Bullies on Forum & Ingame
Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »Dunno...
I rarely if ever talk in GC. Think I've said maybe 3 things in the one I am in now and it's been a week +. I have five people on my FL, and I never really pm them much.
I go to west and watch or mirror lake.... never really say much if anything... no real need to. I like to watch them spar. I am not really active on guild forums either.... not really my thing.
I like the game, but stepped out of it for 5-6 months, easy for me to do, I just hopped over to FW or A--N (old acct). No biggie. I often leave for weeks at a time and come back for new content...
Anywho.. this topic has veered... been watered down... but thanks for the advice... its solid.
if its like that, try moving to new char on another account? (i would say new server, but it sucks refarming... or CSing) that might stop it. just don't tell anyone that it's you, even if you think you know them really well.
all the best!I love my sister, Alex
Even though, I taught her more then she taught me. b:cute0 -
I'm still wondering, why you go out of your way, make more QQ posts/threads about how everyone's just sooo mean to you, yet you fail to see that the real problem is right in front of you.
You're basically saying that "Oh I've never name called anyone! They're all just so mean to me! I'm so innocent!" to the public in hopes of them agreeing with you, but I'm wondering if;
1. They know you.
2. They even bothered to read that thread.
3. They are pretending to feel sorry for you.
I've asked you twice now, and I'll ask you again. You insulted not only me, but multiple people on that thread after QQing so much and trying to prove your point (which is completely wrong). I've never even spoken to you, so to insult me and 75% of the others that posted on that thread, all because you take this game too seriously, is pathetic.Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »Its a forum you dolt.
I guess I'll have to start using smaller words huh.
So translation for what I have been saying: "You all kiss these peoples a-s-s-e-s ingame -- and then serve them up s-h-1-t here.". Somethings wrong with that.
Btw, no one has ever WC'd **** to you (atleast none of the so called "stalkers" you're mentioning) so I have no idea what you're talking about. And people are free to comment and post whatever they want, not necessarily being "stalkers". I truly believe if you just stopped your OCD weirdness and just left these forums for good, it'd make your life a whole lot better (since you've proven this game to be your life).
I said it once, and I'll say it again. Step outside, take a breath of fresh air, and stop believing this game = RL.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Wow, just wow, OP.
So many people tried to give you advice and help you but you take everything as an attack on you and insult back. Stop making yourself look like the victim when noone was even being offensive...
Seriously, if you think that way, log off now and get some professional help.
Forums =/= real life. Get some distance and maybe you will see what was truly said to you..[SIGPIC][SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
[ -- Wolves - Alpha | Hurt me, I'll bite back. Hurt my pack, I'll snap your neck. -- ]0 -
I could write a full page stating how ridiculous your previous post just was, but it'd be a waste of time.
Do you honestly think Mods are gonna take action for something that wasn't even breaking the "forum rules"? Honestly, if you can't handle criticism, think again about making useless topics like these in which you play the role of an innocent angel, pretending and making up lies of the people that disagree with you.
You can step off your throne of fame now dear; you've accomplished it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
good greif. i knew this thread would turn out like this. let this be a lesson to you OP in all forums there are 2 main no no's
1. NEVER try to make yourself seem better than anyone else.\
2. NEVER complain about being a victim. with matters like these. (cos you can bypass them easy)
your over complaining now painted a bigass bull's eye on your back for ppl to throw Molotov cocktails at you. you just basically assured you would be continued to be "harassed" by running on for so long over this. just because something should be done doesn't mean it WILL be done this extends to all manner of things in life. it's up to the person to cope with things like this. ppl shouldn't be bullies, but they are there, DEAL WITH IT. rubber banding SHOULD have been fixed by now, but it's still there, my flight for my trip SHOULD have have been here 4 hours ago but it's not. chill out and get a life, there are much more important things to be concerned about other.
to insult is just another form of aggression, we all know that humans are violent by nature. the op may have done something to her stalkers as well, there's always 2 sides to every story.
but i do agree, this thread needs to be locked. it was semi fail from the start, now it's ranking as one of my top 10 fail threads ever.0 -
CrazyJade, you brought this onto your self. I could give a rats *** what you said about Val and Cata. It was what you said to me which is the reason I'm even bothering to reply to you.
Don't act like you don't know why people flamed you; you started the flame way back, but don't wanna actually admit it. Instead you find any possible excuse not to be accused of the one causing problems.
Btw, you can say w/e you want to me. All I wanted was an answer as to why you called me the things you did when I STILL have no idea who you are, nor do I care really. But the fact that you continue dodging the questions shows me you're no better than any of us here. The fact that you can say one thing and not back it up, let alone reply to it, proved to me that you weren't better than anyone else. I especially found it funny how you were saying you were against all the things you're actually doing and continue doing, yet you still fail to process that.
As for ingame harrassment, lulz, I've never even spoken to you once besides in Cata GC when it would be to greet you or to refrain you from talking to yourself. If you consider a couple of mounts a new form of harrassment, then I guess breathing on you is a crime too.
Anyways, I'm done replying to your unlogical novels. Whatever I say, or anyone else here will just go through one ear and out the other. Hell, my walls listen better.
Ciao. Hope you get the help you need.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »Rather be their offspring then a two faced backstabber.
But hey... I guess you all used them, played them, got yours now - so you jump on them as one, like wolves. Mark my words, as they single you out and pk your hide... you'll find your just wimpering pups without your pack here behind you.
So hey.. yeah poke fun at that... call it drama but I just call it.... fact.
I dare any of you to step out of safe zone at west, wc your there and say the same insults you said to them here. You can't and you won't. And do it w/o backup.
Althea - I think from now on, you are on ignore. Your not worth my time and effort to even respond to.
Oh, I've only posted this a couple hundred times now
Anyways, I could honestly careless what was said. I brought it up as a point to show how hypocritical you're being, trying to throw everyone around you under the bus and make you seem perfect. But again, you'll find some way of backfiring every logical response or make it as if you're being insulted, so enjoy. I won't be replying to this anymore since it's honestly a waste of my time to help you understand.
Peace~[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »Actually... no..
And I work at an IT Manager/Director, Programmer and make over 80k a year. I just spent 1.2k in the last 2 weeks on PWI (debit not credit) and I pay 1.6k per month for my rent, which has a very nice 24-7 Gym and nice inground pool and in the nice downtown area.
When I am not going to school (mid-way through BA), me and my friends head up to the oceanfront nearby and surf or hit the eateries. I work 8 hours, 2 for classes and then relax by playing PWI.
So yeah you call can call me crazy but with a life like this, well hell better than being sane I think.
Got my Sin to 100, and had fun getting her new 100 gear (full) and all to +10 refines in under a week. So sure... joke..
Atleast everything I have, I earned myself... not my parents, not my ingame wife/hubby, and etc..
And my parents died in 2009, my dad of jaw cancer in June and my mom in September. So your jokes about my parents, my sanity or my life are oh-so-dry.
But the **** part may or may not be true :P
Ya'll have spoken to deaf ears. Chick posted this today to something that was said over a week and a half ago, and basically necro'd a post. b:thanks Thanks CrazyJade for the insider of your life. Really. No, like, seriously. THANK YOU.Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »
I honestly am not sure why they continue on, or this is allowed to continue > since it is apparent their intent is to only flame and bait me.
Are you kidding me? Lol?
Honey, stop trying to play angel and cry "dragon!" to mods. If you can't take the feedback, then don't make a thread. I hope you get the help you need. And, unlike you when I say I'm done posting, I am done posting.
..I'm done posting.0 -
seriously luv nobody likes bullies but just look at all your replies to the comments in this thread. Reroll and start over ....possibly in a more carebear server. In fact go to heavens Tear. you dont have to give a **** bout anyone and nobody really cares enough bout you to victimise you in any way XD. everyone knows im against Plvling but in YOUR case...go for it. change server change ACCOUNT and start afresh. cause you just digging yourself a great big ol hole.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me
yup guys imma back!
I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart0 -
Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »Althea - atleast I did not get (name of old b/f ingame) banned for misusing his and his venos account... Giving out his ID info to anyone and everyone, with them helping themselves to his gear and gold ...
Cam him every day to say how much I loved him and the moment he was out to sea, get married to and cam that guy also. Is there ANYTHING in the game you actually farmed or did on your own?
Really now.. and your up in Kylins forms flirting your butt off - my guess looking for a new sponsor.. -kiss kiss- ****.
Vemo your just as bad - up in gc asking for stuff or help or R9 all the time, flirting it up to try to get gear. Which my guess is your hubby got for you.. huh..
Help me - do for me - buy for me... its all you two know.
You have just lost any shred of credibility or cause to post this kind of "protect me, mods" thread.0 -
Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »Althea - atleast I did not get (name of old b/f ingame) accounts banned for misusing them and giving out his ID info to anyone and everyone, with them helping themselves to his gear and gold ...
Cam him every day to say how much I loved him and the moment he was out to sea, get married to and cam that guy also. Is there ANYTHING in the game you actually farmed or did on your own?
Really now.. and your up in Kylins forms flirting your butt off - my guess looking for a new sponsor.. -kiss kiss- ****. (Your thread about 'would you DO me' -gag-)
Help me - do for me - buy for me... its all you know. And you were the WORST Officer in BF - people left because of your continual whining and b1tching.
Meh, it sounds like you can dish it out but you can't take it. This looks awfully personal to me.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
Ya know...sometimes it's simply better to give in...
The more ya post here...the worse it'll become for ya...don't ya see that every word ya say gives people chances to use 'em against ya...? I don't care who exactly started and who didn't, but in my opinion it seems to be the best if ya actually listen to Dorset and start a new account on a new server...that means...IF ya actually want a peaceful game...
Sure...the "others" (whoever that might be in your case) would get a lil' "win", but in the end ya wouldn't have to deal with 'em anymore...0 -
Wolfssohn - Sanctuary wrote: »Ya know...sometimes it's simply better to give in...
The more ya post here...the worse it'll become for ya...don't ya see that every word ya say gives people chances to use 'em against ya...? I don't care who exactly started and who didn't, but in my opinion it seems to be the best if ya actually listen to Dorset and start a new account on a new server...that means...IF ya actually want a peaceful game...
Sure...the "others" (whoever that might be in your case) would get a lil' "win", but in the end ya wouldn't have to deal with 'em anymore...
This or she could just ignore them. Change her chat utility so that its perma set to whisper and block these specific people. And stop caring if their mats are standing on her. You don't need to see a persons char to whisper them. If you don't give these bullies power over you, they'll move on to easier prey. The most effective response I ever gave was "so...?" and then proceeding to ignore the. Trust me, giving them this response is what they want from you. Because it's easy and kinda hilarious to them. With online bullies its even easier. Just don't reply to their threads. It will get dull.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
I must go back on my own word to say a few short things:Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »Really now.. and your up in Kylins forms flirting your butt off - my guess looking for a new sponsor.. -kiss kiss- ****. (Your thread about 'would you DO me' -gag-)
Amarath AKA JenGrl started that thread on AfterLife forums, lol, not me. So you have the wrong person, you're actually talking about the AfterLife Marshal. So...yea. +1 to you. I could care less about the other things your mad mouth is spewing.
Thank you for the cute rage though, you just keep proving my point, and now this thread knows why we keep responding to you. Because you always provide us with amusement in your responses.
b:chuckle Continue on.0 -
Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »I did not call them names in my initial thread so it's not the same type of dishing. Now, it is.
I dont' know them - one was my friends g/fs. She moved on to other guys w/o letting him know about it.. and continued to receive items from him as well as use his accounts (and got them both banned). She just has a big mouth and is always on the look for the 'better deal' (aka next sponsor). The other has a big mouth and 'its all about me - look at me' attitude that thinks the game revolves around her because shes in that popular click. Big deal.. its a game.
...you do realize that your very first post in the thread you linked to, and I did a quick and easy search of your posts, you basically called them all backstabbers and fakes right? I don't know these people adam so I will not get into who is right and who is wrong. I'm not nor will ever even be on the same server. But there is a pretty easy principle to know and live by. If you call someone a name (even if it's true) chances are they are going to react to it. Be it getting scared, or getting angry. Either way, you can't just call a large group of people backstabbers and expect them not to react. It's going to happen. If you play with fire, you're gonna get burned. If you tease a bull, you gotta be ready for the horns. This is true in anything you will do in life. Next time, think carefully before you speak and move on. You've said your piece, if you keep responding in this fashion it's going to keep being **** for tat. You know what they say, "an eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind." Move on, if you don't give them the reaction than they'll move on too.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »stuff
Either way you called them backstabbers. Like I said, it doesn't matter if its true or not. Look at all the people the police catch red handed on a daily basis who physically attack them and deny wrongdoing. Even when it's an open and shut case and the cop not only watched them do it but caught it on tape. They still act this way. Why? It's human nature. People get defensive, people get their feelings hurt, etc, etc. If someone is fat and you call them fat, they get mad. If someone is fat and you call them curvy and ask them to hang out with you so that you can get fit together. That person is going to be more receptive. You weren't lying when you called them fat, but their is a thing called tact. If you phrase something in an insulting way, true or not, people are going to get upset. Sometimes the truth hurts even more than baseless random accusations. I'm am NOT going to get into the specifics of this, as I said before. I'm not going to say who is right or who is wrong. I don't know. I wasn't there. Maybe they did act the way you are describing. Maybe you did something to provoke them. I don't know and I won't comment on that because it's not important right now. I am an unbiased third party that has nothing to gain from believing either of you. I'm just trying to help you find a solution to your bullying, as it's obviously irritating you.
So i'm just going to say this: remember there is a way to approach people and a way not to approach people. Even if someone has done something wrong, or even if what you say is true you will not get your point across successfully if you do it through name calling. If you call someone a liar instead of saying "I think you're mistaken, x, y, z" they are going to be mad even if they are lying. If you call someone fat and tell them to lose weight they will get angry with you. If you say they are curvy and offer to hang out with them and invite them places like "hey's let go hiking, i want to get fit!" They will likely be more receptive. This is because it is human nature to get defensive when we've been called a cruel name. It doesn't matter if we are in the wrong, our brains are trying to protect us from depression. So that it's harder to make yourself believe all these negative things about ourselves. This is why suicide isn't something people just do, it's usually precipitated by extreme trauma. We protect ourselves to an extent. Some people are better at it than others. In the future, you have to realize that there are always going to be bullies. You have to learn to ignore them and move on. And if a friend turns out not to be a friend and you just want to find out why, angry accusations is only going to be retaliated against you. In the end everyone yells a whole lot without saying anything of merit and you both lose out. If they still aren't interested in your friendship, then the only thing you can do is move on. We all lose friends in life, but if we let it consume us and preoccupy us we're only giving people the power to hurt us more.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
VenusArmani - Dreamweaver wrote: »Either way you called them backstabbers. Like I said, it doesn't matter if its true or not. Look at all the people the police catch red handed on a daily basis who physically attack them and deny wrongdoing. Even when it's an open and shut case and the cop not only watched them do it but caught it on tape. They still act this way. Why? It's human nature. People get defensive, people get their feelings hurt, etc, etc. If someone is fat and you call them fat, they get mad. If someone is fat and you call them curvy and ask them to hang out with you so that you can get fit together. That person is going to be more receptive. You weren't lying when you called them fat, but their is a thing called tact. If you phrase something in an insulting way, true or not, people are going to get upset. Sometimes the truth hurts even more than baseless random accusations. I'm am NOT going to get into the specifics of this, as I said before. I'm not going to say who is right or who is wrong. I don't know. I wasn't there. Maybe they did act the way you are describing. Maybe you did something to provoke them. I don't know and I won't comment on that because it's not important right now. I am an unbiased third party that has nothing to gain from believing either of you. I'm just trying to help you find a solution to your bullying, as it's obviously irritating you.
So i'm just going to say this: remember there is a way to approach people and a way not to approach people. Even if someone has done something wrong, or even if what you say is true you will not get your point across successfully if you do it through name calling. If you call someone a liar instead of saying "I think you're mistaken, x, y, z" they are going to be mad even if they are lying. If you call someone fat and tell them to lose weight they will get angry with you. If you say they are curvy and offer to hang out with them and invite them places like "hey's let go hiking, i want to get fit!" They will likely be more receptive. This is because it is human nature to get defensive when we've been called a cruel name. It doesn't matter if we are in the wrong, our brains are trying to protect us from depression. So that it's harder to make yourself believe all these negative things about ourselves. This is why suicide isn't something people just do, it's usually precipitated by extreme trauma. We protect ourselves to an extent. Some people are better at it than others. In the future, you have to realize that there are always going to be bullies. You have to learn to ignore them and move on. And if a friend turns out not to be a friend and you just want to find out why, angry accusations is only going to be retaliated against you. In the end everyone yells a whole lot without saying anything of merit and you both lose out. If they still aren't interested in your friendship, then the only thing you can do is move on. We all lose friends in life, but if we let it consume us and preoccupy us we're only giving people the power to hurt us more.
deaf ears.0 -
_Althea_ - Harshlands wrote: »I must go back on my own word to say a few short things:
Amarath AKA JenGrl started that thread on AfterLife forums, lol, not me. So you have the wrong person, you're actually talking about the AfterLife Marshal. So...yea. +1 to you. I could care less about the other things your mad mouth is spewing.
Thank you for the cute rage though, you just keep proving my point, and now this thread knows why we keep responding to you. Because you always provide us with amusement in your responses.
b:chuckle Continue on.
I would not do JenGrl. b:shutup
Anywayyyy, NiaJade, you need to get off here. Seriously. o_o You need to go to a shrink that specialises in video game addiction, or someone who can make your mind go back to realising that PWI isn't real life. If really make 80k a year, you can afford to do that. If you don't do that, you should atleast realise that you not only called them names, but started the whole arguement in that thread. Then you went and let them know how much they were getting to you (well, we all know how emotional you get on this game and how real it is for you) which is a big NO in any mmo. "It's just a game" should be put on your mirror every morning, maybe then you will remember it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
˙buoɹʇs ǝq ןן,ı ʇɐɥʇ ɟןǝsʎɯ ןןǝʇ ı os0 -
Nia...Why keep responding to everything ppl say? Do you prefer the attention? Do you ever think, "Maybe I should stop posting something to everything that is said"? If you don't feed the troll, you might not get flamed the way you do. I lol'ed so hard reading this mess of "mom tell them to stop picking on me", when you did in fact start this entire thing. Now that people are messing with you on forum and in game, because of what you had to say, now it's no good? You stated that you are "sticking up for yourself" wtf do you think these people are doing? You brought this all on yourself, and even saying that you didn't is only a lie to yourself. I've known you for a while, and never had a problem with you. To call these people backstabbers, fake, and now you basically just called someone an E-who.re, but that's okay because you believe it to be true. When you say they don't know you, well...don't talk like you know them. This is just root of why you get treated in this manor. ijs
Edit: Because this is in the suggestion box, what exactly is it that you are attempting to suggest?0 -
Sabella - Harshlands wrote: »Because this is in the suggestion box, what exactly is it that you are attempting to suggest?
"I was being bullied. I want some more" b:puzzledMadness?
Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »Okay - clue me in on this.
Why is what they are doing sooo acceptable, but the moment I do it - it's not cool?
Maybe that's why I am irritated.
Nobody said it was acceptable, but as someone else stated "if u play with fire you're gonna get burned". Maybe you didn't call them out by name, but you suggested whom you were talking about. Honestly, making this thread wasn't one of your better idea's. You opened the door for flame's and straight up disrespect. Is it okay to disrespect people on a forum? Depends on the T.O.S. had they violated the tos a mod would've handled it. If a mod didn't say anything, well they see it as the rest of us do. You got ganged up upon because you made your statement to a group as a whole, to which the group had something to say back. Its that simple. Sometimes you wont win, so why bother arguing with them, or even giving them another chance to have a go at you (this thread).0 -
Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »Okay - clue me in on this.
Why is what they are doing sooo acceptable, but the moment I do it - it's not cool?
Maybe that's why I am irritated.
It is not that in their case its acceptable, it is that you complain of being called things by this people, yet you are doing the same to them. That pretty much nullifies any sympathy readers might have got for you on this thread.Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »I was suggesting that maybe someone be able to post one thing w/o it becoming a 7 page flame war because there are some butt-wipes that just got to make the entire thing into a flame war or see how many insults they can hurl at the OP.
You quoted this thread: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1110571
On that thread, you start the flame bait and the name calling that lead to you being attacked, as was already quoted by others here.Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »And this needs to stop - there needs to be forum moderation to some extent.
Ok, I agree on that.Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »Look at the Harshlands forum, look at the last 10 threads - now come back to me and tell me this is now what is going on here. Look at how the insults begin instantly, and everyone goes back and forth, totally offtopic - the same click - the same people, acting like they pretty much rule that section.
Try to post there and you get pushed back and pushed off into the General Discussion and they followed me from there to here being pains in the .............
They have the same rights to post on any section as you do. If you think they are chasing you around the forums, take screenshots and submit a ticket. Making a thread about it will only increase the number of flames.Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »You know... forget it.
PWI - get your act together.. because your forums mirror your game. And you have so many idiots and losers running rampant in these forums, bullying, harrassing and no matter how many of them are going to come here to flame me because I am saying it -- it does not make it untrue.
So the rest of you - **** and if you don't like my thread, stuff it where the sun dont' shine but I have the right to start a thread and you.. DONT got to respond to it if you dont like it.. And thats MY new suggestion.
Stop proving to the world how many idiots post here and play PWI - k?
And then you ask why people flame you.
After seeing that,_blood_rain - Sanctuary wrote: »deaf ears.
Couldn't had said it any better.Madness?
Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »And guess what Sabella - they did not have to respond did they?
2 wrongs don't make a right (but they make you feel better).
Not everyone was on the valalala bandwagon. ijs0 -
Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »I started out nice, then they got personal - start saying I did this and that irl, that my dad beat me, calling me crazynia and saying I am dillusional and etc etc...
I wrote the mods, and nothing. They bring it here to this thread, nothing. 4 pages of it - over and over till I get totally fed up with it.
And I'll be damned if I was going sit by and watch one of the biggest leeches on HL continue to call me names. (Athena or w/e her name is).
On bold text: You had to keep at it... b:sweat
On bigger size text: Again, submit a ticket, or send a pm to frankieraye.
Just keep this in mind, making a thread = saying yes to replies. Everyone has a right to reply. Specially if you start mentioning them or quoting threads where you call them backstabbers.Madness?
Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »True but I was only addressing the ones that were and do that bs.
And btw Valhalla members and are not friends.. not remotely. They would pk me any chance they got.
But the thing is, while me and Valhalla don't see eye to eye or get along, they are pro and you got to give props where props is due. Separate dislike from the truth.
And it irritated me that people I SEE kissing up to them were the same ones dissing them in that thread. I SEE them at west acting buddy buddy when one specific archer lights down next to them, I see them saying hey - help me out here, hey - need some armor - hit up TT for me - say 10 runs or so. I see them begging off Nirvana runs and such.. cause no one else will help.
But hell - the thread was making it cool to bash them so let's all jump in.. and bash..
To be honest they have yet to show how pro they are, they are crystal sprints for us, not so pro. I wouldn't go as far as to call them pro, if they are pro what is catalyst? elite?
Edit: Pro doesn't equal cash shopping full r9 +12, and killing everything by tab auto attack.0 -
Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »Well think of it this way...
There is a guild and they have some pretty powerful people and hard core pkers. The majority have 4+ years of experience in PW and have leveled every class to 100+ oldschool. These people know how to play, pvp and TW.
I just think it is unique how when a fraction or a person is powerful and rises to the top, how fast some unite or kiss up to .... yet when they are on a losing streak or dont got the same $ to dole out or time to help them or maybe they got all they need.. well it turns fast.
Are we talking about the same Valhalla??
These guys have more r9 +12s than any other guild; Catalyst might tie them, but Catalyst's members have been on the server for ages and earned that gear over the course of time. Many Valhalla members have been on the server ~4 months and they're fully sharded r9 +12.
And obviously they can't TW if they're losing to a guild that has average gear quality of r8 +10 or Nirvana first/second recast +10. Seriously just watch some TW vids of theirs or try to get in a TW against them and you'll see they have no idea what they're doing.
And that brings up the PK experience. None of us can really say how experienced these dudes are if they're running around 1-shotting people. Half of them have never been seen in ANYTHING other than r9 +12. Kinda hard to say "he's pr0" if you one-shot everything. Personally? I've killed ~3 of them 1v1, which considering they're r9 +12 and I've got only a +10 r8 weapon to my name, that's flippin' horribad. Another I've survived a good minute in battle against. Why the HELL is a Psy with 4.7k HP surviving that long against a r9 +12? Because the player is horribad.
A lot of people did bend over and try to buddy-buddy with them. What else is new? Yeah I hated it too, but that ALWAYS happens in PK. We have a certain r9 +12 assassin who's known for being a total a-hole and is known to stalk and kill female players unless they agree to "be his ****." Seriously, this is the type of **** that people need to report (it's sexual harassment ffs), but they don't. What happens instead? Everyone bends over for him because they don't wanna deal with him stalking them. I had another instance where I joined my current guild and a r9 BM from the top guild ran up and started killing guildies. The entire guild just stood by and let it happen while I stood confused, wondering why they did nothing. After the third guy died I figured "what the hell" and attacked the BM, and sure enough then everyone grew balls. I find that sad that I'd been in the guild maybe 24 hours and I showed more loyalty than they did. Why? Cause no one wanted to deal with the BM and they just prayed he'd leave them alone; **** the guildies. Sad, but ALL guilds do this.
And yeah, people kissed Valhalla's butt too. Why? Because Valhalla is nothing but a VERY PK active guild who's known for calling 4 more r9 +12 people as backup if you even dare shoot at one of them. Nevermind that you're getting yourself into an incredibly uphill battle, they're gonna gank you with more r9s anyways. Personally, I'm so sick of people bending over and kissing butt in PK; the server would be so much more interesting if people would grow a pair, but they don't. Having said that? I FULLY understand that people backstabbed them. Let's get real here: this is a guild full of players who did nothing but show up, spend thousands of dollars on the game and get r9 +12 immediately, and yet they never get bored with one-shotting people and they still have a habit of ganking. This is why people preferred to suck-up: so that they wouldn't be a target. This is also why people are laughing their asses off now that we all realize how horribad-awful they are in TW: because these guys are single-handedly ruining the PK on our server. NO ONE can log in and have fun because these idiots just can't get enough of idling at west, tab targeting and one-shotting anything that gets within range of them. People want them gone, and that's why people are taunting the hell out of them for being horribad.
Having said all that, I did NOT bend over for Valhalla, and even though I do get annoyed by people who would rather kiss butt than try to fight them, I totally get why they did it and I totally get why they're choosing now to backstab them and laugh at them. So yeah, I don't quite understand why you find it a crime against humanity that people are doing this. Maybe you need to realize that that kind of two-faced attitude happens constantly on the server and is present in all guilds: some r9s from Valhalla will also kiss the butts of other r9s from other guilds; hell, all r9s kiss each others butts. People with r9 are people who don't play to have fun, they play to win. And thus, they bought the best gear and they prefer NOT to fight other r9s who could potentially present a challenge. Maybe you need to PK more so you can get a feel for WHY people aren't fond of Valhalla. Maybe you need to watch their TW vids so you can realize just how bad they are, and then consider how AMAZING it is that a guild with r9s out the wazzoo is managing to lose to an old guild with gear from before r9 even existed.
If you want my opinion? You should've been annoyed with them AS they were still kissing Val's butt. Why? Cause that was pathetic: they were doing it in order to prevent getting PKed, or because they thought these were the new leaders of the server. But now people have stopped and they're kicking Val's butt instead, and NOW you're mad at them? No no, this is where you get happy. This is where people have finally woken up and grown a pair; people are finally saying what they think and doing what they want.IAGOREY
0 -
I read that topic in question mentioned in the 1st post, and I've come to the conclusion that I agree with Eoria's post:Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »Zzzz...I debated about whether or not I should respond. Against my better judgement, I will.
Nia, it's been three years now. You've been posting the same **** for three ****ing years. Always the same drama about who's wronged you/people you associate with or your latest in-game divorce or some touchy-feely greeting card ****. Do you know how bloody crazy you sound half the time? Stop. Just stop. Everyone's sick of it and you're not making yourself look any better.
And now one last thing...I know I've told you this at least five different times back on MY's forums and I know this will just fall on deaf ears, but...
Uninstall the game, block yourself from the forums, and please seek professional help.
Everyone has their own issues in life, however, the OP obviously wants to make their real life issues the problem of others in the game. OP's attitude asks for drama, OP gets drama. Surprise surprise.0 -
Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »What ARE you talking about? I MAY play 3 hours a night. Stop showing that your totally **** huh...
And stop calling me NiaJade - talk about someone that can't stay in reality. See the name over there? It says Aizza...
Nia (NiaJade) is a retired veno.. Aizza is a sin, see? Irl it's Debbie...
And yeah I do make that amount - it's Information Technology and it pays well. And btw this is not the game, this is the forum. Game is virtual, forum is an online discussion group... Very different. One is a game, one is talking about... the game
I think some of you need to take your own advice.
1. Everyone knows you as NiaJade. So what if we prefer calling you Nia over Aizza.. which really reminds me of **** so I don't prefer to say it. Everyone calls me Emy on DW even if I'm playing my wiz or sin, which don't have emy anywhere in the names.
2. if this is a forum, and NOT the game, why do you come in QQing about the same game we are talking about? You treat the game like real life, get your real emotions involved in the game, and then come in here and cry about how mean people are to you even though you are equally as rude to them.
In the words of Key of Awesome: "he can dish it out, but he just can't take it, like a baker who hates cake but always bakes it". you win points if you know what spoof that was from
˙buoɹʇs ǝq ןן,ı ʇɐɥʇ ɟןǝsʎɯ ןןǝʇ ı os0 -
_blood_rain - Sanctuary wrote: »So a person can handle getting physically threatened in real life easier than getting harrassed online by someone whos probably 12?
A person might take online harrassment to heart, but that doesn't mean it isn't easier to deal with if it is online, I'm not sure I want to imagine how that person would take face to face bullying.
Anyway one major difference between online bullying and face to face bullying is that generally speaking, a person who is bullied online has put themsleves in positions where they would very likely interact with the bully. Such as posting boneheaded comments on a forum page, they put themselves there and they keep coming back and answering even when there are block functions. It's like when people would rather yell at a person than blacklist them in game.
Face to face bullying is different because it is more often the bully who seeks out the bullied person, rather than the other way around.
the anonymity of the internet makes it easy for people to be jerks, however the same goes in reverse. It is much more convenient to phase out people you don't want to talk to in an internet environment than it is in a face to face environment. Wether the person continues to take it to heart is reliant on personal factors but bullying is still more easily dealt with in an online environment than it is in real life.
I'm type of person who will fight back with any means neccessary if people try to bully me or my friends. I do not fight fair nor do I simply roll over and let people walk over me. Sure blacklisting is a good solution but people can continue the abuse on a multitude of accounts and characters. I mean hell, people on Harshlands know that all too well with Golgotha. Normally when people who try to abuse me are the ones who end up blacklisting me instead of me blacklisting them which means they're out of my hair for a long time. Sometimes it helps acting like you're insane xDDD
@Aizza I actually didn't know you were Nia till this thread. So I'll just call you Ai, Aizzy, Ai-chan cause I'm weird and like giving people goofy nicknames. It's a family thing
Anyways I do understand where you are coming from. For the past year that I've been playing this game, almost two years now as LadyTsukiyo and RavynneSidhe, I get the same amount as you do. I've had thousands of people claim I'm not a girl because I wouldn't show them my **** and for the longest time refused to show my picture. And even when I did, I still kept being told that I'm really a dude. (Yes because having very strong European features and the inability to properly taking a picture on a cell phone equates to being a guy) Right, how many guys do you know that are named Rhiannon. I mean really? (Call me Rai or Tsuki or I will hit everyone with a dictionary >.>)
Having the mods spending more time on the forums won't change anything. There are only what...4 of them not including Frankie and the other GMs and...millions of us. If anything PWI does need more mods to take care of the trolling problems. 4 people can't monitor the forums 24/7 or even the game, so some new mods can at least pick up the slack.
But the beauty of Harshlands is simple. If someone wants to talk **** about it you can easily hunt them down and kill them. Or have your friend's do it. That's how I look at it.Formerly LadyTsukiyo: Nab cleric, and Harshlands biggest loudmouth. Annoying the living **** out of people, Self-Proclaimed Queen of Sarcasm and One-liners circa 1990.
Died as a cleric, reincarnated into a mystic.0 -
Aizza - Harshlands wrote: »You have a good point but you know... even if a guild is good, they can have their off days at TW, we all know that and sometimes the strategy may of been flawed or.. the other guild was just that good....
Their BMs use physical marrow in TW.IAGOREY
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