A Business proposition for PWI: Two New and Improved "Old school" Servers

ProtocoI - Harshlands
Posts: 90 Arc User
Ever since '09 when the anniversary packs came out there has been an exponentially growing number for complains, slanders on both the developers as well as the company, and overall the leaving of a countless numbers of not only "players" but also good customers which gave you a quite steady flow of cash.
With that being said there were many things that happened to this game, for one it fell off of the "top mmorpg" charts quite a ways, people began to stop telling friends to come to this "great game", negativity ran ramped throughout these forums as well as blogs. you began to release countless ways to get exp and endgame gear faster in order to shift you gears for keeping players here longer, or should I say, for a lil less time then people would have spent on the game before and the list goes on and on... But today in an attempt to offer a "win win" situation for both the company as well as the player base I offer this idea.
Create two new servers, one pve and one pvp which are exactly the same as the others EXCEPT change a few key aspects.
1. Return the cash shop to the times before oracles, packs, etc in the sense of removing anything that overly increase exp gain (hypers, oracles, packs) and also easily presented endgame gear to players without much work. (rep, mysterious chip, and so on)
2. Instead, put these items into the DQ system as a high end reward.
3. Keep the new instance changes the same such as PV, Nirvana, FC, Trophy mode, etc
4. Nullify the experience gain of BH a little or instead make the quests a little harder. For example 40-48 must kill bosses in fb 39, 49-58 must kill bosses in fb 51, etc
You would not have to start these servers right away but instead you could beta test these ideas and if you don't get the response you are looking for you could cancel them. Essentially this is a low risk investment which I would gaurantee that it will bring you profits. PWI was, in those times The top F2P mmorpg in the world, and that wasn't by happenstance.
So The rest lays in your hands, you can dismiss my words as foolishness or you can help me help your business as well as us, the player base, return to a place of happiness and joy beyond belief with the game we love. So please Help me help you, thank you for your time.
~The community
With that being said there were many things that happened to this game, for one it fell off of the "top mmorpg" charts quite a ways, people began to stop telling friends to come to this "great game", negativity ran ramped throughout these forums as well as blogs. you began to release countless ways to get exp and endgame gear faster in order to shift you gears for keeping players here longer, or should I say, for a lil less time then people would have spent on the game before and the list goes on and on... But today in an attempt to offer a "win win" situation for both the company as well as the player base I offer this idea.
Create two new servers, one pve and one pvp which are exactly the same as the others EXCEPT change a few key aspects.
1. Return the cash shop to the times before oracles, packs, etc in the sense of removing anything that overly increase exp gain (hypers, oracles, packs) and also easily presented endgame gear to players without much work. (rep, mysterious chip, and so on)
2. Instead, put these items into the DQ system as a high end reward.
3. Keep the new instance changes the same such as PV, Nirvana, FC, Trophy mode, etc
4. Nullify the experience gain of BH a little or instead make the quests a little harder. For example 40-48 must kill bosses in fb 39, 49-58 must kill bosses in fb 51, etc
You would not have to start these servers right away but instead you could beta test these ideas and if you don't get the response you are looking for you could cancel them. Essentially this is a low risk investment which I would gaurantee that it will bring you profits. PWI was, in those times The top F2P mmorpg in the world, and that wasn't by happenstance.
So The rest lays in your hands, you can dismiss my words as foolishness or you can help me help your business as well as us, the player base, return to a place of happiness and joy beyond belief with the game we love. So please Help me help you, thank you for your time.
~The community
Post edited by ProtocoI - Harshlands on
I think PWE gave up caring about ratings a long time ago...0
ProtocoI - Harshlands wrote: »Ever since '09 when the anniversary packs came out there has been an exponentially growing number for complains, slanders on both the developers as well as the company, and overall the leaving of a countless numbers of not only "players" but also good customers which gave you a quite steady flow of cash.
With that being said there were many things that happened to this game, for one it fell off of the "top mmorpg" charts quite a ways, people began to stop telling friends to come to this "great game", negativity ran ramped throughout these forums as well as blogs. you began to release countless ways to get exp and endgame gear faster in order to shift you gears for keeping players here longer, or should I say, for a lil less time then people would have spent on the game before and the list goes on and on... But today in an attempt to offer a "win win" situation for both the company as well as the player base I offer this idea.
Create two new servers, one pve and one pvp which are exactly the same as the others EXCEPT change a few key aspects.
1. Return the cash shop to the times before oracles, packs, etc in the sense of removing anything that overly increase exp gain (hypers, oracles, packs) and also easily presented endgame gear to players without much work. (rep, mysterious chip, and so on)
2. Instead, put these items into the DQ system as a high end reward.
3. Keep the new instance changes the same such as PV, Nirvana, FC, Trophy mode, etc
4. Nullify the experience gain of BH a little or instead make the quests a little harder. For example 40-48 must kill bosses in fb 39, 49-58 must kill bosses in fb 51, etc
You would not have to start these servers right away but instead you could beta test these ideas and if you don't get the response you are looking for you could cancel them. Essentially this is a low risk investment which I would gaurantee that it will bring you profits. PWI was, in those times The top F2P mmorpg in the world, and that wasn't by happenstance.
So The rest lays in your hands, you can dismiss my words as foolishness or you can help me help your business as well as us, the player base, return to a place of happiness and joy beyond belief with the game we love. So please Help me help you, thank you for your time.
~The community
I understand where you coming from and agree the packs did a huge damg to the Community. You proposing something that cost alot of money, ya know servers isn't cheap. Then understand that PWI don't make the decision about this game it's the china developers, thats why the chinese server is far more advance then ours. Then you got to understand will that actually work? A lot of peopple has gotten used to the newer gameplay and love being pamper, so many people will not come back to the older ways. I do like this post and agree with you 90%. Just sometimes you have to leave things the way it is, if you feel this game is heading for destruction then let it be. I feel this game still has a chance to save itself because it's not bad, but it's not as good as it used to be.0 -
Boogiepanda - Raging Tide wrote: »I think PWE gave up caring about the playerbase a long time ago...
Fixed. But about the thread topic itself... something similar has already been suggested before, more than once. And you people should know by now that the devs ignore all suggestions made on here so why bother posting any?0 -
Boogiepanda - Raging Tide wrote: »I think PWE gave up caring about ratings a long time ago...
Oh it's not about ratings, it's about results. The formula is quite simple, happy customers=loyal customers= spread the game via word of mouth (the best type of advertisment)= which overall means more money in the bank of PWE through product placement, steady cash from players, advertising on forums, etc.
It's like this, if people didn't love the super bowl so much, people wouldn't pay so much for the seating as well as the commercials in between. The concept goes the same for a game.
Also burnout I see where you are coming from but I didn't say they should stop their old ways completely, they can simply beta test it and if the amount of applicants come through and they like what they see, they can continue. But that's the point overall, they get more money for the people who want to play "catch up". People would pay 100 gold for 10 mill to get DQ items to get the hypers to catch up to others when the gold is 100k simply because of the amount of people on the servers. It's human nature, competition is in everyone
Edit 2.0: because videl I believe the others came as players trying to recapture older times, I myself have come from a path that speaks ample times more. As a businessman and about money.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I really, really like this idea.
Which probably means PWE won't.
It would be fun to see how many people rolled new characters on a server like that though.
'Private' servers for the 'high cash' players and 'private' servers for the 'low cash' players.
Somebody will scream discrimination b:shutup
After creating the new servers the (rumored from CN servers) functionality that allows for
cross-server fights would be quite interesting to observe.0 -
There's another topic here that gives the supposed idea of rolling back the stupid **** done to PWI.
No. Not going to happen. Enjoy the game as flawed as f***ed up as it is (as it's not going to get reverted, never ever) or move on.0 -
JanusZeal - Heavens Tear wrote: »There's another topic here that gives the supposed idea of rolling back the stupid **** done to PWI.
No. Not going to happen. Enjoy the game as flawed as f***ed up as it is (as it's not going to get reverted, never ever) or move on.
I was gonna post something, but Janus said it all so I just quote him for truth. +10 -
The biggest assumption you are making it that the problems lie within the packs and not the inherent inbalance of the higher level content due to the fact people werent expected to get there.
5aps and its inherent problems have always existed in the make up of the game packs merely allowed people to attain end game things easier thus showing the inbalance more easily but even without packs some of us actually had endgame gears and quite high aps (I farmed my fists from hh because I got the red mat as a drop in 3-3).
A better idea would be simply to actually look at the game in its current context (rank9, fist bms, sins etc) and rebalance the game as a whole in terms of the gears and refines available, it would create a more robust system and would actually resolve peoples complaints and issues, rather than making a new server where the same flaws exist and then just hoping it will all go away by making it a little harder, actually all you will be doing is narrowing down the number of people with the ability to farm quickly, BUT and this is the important part, you arent eliminating it completely hence people would still have the option to get 5aps and thus achieve the same "game breaking" issues that currently exist.
for the TL:DR section, balance the game as it is, dont try filtering it down into something its not.0 -
ok so let me get your idea : u want pwe to open 2 new servers for an old game wich costs much money but not only that u want pwe to make these servers minimum profit (aka no packs no hyper no endgame gear for $)for pwe for what? for a few ppl to be happy so they can play like they played 2 years ago? sry to burst your bubble but that game wont pull many new players no matter how much you want to polish it. for you this is a game for pwe this is $ and servers like u propose them are not profitable. even if pwe continues their course like they do atm with making everything aviable for cash in a short time it may scare away some noncashshoppers but the ppl who pump thousands and thousands of $ into this game (some of them more) will still stay (and pump more $ into their pockets) because they are happy with what pwe offers them aka new op imba uber races, super omg killer gear for $ and some new fashion from time to time. this is no wellfare..if u want something u have to pay for it..and sry but grinding for hours for someting is not working, its playing..going to work 9 to 5 is working.b:bye0
OmegaToth - Harshlands wrote: »ok so let me get your idea : u want pwe to open 2 new servers for an old game wich costs much money but not only that u want pwe to make these servers minimum profit (aka no packs no hyper no endgame gear for $)for pwe for what? for a few ppl to be happy so they can play like they played 2 years ago? sry to burst your bubble but that game wont pull many new players no matter how much you want to polish it. for you this is a game for pwe this is $ and servers like u propose them are not profitable. even if pwe continues their course like they do atm with making everything aviable for cash in a short time it may scare away some noncashshoppers but the ppl who pump thousands and thousands of $ into this game (some of them more) will still stay (and pump more $ into their pockets) because they are happy with what pwe offers them aka new op imba uber races, super omg killer gear for $ and some new fashion from time to time. this is no wellfare..if u want something u have to pay for it..and sry but grinding for hours for someting is not working, its playing..going to work 9 to 5 is working.b:bye
No you are mistaken, they are in the DQ shop as stated above for one, and two it goes something like this. In the old days people bought fashions, dyes, charms, mounts, etc for faster and easier gameplay and for some items, fun. Those "pampered players" would simply buy gold in order to get the newer "easy items" quicker. If they put the DQ price of a hyper to say... 1000 DQ points, then people would grind mobs, get dq items and sell them for say... 17k, people would need to spend 17000000 coin to get that money. Now a normal person would try to grind, but a cash shopper would spend gold, to get quick money, to buy those items. If gold is being sold at 100k per, they would spend 170 gold to get those items (in small burst of course) which in turn gives steady cash flow (again this is just an example).
And michael, the problem wasn't the 5.0 or anything "op" because every class has something op about them, what made people mad was the fact that they could get to it for nothing at all. Every class has the potential to be "Omg you hacker QQ" for sins it's his dps, barbs it's his hp, psychic is the soul force, etc but if you work for it people have the chance to keep up and work for it too.
Overall it gives people the ability to learn how to defeat it. Everyone knows Warsoul is the ultimate weapon, but if you farmed for it you can be sure more will rise up and people will know you deserve it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
wow lots of players think they know how much cost a server( it cost to much ,QQ ,mimimi,blablabla sninfb:cry)
dont give up on what you like ,ppl have told you that and will keep telling you to(read above and after my post)
i know how good was this game was,and im still looking for that feeling i had years ago when i started playing(i look for in another games ='/ )[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] i have seen PW alive...it was awesome xD0 -
ProtocoI - Harshlands wrote: »Ever since '09 when the anniversary packs came out there has been an exponentially growing number for complains, slanders on both the developers as well as the company, and overall the leaving of a countless numbers of not only "players" but also good customers which gave you a quite steady flow of cash.
With that being said there were many things that happened to this game, for one it fell off of the "top mmorpg" charts quite a ways, people began to stop telling friends to come to this "great game", negativity ran ramped throughout these forums as well as blogs. you began to release countless ways to get exp and endgame gear faster in order to shift you gears for keeping players here longer, or should I say, for a lil less time then people would have spent on the game before and the list goes on and on... But today in an attempt to offer a "win win" situation for both the company as well as the player base I offer this idea.
Create two new servers, one pve and one pvp which are exactly the same as the others EXCEPT change a few key aspects.
1. Return the cash shop to the times before oracles, packs, etc in the sense of removing anything that overly increase exp gain (hypers, oracles, packs) and also easily presented endgame gear to players without much work. (rep, mysterious chip, and so on)
2. Instead, put these items into the DQ system as a high end reward.
3. Keep the new instance changes the same such as PV, Nirvana, FC, Trophy mode, etc
4. Nullify the experience gain of BH a little or instead make the quests a little harder. For example 40-48 must kill bosses in fb 39, 49-58 must kill bosses in fb 51, etc
You would not have to start these servers right away but instead you could beta test these ideas and if you don't get the response you are looking for you could cancel them. Essentially this is a low risk investment which I would gaurantee that it will bring you profits. PWI was, in those times The top F2P mmorpg in the world, and that wasn't by happenstance.
So The rest lays in your hands, you can dismiss my words as foolishness or you can help me help your business as well as us, the player base, return to a place of happiness and joy beyond belief with the game we love. So please Help me help you, thank you for your time.
~The community
i just had to comment it do you ppl get that there won't be new client just new servers that means you will be able to log on new servers from currect client that means there will be the same version,same item mall as on other server,same version.only thing will change will be that the game will provide german and french langue of the currect client/game and of course event times will also change.0 -
Seriously? A thread exactly like this was posted yesterday.Ahira is a spyb:cryb:cryb:cry0
Considering the actual -playerbase- created the problems we have today, Any new ideas to counter the problems won't work.
People really should start looking within their own community, before blaiming the goberment for everything.re0 -
ReMakaBo - Archosaur wrote: »Considering the actual -playerbase- created the problems we have today, Any new ideas to counter the problems won't work.
People really should start looking within their own community, before blaiming the goberment for everything.
Hmmm.... Ok let me put it this way, since the value of things within the game are high while the price in cash is low people sale accordingly. We set prices, sure, but who would sell gold for 500k when things attained in cs were worth more? (rep badges perfect example), either an insane person or a dumb on. The only way a player can fully change a price is if he has a monopoly, and well... People can't control the certain items only the developers and "government" can.
Players influence some, developers influence more, period.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
a much easier and already used solution, play a private server. there are ones that are not all about a billion exp every kill, and adding weird and new **** to the game. there are private servers made to fit your needs and everyone that liked the game before all this aps ****. u just need to find it0
ProtocoI - Harshlands wrote: »Hmmm.... Ok let me put it this way, since the value of things within the game are high while the price in cash is low people sale accordingly. We set prices, sure, but who would sell gold for 500k when things attained in cs were worth more? (rep badges perfect example), either an insane person or a dumb on. The only way a player can fully change a price is if he has a monopoly, and well... People can't control the certain items only the developers and "government" can.
Players influence some, developers influence more, period.
The playerbase is a number value. The number value is sent to the developers, and the develiopers capitalize on that number. Its much like the government encouraging "more US spending" to fund more tax needs....or like most crooked governments they too capitalize on it.
For the gaming perspective, if they govern what the people actually seem to want, the tax incentives will drop, the numbers will drop, and even worse it will drive up prices for the consumers in the end on the playerbase side. It won't seem like that in numerical legend, but the price will out weigh the income, meaning even if the number looked nice, it really isn't.
Items/gold are high because there is a consistant "stimulas package" being released into the economy.re0 -
Oh wait, no its not.
Not gonna happen. The old days were good for what they were, but people need to get past the nostalgia and realize how crappy it really was grinding for hours and hours for a tiny bit of exp, taking hours on hh because of general weaker gear, etc. Despite it working originally, no one wants to zhen for hours and hours for **** exp. There is no fun in that at all.
The only thing i miss about those days were the pvp options. But thats not good enough reason for me to drop all my characters to enter a grindfest that I had thought I was past already.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
CptMaggots 101 sage R8/NV Seeker
LovesTragedy 100 demon R8 Cleric
~Finally quit this god forsaken game~
Enjoy the rest of the downward spiral. See you in SWtOR b:bye0 -
LovesTragedy - Lost City wrote: »
Not gonna happen. The old days were good for what they were, but people need to get past the nostalgia and realize how crappy it really was grinding for hours and hours for a tiny bit of exp, taking hours on hh because of general weaker gear,
Yet in the old days pwi was always one of the top MMO games on everywebsite.
the game was really crappy back then wasnt it?b:thanks0 -
Naturion - Dreamweaver wrote: »Yet in the old days pwi was always one of the top MMO games on everywebsite.
the game was really crappy back then wasnt it?b:thanks
First off, I didnt say the game itself was ****, just that the grindfest past 60 was. Show me a single one of those websites or reviews that made it past that point to review the late game. Most, if not all, just showcased the game itself, mostly entry-mid levels. Which, are still the exact same as they used to be if you play it as such. It's after that that the game got to be tedious. As I said, the only good thing that came out of it all was more open world pvp.
Back then, it was good cause thats all we knew. But I dare you to show me an average gamer that is going to look at the current servers leveling and gear speed, and the old school "entire day for 10%" level speed and pick the old school one. The only people that will play it are the ones who are too stuck in the past to evolve with the game, and for the most part, they are the ones that wont be charging gold anyways, so the server will have very little income. There is no point to introduce an old school server. If people want to play like that, play a private server.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
CptMaggots 101 sage R8/NV Seeker
LovesTragedy 100 demon R8 Cleric
~Finally quit this god forsaken game~
Enjoy the rest of the downward spiral. See you in SWtOR b:bye0 -
LovesTragedy - Lost City wrote: »First off, I didnt say the game itself was ****, just that the grindfest past 60 was. Show me a single one of those websites or reviews that made it past that point to review the late game. Most, if not all, just showcased the game itself, mostly entry-mid levels. Which, are still the exact same as they used to be if you play it as such. It's after that that the game got to be tedious. As I said, the only good thing that came out of it all was more open world pvp.
Back then, it was good cause thats all we knew. But I dare you to show me an average gamer that is going to look at the current servers leveling and gear speed, and the old school "entire day for 10%" level speed and pick the old school one. The only people that will play it are the ones who are too stuck in the past to evolve with the game, and for the most part, they are the ones that wont be charging gold anyways, so the server will have very little income. There is no point to introduce an old school server. If people want to play like that, play a private server.
Yea it was grind fest, but much more important is, not every1 was level 100 in 2 weeks. You had lot of aims to reach. It was much more good gear available lunar,FF, TT. Now is just rank 9 that's all. Differences between old armors weren't so big as they are between rank 9 and nirvana today for example.
The old times were 10000000000x better than now. Every1 had to hard work for his gear not just buy it from cashop. I remember my huge enjoyment when I crafted new piece of gear, hardly farmed. Today you just buy it and that's all. No more excitement from farming gear. And of course I didn't mention the biggest killer of this game today and it's APS.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
LovesTragedy - Lost City wrote: »This is NEW AND EXCITING!
Oh wait, no its not.
Not gonna happen. The old days were good for what they were, but people need to get past the nostalgia and realize how crappy it really was grinding for hours and hours for a tiny bit of exp, taking hours on hh because of general weaker gear, etc. Despite it working originally, no one wants to zhen for hours and hours for **** exp. There is no fun in that at all.
The only thing i miss about those days were the pvp options. But thats not good enough reason for me to drop all my characters to enter a grindfest that I had thought I was past already.
And joining with a party who used hyper stones to 100x would be like that 12 hours I spent on a super exp server which is no fun at all. I'm not even allowed to use a bow in dungeons in this game! b:angry And don't even start me on the community, GMs and price of this game.
I started out on a private server a friend showed me before I even heard of pwi, I really enjoyed it and thought after getting to level 50; "Pwi must be better!" I played it until my sin was up to level 30 and realized this game has REALLY gone down the drain. I couldn't even train half the time because mystics would constantly follow me and kill anything I attacked. I had to stealth after each kill just to get the next kill. After five people said they don't help sins or something similar when I asked for help with a boss, I deleted the game and went back to the private server.
To be honest, zhenning would feel like a treat to me right now.
...=_= This game became terrible. First MMO I've ever played and thought it was much better before than after, only thing I actually enjoy is reading the forums here.
And trolling people who ask dumb questions. That was not directed at you.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Despite the name, only a part time troll. b:victory0 -
While this idea would be fun for a month or so, the real solution is to actually rebalance the classes, whether through nerfs or by adding some power to the classes that have fallen behind.0
Why make a new server to grind on......when theres absolutely nothing stopping anyone from grinding and farming on the current ones?
Everything you people mention about bh/FC/Hyper/Oracle/Cashshop/Packs/APS is pure optional. And now its r9 thats QQ'd about so much. None of this has to be bought from the cashshop with real money. Good old school farm/sell can still pay for a lot. Coz theres no difference between farming mats to sell to buy gear and farming mats to make gear. Its all the same amount of 'work' in a virtual world.
The old days weren't all pie in the sky and hills alive with the sound of music, either. Herc/veno QQing, farming TT for hours and hours and getting **** for mats unless you're barb or cleric. Remember what that was like? 6th man on the totem pole in mat picks? Wow I just spent 3 hours in TT and got 1 mat I don't even need (depending how good the drops were, sometimes u were lucky and got 2 useless mats or better yet, mirages!! WooT!). Hey, I like farming, but that is something I don't want to go back to.0 -
This is a great Idea, but there are a couple problems.
1. I doubt people would bother to start all Over again after spending years on trying to level to 100, so I doubt people would bother to redo everything all over again.
2. PWI is a company, and what do company's do, they make money. Aslong as pwi is making money, they don't care about anything else. There support system is a bit slacky, their refund area is horrible, and their game fixes like bugs, glitches, game errors is horrible as well. And they yet to fix it.
I am not trying to say your idea is wrong, I really do love your idea, its a great idea, its just that People Aren't going to really come back to the new servers and Redo Everything all over again because it's a waste of time when they already did it once. I hit 100, and honestly I don't want to redo everything again on a new char, so I doubt anyone else would want to either unless they really have no life. And 2nd, pwi, as in the Makers are happy currently because they are making more money then they did before. So I doubt they will do this cause they are a company, they don't care about anything aslong as they make cash. When they don't make cash, thats when they start taking things into effect and caring about people's ideas,etc, other then that, if they make cash, they don't care. It's simple as that, and no I am not saying this about GMs, GMs are not the people that control the game business, it's the CEOs of the company. So don't blame the GMs people.
But another great idea b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Bow Down to me, your Queen. For it is Me that brings the Lustrous beauty of winter among Perfect world, without me, There is no Perfection in the world
-MadameFrost b:heart0 -
Money, game addiction > customer happiness0
The original Perfect World. If I remember correctly, old classes only, no cash shop. Pay to play.
Have fun[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Ikarium - Dreamweaver wrote: »Why make a new server to grind on......when theres absolutely nothing stopping anyone from grinding and farming on the current ones?
Everything you people mention about bh/FC/Hyper/Oracle/Cashshop/Packs/APS is pure optional. And now its r9 thats QQ'd about so much. None of this has to be bought from the cashshop with real money.
The competitive nature of most people won't allow them to purposely gimp themselves if everyone else isn't also affected. People aren't happy to do things at their own speed if it means others are progressing faster.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
grinding wasnt the only way to lv after 60, RB still exists today i believe, and it gives a decent exp
also, a game i used to play have done that and the idea worked realy well, they made new servers only removing some CS options and a lot of people went to play there, yes they started again just to enjoy the game they used to. Imo the only thing pwe would need to do is remove BH so people grind again, change fcc back to gear farming instance and remove some itens from boutique (Packs, rank sales and hypers) i did invest a good amont of money in the game, but i would gladly restart in a server like that0 -
Several old games "been there done that" and failed.
Keep in mind the demand, and QQ of grinding from the majority of the community is what built the PWI of today.0
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