception being if you want to be an annoying walking tank, then HA for the win, once again hands down with no better alternatives.

    It's that simple, black and white, anything else you think you've found is nothing but a result of your mind's confusion. Maybe it's hard for you to accept it, but yes, I'm right, you are wrong. I'd love for my psy to have a different build, but I know what is best and that's how it is - learn to play the game and play your class, if you are so damn addicted to vitality and what not, maybe psy is not the best class for you...don't try to turn cheetah into a lion.

    By the way, I'm not sure if anyone has told you, but a diploma won't raise your IQ nor will it make me think of you any higher than you can realistically be thought of.
  • AegisGray - Heavens Tear
    AegisGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Early congrats are in order, I'm getting it in June, and I've already got a job in St. James Field Hospital thanks to my internship....who says mandatory internships didn't pay off

    Congratulations Petal! ^__^

    Gorgonnia, Petal, I appreciate your Vigor but I’m afraid arguing with Dendra is like arguing with the Westboro Baptist Church. His opinions are deeply rooted and are unlikely to change regardless of anything you present; Best not to spend your time with him. I try not to ^^

    Original Poster: As you can see Opinions vary greatly and there are several heated topics regarding Psychic builds. Bottom line: build what fits your play style.

    Pure for damage
    Vitality for Survivability
    Custom for tweekage or fun

    Good luck and have fun ^^
    Finding Solutions to many of your problems starts by looking in the mirror and accepting a small measure of responsibility
  • LittIewg - Heavens Tear
    LittIewg - Heavens Tear Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    What is there to discuss? There is one best way and there is one alternative if you wish to be a support class....

    As I said, if you wish to claim running backwards is a viable alternative, fine, that's your choice. This has nothing to do with my opinion or anything personal, it is simple truth and I always side with those that are right, and seeing I find your lack of intelligence amusing, I take it you've realized by now we won't find each other on the same side in discussions that often, if ever.

    My 1st psy had 41 vit on lvl34 and I went against my past experiences and logic to trust a knowledgeable person when I was told that pure build is actually the best in pvp. And yes, exception being if you want to be an annoying walking tank, then HA for the win, once again hands down with no better alternatives.

    It's that simple, black and white, anything else you think you've found is nothing but a result of your mind's confusion. Maybe it's hard for you to accept it, but yes, I'm right, you are wrong. I'd love for my psy to have a different build, but I know what is best and that's how it is - learn to play the game and play your class, if you are so damn addicted to vitality and what not, maybe psy is not the best class for you...don't try to turn cheetah into a lion.

    By the way, I'm not sure if anyone has told you, but a diploma won't raise your IQ nor will it make me think of you any higher than you can realistically be thought of.

    Your kinda contradicting yourself do u see that? Your basically saying HP is useless,It doesnt help you survive(So dont go VIT build,Cause its fail,Right?) But your boasting about your 3.5k Hp you had at what,lvl 80? Saying VIT is crappy is like saying M.def/Pdef is crappy. How is any of that gonna matter when u dont have enough health to take the hits. Tbh,Vit psys are kinda pwn,They might not have the damage of a pure,But id bet my *** that they can take more hits then us pure psys,No? And I think its time for you to show your gear and stats now,Cause if ur so godly Id like to follow your path. :)
  • TheDendra - Harshlands
    TheDendra - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited April 2011

    Pure for damage
    Vitality for Survivability

    pure for damage

    vitality for lower damage and very, very minor to non-existent increase in survivability

    psy.skills = survivability, anything else comes from gear and refining.

    there we go, now it looks much better. I mean you can fantasize all day long how 100vitality will make you survive more than a pure psy in TW, but then again you will probably wonder wtf were you thinking when 200vitality wouldn't have saved you from a 1-shot by r9, not to mention classes such as archers that crit like crazy n shoot damn fast - you are welcome to think 2k hp here or there will save you, but it won't. on the other hand, positioning and using skills properly will ;)

    You represent a single mindset and a limited capability of grasping various concepts, I never said pure psy is my way nor that it's something I'd choose if it was up to personal preference.

    If you can't even grasp the reality of r8 pure psy having equal to even better survivability than a vitality one...then I can't help you. And I'm saying pure psy can have even better survivability because pure can use time-frames of psy skills more efficiently and it's more likely that person knows a thing or two about a psy rather than some yahoo wasting vitality points on something he could've gained with modest refinements.

    I must add that you didn't specifically choose a side here, at least in this comment, but regarding the other people in this topic - it is more like they are the narrow-minded ones here for I can assure you that I have taken into account everything that pwi people know and don't know yet - because believe it or not, half of you pwi people are still green even when it comes to simplest of things such as differentiating dps and dph and how that applies to pvp.

    And I won't even start on balancing the crit and magic damage, so far I've seen maybe one decent topic on that but still no proper exploration of it. In general, not even the richest of players know what's best, because this game would require an insane amount of money to test various gear - though when it comes to gear, most endgame gear leaves little to no choice, as money reigns and directs towards specific items.

    You mention here names like urdian, far as I'm concerned, nobody in pwi is worth respecting, not from the skills point of view nor knowing the game mechanics - if you come from random mmos into pwi and this is your peak, then yes, such names will probably be like gods to you, but there are far greater and more complex games out there and pwi is pretty simple - how else would I choose the most broken end-game class then before even installing the game?

    fully geared and refined psys are just ridiculous, if there were some minor tweaks such as internal cooldown of the silence proc and a cap on the proc chance, then it would be different.

    sins are broken in their own right but an endgame psy has no natural enemies. (ok in a fight psy vs well-played mystic, I'd be interested to see who comes on top because mystic has some neat tricks)

    @LittIewg - Heavens Tear

    HP and Phys.Defense make a difference, but it takes a while before you can actually rely on those two to save you. In most cases, you will still need to use your skills properly in order to survive.

    How long will it take for fc melee mobs to eat through 2k of your hp? How long will it take for an archer to eat through 2k of your hp?

    I'm saying that vitality points are useless because at that stage of your gearing up process, it won't have a large enough impact to pay're much better off investing those points in magic, because that will make a difference and a noticeable impact on your performance.

    As for my gear, it is nothing special now, I've barely started gearing up "decent" stuff. I've got 4.3k hp without any % hp multiplier items and 1.3k phys def. When I complete my current step in gearing up, I'll have roughly 5k+ hp and around 2k phys.def.

    Refines won't be anything fancy +5 or 6 max on all items, if I happen to get lucky, maybe a +7 here and there. Mostly because I don't see a point in wasting money on superbly refining gear when R9 will still outclass me until I get R9 myself - and I don't exactly plan to sit on R8 forever, so the less money invested now, the sooner I can move on :)

    As for my end-game plans, it might take a while to get there but I can discuss it with you via PMs.
  • LittIewg - Heavens Tear
    LittIewg - Heavens Tear Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    pure for damage

    vitality for lower damage and very, very minor to non-existent increase in survivability

    psy.skills = survivability, anything else comes from gear and refining.

    there we go, now it looks much better. I mean you can fantasize all day long how 100vitality will make you survive more than a pure psy in TW, but then again you will probably wonder wtf were you thinking when 200vitality wouldn't have saved you from a 1-shot by r9, not to mention classes such as archers that crit like crazy n shoot damn fast - you are welcome to think 2k hp here or there will save you, but it won't. on the other hand, positioning and using skills properly will ;)

    You represent a single mindset and a limited capability of grasping various concepts, I never said pure psy is my way nor that it's something I'd choose if it was up to personal preference.

    If you can't even grasp the reality of r8 pure psy having equal to even better survivability than a vitality one...then I can't help you. And I'm saying pure psy can have even better survivability because pure can use time-frames of psy skills more efficiently and it's more likely that person knows a thing or two about a psy rather than some yahoo wasting vitality points on something he could've gained with modest refinements.

    I must add that you didn't specifically choose a side here, at least in this comment, but regarding the other people in this topic - it is more like they are the narrow-minded ones here for I can assure you that I have taken into account everything that pwi people know and don't know yet - because believe it or not, half of you pwi people are still green even when it comes to simplest of things such as differentiating dps and dph and how that applies to pvp.

    And I won't even start on balancing the crit and magic damage, so far I've seen maybe one decent topic on that but still no proper exploration of it. In general, not even the richest of players know what's best, because this game would require an insane amount of money to test various gear - though when it comes to gear, most endgame gear leaves little to no choice, as money reigns and directs towards specific items.

    You mention here names like urdian, far as I'm concerned, nobody in pwi is worth respecting, not from the skills point of view nor knowing the game mechanics - if you come from random mmos into pwi and this is your peak, then yes, such names will probably be like gods to you, but there are far greater and more complex games out there and pwi is pretty simple - how else would I choose the most broken end-game class then before even installing the game?

    fully geared and refined psys are just ridiculous, if there were some minor tweaks such as internal cooldown of the silence proc and a cap on the proc chance, then it would be different.

    sins are broken in their own right but an endgame psy has no natural enemies. (ok in a fight psy vs well-played mystic, I'd be interested to see who comes on top because mystic has some neat tricks)

    @LittIewg - Heavens Tear

    HP and Phys.Defense make a difference, but it takes a while before you can actually rely on those two to save you. In most cases, you will still need to use your skills properly in order to survive.

    How long will it take for fc melee mobs to eat through 2k of your hp? How long will it take for an archer to eat through 2k of your hp?

    I'm saying that vitality points are useless because at that stage of your gearing up process, it won't have a large enough impact to pay're much better off investing those points in magic, because that will make a difference and a noticeable impact on your performance.

    As for my gear, it is nothing special now, I've barely started gearing up "decent" stuff. I've got 4.3k hp without any % hp multiplier items and 1.3k phys def. When I complete my current step in gearing up, I'll have roughly 5k+ hp and around 2k phys.def.

    Refines won't be anything fancy +5 or 6 max on all items, if I happen to get lucky, maybe a +7 here and there. Mostly because I don't see a point in wasting money on superbly refining gear when R9 will still outclass me until I get R9 myself - and I don't exactly plan to sit on R8 forever, so the less money invested now, the sooner I can move on :)

    As for my end-game plans, it might take a while to get there but I can discuss it with you via PMs.

    I understand what your saying,But what im trying to inform you of is,You cant just come and say that pure mag build is the best and if ur not pure mag gtfo,If thats ur opinion then fine. But dont come and say it in forums and have ppl who have never played psys making Pure-Mag psys then ending up saying ''Wow,I just saw a vit psy faceroll a BM,Or wow,I saw a Vit psy go into white voodoo and tanks a wizards Demon BT+HF.,etc.'' Vit and Hp does come into play actually. Example -Vit psy has 5k hp at lvl 100 without refines. Pure Mag psy has 4k. Archer hits a crit of 4k on you while ur in black voodoo(Im just giving an example so lets say the archer has a +10 r8 wep.)What does that meen?The Pure mag psy is dead,No charm tick,No nada,Why?Because he got hit for 4k hp,his full amount. The same archer hits the Pure Vit psy,That Pure vit psy's charm will tick because he was hit for 4k,And the vit psy also has time to pop psy will after seeing his charm tick and bam,the battle follows with whoever has the most skill/brains/or whoevers gear outweights the others ofc. <--This is just an example,But its something that could happen :) There is no reason to harshly ban a vit psy build or call it crappy,let ppl deicide which they want to be,afterall this is a game. Even tho it feels like real life.
  • TheDendra - Harshlands
    TheDendra - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    just being realistic - if you get hit by archer's physical attack, you're good as dead. unless you use your skills properly and spot an archer on time, you'll die before you knew what happened.

    There are ways to incorporate vitality into your play style depending on whether you're sage/demon, but the issue is - you need to invest a serious amount of cash.

    When it comes to your average psys, 100extra vitality won't make you more efficient than a pure build. We are just that squishy and always in a delicate balance between being virtually unstoppable and dead in a split second.

    So instead of finding ways to compensate for lack of skills or your own laziness, you can roll a pure psy and learn how unique class it is.

    As I said, I'm not a fan of pure build for pvp, but that's how this game works and I'm just rolling with it. If you want to have 100vitality because it will make you feel better - who am I to judge, after all, some people also get gear based on looks rather than quality >,<
  • LittIewg - Heavens Tear
    LittIewg - Heavens Tear Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    just being realistic - if you get hit by archer's physical attack, you're good as dead. unless you use your skills properly and spot an archer on time, you'll die before you knew what happened.

    There are ways to incorporate vitality into your play style depending on whether you're sage/demon, but the issue is - you need to invest a serious amount of cash.

    When it comes to your average psys, 100extra vitality won't make you more efficient than a pure build. We are just that squishy and always in a delicate balance between being virtually unstoppable and dead in a split second.

    So instead of finding ways to compensate for lack of skills or your own laziness, you can roll a pure psy and learn how unique class it is.

    As I said, I'm not a fan of pure build for pvp, but that's how this game works and I'm just rolling with it. If you want to have 100vitality because it will make you feel better - who am I to judge, after all, some people also get gear based on looks rather than quality >,<

    Now this is well said.(Except the part of ppl being lazy,Some ppl just cant afford to spend 24/7 on a game,Which is totally understandable.) Give me your gear and build Via pms.
  • korlash107
    korlash107 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    At the moment, my psy has 25 vit, enough str to wear gear, then the rest in mag. I put the vit on without thinking cuz i was having trouble soloing oracle 2's with white gear at lv 30 or w/e. I wasn't really paying attention enough to kite, and my initial gear's timer expired cuz i made the psy then let it sit a month lol.

    Anyways, I see VIT getting even less useful as the levels rise. Once you +12, you get 12k+ hp even without sharding. 100 vit will give u 1k hp bonus unbuffed, which is less than a 10% increase. Imagine what 100 mag will do in pvp. I understand that not everyone will get r9+12, and maybe there is a valid argument to adding vit before that. I'm not quite at that stage in the game yet. Anyway, once you refine for HP, the surviving PvE aoe argument seems to go out the window as you will have more HP than Vit or Pure build without refines.

    As a side note, someone mentioned adding DEX to get that extra crit %. While adding 17 dex to get to 20 (compared to restatting to 3) seems extreme for me, if you can get a love: up and down, you only need to add 4 DEX and the tome will take care of the rest. That's as far as I would ever go. Not to mention love actually gives you 26 mag to begin with since you can take 13 out of str and you also get 120 hp lol. I can't wait to get to lv 101 and experiment if i can ever get the money.

    Just think about this: you get a better bang for your buck out of VIT before lv 10x refines, and it will cost you a lot of coins/gold to restat it at that point if you do find your small bonus HP to be lackluster. You will always want to add more magic, but its much harder to take points out of VIT. Anyway, thats just my 2 coins, but personally I can't see VIT doing too much.
  • SoniMax - Sanctuary
    SoniMax - Sanctuary Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Ha Ha I'm a Vit. build Psy. also :p
    someone is getting outnumbered LOL
    They see me trollin`
    They hatin`
    Patrolling they tryin` to catch me writin` dirty
    Tryin to catch me writin` dirty X4
    My music so loud
    I'm flamin`
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    i want a psy so baddd
    but i dont wanna die too fast! they have very low survivability,
    and i dont understand a thing about HP STONES and imbuing and all this things.
    plz help me!
    They have very high survivability if you are even decently geared and know how to play a psy. If you're too lazy to learn, just play a wiz or something else.
  • kepi117
    kepi117 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Want proof vit builds are bad? Pure magic pwning Vit build, 100 vit removed points from magic

    Lets gain 1k hp and lose 3k magic attack. Thats pro.

    Anyone that thinks that 1k hp is more important than 3k magic attack...doesnt understand this class .-.
  • SoniMax - Sanctuary
    SoniMax - Sanctuary Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    kepi117 wrote: »
    Want proof vit builds are bad? Pure magic pwning Vit build, 100 vit removed points from magic

    Lets gain 1k hp and lose 3k magic attack. Thats pro.

    Anyone that thinks that 1k hp is more important than 3k magic attack...doesnt understand this class .-.
    and what abt before you have rank9 +10 all and sharded with JoSD LOLOL
    They see me trollin`
    They hatin`
    Patrolling they tryin` to catch me writin` dirty
    Tryin to catch me writin` dirty X4
    My music so loud
    I'm flamin`
  • Sharuum - Lost City
    Sharuum - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Is cloudcharger + NV hat better than NV hat + NV robe? I mean, you get 5 atk lvl which might not be too much when you already have 100+ with Jones, but I haven't really figured out which I like better yet.

    Cloudcharger is amazing tho.

    If we can agree that VIT is pointless once your real endgame, do you really want to have to spend additional $$$ to restat. You pocket will be burning enough as it is.
  • Sconzy - Archosaur
    Sconzy - Archosaur Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Some of u should put down ur ego for a sec. Not everybody can afford tt99 n above. Yes, i dont have a psychic but they r no different from a wiz. Most, if not all, people also say vit build for wiz is fail, not to mention going demon. Im a vit/demon build wiz and that 500 points has saved my behind than i can recall. And if u all have forgotting, Vit does not only add hp but adds to ur defenses too.

    Nonetheless, put too much vit and u r hurting urself than helping. PWI, unlike BOI, doesnt give room to "improve" ur class' weakness. So its better to maximize ur wat benefits u the most, in this case, magic points.

    To end, if u cant afford shards, refines, tt99+, then vit build is encourged. If u can afford them, then its better to get ur hp from shards and refines.
  • XxKarleyxx - Lost City
    XxKarleyxx - Lost City Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    If your worried about dieing just put some points in Vit, when your higher you can always change it. Eventually you'll learn how to use the different defence skills like White Voodoo. When your higher you'll also be able to refine your gear and gem it with nice HP gems. Simple.
  • MaidenChina - Harshlands
    MaidenChina - Harshlands Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2011 (Oh, the SF number is wrong... Im at 42k) I still steal aggro from r9 wizzies and any other r9 dude out there... unless it's a r9 aps sin :)

    When I grow up, I want to be Gorgonnia. b:dirty
  • Sharuum - Lost City
    Sharuum - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    You can add a +12 refine on the insignia to make it give a more accurate soulforce number since it really has that in game but pwcalc never implemented it.
  • T_i_m - Dreamweaver
    T_i_m - Dreamweaver Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Max soulforce, economical edition:
  • MaidenChina - Harshlands
    MaidenChina - Harshlands Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Max soulforce, economical edition:

    In your FACE DENDRA! b:bye
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Vit build is nice, but once you reach a certain lvl of refines it becomes unnecessary. Especially since refines not only increase psy's survivability by adding hp, but also soulforce as well. There are more ways to increase your defenses than there are to increase your dmg b:surrender
  • SoniMax - Sanctuary
    SoniMax - Sanctuary Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Vit build is nice, but once you reach a certain lvl of refines it becomes unnecessary. Especially since refines not only increase psy's survivability by adding hp, but also soulforce as well. There are more ways to increase your defenses than there are to increase your dmg b:surrender
    so true but uintill you refine your gear some points in vit are not a bad choice at all
    They see me trollin`
    They hatin`
    Patrolling they tryin` to catch me writin` dirty
    Tryin to catch me writin` dirty X4
    My music so loud
    I'm flamin`
  • XKi - Lost City
    XKi - Lost City Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Psychic will, white voodoo, soul of retaliation, empowered vigor, earth+water bleeds, kiting, genie with stun; silence; immobilize breaks
    > learn how to use them all effectively and then you will have mastered how to not die on a psychic >_>;;