Cleric's Guide to Healing for Nirvana!

Jellytoast - Sanctuary
Jellytoast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,295 Arc User
edited February 2012 in Cleric
I copy/pasted the boss/room info from the PWI wiki, and added some tips to go along with it. And everyone is saying you don't "need" any of these things, so I changed it to say suggestions. >.>

Basic things I suggest you have before you start:

-Physical defense charms
-Lots of genie energy (in case you get the running around room)
-5.5k or more HP (if you have less, just be on your guard and watch your HP)
-MP charm is HIGHLY recommended for the 3rd room
-Awesome music (Actually this is just my preference, I like heavy bass techno and rock cause it keeps me focused :D)

Now that you've gotten those things, here's the breakdown of the rooms.

1st Area: Infernal Lair
BOSS: Inferno Sovereign
- Inferno Sovereign has a random aggro and a random seal.
- Inferno Sovereign when aggroed will start casting a ranged mana drain. Its usually best to allow a squad member who doesn't use much mana to keep aggro.
- As soon as Inferno Sovereign is aggroed 6 Tombstones will appear. If these Tombstones are not killed a large amount of exploding blue circles will spawn as the fight continues.
- Blue circles will also spawn while killing Inferno Sovereign which explode and deal 5000 damage to anyone who does not move out of them. Multiple exploding circles will spawn.

This boss is pretty much the easiest one. Just heal as normal. It's a bit hard to tell who has aggro if you're like me and notice the way the boss is facing. This boss doesn't really have a face so I have no idea who has aggro until they're hit. Stay at max range so that when you're sealed if the boss randoms to you, the DDs will catch it before it hits you.

2nd Area: Noxious Den
BOSS: Noxious Sovereign
- Noxious Sovereign has a random aggro and a random seal.
- Noxious Sovereign will cast an AoE poison-resistant debuff. This does not need to be purified.
- Noxious Sovereign will cast poison on the tank, even with the poison-resistant debuff the damage is small and again you do not need to worry about it.
- Noxious Sovereign will buff itself with increased physical and magical defense. It's nice to get these removed to kill quicker but nothing to worry about.

I'm a cleric that likes to make sure no one has debuffs on them, so this info from the wiki that says you don't need to purify, I don't follow. I always purify everyone, lol. This boss is pretty easy as well, stay back again so you don't get random aggro with seal.

3rd Area: Vampires Domain

BOSS: Vampiric Sovereign
- Vampiric Sovereign has a random aggro and a random seal.
- Vampiric Sovereign will cast a deadly AoE mana drain.
- Vampiric Sovereign when hit will spawn 6 foxes, these foxes all need to die at the same time or else they will keep spawning. Heavy hitting AoEs are needed.
- Vampiric Sovereign will recover health until all 6 foxes are dead.
- Vampiric Sovereign must be killed within 15 minutes or the whole party will be killed.

Usually the designated fox killer is able to keep themselves alive while they pull so no need to chase them with heals. You'll also have a big chance of getting heal aggro. If they die, it's not your fault. :) Just keep your heals on whoever has the boss until the foxes are dead, and watch aggro pullers. This boss's mana drain sucks if you're not charmed, so stay on top of the pots or make sure you have a charm. If you're demon with demon ironheart, it's pretty helpful for the tank and melees in this room so they can resume using their skills quicker.

4th Area: Demonic Niche
One of the following:
BOSS: Demonic Dictator (40% Chance of spawning)
- Demonic Dictator has a random aggro and a random seal.
- Demonic Dictator spawns 2 adds, Whitefeather Golem (white add) and Darkwing Corpse (black add).
- If the Whitefeather Golem is attacked and killed, 5000 AoE damage will be dealt to everyone in the room. Do NOT attack this add.
- The Darkwing Corpse must be killed when spawned, if left alive too long it will explode and deal 5000 AoE damage to everyone.
- The adds will spawn fairly quickly.
- When the Demonic Dictator gets to around 20% HP, he will start using a mild AoE attack. Use Chromatic Healing Beam (AoE heal).

Make sure someone has the black adds for this room. As it says, if they aren't killed or white ones are hit, it does 5k AOE damage. This is where you need 5.5 or so HP, so if someone isn't on top of killing them, you don't get one shot. It's good to stay near the melees also, but far enough so you don't get random aggro. Feather guys will spawn on you, so the killer will need quick access. Use chromatic when it AOEs as well. :)

BOSS: Demonic Tyrant (40% Chance of spawning)
- Demonic Tyrant has a random aggro and a random seal.
- Demonic Tyrant is exactly like the super slash boss in FCC.
- When Demonic Tyrant starts talking in all chat run to the other side of the room and continue to do this until the boss is dead.
- Holy Path and/or speed skills are NEEDED for killing Demonic Tyrant.

This boss is usually the most hated. Unless you have a pretty tough squad, someone almost always dies. This is where you need genie food though. Don't use any genie skills in this room except for holy path (unless you have speed apoth) so you're not caught without a ready holy path. The best time to run is right after you see something in red chat, then "Let the heaven's quake". (Have normal chat on) Hit holy path and run to the furthest side of the room away from the boss. He has an extremely long range so don't underestimate it. A lot of times DDs will release when they die in this room because usually cleric res takes a while. If you have demon res, this is an excellent place to put it to use. If you don't have demon though, leave them until you can res, or tell them to release. If you have demon res, get 2 or 3 ironhearts on the tank, then quickly res them and go back to healing the tank. Personally, I leave them unhealed until the tank has a good stack on them, then I toss a wellspring and the magic and physical defense buffs on them. Don't worry about the magic attack or regen buffs until after the boss is dead.

BOSS: Demonic Sovereign (20% Chance of spawning)
- Demonic Sovereign is a double drop boss. This means it will drop 2 chests when killed.
- Demonic Sovereign has a random aggro and a random seal.
- Demonic Sovereign spawns adds that are generally quite weak, however can cause AoE stun.
- Make sure to kill adds when spawned so that they do not pile up and become a problem with constant AoE stuns.

Try to stay near the melees for this one as well so the adds can be taken care of quicker. Otherwise, this boss isn't that bad, heal as normal and you shouldn't have any problems.

5th Area: Ashura's Hollow
One of the following:
BOSS: Ashura Dictator (40% Chance of spawning)
- Ashura Dictator has a random aggro and a random seal.
- Ashura Dictator will spawn 3 poisonous snakes.
- The poisonous snakes will poison 1 random target causing massive wood damage, however if purify or triple sparked this does not pose much of a threat.
- Do not kill the snakes, if killed they will cause a small 2500 damage AoE for each one that is killed. The snakes will die as soon as they poison a target.

This boss isn't too bad, but stay back from the melees for it. He spawns 3 snakes that poison someone randomly. You'll see who the snakes are going to because they walk (slither?) slowly. Get purify ready for whoever you see them go to, especially magic-weak classes like BM, barb, or sin. This poison is stronger than any other you'll see, you want to purify immediately. Sometimes the poisoned person will notice and 3 spark, but don't assume they will. If you see the snkaes coming toward you, stack some ironhearts on yourself and purify when they hit you.

BOSS: Ashura Tyrant (40% Chance of spawning)
- Ashura Tyrant has a random aggro and a random seal.
- Ashura Tyrant spawns 4 red circles randomly around the room, these circles do 1000 damage when they explode. They do not pose much of a threat.
- Ashura Tyrant will also cause rocks to fall from the ceiling, dealing damage and interrupting casting.
- It is not as hard as it sounds, simply keep the tank alive while using Chromatic Healing Beam when needed.

Here I usually move out of the circles to save myself from having to IH myself or pot. DDs usually don't move so keep AOE heal ready after they blow up. The rocks don't really hurt much, but they fall wherever players are standing, so you can't really avoid them. Aside from that, nothing else really happens here.

BOSS: Ashura Sovereign (20% Chance of spawning)
- Ashura Sovereign is a double drop boss. This means it will drop 2 chests when killed.
- Ashura Sovereign has a random aggro and a random seal.

This is the easiest one you can get. :) It doesn't do anything except what is mentioned above, heal as normal.

6th + Last Area: Heaven's Coliseum
One of the following:
BOSS: Goldwing Phoenix (40% Chance of spawning)
- Goldwing Phoenix has a random aggro and a random seal.
- Goldwing Phoenix will begin in a small state, dealing no damage and will just move around the area.
- Once the Small Goldwing Phoenix has around 40% HP left it will "Evolve" into a Big Goldwing Phoenix.
- Once evolved, the Goldwing Phoenix will spawn flames randomly on squad members that deal 2500 damage.
- Simply moving out of the flames range will make sure that no damage is dealt to you.
- Flames will NOT spawn on the tank, for this reason every DD is asked to range the boss so that the tank does not need to move around.

I usually tell my squad mates not to run away from me before we start this boss. For some reason, the DDs like to run away from the healer when the fires spawn and their HP is low. I don't like running through a minefield of fires. That being said, all the fires that spawn during killing will stay up for the whole fight, so don't walk into them, they still hit you. Usually aggro gets tossed around too much in nirvana, so the boss almost never stays stationary. Just follow the DDs at max range healing, and watching for fires.

BOSS: Arbiter of Flame (40% Chance of spawning)
- Arbiter of Flame has a random aggro and a random seal.
- Arbiter of Flame has an AoE that will cause damage equal to 49% of your max health.
- Arbiter of Flame spawns 3 random small flames underneath squad members (sometimes all 3 flames under 1 person) causing 2500 damage each, when the flame becomes bigger.
- It is best to make sure that squad members are not too close to each other so that the flames will not hit multiple members.

I call this boss Geodude. This is not actually important, just felt like sharing. :D As mentioned above, stay away from others in your squad, and run out of the flames. These flames don't stay for the whole fight, so it's a bit easier if you need to run. When he AOEs, I run up to the melees, chromatic heal, then run back to my spot and keep healing the tanker.

BOSS: Nether Queen (20% Chance of spawning)
- Nether Queen is a double drop boss. This means it will drop 2 chests when killed.
- Nether Queen has a random aggro and a random seal.
- When Nether Queen starts talking in all chat and says "Feel a taste of my anger" you have around 8 seconds to run to the Mysterious Old Man.
- The Mysterious Old Man will spawn at one of the 5 end points of the fiery pentagram on the floor.
- If you do not run to the Mysterious Old Man in time, Nether Queen will deal 200k damage to those squad members.

This one is easy once you get the hang of what you're doing. Like it says, you want to run to the NPC, he'll have a light around him though that'll make it easier to see him. I usually holy path to wherever he is, even though sometimes I don't need to. I just like to be safe. :) Just make sure to watch normal chat and you'll be fine.

FINAL BOSS: Vanished Ancestor

- Vanished Ancestor has a random aggro and a random seal.

The wiki didn't mention that this boss also has a chest of each element spawned around the room. Someone in the squad is designated to "do chests". During the fight with the boss, he spawns a non aggressive elemental monster. The chest person then has to run to the chest of the opposite element, hit it, and grab the item that drops. Then they run to the add and right click that item to seal and kill the add. If this isn't done, you'll squad wipe. Also, before starting this boss, the squad leader should kick everyone and reinvite them, but on "Free" instead of "Random". If the chest person picks up a drop, but it goes in someone else's inventory unnnoticed, this causes a squad wipe. The boss also should not be pulled into the last room, otherwise he disappears and you get no drops.
I usually use physical defense charms for this boss. If he random aggroes me, it ticks my charm sometimes. Using the defense charm will help with your HP charm life. :) Stay at about mid range for healing so the boss doesn't wander too far if you get random aggro, but so you have a chance to hit your charms if he comes for you.

I think that's it, if there are any questions or something I missed, feel free to post them. :) (I'll put in info about the 99 keys boss later)

Just a note: I keep physical and magical defense charms, all kinds of types of apoth, both HP and MP charms plus backups, and HP and MP food on me at all times. They've saved me many times, and this is just my personal preference. You can be completely uncharmed if you want, that's just your personal preference. If you're on a budget then you might not like charms, but it's one less thing on my mind so I can focus on healing. :)
jellytoast - Demon Cleric
Wizzypop - Demon Wizard

"We cannot solve our problems with the same
thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
Post edited by Jellytoast - Sanctuary on


  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Nicely done,, jelly. Hope to see more clerics (and people in general) read this so they'll actually know what to do in Nirvana. Especially since so few people actually check the wiki.
  • Jellytoast - Sanctuary
    Jellytoast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    truekossy wrote: »
    Nicely done,, jelly. Hope to see more clerics (and people in general) read this so they'll actually know what to do in Nirvana. Especially since so few people actually check the wiki.

    Thanks! I hope so too. I love the wiki though. :) Gonna go edit it and put in more info for the last boss though.
    jellytoast - Demon Cleric
    Wizzypop - Demon Wizard

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same
    thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    1. i have no physical charms
    2. i have no HP or MP charm
    3. i have 3,9 HP with TT90
    4. i m muted all the time...

    o.o great guide tho since i got told today i m very good cleric in EVERY nirvana squad (and that been like 8 random squads) i suppose its not really a requirement to stay alive there.
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • Jellytoast - Sanctuary
    Jellytoast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    1. i have no physical charms
    2. i have no HP or MP charm
    3. i have 3,9 HP with TT90
    4. i m muted all the time...

    o.o great guide tho since i got told today i m very good cleric in EVERY nirvana squad (and that been like 8 random squads) i suppose its not really a requirement to stay alive there.

    Well, it's a GUIDE, not a mandatory rules list. I did nirvana uncharmed in tt90 gear as well like you before I improved my gear, but what I said up there is for an easy first time. I gave reasons why you need each of those things, if you don't want to use them, you don't have to. b:surrender
    jellytoast - Demon Cleric
    Wizzypop - Demon Wizard

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same
    thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
  • Ashivas - Dreamweaver
    Ashivas - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Eh you don't need any of that. MP charm is a waste. I have 4.5k HP with 3k pdef and I only die when someone kills the white feathered golem, or takes too long on chests. I recommend 5,002+ HP, but it isnt required. Genie? Only thing I use genie for is cloud eruption to triple spark for MP more often. Oh and holy pathing on that dooshbag demonic tyrant -_-

    Cleric in Nirvana in a nutshell:
    1. IH, IH, IH, Purify(if necessary), Debuff, IH, IH, IH, Debuff.
    2. Repeat.
    Ashura Tyrant you foul mouthed little boy! I must keel yew nao =3
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Getting my gear better so I can do level up and do these. :) I like this guide. I vote for sticky lol
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Then you should change it to "What you MIGHT find helpfull" cause the title sounds like you cant do nirvana till you have this and that.

    And agreed with ashivas. MP charms are wasted after lvl75. I can burn a platinum charm within 2-3 days. Your charm ticks already once if you use squad buffs.

    Edit: And as for last boss. What wiki doesnt mention about chests you can find here even with map for chests.
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    MP charms aren't needed, cheaper to pot through it with token MP pots. That 3rd boss is a PITA with his/her/its mana drain but a MP charm just for that is a waste. I do wear an HP charm most times in Nirvy, but that's more because I almost always have one on seeing as DQ points make them basically free.

    Physical defense charms aren't needed cause . . . well they just aren't. Waste of time and effort to make them to use in there.

    Anything over 5k HP is fine for Nirvy. Considering I'm an very nearly full magic cleric with fairly poor gear poorly refined with over 5k HP, I hardly think it's too much to expect that of a cleric.

    As far as strategy goes in Nirvy the main problem is that you aren't specifying the different strategies required depending on who / what is tanking. A 7k sin tanking requires a rather different game plan than a 12k BM or a 20k barb. You wouldn't spam IH on a low HP tank anymore than you would spam wellspring on a high hp tank.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Jellytoast - Sanctuary
    Jellytoast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Then you should change it to "What you MIGHT find helpfull" cause the title sounds like you cant do nirvana till you have this and that.

    And agreed with ashivas. MP charms are wasted after lvl75. I can burn a platinum charm within 2-3 days. Your charm ticks already once if you use squad buffs.

    Edit: And as for last boss. What wiki doesnt mention about chests you can find here even with map for chests.

    I did fix it. And this wiki.
    I appreciate the commentary, but no need to pick apart every little word. I just put this all in one place for those who might find it helpful. If you don't like it, sorry. b:victory

    Also to FatherTed, I did say these are guidelines, not necessary. I say in the guide as well that I like to be safe about things, that's why I use charms and like to have a lot of hp. :)
    As for strategies, if you've gotten as far to do nirvanas, you should know how to heal a tank, no matter what class they are.
    jellytoast - Demon Cleric
    Wizzypop - Demon Wizard

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same
    thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    My "strategy" comment was aimed mostly at the people who had commented so far, not aimed really at your guide.

    In fairness though, you most likely know as well as I do that far too many people reach a level to do Nirvy who genuinely don't understand that you have to adjust your plan depending on who the tank is.

    After all, I did run a bh Brim on my BM earlier with a level 101 cleric whose first comment was "You'll have to tell me what to do, I've never been in a FB89 before."
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Excellent guide. A few suggestions:

    Now that half the people can safely clericless vana, two things should be mentioned in here. Seal seal seal, and constantly plume shell yourself. The most beneficial seal is right at the start since all HFs, subseas, TM, EP, amps... are done about 5 seconds after the boss is started and having that debuff on is so nice.

    I have mixed feelings about where clerics should stand. Max range is nice for the clerics safety but annoying when 5 DDs have to chase a boss across the room, wasting alot of time. Closer up means the DDs can continue DDing, keep their perma spark, kill the boss quicker, and have less opportunities for the boss to random.

    For the third boss the cleric is usually designated to pull the boss out and hold it while foxes are killed. Cyclone the boss, then spam IH on yourself. I know alot of people that hate the mp charm **** and prefer to pot through it.

    Good job mentioning to stay near the melees for "the racists" boss and 2x boss.

    Fifth boss, Ashuras Dictator. I have to lol every time I see a cleric running from the snakes instead of healing. You're a magic class with purify. The snakes will barely hurt you.

    6th boss, pheonix, the boss may glitch onto the top of the pillar so you might be able to predict their movements if they are smart about avoiding pillars.
    6th boss geodude has a shout in general chat he does before both of his aoe attacks (slam, and fire attacks). The slam chromatic heal is useful for but for the fire an AD is best.
    6th boss, queen. Since there is already one mysterious old man in the room and you need to run to the one that spawns for safety and poke him, its often easiest to tab target then attack and see what way you run.

    You may also mention that for the last boss he almost 100% randoms to the cleric so the cleric should circle back behind the squad each time otherwise they end up dragging the boss farther away each time. This can be into the fire room or towards the chests. Attacking a chest causes that chest to drop and all the other chests to disappear, so if the cleric has lured the boss over to the chests people can no longer HF/subsea. Also may clarify that the chest to go after is specific to what the mobs element is weak against ("opposite" of fire could mean water, or it could be metal).

    More notes than you needed for a guide, and you probably thought of most of them and kept them out to keep it short, but thought I'd mention them.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Jellytoast - Sanctuary
    Jellytoast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Excellent guide. A few suggestions:

    Now that half the people can safely clericless vana, two things should be mentioned in here. Seal seal seal, and constantly plume shell yourself. The most beneficial seal is right at the start since all HFs, subseas, TM, EP, amps... are done about 5 seconds after the boss is started and having that debuff on is so nice.

    I have mixed feelings about where clerics should stand. Max range is nice for the clerics safety but annoying when 5 DDs have to chase a boss across the room, wasting alot of time. Closer up means the DDs can continue DDing, keep their perma spark, kill the boss quicker, and have less opportunities for the boss to random.

    For the third boss the cleric is usually designated to pull the boss out and hold it while foxes are killed. Cyclone the boss, then spam IH on yourself. I know alot of people that hate the mp charm **** and prefer to pot through it.

    Good job mentioning to stay near the melees for "the racists" boss and 2x boss.

    Fifth boss, Ashuras Dictator. I have to lol every time I see a cleric running from the snakes instead of healing. You're a magic class with purify. The snakes will barely hurt you.

    6th boss, pheonix, the boss may glitch onto the top of the pillar so you might be able to predict their movements if they are smart about avoiding pillars.
    6th boss geodude has a shout in general chat he does before both of his aoe attacks (slam, and fire attacks). The slam chromatic heal is useful for but for the fire an AD is best.
    6th boss, queen. Since there is already one mysterious old man in the room and you need to run to the one that spawns for safety and poke him, its often easiest to tab target then attack and see what way you run.

    You may also mention that for the last boss he almost 100% randoms to the cleric so the cleric should circle back behind the squad each time otherwise they end up dragging the boss farther away each time. This can be into the fire room or towards the chests. Attacking a chest causes that chest to drop and all the other chests to disappear, so if the cleric has lured the boss over to the chests people can no longer HF/subsea. Also may clarify that the chest to go after is specific to what the mobs element is weak against ("opposite" of fire could mean water, or it could be metal).

    More notes than you needed for a guide, and you probably thought of most of them and kept them out to keep it short, but thought I'd mention them.

    Thanks for the input. :) Weird thing is, I've actually never had a squad where I lured the fox boss away and tanked it, usually the sin or veno did it.

    I did forget to mention the debuffing thing because I figure it would be a natural response, but I should put that in there.
    And the reason I like pdef charms is so I can take the damage from the last bosses random aggro and not have to run anywhere. But I use them on the other bosses too. Some people may not want to make pdef charms for this, but I use them for everything and they make things easier. I don't like worrying about myself when I need to heal my squad. b:chuckle
    jellytoast - Demon Cleric
    Wizzypop - Demon Wizard

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same
    thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    For the third boss the cleric is usually designated to pull the boss out and hold it while foxes are killed. Cyclone the boss, then spam IH on yourself. I know alot of people that hate the mp charm **** and prefer to pot through it.

    First time I've ever heard this, and I would laugh at any squad that suggested it. Someone pulls the boss and foxes at the same time, everyone aoes, then you go about your business. Saves time, and any decent puller can pull boss and mobs same time without breaking a sweat.
    You may also mention that for the last boss he almost 100% randoms to the cleric so the cleric should circle back behind the squad each time otherwise they end up dragging the boss farther away each time.

    Not one run in 5 will the last boss aggro on me, and if he does he never hits me more than once. If a cleric has to run from random aggro on that boss, they need to find a squad with better DDers.
    I don't like worrying about myself when I need to heal my squad. b:chuckle

    This I agree with entirely, but I've never found a need for anything more than an HP charm to feel safe healing my friends and not myself.

    Too tired to go much more into depth but a couple pieces of advice.

    On the second boss, do your best to keep the tank/tanks between you and the boss. This will allow any decent tank to take aggro back if it randoms before it hits you.

    Also, Ashura Sovereign isn't quite as easy as you say. While normally it's the easiest sucker out there it will occasionally buff itself and 1 hit anyone he makes contact with. He has the chance to give himself 2 seperate sets of buffs. One makes him run fast and hit like a wimp, the other makes him run very slow and hit like a rather large truck.

    Also on the racist boss, I'd suggest the cleric having the earthquake skill on their genie. Earthquake hits the black feathers hard enough to kill them, but doesn't hit the white feathers hard enough to trigger them. If the cleric has earthquake, everyone stays in tight range right at the boss and you don't have to waste a real DD o feathers.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • XSoultakerx - Raging Tide
    XSoultakerx - Raging Tide Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I love this guide ^^ thumbs up
    and i love the constructive opinions on the guides aswell
    b:shockedno more excuses now, gotta level my cleric and start clericless vana soonb:shocked
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Wonderful tips, Jellytoast. Bravo!

    I'll add my vote here for sticky status.
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Scuzeme - Dreamweaver
    Scuzeme - Dreamweaver Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Sticky please b:pleasedb:victory
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    First time I've ever heard this, and I would laugh at any squad that suggested it. Someone pulls the boss and foxes at the same time, everyone aoes, then you go about your business. Saves time, and any decent puller can pull boss and mobs same time without breaking a sweat.
    I never do this, nor does my wife, or really anyone I know, because sometimes the foxes can be annoying to get into range to AOE, the magic attack is relatively painful to a puller, the foxes use slow in their magic attacks, and the boss hurts while trying to get the foxes set up to AOE, not to mention if something screws up trying to get respawned foxes back in range to hit once again. Not a good idea.

    It's a far safer idea for the cleric, mystic, or veno to pull the boss because the boss magic attacks won't pose any threat, giving leniency for a puller to get the foxes in range. If a cleric or mystic is too weak they likely suck for healing in Nirvana anyways and should stick with FF.
    Also, Ashura Sovereign isn't quite as easy as you say. While normally it's the easiest sucker out there it will occasionally buff itself and 1 hit anyone he makes contact with. He has the chance to give himself 2 seperate sets of buffs. One makes him run fast and hit like a wimp, the other makes him run very slow and hit like a rather large truck.
    This boss is extremely easy, in fact, easier than most other bosses. He does an annoying bleed attack with his random speed skills, but no cleric should have difficulty with him. The cleric should be far enough away not to get hit by a very slow attack, and the randoms as per any other Nirvana boss can be countered with plume shell and IH.
    Also on the racist boss, I'd suggest the cleric having the earthquake skill on their genie. Earthquake hits the black feathers hard enough to kill them, but doesn't hit the white feathers hard enough to trigger them. If the cleric has earthquake, everyone stays in tight range right at the boss and you don't have to waste a real DD o feathers.
    Problem is this adds an extra thing for the cleric to worry about, they have to target people to heal, or just be a moron and chrome the entire run, because you can't quake Darkwing Corpses without targeting an enemy. This is best left to those who are fighting the boss because they are perpetually targeted on him, and therefore in better position to quake.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    As for the guide, I like it, but you don't need MP charm for Vampiric.. costly and pointless. Herb Yuanxiao, sparking a lot, and especially timely sparks, is more than enough for a cleric.

    It should be iterated in any cleric guide that if any good cleric goes and does a duo squad with someone, there are bosses that do shift to the cleric and are somewhat difficult to get off. The biggest annoyance I've seen duoing Nirvana with my wife as a cleric, bm, or assassin, is in particular the Goldwing Phoenix (bird/chicken boss), as he does a "hard" random aggro (not a normal Nirvana situation where the cleric gets hit once or twice and then aggro goes back to whoever was tanking) that's difficult to take off. Since in this equation there's two people, the tank does not get the random aggro shift back to themselves, even if they avoid the seal with a spark. I find this boss is better to do with two DD's if possible as the Goldwing Phoenix will shift only to the other DD in this case (upon "You will be punished!" seal/aggro switch) instead of to the cleric. Alpha male for the tank is useful but in reality on this boss if duoing it, the best spot is directly near melee range on the other side of the boss from the tank allowing said tank (or hell, even a barb with ream) to damage the hell out of the boss and steal aggro back in quick fashion. Of course, in a duo squad, if one has trouble getting the boss off the cleric in this circumstance, without any aggro skills like ream or genie skill like alpha, cleric should just stack themselves as if they still are holding boss aggro upon the next seal, the boss will switch back to the tank.
  • Neffelim - Dreamweaver
    Neffelim - Dreamweaver Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Very nice guide, covered all the basics.

    What I'd like to see highlighted more is the use of plume shell which is an amazing skill for nirvy, since if timed right at the start of every boss (very easy to do - just wait about 15-20 secs then use it) and spammed throughout the boss fight, can allow you to get "up close and personal" to the boss where needed, without any risk to get killed. I am usualy p.def debuffed through all the nirvy runs due to seal and with plume shell on, no boss hits me with more than 500-600. HP and P.def charms are hardly necessary once you learn to have that great skill up all the time :D (ofc dont forget to feed ur mana so you can take a hit or two)
  • ILubby - Raging Tide
    ILubby - Raging Tide Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Nice guide Jelly :D

    And LOL am I the only one who lures the 3rd boss and tanks it until the squad finishes killing foxes?? It's not dangerous really and pretty do-able
  • Ivarith - Sanctuary
    Ivarith - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Sakubatou already said almost all that I'd have said... Clerics have plume shell for a reason, use it >_> You just have to learn how to time it right, keep an eye on the chat.

    I lure the 3rd boss too o.o But if there is a veno, it's their job so I let them do it ^^
    And you do have time to throw in few attacks and debuffs. Just remember that barb or veno debuff is better than cleric's b:surrender
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    We just have one of the DDs (usually a BM) pull the boss and adds into the corner where the DDs all AOE. It's always worked for us that way =/
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Just remember that barb or veno debuff is better than cleric's b:surrender

    If you have level 11 Dimensional Seal, then it's the same as sage Ironwood.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Prophete - Dreamweaver
    Prophete - Dreamweaver Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I think he meant:

    "careful, don't overwrite better phys debuff"
  • ILubby - Raging Tide
    ILubby - Raging Tide Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Sakubatou already said almost all that I'd have said... Clerics have plume shell for a reason, use it >_> You just have to learn how to time it right, keep an eye on the chat.

    I lure the 3rd boss too o.o But if there is a veno, it's their job so I let them do it ^^
    And you do have time to throw in few attacks and debuffs. Just remember that barb or veno debuff is better than cleric's b:surrender
    So weird lol, I think it's a RT thing, I always lure the boss even if there's a veno!
  • Ashivas - Dreamweaver
    Ashivas - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Just remember that barb or veno debuff is better than cleric's b:surrender
    I spam away, unless there's a barb, they can keep it spammed on the boss better than me, but a veno, more often than not I tab boss and dont see him phys debuffed s I just do it myself.
    So weird lol, I think it's a RT thing, I always lure the boss even if there's a veno!

    No reason, cast wop on the puller as he's coming back he should be good.
    Ashura Tyrant you foul mouthed little boy! I must keel yew nao =3
  • Ashivas - Dreamweaver
    Ashivas - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    As far as strategy goes in Nirvy the main problem is that you aren't specifying the different strategies required depending on who / what is tanking. A 7k sin tanking requires a rather different game plan than a 12k BM or a 20k barb. You wouldn't spam IH on a low HP tank anymore than you would spam wellspring on a high hp tank.

    When agro switches I first cast wellspring twice then IH stack. Even with a 7k HP sin IH stacking always works. I never cast wellspring on a barb though, but then again, I never cast heals on a barb in general, they never take agro lol... >_>
    Ashura Tyrant you foul mouthed little boy! I must keel yew nao =3
  • ILubby - Raging Tide
    ILubby - Raging Tide Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    No reason, cast wop on the puller as he's coming back he should be good.
    What puller lol I am the puller XD
  • Ashivas - Dreamweaver
    Ashivas - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    What puller lol I am the puller XD

    Good for you, Im just saying it isnt necessary, unless your squad blows.
    Ashura Tyrant you foul mouthed little boy! I must keel yew nao =3
  • Klizzahrd - Lost City
    Klizzahrd - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    if theres a veno I go over and tempest the **** out of the foxes.

    if no veno I pull the boss

    And whats wrong with wellspring on barbs? With lvl11 wellspring and a refined rank wep it works great as a quick 'save their ***' skill.